Holiday Trap

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by May Gordon

  Holiday Trap

  A forever Safe Christmas Book 21

  May Gordon

  Copyright © 2019 by May Gordon

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Created with Vellum


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Epilogue 1

  Epilogue 2

  About the Author

  Holiday Trap

  Holiday Trap (A Forever safe Christmas #21)

  Joy Lane hates Christmas, her toxic parents turning her into a self-proclaimed grinch, and she plans to hide from the world until the holiday passes. Her boss, however, has a different idea.

  Billionaire Gabriel Eve has a life most would envy, but he’s lonely. That changes when he sees his soulmate, and he’ll stop at nothing to prove it to her.

  If that means setting a holiday trap to make it happen, then so be it. He’s won a gold medal as a snowboarder, yet capturing her heart will be his greatest victory.

  Chapter 1


  She’s captivated me since the first day I saw her, instantly stealing my soul and heart. She’s stunning with long silver hair and crystal blue eyes, the unique combination suiting her.

  As the billionaire CEO of Eve Sporting Goods, and a retired Olympic snowboarder, I never thought of myself as being lonely. Not because of either of those things, but due to a family who loves and supports me. Yet the minute I laid eyes on Joy Lane, loneliness threatened to eat me up inside until I made her mine. And I have a plan to make it happen. She will be my first, my only. My parents are madly in love with each other, and I knew from a young age I wouldn’t settle for less than the same, so I never even tried. I was beginning to think it would never happen, then Joy came into my life, and now, after five long months of waiting, it’s finally coming together.

  She was hired for the women’s wear right after she graduated college, and I’ve slowly been moving her closer to me. Joy is a talented artist with an eye for marketing and has been working non-stop the last few months, trying to get the new winter line completed. I’m proud that my woman is an asset to my business, especially as she’ll one day run it with me.

  I focus once more on my VP and realize he’s wrapping the meeting up, which means I spent the whole time staring at Joy, which explains why my pants are so tight. Just looking at her makes me hard enough to cut a diamond, my need for her all but consuming me. I have no idea how the hell I’ve lasted almost half a year without touching her. That should earn me another damn gold medal, in my opinion.

  He ends, telling everyone to enjoy their vacation as I’ve given the staff the rest of the year off since Christmas is only three days away. As the occupants exit the conference room, we exchange well wishes for the holidays, but my eyes continually track Joy as she leaves through the other door with some co-workers.

  Intentional or not, I see it as her fleeing and can’t help but smile. Soon, there will be no escape, the trap I set in motion the first step in keeping her with me. Forever.

  Chapter 2


  The minute I step out of the conference room, I take a deep breath because I could feel Mr. Eve's eyes on me in there. Or maybe it’s just my reaction to him. He’s not only handsome, but tall, muscular, and has a full but trimmed beard. Plus, he’s an Olympian. What’s not to like? As if that’s not enough, he’s also nice to everyone, from the vice president of the company to the janitor. That alone gained him my respect. He may be a man of few words, but his presence speaks volumes.

  After parting ways with my friends from the meeting, I make a quick stop at the restroom to freshen up. When I step out, I can't help but pause and glance around, taking in all the decorations. They never fail to put me in a sour mood as this holiday has always been a sore spot for me. I spent my whole life in a house with toxic parents that were constantly fighting and manipulating me to hurt the other, but Christmas was the worst.

  On top of it all, I’m stressed and overworked from the madness of trying to finish before we close for the next two weeks. To say I’m looking forward to this break would be an understatement. I plan to sleep and catch up on my reading, determined to not worry about work until next year. Yes, I went there.

  “Miss Lane?” How can a voice send shivers up my spine and make me hot as hell at the same time? It’s magic, that’s the only answer I can think of.

  I turn, trying to hide my reaction to him, and ask, “Mr. Eve, what can I do for you?” The power he has over me has only grown more intense as the days go by, to the point it’s wreaking havoc on my body, and sanity.

  His eyes roam over me again and I clench my hands, hoping he didn’t see it. “Can I see you in my office, please?” Then walks away before I can respond. He may have asked, but it’s an order, not a question. Mr. Eve opens the door of his office, and indicates for me to proceed him. I do so and take a seat, watching as he sits on his desk. I’m thrown by his choice, having assumed he’d sit in his chair, as his scent invades my senses. I attempt not to squirm under his gaze as he silently stares at me, and when he breaks it, I’m sure I misunderstood him. “I need you.”


  “I’m sure you’ve noticed how quickly you’ve risen through the ranks.” I nod, letting him know I have. “You do a great job, and it deserved to be rewarded.”

  “Thank you, sir. I love working here.”

  “I’m glad to hear that,” he states with a warm smile. “You’ve impressed me so much, I want to give you a preview of next year's sportswear and equipment that recently came out of R&D.”

  “That’s amazing! I’d love to see it. And it would make marketing it much easier.”

  “I want to jump on the new line as soon as possible, and treat you for all your hard work, so you’ll be spending your vacation at my private cabin in the mountains.”

