4 satisfy convince
7 resolve answer
8 I profess which I practice/claim knowledge of Art to Love Ovid's erotic poem Ars Amatoria
11 Quick proceeders apt/rapid students (plays on the scholarly sense of to "proceed" from a bachelor's to a master's degree) 15 wonderful extraordinary
19 such a one i.e. Bianca
20 cullion wretch
23 entire wholehearted
24 lightness inconstancy/ promiscuity
26 Forswear reject
31 fondly foolishly/dotingly
32 unfeigned genuine
34 beastly abominably/lecherously
35 Would ... foresworn! If only the whole world, other than he, would forsake her!
36 that so that
43 In resolution determinedly
45 'longeth belongs
46 ta'en you napping caught you off guard
51 lusty lively/eager/merry/lustful
59 eleven ... long i.e. exactly right (alludes to the card game "thirty-one") 60 charm silence with a spell
62 dog-weary exhausted
63 ancient angel old guardian angel
66 mercatante merchant (Italian) pedant schoolmaster
71 seem pretend to be
74 let me alone i.e. rely on me
81 What countryman where are you from
85 goes hard is significant
88 stayed detained
89 For on account of a
90 published publicly announced
91 marvel remarkable newly come have only just arrived
93 than so even than this
94 bills ... exchange money orders, promissory notes
106 and all one but never mind
111 credit reputation undertake assume
113 Look ... should make sure that you play your part properly
117 repute consider, esteem
119 make ... good put the plan into action
121 looked for expected
125 becomes befits
2 my wrong injustice I undergo
5 present immediate
9 meat food
11 spites mortifies, vexes
13 who one who
16 so so long as
17 neat's ox's
19 choleric likely to induce choler (anger)
20 broiled grilled
22 cannot tell am not sure
32 very mere
36 sweeting sweetheart amort dispirited
37 what cheer how are you (in the next line Kate plays on the sense of "food/hospitality" and Petruchio continues the wordplay with cheerfully) 38 cold poor, inadequate
44 pains ... proof efforts are wasted
46 stand remain
50 to blame at fault
54 apace quickly
56 bravely splendidly
58 ruffs elaborate starched neck-wear cuffs decorative bands sewn onto the sleeves farthingales boned petticoats worn underneath the back of the dress 60 knavery showy adornment
62 ruffling treasure frilled, lacy clothing
65 bespeak order
66 porringer porridge bowl
67 lewd vile, cheap filthy contemptible
68 cockle cockleshell
69 A ... trick i.e. trinkets, trifles
71 fit the time is fashionable
73 gentle mild
78 endured me permitted me to
85 custard-coffin pastry crust for custard
90 masquing stuff clothes fit for a masque (i.e. elaborate, theatrical)
91 demi-cannon large cannon
92 up and down in every respect carved ... tart i.e. slashed to reveal a different fabric beneath (like the slits on tart crusts) 94 censer perfuming vessel with a perforated lid
99 did I did
100 mar ruin
101 hop ... home hop home over every street gutter (kennel) 103 make ... it do what you can with it
105 quaint elegant, skillfully made
106 Belike perhaps puppet i.e. fool
110 yard yardstick, measuring rod nail measure of length for cloth (two and a quarter inches) 112 Braved defied
113 quantity scrap
114 be-mete measure (quibbles on "mete out punishment")
115 on prating of prattling like this again
120 stuff material
124 faced adorned (Grumio's next usage puns on the sense of "confront") 126 braved provided clothes for/defied
129 Ergo "therefore" (Latin)
132 The ... throat the note lies outrageously (punning on the sense of a musical note that emanates from the throat) 133 loose-bodied gown loose-fitting/designed for sexually "loose" women 135 bottom ball
138 compassed cut with a curved edge
140 trunk full, puffed
142 curiously elaborately/ skillfully
144 bill the note detailing the nature of the dress
146 prove upon thee i.e. by fighting you
148 an if place where suitable place
150 for thee straight ready for you now
151 mete-yard yardstick
152 odds advantage
