Dangerous Games

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Dangerous Games Page 8

by Claire Thompson

  Whoa. What the hell? Where had the stuttering, nervous guy gone and who was this alpha who’d taken his place? Whoever he was, Reese’s body responded to the command, and he wasted no time kicking off his boots, socks, jeans and underwear.

  “Now you,” he said, his voice husky, his cock aching.

  Luca shook his head. “Not yet.” He lowered himself to his knees, his lips parting. Reese’s pulse was pounding in his ears and he could barely catch his breath. He closed his eyes and moaned with pure, raw lust as Luca’s lips slid over the head of his shaft, his hand coming up to cup Reese’s balls.

  But instead of taking Reese in his throat, Luca licked in a slow, seductive circle around the crown before sliding slowly along the length of the shaft. Used to Hank’s rough, insistent touch, Reese was unprepared for the sweet, slow kisses Luca rained over his shaft. Desire whooshed like a flame inside him, sending a shudder through his body. He reached for Luca’s shoulders to keep from collapsing to the floor.

  Luca’s tease was slow, relentless and perfect. When his mouth finally closed around Reese’s erection, he moaned with pleasure, thrusting forward. “Yeah,” he groaned. “Oh, yeah. That’s it. I’m going to—”

  All at once, Luca pulled back, his hands falling away as Reese’s wet, throbbing cock fell from between his lips. “No. You’re not. Not yet. Not till I say so.”

  Reese’s eyes sprang open and shaking with lust, he stared down at Luca.

  “Lie down on the bed,” Luca directed, pointed toward the rumpled quilt that covered the mattress.

  “But wait. I want you to—”

  “Shh,” Luca interrupted. “No talking. Do what you’re told.”

  The submissive in Reese instantly responded to Luca’s unexpectedly masterful command. Was it possible this shy, geeky guy was a Dom at heart? Had he ever even heard of BDSM? Whatever the answer, Reese was deeply excited and attracted by this new side of Luca. He lay down on the bed, his cock bobbing at his groin.

  Luca knelt on the floor beside the bed. With a gentle but sure hand, he traced Reese’s jawline with his finger, moving it up over his lips and following the line of his nose. Luca’s touch left an electric trail of sparking desire in its wake. Finally, he touched Reese’s eyelids one at a time, forcing him to shut them.

  “Keep them closed,” Luca whispered.

  Reese blew out a breath but did as he was told. He wanted to reach for Luca and pull him into an embrace, but at the same time, he knew he was right where he should be, doing exactly what was required of him. He lay still, waiting, heart skittering in his chest.

  Luca’s lips grazed his cheek. Eyes still closed, he turned his face toward Luca, ready to be kissed, but Luca’s mouth didn’t find his. Instead, it moved down toward his throat, leaving a trail of tiny, soft kisses along Reese’s skin.

  Luca’s hands moved over his shoulders, the palms smoothing his chest, drawing circles of heat along his flesh. Unable to help himself, Reese reached for his own shaft, desperate for someone’s touch, even if it was only his own.

  He opened his eyes in surprise when Luca caught his wrist. “No,” Luca commanded in that same gentle yet firm tone. “Just lie there, arms at your sides.”

  Reese opened his mouth to protest, to shout his need, but as Luca again caught him in that silver-eyed gaze, sound died in his throat and his mouth closed of its own accord. Luca touched his eyelids again and, obediently, Reese obeyed the silent command.

  The unexpected tug at his left nipple caught him by surprise. The almost painful nip of teeth was quickly replaced by a tongue, warm and soft. The other nipple was given the same treatment, and then Luca’s tongue glided down Reese’s abdomen, wet and silky against Reese’s skin.

  Reese moaned in approval, his cock straining. He squeezed his groin muscles to make his shaft lift in invitation. But no hot mouth closed over it. No cool, sure hands gripped it.

  Instead, Luca planted dozens of soft kisses along Reese’s upper thighs, sending shivers of pleasure through Reese’s entire body. No one had ever touched him like this in his life. His cock was throbbing, his balls aching.

  He reached for Luca, blindly grabbing a handful of his hair, desperate to feel that hot, perfect mouth on his shaft again.

  Again Luca’s grip, surprisingly strong, closed around his wrist. “No,” he said.

