Holiday Trap

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Holiday Trap Page 3

by May Gordon

  “I’m glad to hear that because we’ll be coming here a lot. This will be our second home, and I want nothing but good memories within these walls.”

  I’m overwhelmed, but not in a bad way. This time, it’s with the love radiating from him. He drops to one knee and I suck in a deep breath, knowing what’s happening, yet I still ask, “What are you doing?”

  He pulls out a red velvet box and opens it, and the ring inside reminds me of Princess Diana's. “I love you with all my heart and I knew the minute I saw you that you were meant to be mine. I just needed you to realize it, too. And now that you do, I’m not waiting another second to do this.” He stops, the emotions getting to him, then continues once he can, “Joy Lane, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

  “Yes!” I answer without hesitation.

  He slips the ring on my finger, and stands, pulling me into his arms and kissing me. “Thank you for making this the best Christmas ever.” I’m crying from the happiness I feel in this moment, still in awe he did all this for me.

  “And thank you for changing my life.”

  Chapter 9

  Gabriel- Christmas Day…

  I sneak out of bed, trying my best not to disturb Joy. She’s cuddled under the covers except for her left hand that’s sticking out, her engagement ring on full display, and I grin as I remember how cool the band felt on my skin last night as we made love. She’s going to be my wife, which was my end goal for this trip. Today. That’s right, I’ve been planning our wedding this whole time, and I still have a lot of work to do.

  It’s almost six by the time I get downstairs, and I’m more than eager to get started, not at all surprised to find my parents already in the kitchen and the coffee made.

  My mom practically jumps out of her chair and rushes forward to give me a hug when she sees me. “I’m so happy for you! Happy wedding day!” She shouts, bouncing in excitement.

  “How do you know she said yes?”

  “Oh please, a mother knows.”

  “And she found the empty ring box on the coffee table,” dad chimes in, ratting her out.

  “I knew before that,” she scolds him. “It's finally coming together, but we need to get moving. People should be arriving soon to set up.”

  “Can I at least eat first?” I can't help but laugh at her.

  “Of course, you need your strength. And don’t worry, I’ll take care of everything.” Following a quick meal, I check the weather, pleased to see a blue sky with no hint of a storm brewing and the temperature has definitely improved. Taking a minute, I sigh, words unable to describe how thankful I am Joy said yes. Mom, ready to get going, suggests, “Why don’t you wake up the bride and let her know breakfast is ready?”

  “Sure, mom. Right after I tell her it’s her wedding day,” I tease with a smile. Gulping down the last of my coffee, I pour some for Joy and carry it upstairs. Setting it on the nightstand, I kiss the top of her head, and she stirs a second later. She greets me, and I return it, then point at the mug, informing her she’ll need the caffeine as we have a busy day ahead of us.

  She sits up and takes a drinks, asking, “It’s Christmas. Aren’t we supposed to relax?”

  “Well, we could, except it’s also our wedding day.”

  “Say what now?” She blinks at me in confusion. “You can’t be serious.” I take her left hand and wave it in her face, reminding her she already said yes. “But I wasn’t expecting it to happen this soon. How is it even possible? We haven’t done anything.”

  “We haven’t, but I have been for months, and I refuse to wait another day.”

  She stares at me in shock, then calmly states, “I guess I’m getting married today?”

  “You are,” I confirm, relieved she’s taking it so well. I can tell she’s about to start asking questions, her brain going a mile a minute, and silence her with a kiss, then reassure her, “Everything is taken care of. All you have to do is let yourself be pampered and marry me.”

  “Those are my only tasks?”

  “That’s it. Now get downstairs and enjoy the breakfast my mom made you.”

  “Is this really happening?” She asks, and I have the feeling I wasn’t supposed to hear it, but I did, and I don’t hesitate to let her know it is.

  “You better get ready soon-to-be Mrs. Eve,” I remind her, then quickly leave the room. I was prepared for a battle to get her to agree, and I’m very thankful she seems just as impatient to officially become mine as I am to be hers.

  Chapter 10


  Pure and utter chaos surrounded me the minute I stepped into the kitchen. Sheila is going at full-speed, people are coming and going from the house, and workers are setting things up outside. Soon after, a team of women shuffled me to the room and told me to take a shower while they got ready for me.

  Once I was clean and dry, I was given a massage, followed by a manicure and pedicure, then my hair was done, and lastly, my makeup. As I slip into my dress, I’m in awe at how perfect Gabriel and his mom did in having it designed specifically for me. It’s white, of course, with long sleeves made of lace with blue flowers embroidered on them and along the trim. Paired with my silver hair, the color combination is striking and elegant.

