Bloodfall Arena

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Bloodfall Arena Page 29

by J. A. Ludwig

  “Daniil, your pet—” Yme starts.

  The Khorgoi stares at Yme with her white eyes, indignant.

  “Her name is Tanith and she’s not a pet,” Daniil corrects.

  “Tanith,” Yme corrects himself. “You claim you can hear her voice.”

  “And she understands human speech. What’s your point?”

  “We’ll have her watch Seera and Dolus as they lead us out. If it starts looking or feeling like a trap, have her kill them. Will that ease your minds?”

  Dolus Otho shrinks, visibly uncomfortable, but Seera grips his arm tightly to keep him quiet. “We agree to the terms.”

  Daniil confirms with Tanith that she understands the plan.

  Yme nod to Seera. “Show us the way.”

  “And you’ll take us with you?” Dolus Otho asks.


  “Well then, follow me,” Seera says, heading back the way the group came.

  Chapter 63

  Daniil, Tanith, and Kylii stay directly behind Seera and Dolus. Aya and Yme follow next and then the rest of the group. They walk through the animal pens, where most of the beasts are asleep, but those who hunt at night are alert to the strange group.

  A small cadre of Klaeon’s men walk through the pens. Seera signals towards the shadows and the group moves, avoiding the light of the soldiers’ torches. Seera whistles and shadows across from the group begin moving. The group realizes, to their relief, they are Arena workers, faithful to Seera. The workers sneak behind the soldiers, killing them quietly and pulling the bodies into the shadows.

  Seera leads the group to the far end of the animal pens. She grabs a torch from the wall and motions the group to follow closely. Aya peeks at the Arena workers now following close behind. None of them are workers she’s ever seen before. She bumps into Dolus Otho. The Arena announcer’s pace slowed. Up close, the lines on his face appear deeper and the dark circles under his eyes show exhaustion.

  “Have you always been the ‘voice of the arena?’” Aya asks.

  “It is a position that has been filled by the Otho family for generations. Even before the Blood King’s rule, we were the Voice of the Games. Though after this transgression, I feel that may no longer be the case.”

  “How can he punish you for our victory? You can’t control that.”

  Dolus Otho leans close to Aya. “You don’t understand. It is our duty to ensure the slaves do not win when they’re not meant to. Seera did not plan for her workers to turn on her.”

  Aya remembers the magic blocker who was brutally murdered in front of them by the Brüdel. “She rigged the fight?”

  “Her workers were told to aid the Brüdel. Instead, they disobeyed. A small number even aided your group. They thought Seera didn’t notice...but she knows everything that happens in the walls of this Arena.” Dolus Otho gasps and turns away as though he spoke words he shouldn’t have.

  Aya thinks back on the two heads of the soldiers Seera killed. Something about how the faces were carved beyond recognition bothers her. The lack of severe bleeding from the scarring suggested it had been done after the soldiers died. But why bother scarring the faces beyond recognition after decapitation, unless...

  Aya grabs Dolus Otho’s arm. “Those weren’t soldiers, were they?”

  Ahead of the group, Seera signals for the workers at the back of the group to move quickly to two large, stone doors at the end of the hallway. They strain at the immense weight of the stone.

  Seera urges the group. “Hurry!”

  Then cool wind blows from the opening doorway. The slaves press forward, eager to see the outside world.

  Dolus Otho pulls against Aya’s grip. “Let me go.”

  “The men Seera killed! They weren’t soldiers?” Aya repeats, squeezing his arm tighter.

  The group pushes forward, moving Aya and Dolus Otho with them. As they walk through the doors, they’re greeted by Blood King Klaeon’s soldiers. Spears aim at the group. Dolus Otho shoves Aya to the ground and tries to fight through the group back through the doors.

  The doors slam shut before any others in the group realize what’s happening. Otho pounds the stone with his fists. “Seera! Open the doors!” Those closest to the doors try their best to force them open. Earth magic users try to force the stone to move, but carvings in the stone prevent the magic from taking effect.

  “It’s a trap!” Kylii yells, scrabbling at the door.

  Mava and Rava help Aya to her feet as Klaeon’s men move in. “By order of his majesty, Blood King Klaeon Vacuda first of his name and Lord of Myldea, you are all sentenced to death,” a soldier yells.