  “Come on,” Reese begged. “You’re driving me crazy. Do me. I need it.”

  When nothing happened, Reese opened his eyes. Luca, his cheek resting against Reese’s thigh, met his gaze. His eyes were soft, his smile tender. He let Reese’s hand go. “I don’t want to do you, Reese. I want to make love to you.”

  Reese lifted his head to stare at the younger man, and for once, no clever quip or smartass retort came to mind. “Okay.” The single word sounded inane even to his own ears. Luca must think he was an idiot.

  But Luca just smiled wider, a radiant smile, pure and open. In spite of himself, Reese smiled back, his heart catching almost painfully in his chest.

  Luca shifted up onto the bed, positioning himself so he was crouched between Reese’s legs. Placing a hand on either thigh, he dipped his head down toward Reese’s cock.

  Reese lay back against the pillows, sighing in anticipation as he closed his eyes. Luca’s breath was warm against his balls. “Please,” Reese heard himself begging, desperate for Luca’s touch. He groaned his approval when Luca licked over the delicate skin and then took his balls one at a time into his hot, wet mouth.

  After a moment, Luca released his balls and gripped the base of his shaft in one hand. He touched just the tip of his tongue to the head of Reese’s cock. Reese groaned, thrusting his hips up to force his cock deeper into Luca’s mouth. Luca pressed him back against the bed and continued to tease him, licking in small circles around the crown and sliding his tongue lightly along the slit.

  He reached again for Reese’s balls, capturing them in a light grip as he closed his lips, finally, finally, over the head of Reese’s aching cock. Luca slowly eased himself down until he’d taken Reese’s cock fully into his throat once more.

  Spirals of radiating pleasure pulsed through Reese’s body. Luca’s fingers were still curled around the base of his shaft, keeping Reese’s cock rigid and the skin pulled taut. Luca lifted his head, letting Reese’s cock nearly fall from his lips before lowering his head again, his tongue sliding hot and wet along the shaft. The sensation was incredible.

  “Luca,” Reese managed to gasp, his hips arching up of their own accord. “I’m going to come.”

  Abruptly, Luca pulled his mouth away, and Reese groaned again in frustration. He was more turned on than he’d ever been in his life. “I want you,” he said, his voice hoarse with desire. “I want your ass.”

  “Shh,” Luca said, his eyes burning with an inner fire that matched Reese’s own. “Slow down. There’s no hurry.” Not waiting for a response, he lowered himself again over Reese’s cock, licking in lazy circles until he’d again taken the length of it into his throat.

  Reese groaned and fell back again, helpless and trembling. “Fuck,” he whispered, his balls tightening. Hurry or not, he was going to come. He needed to come or he’d die on the spot.

  All at once, Luca again pulled away. This time Reese cried out, “Don’t stop! I’m nearly there. I’m right on the edge.”

  “I want to keep you on the edge, Reese, for as long as possible.” Luca stroked Reese’s thighs, moving his hands down between them and spreading them apart. “Bend your knees,” he commanded. “Feet flat.”

  Reese immediately obeyed.

  Luca licked a line of heat over Reese’s balls, sliding his tongue back to the perineum.

  “Yeah,” Reese begged, his voice reduced to a ragged whisper. “Please.”

  Luca moved lower still, touching Reese’s tight hole with the tip of his tongue. He circled the sensitive pucker and pressed against the entrance. He put his hands on either side, spreading Reese’s ass cheeks. He pushed his tongue in deeper, thrusting it in an
d out like a cock.

  Reese groaned, reaching reflexively for his own shaft. Face still buried between his ass cheeks, Luca batted Reese’s hand away, replacing it with his own. He gripped Reese’s cock with strong, sure fingers. Reese shuddered, his balls aching, seconds away from coming. Lazily, Luca slid his tongue along the crack of Reese’s ass, circling his balls and licking upward along the shaft until he reached the head. Then, maddeningly, thrillingly, he pulled away again.

  Over and over, Luca brought Reese to the edge of orgasm, pulling him back from the brink just before he tumbled over. Reese lost track of time. His mind shut down. He was pure sensation and aching, grunting, desperate desire. He was sweating, his body trembling, his breath coming in gasps. Never before had he relinquished control to this degree.