155 take ... use take it away and let your master use it how he will (in his response, Grumio interprets take up as "pull up" and use as "sexual usage") 158 conceit idea (puns on "con"--i.e. "vagina")
159 think for think
165 of from
168 mean habiliments poor, humble clothes
169 proud bulging
172 peereth appears/peeps through
176 painted colored, patterned
178 furniture clothing
179 lay blame
180 frolic be joyous
181 sport us make merry
186 dinnertime noon
188 suppertime i.e. about six
190 what whatever
191 crossing contradicting let't alone leave it
2 but unless
5 Pegasus i.e. at an inn with the sign of Pegasus, the winged horse of classical mythology 6 hold your own play your part
7 'longeth belongs
9 schooled instructed/practiced (in his part)
11 throughly thoroughly
12 right real
16 looked for expected
17 tall fine hold ... drink take this to buy a drink
18 set your countenance assume the appearance (of a father)
21 stand show yourself a
22 patrimony inheritance
23 Soft wait a moment
28 for because of
30 stay delay
32 please ... I are as satisfied as I am
35 one consent absolute agreement bestowed given in marriage 36 curious particular, awkward
45 pass confirm
48 know deem, think
49 affied betrothed formally assurance ... stand pledges made as will be agreeable to both parties 52 Pitchers have ears i.e. there may be eavesdroppers (proverbial) Pitchers jugs with large handles ("ears") on either side 53 heark'ning still continues to wait for his opportunity
54 haply perhaps
56 lie lodge
57 pass settle
59 scriv'ner scribe authorized to draw up legal contracts
61 pittance sustenance, food
62 hie hurry
66 like soon, likely
70 mess dish, basic meal
77 has he has
78 tokens signals
79 moralize explain
86 command service
89 counterfeit assurance invalid legal settlement assurance pledge cum ... solum "with the sole right to print" (Latin), a copyright phrase found in the title pages of books but here applied to the idea of marriage and reproduction 91 sufficient right amount/ competent
92 that ... for what you want
99 against you come in anticipation of your arrival appendix appendage (i.e. Bianca; also continues the printing metaphor) 102 Hap happen roundly ... her approach her plainly, without further ado (may also have sexual connotations) 103 go hard be unfortunate (plays on the sense of "get erect")
2 goodly splendidly
7 list please
8 Or ere before
14 rush-candle candle dipped in tallow wax, which gave a dim light
24 go thy ways well-done/carry on field battle
25 bowl should run refers to the game of bowls in which balls are rolled toward a central ball 26 against the bias against its natural course (the bias is the weight in the ball that enables it to be bowled in a curve) 28 Where away? Where are you going?
30 fresher more blooming
32 spangle shine, adorn
36 A he
40 whom to whom
47 green young, fresh (also alludes to the optical effect of looking at and then away from the sun) 54 encounter greeting
62 father father-in-law
64 this this time
65 esteem reputation
67 beseem befit
70 honest virtuous, noble (ironically plays on the sense of "truthful")
73 pleasant jovial break a jest play a joke
77 jealous suspicious
78 put ... heart encouraged me
79 Have to now for/here's to
80 untoward stubborn, perverse
4 o'your back behind you (i.e. I'll see you safely into the church)
8 father's i.e. Baptista's house bears lies
10 You ... but i.e. I insist that
11 command authorize, ascertain
12 cheer is toward entertainment is in place
23 frivolous circumstances trivial matters
26 from Padua i.e. where we are right now (some editors emend to "from Mantua," or "to Padua") 32 cozen cheat
33 under my countenance by pretending to be me
35 good shipping happy fortune, a good journey (perhaps also "good sex") 36 undone ruined
37 crack-hemp rogue who deserves to be hanged (literally, who causes the hempen rope to strain) 38 choose do as I choose/have a choice when it comes to being hanged
51 offer attempt
53 fine richly dressed
54 copatain high-crowned
61 'cerns it you does it concern you
