Riley's Pride

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Riley's Pride Page 11

by Sandra R Neeley

  “Not until you calm the fuck down and apologize for bulldozing your way into my house.”

  “Is there a problem, Travis?” Scotty asked.

  Travis’ eyes searched the room for his brother. Then he focused on the big Bear that had been holding Libby, before bellowing, “Put mine down!” pinning Lucas with a death stare.

  Lucas had just set Libby on her feet and looked at the pissed-off Tiger like he’d lost his mind. “Man, I’m not holding her,” Lucas said, his eyebrows raised.

  Travis looked from Lucas to Libby, then back to Lucas, realizing he was a bit late.

  “Do not fucking touch my Mate.”

  Riley had had enough, and got in Travis’ face again, “Do not fucking tell my people what they can and cannot do. Both are under my protection. Neither fucking answer to you, and the last time I checked, Libby was not claimed.”

  Travis locked eyes with Riley, a low rumble pouring from his chest. His eyes daring Riley to continue with the Alpha bullshit.

  Riley surprised Travis when he grinned — a sinister grin, “Go ahead. Been looking for an outlet for my frustration. But when you’re lying on your ass in front of God and everybody, don’t forget you started it.”

  Scotty decided he needed to defuse this before he wasn’t allowed to be near Riley or his Pride. He said, “She fell. I saw it, Travis. Lucas just caught her. That’s all. She would have been hurt if he didn’t catch her.”

  Travis’ Tiger let out a bit more of a subdued snarl, a crackling rumble really, from the depths of his chest. Travis took a deep breath, and let it out slowly. Then he did it again, visibly trying to regain his self-control.

  “I’m not yours, Travis,” Libby said defiantly.

  Travis’ head whipped around to hers, and Riley said in a tone that brooked no argument, “Not right now, Libby.”

  Libby’s eyes met Riley’s, “Yes, Alpha.”

  She turned and moved across the room, then sat on the floor beside Cristie who was busy picking out the next ornament she wanted to hang on the tree.

  Travis was tense, and Lucas was tense. Scotty looked stricken to be in the middle of all the drama caused by his brother.

  Riley was not an unreasonable man, and was himself dealing with issues with his own Mate. He understood the frustration the Tiger was dealing with. “Now, you have a choice. You can calm the fuck down, apologize and join us - while controlling yourself and respecting my home and my people. Or you can turn your ass around, get back in your truck and go back where you came from. Your choice, I really don’t give a damn which you choose. But you will remember that this is your last warning. You come back in my house with that shit, and you will get no warning.”

  Travis’ eyes were locked with Riley’s. And he took a moment before he answered, “I apologize for my behavior. I was wrong and meant no disrespect to you or your home. I lost my head.”

  Riley regarded him for a moment; then, he inclined his head one time. “Happens to the best of us. Apology accepted.”

  “You’re welcome to stay, or you can go. But you will not ruin this night for us. My baby’s been looking forward to it all day.”

  Travis nodded. “I understand.” He looked around the room, pointedly avoiding Libby’s eyes. “I’m sorry for my assumption and my outburst,” he said to Lucas.

  “Not necessary. But thank you just the same,” Lucas responded.

  Travis turned and faced Riley again, “You sure you don’t mind if I stay?”

  “Nope, not at all. Richie, get the male some hot chocolate. Travis, pick an ornament, and find a place to hang it.”

  Travis took a few steps further into the room.

  Though he’d said an apology wasn’t necessary, Lucas didn’t move — he was still on alert.

  “You know Lucas?” Riley asked. “He’s staying here for a while. Joined us for a bit, but hasn’t decided if he’s staying here permanently or not.”

  “Yeah, I know of him. Seen him around.” He held his hand out toward Lucas for him to shake, “I am truly sorry. I should not have lost control.”

  “It’s all good. I understand,” Lucas answered.

  Richie came back with a steaming mug of hot chocolate for Travis. “Here you go, Travis. It’s my special recipe. Hope you enjoy it.”

  “Thanks, Richie,” he said, taking a sip. He looked around, chose an ornament and walked over to hang it on the tree, his limp more apparent since he’d charged up the stairs and across the porch to Riley’s door. As he reached out and hung his ornament, his shirt sleeve pulled up and Lucas saw it — a tattoo that identified him as a Green Beret on his forearm.

  “Where did you serve?” Lucas asked.