  “It’s perfect,” I whisper as I look in the mirror. “How did he know?”

  “Robert and I found each other early in life, and my biggest fear was that our son wouldn’t be as lucky. I started to worry when he turned thirty-five, but that next week he came home and told us he’d found his one, and that was the day he saw you,” Sheila responds.

  “One look and he knew? How?”

  “It’s called love at first sight, dear.”

  A thought hits, and I beg her, “Please tell me my parents aren’t coming.” I know they’ll cause a huge scene and ruin this day for me, forever tainting the memories of my wedding.

  “I tried to get in contact with them numerous times, but they never answered. I’m sorry,” she apologizes with a sympathetic look, clearly not understanding my statement.

  “No, that’s a good thing. We aren’t close, and I honestly don’t want them here.”

  “Well, you have a family that you can count on now,” then she hands me a bouquet of blue roses and helps me into a white faux fur coat. “Are you ready?” I fiddle with the flowers, suddenly nervous of how fast this has all happened. Sheila steadies my hands, her smile instantly soothing me, as she says, “Everything will be fine.”

  When we step outside, I’m amazed by the transformation Gabriel was able to make happen in such a short amount of time. Then again, according to him, this has been in the works for months, he was just waiting on me. It’s a rustic fairy tale full of wooden chairs, garland draped in the trees, as are red ribbons and white lights, and the view of the mountain serves as a stunning backdrop. I see people from the office, as well as friends from the gym and the few from school I’ve kept in contact with.

  Sheila takes her seat beside Robert, and I wait a second before beginning my walk down the aisle. I start to panic when I don’t see Gabriel, and then his hand takes mine.

  He looks at me with such warmth in his eyes, I tear up. “You're about to be my wife, Joy. I don’t plan to ever again let you walk alone in the world.” And it slides down my cheek at his sweet words, and he catches it with his thumb. “This is supposed to be a happy occasion. Don’t cry.”

  “I’m not making any promises,” I joke.

  “Shall we?” He asks, indicating the priest waiting for us.

  “Let’s do this.”

  The violin plays and we walk hand in hand down the aisle. The ceremony is short and sweet as he didn’t want to stay outside too long. Afterward, everyone heads for the cabin or the tents Gabriel had set up as the photographer took photos of us near the cliff.

  “Are there any more you wanted?” Gabriel asks, and I shake my head no. “We should go in then. You had your coat off for most of the pictures, and you look cold,” he says, placing the jacket of his
blue suit around my shoulders.

  “Just a few more minutes, please. I want to take it all in.”

  “Your wish is my command, Mrs. Eve,” he responds, pulling me closer and sharing his warmth. “Was it everything you hoped for?”

  “It was so much more, husband,” I assure him, turning in his arms to give him a passionate kiss. “I love you so much.”

  “I love you, too.”

  “Merry Christmas, Gabriel.”

  “Merry Christmas, Joy. Thank you for making this the best one yet.”

  Half-joking, I say, “I’ll see if I can top it next year.”

  “Oh, I guarantee it’ll be better because I plan to have you knocked up by New Year’s.” At the rate we’re going, I have no doubt he’s right, and the thought of a baby makes me smile.

  Thanks to Gabriel, I know Christmas is something to look forward to and celebrate.

  Epilogue 1


  Christmas Day – five years later…

  I sneak downstairs with the kids, trying to keep them as quiet as possible, but they’re too excited. They’re like this every year, not that I can blame them.

  “Daddy, gifts?” Holly, our two-year-old, asks, to which her brother scolds her.

  “You know the rules. Breakfast first.” At four, Gabe takes his role as the oldest seriously.

  “Shhh,” I remind them. “Mommy is still asleep with your little sister.” That helps them stay somewhat quiet. We come to that cabin every year at this time, and I always get up early, letting Joy and my parents rest, while I cook for us. It’s become our tradition, and I enjoy the quality time I get to spend with the kids now that they’re a part of it.

  “Daddy, gifts?” Holly asks for what seems like the millionth time.

  “Almost, baby. Why don’t you wake up your mommy, grandpa, and grandma?.” She bolts from the room the second the last word leaves my mouth.

  “Dad, can we try the new snowmobile? Maybe go up the trail again.”

  “Sure, son. After we open our presents and you spend some time with your grandparents.”

  “Maybe I can join you,” dad suggests as he joins us.

  “Grandpa, are you sure you're not too old?” He asks with a giggle.

  “Not to whip your butt, boy.”