  Yme, stomps his foot on the ground and spreads his arms wide. A crack races towards the men and encircles them. The circle beneath the soldier’s feet crumbles and the men scream as they fall through to the floor below.

  “Daniil!” Yme points to Otho.

  Daniil looks at Tanith, and the Khorgoi leaps towards Dolus Otho. The voice of the arena screams and falls to the earth, his arms covering his face. Aya steps between Tanith and Dolus Otho. Tanith stops, glancing back at Daniil.

  “We’re taking him with us!” Aya yells.

  “He betrayed us! He and Seera planned this trap!” Kylii storms towards Dolus Otho, the air heating around him.

  Aya places a hand on his chest, stopping him. “Klaeon will kill him if we don’t take him with us.”

  “That was a lie to trick us into trusting him!”

  “He didn’t know Seera was going to shut him in with us! Klaeon has killed for less. If we escape, then Dolus will be murdered in our stead.”

  “Enough! We’re wasting time arguing. Let the coward choose to come with us or stay here. We have to run! Now, before more soldiers come!”

  The group dashes around the hole in the ground. Aya grabs Dolus Otho and pulls him with the group. She glances into the hole, where men mix with earth and weapons below. More soldiers appear, blocking them.

  Magic fills the air and the ground shakes. Roots burst from the earth and grab two soldiers, dragging them down into the soil. Wind mages wave their arms, slamming soldiers into the walls and ceiling.

  Those without magic gather up the weapons and join the fray. Aya kicks those who get too close to her, her magic flaring up to cause injury. Mava and Rava stay close to her, finishing those she incapacitates. Dolus Otho huddles at the center of the group, but when a soldier gets too close, he pulls a knife from his belt and stabs the man in the neck. Workers awakened by the fighting don’t hesitate to join the battle. Most fight alongside Klaeon’s men, several fight with the slaves.

  Yme, Daniil, and Kylii clear a path through the soldiers to a stairway leading up to the floor above. Bodies are left in the group’s wake, but the number of soldier’s is diminishing. The blocked exit is their final obstacle.

  Yme pulls a large chunk of stone from the stairwell, causing the path to collapse. He throws the stone at the blocked exit, creating a large hole. Night air pours through the hole.

  “This way! Everyone out!” Yme yells.

  The slaves run through the hole as more soldiers appear. Some Arena workers stay behind to buy the exhausted slaves time. Dolus Otho and the others escape with them crawl through the hole quickly. Then they help the slaves through. Aya sees Bern, Mava, Rava, and Cal assist the healers and workers in helping others through before following themselves. She turns to see if the workers need help, but Daniil and Kylii grab her. They drag her through the opening followed by Tanith. As soon as they clear the hole, earth rises, blocking the opening.

  The cool, night air blows over their skin and whoops of victory fill the sky. Relief flows through Aya. “We’re out!”

  Chapter 64

  Daniil waves Mava and Rava over. “Head for the mountains. There are places to hide in the thick woods. We will find you.”

  The two sisters nod and hurry ahead of the group, spreading the word of their destination. The slaves follow quickly, eager to be far from their former prison. Even Dol
us Otho rushes to move as far from the Arena as quickly as possible.

  Aya, Daniil, and Kylii follow at a slower pace, wanting a moment of privacy. “I can’t believe your plan worked, Yme,” Kylii pants, gasping for air.

  He’s answered with silence. Aya turns and realizes Yme is nowhere to be seen. She turns to the brothers as they search the group ahead of them. Yme isn’t with them.

  “Where’s Yme?” Aya’s blood runs cold.

  “He was right behind us, wasn’t he?” Daniil asks.

  Kylii gives his brother an odd look. “I thought he was ahead of us.”

  Aya shakes her head in disbelief. “But he closed the wall. He didn’t close it from the other side, did he? Why would he do that?”

  Daniil turns to Tanith. “Go. Find Yme.” Tanith lowers her head before leaping into a run back to the Arena. “She’ll lead him to the mountains.”

  “What if he needs help?”

  “He’ll be fine, Aya. He took care of a dozen Brüdel on his own. He can handle a few soldiers,” Kylii says.

