The Celestial King

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The Celestial King Page 32

by L Ward

  Evan’s heart froze and he looked quickly to Nath. He was guarded but his eyes glinted with suspicion and secrets.

  “The warlocks attacked in the name of Undermouth and Artemis. They were determined to bring an end to the monarchy. We’d been boarded and when we were pulled by the Nepalese airspace, they began to search for more passengers. They were hoping you were also aboard.”

  Nath flinched, sinking his teeth into his velvety bottom lip.

  “Without a sovereign and his heir the throne would be ripe for the taking and Artemis would gladly sit upon it,” Briggard continued hoarsely. “This war isn’t just with Undermouth and when Artemis is ready to show his face, he will.”

  “And I shall be ready to slay him when the day comes,” said Nath.

  Silence passed and the atmosphere drifted into tension. Magic drifted lazily from above and Evan exhaled slowly trying to process it all.

  “We have another mission in a matter of days and if the perpetrator is still in the palace this could end very poorly,” Nath shattered the silence with bitter words.

  “What will you do, Your Majesty?” asked Briggard.

  Nath wore an expression of thoughtfulness, brows drawn in concentration. “Keep my cards close and prepare for the worst.”


  Evan’s anxiety was through the roof mulling things over in their private rooms. A book lay open in his lap but he failed to entertain it, owing to the immense panic attack he’d suffered after leaving Briggard’s bedside. Nath, worried for his mental state so close to departure, dispatched him to hours of privacy and contemplation.

  He couldn’t take his mind off of Will’s warning and now even Nath was showing wariness of Gerard; he’d even considered abandoning the mission and going alone again, but that could easily end in disaster. No, as far as Gerard knew they were pressing ahead with the plans Nath had given him.

  Surprise came in the form of his father wearing a bright smile and anxious eyes. “Son?” He frowned, noticing Evan’s weary expression.


  “Ah.” Alexander sat down and followed Evan’s gaze to the rippling indigo fire, so simplistic and beautiful, yet when unleashed, so deadly.

  Evan felt an arm wrap around his shoulder and he gratefully leaned into his father’s touch, head on his shoulder.

  “Is this about your trip to Undermouth’s palace?”



  Evan shook his head. “Will.” He felt his father’s eyebrows raise.

  “William Starstone?” He sounded bitter, and no wonder. It wasn't just about Kalani, Nath had permitted Evan to confess some of Will's wrongdoings, albeit not the sexual assault. “Bothering Nathaniel again?”

  “No, he’s convinced he knows who the mole is but he's got no proof at all. I believe him, but Nath can’t act unless he has evidence. “He’s got shadows on his suspects but the Defence General Briggard Rakes has come to and thrown a spanner in the works. Nath doesn’t know what to believe.”

  His father hugged him tighter. “We worry about you, son.”

  “I know, but I’ll be fine.”

  “I never thought I’d be having this conversation with you,” Alexander said through tight lips.

  Evan’s heart skipped a beat.

  “I want you to promise me we won’t lose you.”

  Icy dread avalanched on his head and he sighed. “I can't promise that, but have you seen my powers lately?”

  “I’ve heard of them,” he said.

  Evan sat up and cupped his palms. A flicker of life's essence light grew into an orb, hotter and vivid enough to pierce their retinas. It was a tiny sun, radiating its energy in waves of peace. He watched the worries in his father's face melt like snow on the first day of spring. “I can summon the sun, supercharge pyromancers and temporarily immortalise my subjects. My energy creates a barrier so they can heal but it takes a lot of my energy and leaves me exhausted after a time.”

  Alexander’s eyes were wider than Saturn’s rings, his lips parted in a puppy-dog triangle and he sat in silence watching the sun burn. Silence had been a rarity in their family home but now it enveloped them like the galaxy of Nath’s magic. “Evan,” he said after the longest time. “No healer in history has been able to immortalise someone, even for the briefest moment.”

  Evan met his eye and something shifted behind his meadow green eyes. “I know.” It took him a moment to realise his father was shaking.