  Mom follows, Holly in her arms, and greets us with a, “Merry Christmas.”

  “Is Joy awake?”

  “Yes, she’s changing Mary.” That would be our youngest who is only a few months. I prepare plates for the kids, then give them juice, just as Joy walks in with Mary. I take Mary and set her in the high chair, then pull a chair out for Joy, giving her a good morning kiss before she sits.

  “Merry Christmas, Joy,” I whisper in her ear.

  “Merry Christmas, Gabriel.” Taking my seat beside her, I load our plates, and the food is quickly devoured as Gabe and Holly are in a hurry to tear into their presents.

  “They lasted longer than I thought they would,” Joy states with a smile.

  Mom laughs, declaring, “We better get in there before they open all of them.”

  We gather in the living room, Joy and the baby snuggled against me, and we watch in amusement as my parents try to corral the kids. These last five years have been wonderful. She’s made my life easier, not to mention a thousand times better. We work together every day, then come home and raise our children the same way. Once we started our family, I added a line for sportswear and equipment for the kids, and business has grown. One day, I hope to pass the reins to my kids, and eventually my grandchildren.

  Joy sighs, the sound one of contentment, and I ask, “Happy?”

  Her blue eyes are so full of love as they look at me. “Since the day you brought me to this very cabin,” she answers with a wink. I kiss her forehead and we watch the kids, their excitement contagious. Love and family, this is what life is about, and I’m lucky enough to have both.

  Epilogue 2


  Christmas Day – ten years after meeting…

  I giggle as Gabriel feeds me another strawberry, then kisses me with a growl, declaring, “You taste amazing,” as his hands slip beneath the water and glide over my body.

  “I’m sure it’s the strawberries and champagne,” I correct him.

  “Years of experience tell me it’s you,” he states with a grin as he flicks my nipples. Gabriel’s parents took our kids to the parade held in the small town near the cabin, giving us to have some alone time. To Gabriel, that means getting naked in the hot tub. Not that I blame him as it’s something we don’t get to do as much anymore with three children and a business to run. Wrapping my wet arms around his neck, I straddle him, loving the feel of his chest hair against my breasts. “If you don’t stop, you’ll end up pregnant,” he threatens.

  I kiss him again, fully intending to take advantage of a quiet evening. “Maybe that’s my plan. What do you say we move this to the bedroom?”

  “Don’t have to ask me twice,” he grins, already standing, holding me steady until I gain my footing, and that’s when he sets the fluffy robe across my shoulders. As we head inside, I can’t help but glance at all the Christmas decorations, most handmade by the kids, and the sight of it makes my heart happy. I tried to reconnect with my parents a few years ago, but after one lunch together where they caused a huge scene, I knew I was done. Honestly, it doesn’t even feel as if I’ve lost anything seeing as how I never had it with them. In fact, it feels like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders. Besides, Sheila and Robert have gone above and beyond to fill the role of mom and dad, never failing to let me know they love me.

  Gabriel suddenly picks me up bridal style, making me giggle. “Gabriel!”

  “Shh, let me take care of you,” he pleads, and I instantly agree, which has him chuckling.

  He was right that first time we made the drive up here when he mentioned giving me the Christmas I’d always dreamed about, and each year is better than the last.

  Life is perfect, and it’s all because of a holiday trap.

  About the Author

  May Gordon

  Warning: Sweet, sexy and safe read! Happily ever after guaranteed! This author writes what she likes to read. That means there will be instalove, OTT Heroes, and, brace yourselves, virgin characters at times. If none of those float your boat, you might want to find another book. If they do, you're in the right place.

  More Books

  Second Chances

  Prisoners of Love (Book 1)

  Road to Redemptions (Book 2)

  Set Free (Book 3)

  Missing Piece (Book 4)

  Crime Kings

  Dark Souls (Book 1)

  Fighting Irish (Book 2)

  Red Willow (Book 3)

  Deep Devotion (Book 4)

  Sheltered Spirits (Book 5)

  Forced Vows (Book 6)

  Cherished Love (Book 7)

  Bosses In Love

  Their Salvation (Book 1)

  Love and Lies (Book 2)

  Perfectly Suited (Book 3)


  Cannon (Book 1)

  Phoenix (Book 2)

  Stone (Book 3)

  Lost Memories

  Mended Hearts (Book 1)

  Linked Hearts (Book 2)

  Scarred Hearts (Book 3)


  Haunted Desire (Book 1)

  Haunted Passion (Book 2)

  Forever Safe Series

  July’s Love

  Love’s Valley Duet




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