  “He’s not going to fight soldiers,” says a voice from the shadows.

  Daniil and Kylii instinctively move in front of Aya and raise their hands, magic filling the air. A cloaked figure walks out of the shadows and stands in front of them. “He is heading for Klaeon.”

  “Who are you?” Kylii demands.

  “I need to take Aya to Yme. He’s in danger.” The cloaked figure walks towards Aya.

  Daniil and Kylii step forward to stop him. “If he didn’t answer me, why did you think he was going to answer you?” Kylii asks, elbowing Daniil back. He glares at the figure. “And what’s to say you aren’t here to give Aya over?”

  The cloaked figure’s head lowers.

  Aya forces her way between the brothers. “Why do you think he’s headed to confront the Blood King?”

  The cloaked figure looks over his shoulder as though expecting someone to be there. “I can take you there, but only you.”

  He’s alone. Fighting that man. That monster! Aya remembers the strange presence that surrounded her in the Blood King’s private box. And Klaeon’s second in command, Teron...Can he handle both?

  “Daniil, Kylii, go with the group. I’m going to get Yme,” Aya says, turning to the brothers.

  “We can’t leave you alone with this guy. We don’t know if we can trust him!” Kylii yells.

  “I’ll be all right. Go.”

  Kylii tries to grab her, but Daniil stops him. He leads his brother away. Kylii protests, but eventually stops fighting and the two run off after the escaped slaves.

  Facing the figure again, Aya takes a deep, calming breath. “Take me to Yme.”

  Chapter 65

  Yme gasps for air as he races through the halls of the Arena. He knows Daniil and Kylii will be furious with him, but he had to stay.

  He’s here. I know he is. He wouldn’t want to leave without witnessing his handiwork, Yme thinks as he finds the gate leading onto the arena floor. He raises the gate with earth pillars and runs outside. Soldiers follow him, but he uses his earth magic to drop the gate and lift himself to the broken seating area.

  He climbs the steps and nearly collides with another group of soldiers. They charge with weapons raised, but Yme uses his air magic to knock them to the ground. He searches for the stairs to the higher levels and skips every other step to stay ahead of any soldiers still following.

  Reaching the third floor, he realizes the stairs leading further up are on the opposite side of the Arena. Yme takes off down the long, curved hallway, hearing dozens of footsteps following behind. Past the curve, soldiers wait ahead of Yme, trying to cut him off. Pulling large sections of the Arena’s walls inwards, Yme uses the stones as a shield as spears are thrown towards him.

  When more soldiers gather in front of him, potted plants provide water to assault the legs. They try to cut at the liquid, but their weapons only go through the stream. Yme uses air magic to throw them out the large windows. The men scream as they plummet toward the distant ground. Yme turns to the group of soldiers chasing behind. He leaps forward, slamming his fists onto the floor. The floor drops, sending them down two floors. Yme raises his hands and the floor returns, clear of the enemy. Yme reaches the stairs leading up to the fourth level, relieved to find them clear. He climbs, only to discover the stairs to the top floor blocked by more soldiers.

  Yme grabs two potted plants and throws them at the soldiers. He pulls the water from them as they fly. They smash into two of the soldiers, who manage to stay standing, but shards draw blood from their arms. Yme throws the water beneath their feet and uses his air magic to freeze it. One soldier slips and knocks several around him down. They scrabble to stand, but only manage to knock more of their comrades down.

  Yme uses the moment of confusion to grab a large shard from the floor. He jabs it into the throat of one of the last soldiers then runs up the stairs, using earth magic to raise the stairs to keep the soldiers from following.

  The fifth floor, usually reserved only for the wealthiest of audience members as a place to eat, drink, and socialize while they watch the fights in the Arena below, stands empty. Yme walks through the carpeted halls, sneering at the marble pillars and statues displaying the wealth of the Arena.

  There won’t be any soldiers here. Klaeon doesn’t need their protection.

  Lit torches ahead cause him to slow his pace. His heart races when he sees the figure standing at a large window staring down at the Arena floor.

  “Those you convinced into escaping have already left the city.” Blood King Klaeon turns. His reddish-brown eye and green one glisten in the torchlight. “But you stayed. Do you want me to kill you that badly?”