  “They said you’d become powerful, but this is beyond what I’ve seen in my lifetime. When Elijah married Miriam she didn’t become this powerful; I remember watching the wedding.”

  He remained quiet, revolving the beautiful sphere. “I’m a lot stronger than I used to be. On the last mission I supercharged Will, it hurt him but if I can do something like that again we might be unstoppable.”

  Alexander exhaled slowly, nostrils flaring. “As much as I dislike the boy, if you’re on the same team you’ve got to work together however you can. We all worry about you; your sister is in pieces and Ian is asking a lot of difficult questions. We don’t want to lose you- or Nathaniel. He's family.”

  Evan nodded once and clapped his hands extinguishing the sun in a fizzling spark. A kernel of smoke drifted between his fingers and he met his father’s eyes. “Will wants nothing more than to keep Nath safe. He still loves him in some ways, I think.”

  Alexander nodded making a low grunting sound deep in his throat. “Kalani received money from him last night, quite a substantial sum…”

  “He said something of the like.”

  “I don’t know what that boy is planning to do, but his plague on the family might’ve come to an end. I can’t say as I’ve much respect for him, but if he’s one of the few here you can trust you need to do it, Ev.”

  “We’re all on better terms, it’s Gerard we’re most concerned about.”

  Alexander sat back, massaging his forehead with his free hand. “Your mum didn’t want me to tell you this but he’s blacklisted us from some buyers which makes trade that much more difficult, and just when we're starting to expand. This must be some sort of retaliation.”

  Evan hesitated wondering whether or not to say anything, but deep down he understood his father well enough that he could handle the truth without resorting to detriment. “Gerard is trying to force Will to marry a foreign princess so he can have a second chance at the throne. He tried to force him to be with Nath and when that didn’t work he started a new plan. He doesn’t know Will’s dating Dante Alvarez- don’t say anything, if he finds out he’ll blame me- and it’s all gonna blow up in his face. I’m not justifying what he done, but Will has a hard time with Gerard’s intense homophobia and bullying. He refused to accept his bisexuality at all; he doesn’t even like the girls Will dates, thinks they're not good enough unless they're royalty.”

  Alexander studied him closely, forehead thickly lined. “It’s not your place to get involved in their family affairs.”

  “No, but Will’s trying to make amends for what he’s done. He’s still a bellend but he’s loyal to the crown and if Gerard has anything to do with the ambush on Elijah…”

  “I’ve met men like Sir Starstone in my life and warring with them never ends well. If he’s dangerous, take my warning, avoid him at all costs. It won’t benefit you to challenge him. As I said, Ev, we refuse to lose our son, no matter the cause.”

  “You’re telling me not to cross the border again.”

  “The more times you do it the less likely you are to return,” said Alexander. The atmosphere soured and became limp as a wet towel.

  Evan broke eye contact and stood up. “Nath’s named a successor if he dies.”

  His father’s eyes widened and he sucked a ragged breath.

  “I’m first in line, but if I die too…” he shook his head. “I can’t say who it is, but I’m worried what’ll happen.”

  “Ask Nathaniel to change it.”

  Evan shook his he
ad. “He won’t.”

  The fireplace crackled, simmering flames stretching to kiss the stone place and casting iridescent colours across the floor. It looked like the galaxy was pooling about their feet and both men stared at the ground.

  “In that case I can give you only one piece of advice… stay alive.”

  “If only if were that easy.”

  Chapter 40


  Doomsday was upon him, and he didn’t mean the mission. He lay in Dante’s bed, curtains cracked, watching the sun peek over the horizon like a giant foil-wrapped Easter egg. In around an hour his father would wake, thirty minutes later the servants would bring him breakfast, newspapers, information on his stocks and a gift sent by Will himself.

  He swallowed bile and rolled over to watch Dante sleep. He was beautiful and worth it. Worth it all. Last night he’d sent a huge sum of money to Kalani and promised to help her with the baby any way he could when it was born. The prospect was terrifying and there was a definite possibility he may not live to see his child’s birth, but at least he could rest assured it would be cared for.