  I can barely contain my smile at the news. A getaway at a beautiful winter wonderland sounds perfect, and, despite living in Colorado for years, I've never spent any time up there “Mr. Eve, I can't thank you enough.”

  “And I’m coming with you.” My expression must tell him how I feel about that bomb because he starts laughing. “You didn't think I'd leave you stranded with all that and not show you how to use it, did you?”

  With a nervous chuckle, I reply, “I guess not.”

  He stands and reaches for my hand, helping me to my feet. “Trust me, this will be a holiday you’ll never forget,” he promises with a wink.

  My cheeks burn from the action, warning me I’m in trouble, but he is right about one thing.

  One way or another, this will be an experience to remember.

  Chapter 3


  Driving to Joy’s apartment building the next morning, I’m finding it hard to contain my smile, though I try because I know she’s nervous, not to mention more than likely less than enthused we’re spending the holiday together. Pulling up, I find her already outside and jump out to help with her luggage. “Good morning, Joy!” She’s staring at me in shock, which means I haven’t toned down my eagerness enough. Then again, I’m known for being reserved around the office, so her reaction is understandable.

  “Good morning, Mr. Eve,” she says, my happiness lessening at the formality of her greeting.

  As I step closer and lean toward her, I catch the
scent of vanilla and roses, and whisper against her ear, “Gabriel.” When I back up, a small smile spreads across her face and she repeats it, the sound of it pouring from her lips has me rock hard in a second. The wait for her has been unbearable, but the realization it’s almost over is the only thing stopping me from taking her now. Well, that and the fact we’re in public. No one sees her that way but me. Opening the passenger side, I help her in, telling her to get warm while I handle her bags. Once that’s taken care of, I slide into my seat and glance at her, asking, “Ready?” Despite her name, she certainly doesn’t appear to be full of it in this moment being Joy she sure doesn’t look joyful. Oh sweetheart, you have no idea how both of our lives are about to change.

  We drive in silence for a bit, but as we pass through one neighborhood with decorations on every house, I see her frown from the corner of my eye, and realize this isn’t the first time she’s done that. “You don’t like Christmas, do you?”

  She sighs, and answers with her own question. “Is it that obvious?”

  “Well, you're not as jolly as some at work,” I respond, smiling when I hear her laugh.

  “I didn’t have the best childhood. My parents are like oil and vinegar. They’re hostile and emotionally abusive, and didn’t see the problem with using me as a pawn. This time of year was the worst. Eventually, I grew resentful of the holiday.”

  “I’m sorry you had to go through that,” I tell her, meaning it. Heart hurting for her, I take her hand and give it a comforting squeeze, all the while wondering how parents could do that to their own child. “Did they eventually divorce?”

  Her laugh contains no humor as she says, “The same week I moved out. Wish they would’ve had the decency to do it earlier, though to be honest, I don’t know which parent would have been the better option.” She shakes her head, maybe to dispel the bad memories, and adds, “I’ve seen your mother decorate the office, so I know it’s different in your family.”

  “My family is big on celebrating, always have been.”

  “Sorry you're stuck working with me instead of being with them,” she apologizes, her tone that of defeat. I can’t have that, and once more grab her hand, giving it a light kiss which causes her cheeks to turn pink.

  “I’m not. I want to spend time with you. Besides, maybe I can finally give you the Christmas you’ve always dreamed of.” At that, she gently pulls away, my boldness no doubt suddenly making her shy. I give her the space she needs for now, and the rest of the drive is filled with small talk – hobbies, favorite shows, movies, and anything else I can think of to get to know her.

  “Wow,” she says, almost in awe as she takes it all in. “It looks like it belongs in a fairy tale.”

  “I had it built years ago.” It’s made entirely of wood and has two stories. The trees surrounding it make it seem as if it’s an actual escape, which was my intention, and there’s no one else for miles. “Come on, I’ll show you around.” Gathering our bags, I lead the way, and give her a tour once we’re inside, ending with the master bedroom. “You have everything you need here, along with a killer view,” I inform her as I open the double doors for the private deck, the vantage point giving a view of the valley, mountains, and trees below.

  “It’s like a dream, Mr. Eve.” I give her a stern look at that, and she corrects herself. “Gabriel.” Smiling, I offer to make lunch while she gets settled, then suggest a hike afterward to test out some of the gear. The wide smile on her face is so beautiful I can barely stand it. I need to get out of this room before her eyes travel south and discover the impact she has on me. “That’s a lovely idea. Thank you, Gabriel.”

  With that, I quickly leave the room, shutting the door behind me, and lean against it while I try to regain my composure. I honestly don’t know how much longer I can stand the distance between us, but I intend to use the few days I have to show her what she means to me.

  Chapter 4


  As soon as Gabriel shuts the door, I collapse on the bed, the feelings swirling inside me wreaking havoc on me. I swear my hand is still tingling from the kiss he gave it. He’s like a different person than the one I see at the office. Did something shift between us that I’m unaware of? Is this the non-boss version? I’m not sure what’s going on, but either way, I need to focus on why we’re here, not daydream about why I wish we were.