  Somehow this man—this sweet, pure and wonderful man was unraveling the knotted cords around Reese’s heart—knots that had kept the rest of the world, even Hank, at a distance for so long. “Please,” he finally managed. “I…want…I need…to fuck you.”

  “Yes,” Luca whispered, relenting at last. He pulled away, and Reese opened his eyes to see Luca reaching in his nightstand drawer. He tossed a condom and a small tube of lube to Reese.

  Still panting, Reese managed to tear off the wrapper and roll the condom over his rigidly erect cock. Meanwhile, Luca got to his feet beside the bed. He pulled his T-shirt over his head. As Reese had guessed, his chest was furred with dark hair, a line trailing down his pale skin into his jeans. He was slender and more muscular than Reese had expected, a nice six-pack etched on his abdomen, his stomach flat and strong.

  When he dropped his jeans, he wore no underwear and his shaft erupted from a nest of dark curls, fully erect above heavy balls. His cock was bigger than Reese had expected, long and thick. Reese had to swallow quickly to keep from choking on the saliva that had suddenly pooled in his mouth. Jesus H. Fucking Christ, the guy was perfect.

  Without another word, Luca positioned himself on his hands and knees at the end of the bed. Reese squirted the lube over his cock head with a shaking hand. He positioned himself behind Luca, panting with lust. A sudden thought brought him up short. Luca was great at giving attention, but how was he at receiving? Luca wasn’t like the typical guys Hank and he picked up at the clubs. Was Reese moving too fast?

  Forcing himself to slow down, Reese panted, “Is this okay? You okay?”

  “I’m better than okay, Reese,” Luca said, twisting back to regard him with fire in his eyes. “I want this. I want you.”

  Reese nodded, heart pounding. Spreading Luca’s small, muscular buttocks apart, he nudged the head of his cock against the tight entrance. Despite Luca’s assurances, Reese tried to be gentle as he eased past the ring of muscle. As his cock head popped inside, Luca drew in a sharp breath. Reese stilled a moment, giving his new lover a chance to get used to him. When Luca’s muscles eased sufficiently, he moved forward again, guiding himself into the hot clasp of Luca’s ass. Luca pushed back against him, taking his cock deeper.

  Reese leaned over him, resting his chest against Luca’s back. Keeping one hand on Luca’s hip, he reached around with the other, still gooey with lube, to grip Luca’s hard, thick shaft. It was hot to the touch. He could feel the blood thrumming and coursing just beneath his fingers.

  “Yes,” Luca breathed, finally relinquishing some control. “Yessss.”

  Reese impulsively kissed the back of Luca’s neck while he stroked him with his cock and his hand. He wanted to make it last—to give Luca as much pleasure and anticipation as Luca had given him, but his body refused to obey. All at once, the climax that had been rising and receding too many times to count under Luca’s skillful touch erupted in a steady gush of shuddering ecstasy. Reese cried out, slamming hard against Luca, who fell beneath him at the impact.

  They remained joined as they rolled together onto their sides, Reese’s arms locked around Luca, his hand still curled around the throbbing shaft. He suddenly remembered the cell phone still tucked into his jeans pocket, and the ten thousand dollars riding on the line.

  Luca moaned and pressed back against him, his body heating, his breath coming in gasps. “So good,” he groaned softly.

  Reese banished the stupid phone and the cynical, cruel bet from his mind. He focused solely on Luca’s pleasure, holding him tight as he stroked him to what he hoped would be a powerful climax.

  Luca’s body heated suddenly. He was like a furnace in Reese’s embrace. Then he stiffened and gave a soft cry. His jism spurted in hot ribbons over Reese’s fingers and then his entire body went suddenly limp.

  Smiling, Reese pulled his arm carefully from underneath the inert man and pulled back slowly, withdrawing his now spent cock from Luca’s grip. He rolled the used condom from his shaft and lifted himself from the bed. Luca had fallen over onto his back, one arm over his head, obscuring his eyes, a smile of pure sated satisfaction playing over his lips.

  Reese went into the bathroom and dropped the used condom in the trashcan. Finding a fresh washcloth, he ran warm water over it and added a little soap. Taking the wet cloth and a dry hand towel, he returned to the bedroom.

  Gently, he pushed Luca to his side, cleaned between his ass cheeks and patted Luca dry. Climbing back into the bed beside him, he wrapped his arms around him. Luca sighed sweetly and leaned back against him as they spooned.