  His mind rolled back to the little gift. He’d sent gifts to Nath and Evan too, in fact, millions of people would soon realise what he’d done and despite his gut-wrenching terror, he was on a high. The correct choice had been made and today was the first day of his new life.

  Time passed before his eyes and Dante stirred, blue eyes glinting like ocean caps and a smile warming his handsome face. “What has you up so early?”

  “It’s gonna be a wonderful day,” Will smiled, and for the first time he actually meant it. He felt free as a bird, wings stretched and breeze caressing his soft feathers. He felt like an ember beginning to glow, a flower opening its petals and a force to be reckoned with.

  Chapter 41

  “I love it when they stuff the chocolate croissants with bacon,” Evan grinned, taking an enormous bite as Isabelle dropped a small stack of papers and magazines beside them. She looked between them, an odd flush on her face. “Everything alright?” he asked her.

  She nodded. “There’s an extra magazine been ordered for you today from Sir William Starstone,” she said, curtseyed, and left before he could question her further.

  Frowning, Evan shifted the stack as Nath flipped through one of the papers skimming over the sports pages and glancing at a few minor articles of abuse about him. His jaw hit the floor when his hand closed around an unusual magazine. “Nath—”

  Nath looked up, hair mussed from sleep. He was about to sip from his tea mug when his eyes landed on the front page of The Weekly Hot and Hung and he saw the enormous close-up photograph of Will, lips parted and what he didn’t doubt was Dante shoved halfway down his throat. His autumn eyes were fixated lovingly on the guy, whose face was off-camera. Nath spluttered, burning his tongue and almost dropping the hot mug. “Fuck—”

  “That’s what they’ve been doing,” said Evan, flipping to page 14 where there were more shots of Will posing in his underwear, oil gleaming on his tanned chest, or busy locked in similar embraces with Dante looking as though he’d never enjoyed something more.

  “Gerard is going to slaughter him,” said Nath, staring in disbelief at the shots.

  “I think this is his way of letting him know he’s made his choice. I wonder what Sir Alvarez will say.”

  “I’m sure he won’t want to see it. By the gods, he couldn’t have chosen a more cataclysmic way to disinherit himself, could he?”

  Evan shook his head. Their eyes met and they burst out laughing.


  It was all over Court by mid-morning, all over the world, in fact. The media had gotten wind of his publication and rolled with it, printing little articles left, right and center. Evan sat in the Privy Council meeting and, sure enough, Will turned up gleaming in gold and wearing one of the few genuine smiles he’d ever seen on his face. Eyes were on him but none of the nobles dared say anything.

  “I’ve dismissed a journalist who was caught tailing the Dowager Queen close to her private rooms trying to photograph her and sell the images to outside media,” Will said casually.

  “Thank you, Sir William,” said Nath, looking as though he was trying to disguise a smirk.

  Throughout the meeting Gerard’s chair remained empty.


  Evan was reading in his favourite parlour overlooking the orchard in full rainbow bloom, glittery dust drifting in the breeze from the sweet-smelling pollen and a cluster of pink rabbits grazed the spring-sweetened grass. The sun dipped low on the horizon, the nights were getting shorter and despite the worry over what the next few days would bring, he felt at peace. That was until an urgent pounding at the door tore his tranquility apart.

  His heart was in his throat as he rushed to answer it, and there was Will, bloodied and beaten black and blue holding himself up using the doorframe. Evan’s lips popped with shock and he gestured him in, linking their arms and closing the door on the horror-stricken guards.

  With his help, Will slumped onto the sofa with a groan. Blood was pouring from his nose down his chin and onto his t-shirt. His face was bruised, right eye swollen shut and lips split in several places. His entire body was shaking and his breath came in ragged pants.

  Evan’s magic came without calling, he reached out a palm but Will held up his hand.