  Travis looked at Lucas, who pulled back the sleeve of his long sleeved t-shirt, displaying his own military tattoo.

  “Afghanistan. You?” Travis answered, recognizing a brother in arms.

  “Same, the last three tours. The first two I was in a couple of different places,” Lucas said.

  “I was there for only one and a half tours.” He indicated his leg, “They sent me home. Said I wasn’t much good to them anymore,” Travis said, snidely.

  “Yeah, they’re good for deciding when they’re done with you,” Lucas said. Then, “Thank you for your service.”

  “And you,” Travis said.

  Since they’d realized they had something in common, they took their new found camaraderie to the couch and sat, continuing the conversation.

  “You okay?” Richie asked Libby.

  “Yeah. I’m alright,” she answered, shooting a glare across the room at Travis, who from time to time snuck a peek at her.

  “You know, he cares about you,” Richie said.

  She shook her head, “No, he doesn’t. He’s made his choice. I’m just like an old car now.”

  Richie laughed, “An old car?”

  “Yes, an old car. He doesn’t want to drive me anymore, but doesn’t want anyone else to drive me either. He just wants to keep me parked around back, so he can look at me and remember when, from time to time,” Libby said, her irritation clear.

  Richie chuckled, “I’ve never heard it put quite like that before.”

  “Well, it’s accurate, don’t you think?” she said, giggling.

  “I don’t know. I don’t know him. But it’s a very clear analogy. And for the record, I’m pretty sure that whatever he thought about the two of you, he’s rethinking now. You sure you aren’t his?” Richie asked.

  Libby didn’t look up, “When I was a kid, I hoped every night before I went to sleep that one day he’d call me his. And he did. Then every moment of every day that he was away, I kept a running prayer for his safety and his return. And he came back. But every moment since he got home, he’s made it painfully clear that I’m no longer a part of his plan.” She looked up then, to meet Richie’s eyes, “I am more than sure that I’m not his. No matter how badly I may have wanted it, he’s decided that I’m not.”

  Cristie’s laugh carried through the living room, and everybody turned their attention to the little girl riding her doddy’s shoulders. He walked her over to the tree and waited while she placed the star on top of the tree. “You got it? Is it on tight?” Riley asked.

  “Help, Doddy.”

  Riley reached up and pressed the star down on to the top branch a little more snugly. “There we go. All finished.”

  He placed Cristie on her feet, “What do you think? Is it perfect?”

  Cristie clapped her hands, “Yes! Pretty!”

  “Alright then, only one more show to watch and it’s bedtime. How about Rudolph?” Riley asked.

  “Yes! I like de bumble!” Cristie cheered.

  “The bumble it is,” Riley said as he put the Rudolph DVD into the DVD player.

  The bumble had finished, and so had Frosty that Cristie had managed to beg out of Riley. The decorating of the first official Christmas tree in their new home was completed.

  Richie was picking up the mugs and snacks still in the living room

  “Time for a bath, little girl,” Riley said to Cristie.

  “I can do it,” Libby said.

  Riley looked at Libby, “You sure?”

  “Yeah, I have to work tomorrow, so I won’t be able to come by. I’ll miss her. Besides, your friends are still here. Let me do it.”

  “Alright, thanks, Libs,” Riley said. “Call me if you need me. She can be a handful.”

  Libby laughed, “Of course she can. One day she’s going to run things around here.”

  Riley watched as Libby carried Cristie upstairs for her bath. When he turned back to the living room, Travis was also staring after Libby.

  Lucas, watching Travis stare after her, said, “You know, it’s none of my business, but if she is definitely yours, maybe you should let her know about it.”

  “She was mine. But then, things changed for me while I was away. After I came back, I just couldn’t face her.”

  “Why? You have another while you were gone? Break your bond?”

  “No. Nothing like that. We haven’t actually established our bond. Always knew we belonged together. But, I just couldn’t tie her to me once I got back.”

  “Is she yours or not?” Lucas pressed.

  “Was supposed to be. But, I’m not the man I used to be,”

  “You’re a man, you’re breathing.”

  “She doesn’t deserve to be saddled with me and my disabilities.”

  “No offense, but maybe you should let her decide that.”

  Travis looked at Lucas, his Tiger pacing behind his eyes.

  Lucas held his stance, not backing away or down.

  Neither moved, neither spoke.