  Standing, I change clothes then move to the bathroom where I wash my face, hoping to cool myself off before returning to the main floor. I’m surprised by the spread Gabriel has prepared, wondering how he was able to do so as I thought this was a last-minute idea to come.

  “I can't possibly consume that much,” I inform him, to which he merely smiles, something I’ve noticed he’s done more of since picking me up.

  “You’ll need your strength for the alpine trail. It’s perfect for testing the snowshoes.” Nodding, I take a seat and load my plate. Lunch goes smoothly, no awkward lulls or conversation, and I assume it’s because I’m starting to feel more comfortable around him. The distance I was just telling myself I needed to keep for my sanity is starting to seem impossible. Once we clean up, Gabriel helps me zip my jacket, his fingers lingering a bit longer than they need to, not that I’m complaining. His face is mere inches from mine, and I have the urge to kiss him, but I step back and pick up the hat and gloves he set out for me.

  “Shall we?” I ask, trying to play off the intimate moment. I can tell he doesn’t like that I moved away, but why? That’s a question for another time as he grabs his gear and we head out. For the next few hours, we test not only the snowshoes, but also a winter-proof camera, solar power phone charger, and a bunch of cold weather gadgets. When we finally reach the peak, the view is breathtaking and I whisper with reverence, “This must be what heaven looks like.” Everything is so white and pure, appearing almost magical, and it’s hard not to feel emotional. I turn, expecting to see Gabriel just as affected as I am, however, his eyes are focused elsewhere.

  “When I look at you, I sometimes feel as if I’ve died and gone there because you remind me of an angel,” he admits, and my heart starts to beat faster and his nearness, his words. He’s so close, I can feel his breath on my lips, and before I know what’s happening, they crash down on mine, eradicating any coldness I was feeling. I can’t help but respond, moving eagerly to return the kiss. He wraps his arms around me, and I give his tongue access, moaning as he thrusts it inside. I’ve never felt this way, this need for another, and that thought realization terrifies me.

  A bitter gust of wind hits, interrupting us, and he reluctantly ends the kiss, his brown eyes full of passion as he stares at me. “There’s a storm coming,” he says, not sounding the least bit concerned. “We should get back before it hits.”

  I can’t do anything besides nod, unable to speak yet. He holds my hand and we retrace our steps, my mind fixated on what we did the whole time.

  Once inside, we remove our gear, and I attempt to make small talk, unsure how to handle this. “That hit quickly,” I say, referring to the wind howling beyond the walls and the snow that started blowing like crazy within minutes.

  “That can happen here.” Then he gives me a kiss on my cheek and suggests, “I’ll get a fire started while you change. I laid out some of the new winter sleepwear on your bed to try.”

  I was expecting a two piece flannel similar to what we recently sold, but find an ankle length nightgown instead. It feels like silk on the outside, yet the inside is a super soft fabric, and it has long sleeves with a deep v neck. Once I have it on, I slide the matching slippers on the head downstairs where I see Gabriel kneeling in front of the fire, using a poker to move some logs. He must’ve changed while I was doing the same as he’s now wearing a pair of sweats and a T-shirt. He smiles when he sees me and informs me that I have perfect timing.

  “I have some food and wine as well, if you’d like.” Admitting I’d love to, I walk closer and discover a large rug covering the floor near the fire, along with a tray of berrie
s and the glasses. It’s a romantic setting every woman dreams about experiencing. I join him, taking a generous sip, and tell him it tastes wonderful just as the wind picks up, rattling the door. The lights flicker a couple times, then eventually go out.

  Nervous as we're literally in the middle of nowhere, I ask, “Are you sure we’re okay here?”

  “Yes. This cabin has withstood a lot worse. Trust me,” he reassures me with a smile. I relax a little at that, until he adds, “Besides, this is going exactly as planned.” Confused, I laugh, the wine I’ve had making it a little easier to do so, and joke about him having something to do with the storm hitting. “Well, I knew it was coming, and arranged for us to be here when it did.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “I’ve waited five months for this chance. We’re trapped.” I parrot the last word, positive I’m misunderstanding him, but he simply nods, seeming quite proud of himself. “For the remainder of the holiday.” Perhaps the fact my boss essentially just admitted to orchestrating what amounts to kidnapping should worry me, but it doesn’t. I’m too busy trying to contain the reaction this news is having on me. Yes, we’re stuck here for a while, but I’m finding that I like the idea very much. Is it a trap if I want to be here?

  Chapter 5


  I need to lay all my cards on the table now, otherwise, I risk losing her, so I tell her, “I’ve wanted you since the moment I saw you, and I’ve been waiting for this day to come.” She asks again about the lengths I went to in order to get her here. “Yes. I didn’t want you to run away from me.” She stares at me for the longest time, then takes a generous drink of her wine. “It was love at first sight, just like it was for my parents. I’ve waited my whole life for you, and I wasn’t giving you a chance to escape when I made my confession.”


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