  “Not yet,” he croaked, squinting through the swelling.

  “What the fuck happened?”

  “Gerard,” he breathed. “Retaliation for what I did with Dante.”

  Evan swallowed hot bile. He knew it would be bad news for Will, but he hadn’t realised how bad.

  “I’m officially disinherited,” the cuts on his lips split further as he laughed and a thin trickle of blood joined the rest. “Gerard Starstone officially has no son.”

  Evan looked at him in pity. His magic was screaming to help him but Will kept a shaky, lumpy-looking hand aloft.

  “He battered both my guards, broke into my rooms and attacked me while I was napping,” he said, tongue darting out to lap the stream of blood coating his lips. “I gave as good as I got, can’t say he walked away unharmed, but I came off worse.” Sometimes when people laughed it wasn’t out of joy, or amusement, or even disbelief, sometimes it was when the pain became too much to process.

  “Let me heal you,”

  “I want ya to take a picture of me,” Will said hoarsely. He looked at Evan and all laughter vanished from his face. “Take a photo of me so I can show the world what the great Gerard Starstone is really like.”

  Evan saw the tears in Will’s eyes, the tiny crystal droplets forming like morning dewdrops. The amber of the dying sun caressed his olive skin, tanning him bronze and igniting his blackened eyes with fire. His heart began to ache. “Of course,” he got up, moved to the cabinet and drew out a camera. When he turned back to the sofa, Will was struggling out of his t-shirt. “Let me help you.” Surprisingly he didn’t fight, and when the t-shirt was gone he saw the extent of Will’s bruising. “Jesus Christ.”

  A sore-sounding chuckle erupted from Will’s chest and he sat very still for a few moments breathing heavily. “I hate him.”

  “I don’t blame you,” said Evan, raising the camera.

  “Make sure the lighting’s good, I want a clear shot of what that bastard’s done to me,” said Will. He looked straight down the lens as Evan took several photos, eager to put the camera down. “Please could ya…?” he gestured to his face.

  Evan rested the camera on the table and sat down beside him. Magic shone from his skin in rays of golden light, he pressed his fingertips to the fleshy swelling around his eyes. Will flinched but the pain was gone in a second. He massaged gently watching the puffiness diminish in a matter of moments and the bruising fade from existence. His nose was broken but that was child’s play for Evan to reset. He took his time carefully healing every fracture, bruise or cut on his face and neck, working his way down Will’s body until his skin gleamed to perfecti
on again.

  “Thank you,” he said softly.

  They sat in silence for a minute or so, the room buzzed with unspoken words and they watched the sun completely disappear over the twilit horizon.

  “You’re the last person I expected to talk about this stuff to. When I think back to when we met and how much I hated you…” said Will, eyes focused on the stars. “I hate talking about me feelings and all that shite, but I need to tell someone the truth. It was never you as a person I despised, it was the danger your presence put me in with Gerard. He was hellbent on my marriage to Nath and wanted me to drive you out of the palace, and when I couldn’t the beatings just got worse.”

  A flooding of realisation swept Evan away in its tide. “When you were absent from meetings, or disappeared on duty…?”

  “I was rarely hungover like everyone thought,” said Will. “I drank as an escape but I wasn’t an alcoholic.”

  Evan never thought he would feel true sympathy for Will. All this time they’d thought of him as a perpetrator when he was as much a victim of Gerard’s tyranny than anyone else. It made him wonder just what lengths Gerard had gone to with other people to get what he wanted. “I’m summoning Nath,” he got up and began writing a spellogram under Will’s watchful eye. He looked as though he wanted to protest but thought better of it. The time for hiding this was long past.

  Nath showed up within ten minutes looking flustered and worried. Will sat under his intense gaze explaining everything that’d happened.

  “I still wanna be part of the Privy Council, Your Majesty,” he said slowly. “I don’t give a shit what Gerard thinks any more, this is my home.”

  A small smile touched Nath’s lips. “I’d no intention of putting you out of a job, Will. Where are these photos?”


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