  A tenderness Reese had never experienced before rose in him, popping in a painful bubble in his heart. What was happening to him? How had this man slipped so thoroughly and completely past every defense he’d ever erected in his life? Something wet trickled into Reese’s ear. Startled, he wiped away a tear. He wasn’t sad—far from it. He was filled with a quiet, fierce joy that literally took his breath away.

  I love you, he almost said. But that was crazy. He didn’t do love. Whatever he was feeling, it was brand new, scary and absolutely wonderful. With a smile, he held Luca tight, closed his eyes and fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.

  Chapter 7

  Reese awoke slowly, a deep sense of well-being pervading his heart and body. His head took a few seconds longer to catch up as he opened his eyes to an unfamiliar room bathed in the twilight of a setting sun. He was alone in the bed.

  “Luca?” he called, sitting up and throwing back the covers.

  “Sec,” Luca called from another room. “Just finishing a string of code.”

  Reese grinned, instantly visualizing Luca bent over his keyboard, hair falling into his face as he typed away in his secret language. He swung his legs over the side of the bed and padded to the bathroom. After using the toilet, he washed his face and ran his damp fingers through his hair. Though he must have slept for only a few hours, he felt invigorated and full of energy. A strange buoyancy moved through his limbs that took him a moment to identify as happiness. He grinned at himself stupidly in the mirror.

  “I was wondering when you’d w-w-wake up, s-s-sleepyhead,” Luca said, appearing in the mirror behind him. He had dressed again in his usual geek T-shirt and jeans, his feet bare.

  Reese turned toward his new lover and they moved into an embrace that culminated in a long, slow sweet kiss. Reese would have been happy to continue the kiss in bed, but Luca pulled away after a moment. “You hungry? I was thinking we c-c-could grab a bite. You like Mexican?”

  “Sure,” Reese said, ordering his cock to behave. At the same time, he realized he was ravenous. He was about to suggest Azul, Hank’s favorite high-end Mexican joint, but Luca beat him to the punch.

  “There’s this great Guatemalan t-t-taco dive we can actually walk to from here. It’s j-j-just this tiny storefront in a strip mall, but s-s-super good, if you don’t mind a little s-s-spice.”

  Reese was glad he hadn’t said anything about the trendy and now, he suddenly thought, pretentious place where people went to see and be seen. “I love spicy. Let’s do it.”

  As he pulled on his clothes, his cell phone buzzed in his jeans. Pulling it out, he saw he’d missed two calls and four t
exts from Hank. Without looking at them, he shoved the phone back in his pocket.

  They walked out of Luca’s complex and along the side of a busy road. On the way, Reese’s phone buzzed again. He ignored it. After about two blocks, they came to the strip mall. El Tapatio was nestled between a dry cleaner and a dollar store.

  Hank wouldn’t have been caught dead setting foot in this place, which pleased Reese more than it should have. There were eight tables pushed close together in the small space, the chairs around them made from molded plastic. The order counter and kitchen were located at the back. There was a self-serve frozen margarita machine on the counter, canned sodas and beer in a glass-fronted refrigerator beside it. The walls were painted Pepto-Bismol pink, the ceiling hung with piñatas of garishly colored donkeys and six-pointed stars. Several of the tables were already occupied, and heavenly scents of melted cheese, garlic and roasting meat filled the air.

  Four more people entered the small space just behind them. “How about I’ll grab a table while you order for us?” Reese suggested, moving toward a small table set against the wall. There were paper menus on the table, a small pencil beside each one.

  “Okay,” Luca agreed. “Just check off which tacos you want to start with. We can always get more.”

  Reese checked off several tacos and handed his menu to Luca, along with twenty dollars.

  “Your m-m-money’s no good here,” Luca said, taking the menu but refusing the cash. “You want a beer or something? I’m going to have a frozen margarita.”

  “Sounds good to me,” Reese agreed, again thinking how horrified Hank would be that he was getting something out of a machine, no doubt made with rotgut Tequila. He would have insisted on a top-shelf brand with fresh squeezed lime and a hint of Grand Marnier. Stop thinking about Hank, Reese ordered himself. “How about I’ll get the drinks once you place the taco order and come back to hold the table?”


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