  Yme glares at him, rage filling his body. “I haven’t come to kill you—yet. I came to take back what is rightfully mine.”

  Klaeon smiles. “If you want it back, try and take it.”

  Yme throws the pot shard at Klaeon, but he easily bats it away. Using his earth magic, Yme knocks a statue towering behind Klaeon over, attempting to crush him. Klaeon calmly steps out of the way and the statue shatter against the floor. Yme forcibly pulls the water from pots. He circles the water around Klaeon and splits it into many lines. Yme blows cold air and the water transforms into sharp, thick icicles. Yme brings his hands together and the icicles fly towards Klaeon.

  Klaeon throws out his arms, and two thick shields fly to him from their spots on the walls. He kneels, protecting his body with the metal. The icicles shatter harmlessly.

  A knife flies at Yme’s leg, but he turns in time to avoid it. Yme spies Teron behind another statue. Cursing, Yme quickly turns his attention back to Klaeon in time to see one of the shields flying at him. He doesn’t have time to dodge and the thick metal hits Yme in the gut. Gasping, he stumbles back.

  Klaeon runs at him with the second shield raised above his head. He slams it down on Yme’s back. Yme falls to the floor and Klaeon raises the shield to strike again.

  Yme rolls onto his back and protects himself with the first shield. Klaeon tosses his shield to the floor and kicks Yme in the side. Screaming in pain, Yme rolls clear and scrambles to his feet. The pain in his stomach and side force him to gasp for air.

  Klaeon draws his sword and knocks Yme in the head with the hilt. Yme falls to the floor, his vision covered in stars and darkness. Klaeon raises the blade above his head. The sharp blade rushes towards Yme’s face and he quickly raises his hand. Dirt from a nearby plant spatters into the Blood King’s eyes.

  Klaeon shouts in pain and anger. Yme crawls away, wincing at the ache in his head. Teron appears behind him with his sword drawn. Yme raises the stone floor, lifting Teron off the ground and throwing him backward into a marble pillar and nearly out the window. Yme forces the floor to rise high enough to block the entire hallway, keeping Teron from getting involved again. Yme curses when soldiers appear at the other end of the hallway behind Klaeon.

  Looking up, Yme punches the air. A hole explodes in th
e ceiling, and as the dust settles he raises the floor he and Klaeon are standing on into it.

  The movement of the ground beneath him causes Klaeon to stumble as he wipes the dirt from his face. The sword falls from his hand, slipping over the edge of the roof. “You truly have improved, fighting in the Arena. But I’ve been getting stronger as well.” Klaeon runs at Yme. Yme tries to knock him down with wind, but Klaeon avoids each blast as though he knows where Yme will attack from next.

  Changing to earth magic, Yme throws sections of the stone roof into the air, dropping them randomly. Yet Klaeon avoids the sudden changes easily and kicks with such force Yme is thrown back and lands on the roof hard. Before he can react, Klaeon kicks him again, the force throwing him off the roof.

  Yme scrabbles for the edge with his hands, but it’s out of reach. He uses wind to move him till he manages to grab onto a broken piece of stone. He feels his grip slipping as he tries to pull himself up. The harder he tries, the more pain shoots through his body.

  Klaeon walks to the edge and stares down at Yme. “Before I kill you, I’m going to take the rest of your magic away. I want you to feel completely helpless before your heart stops.”

  “Yme!” Aya’s voice echoes across the roof. Both Yme and Klaeon see her being helped onto the roof by a cloaked stranger.

  “How lucky for me. After I kill you, I’ll finally get to kill the Life Healer with my own hand,” Klaeon says.

  Yme tries to pull himself up again. “Don’t touch her!”

  “Or what? You’ll stop me? I’m afraid it’s too late for that.” Klaeon kneels down and grabs Yme by the throat. Yme grabs the hand around his throat and tries to loosen it. Klaeon pulls him onto the roof and forces him to his knees.

  Dark magic fills the air, blacking out the night sky around them. Yme struggles, but the power surrounding them feeds into Klaeon’s strength.

  Aya takes a step back. “He’s a magic user!” She has felt it, deep inside, all along, yet till now hadn’t allowed herself to believe it.


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