62 maintain afford
63 Bergamo town near Milan
76 forthcoming available to stand trial
80 cony-catched tricked
86 dotard old fool
87 hailed dragged about/greeted
89 spoiled ruined
98 counterfeit supposes false appearances eyne eyes
99 packing plotting, conspiracy with a witness that's for certain 103 changed plays on the meaning of cambio ("change")
105 state situation/status
115 go to exclamation of mild impatience and dismissal
117 sound probe
119 cake is dough i.e. I've failed
120 Out ... all with no hope of anything
129 once at some time
banquet fruit, sweetmeats and wine, served after the main meal
1 long after a long time
3 scapes escapes overblown now past
5 kindness kinship/good will
8 with on
9 close fill
10 great good cheer presumably the main wedding feast at Baptista's
16 fears is frightened of/frightens
17 Then ... afeard i.e. I can assure you I am not frightened
18 sensible perceptive
20 He ... round i.e. you attribute your own feelings to others--you, Petruchio, are afraid of your wife 21 Roundly boldly, soundly
23 Thus ... him that's how I understand him (Petruchio picks up on roundly and conceive to make a joke about pregnancy) 25 conceives her tale interprets her remark/is impregnated (tale puns on "tail"--i.e. vagina) 26 mended retorted/rectified
32 mean average/poor
34 mean ... you moderate compared to you
35 To her attack her (a cry used to urge on animals in hunting or fighting) 37 marks coins, each worth two thirds of a pound put her down outdo her (Hortensio plays on the sense of "have sex with her") 38 office role/sexual duty
41 butt lock horns/thrust sexually
42 butt bottom hasty-witted body quick-witted person
43 head and horn a horned head (i.e. that of a cuckold; horn plays on the sense of "penis/hunting horn") 47 Have at you be prepared for bitter shrewd, keen
48 bird prey shift my bush fly to another bush to hide in (plays on the idea of pubic hair) 49 bow refers to fowling--hunting sitting birds with bow and arrow (with phallic connotations) 51 prevented thwarted
52 hit shot with an arrow/ penetrated sexually
53 health toast
54 slipped unleashed
56 currish ignoble/dog-like
58 deer puns on "dear" does ... bay turns on you and holds you off with its horns/denies you sex 60 gird taunt
62 galled scratched, irritated
63 glance away from bounce off
65 good sadness all seriousness
66 veriest truest
67 assurance proof
75 of on
84 be your half put up half your bet
89 How? What?
97 needs necessarily
110 The ... mine then I have the worst luck
111 by my holidame by Our Lady/by all that I hold holy
114 conferring chatting
116 Swinge thrash
121 awful worthy of respect right rightful
122 what not everything
123 fair befall thee good luck to you
127 as ... been as if the former Kate had never existed
136 pass state of affairs
137 foolish stupid (Lucentio shifts the sense to "fond, doting")
141 laying betting
148 Unknit relax unkind harsh/unnatural
151 meads meadows
152 Confounds thy fame destroys your reputation
153 meet appropriate
154 moved angered
155 ill-seeming ugly
161 painful grueling
162 watch be awake during
169 peevish stubborn, perverse
170 honest virtuous, upright
172 graceless sinful
173 simple foolish
175 sway authority, influence
176 bound i.e. by duty/in marriage
178 Unapt not designed
179 soft gentle, fragile conditions constitutions/qualities 181 unable incapable
182 big strong/contentious/determined/proud
183 haply perhaps
184 bandy exchange
187 That ... be seeming to be that
188 vail your stomachs lower your pride/surrender your inclinations boot use 191 do him ease give him pleasure/ease his burden
193 go thy ways well-done ha't have it (win the wager) 194 'Tis ... toward it is a good thing to hear when children are compliant 197 three three men you ... sped you two (Lucentio and Hortensio) are done for 198 white center of the target (puns on Bianca's name, "white" in Italian) 200 shrew pronounced "shrow," the word provides the rhyme for this final couplet
The Taming of the Shrew Page 22