  Richie, ever the peacemaker, moved between the two, shoving a platter that had once held cookies and fudge at Lucas, “Here, take this to the kitchen,” he said forcefully.

  Lucas barely allowed one corner of his mouth to lift into a sarcastic smile, “Sure thing, Two.”

  He popped what was the corner of one of the long gone cookies into his mouth before stepping away to move toward the kitchen. His voice could clearly be heard saying, “Man wants to claim something for his own, he better claim it before another man realizes its value. Otherwise, he needs to keep his damn mouth shut.”

  A rumble left Travis’ chest just at the same time Riley said, “That’s enough. Tone it down.”

  Lucas’ voice called from the kitchen, “You got it, One.”

  Gradually Travis’ rumble died off.

  “You know, you have to pick a side, right?” Riley asked Travis.

  “What?” Travis snapped.

  “You cannot come barreling into my home, demanding that Libby is yours and nobody should be near her, if you’re not willing to man-up and make her yours. You can’t ride the line like that. It’s not fair to her, and it’s not fair to you.”

  Travis lifted his hand to his chin, rubbing, then pressing both hands to his eyes, “Yeah, I know. I’m so fucking broken.”

  “Hah! No, you want to see broken? I can show you broken. A woman kept captive all her life, doesn’t even know what the hell her animal is. But she never stopped. She fought, every fucking day. She fought, and she never accepted any less than she was able to grab with both hands. She grew, she got stronger, and she realized the people around her made her stronger. And now she rules over a clan with her Alpha Mate. Only person in that clan more Alpha than her Mate, is her. You? You’re not broken. Yeah, you suffer, you’re in pain, and I know it fucking sucks. But you’re lost, not broken. Thrown off track. But nothing that can’t be fixed. Maybe you need to rethink your approach, life threw you a curve — overcome it, be stronger, or you just may miss all the blessings begging for your attention, just waiting for you to allow them to make your life richer,” Riley said, before walking over to the door and opening it. He leaned on it and said, “Thanks for coming, Travis. You’re welcome here anytime. But check your poor me attitude at the door when you come. Nobody ever has anything handed to them. You want something, fight for it.”

  Travis met Riley’s eyes for a moment longer before nodding and heading out of the door. Scotty followed him, stopping to shake Riley’s hand, “Thank you, Alpha. I had a nice time tonight.”

  “You’re welcome, Scotty. I’m glad you came. Think you can get all your studies caught up, and your chores done around the farm before the weekend?”

  “Yeah, I can. Except for the chores that morning, but I can get those done quick.”

  “Good. We’re gonna start hitting it hard Saturday morning, we’d really appreciate your help, if it’s alright with your brother.”

  “Yes! I’ll be here! I’ll make sure I do everything I need to so I can come.”

  “Great, we’ll see you Saturday, then.”

  Riley was about to close the door when he heard Travis’ voice, “What was her animal?”

  Riley turned to look at Travis standing on the porch, waiting for his answer. He knew Travis was asking because it was difficult for an Alpha animal to accept an injury that they felt made them weaker. If she was a smaller animal, he’d write it off as she was used to settling. He smiled slightly when he said, “She is an Ice-Dragon. A queen. But she’d never been allowed to shift so she didn’t know. She is one of the most magnificent creatures you’ll ever see. Strong, proud, yet humble — so amazed by the simple things in life that most take for granted. Had she not had so much to overcome she may not be the person she is today.”

  “No shit?!” Scotty asked.

  “No shit. Maybe you’ll meet her one day,” Riley told Scotty.

  Travis nodded once, then turned to make his way slowly down the stairs. He didn’t like that Riley spoke to him as though he was a child, but he’d made some good points. He had a lot of reassessing he needed to do.

  Chapter 13

  Libby came downstairs a while later after tucking Cristie into bed, “She’s asleep. All tucked in and snuggling with her puppy. It’s cute she named it Puppy.”

  Riley smiled sadly, “She’s not saying puppy. She’s saying Poppy.”

  “Oh! No wonder she gets frustrated with me when I say puppy.”

  “Yeah, she loves Poppy,” Riley said, softly.

  “Who’s Poppy?” Libby asked.

  Riley looked at Libby, thinking it was none of her business, then realized she didn’t know how painful the subject was for him — it wasn’t her fault. “He’s my Mate’s father. Cristie called him Poppy.”

  Libby picked up on the tension in the room, “I’m sorry, Riley. I didn’t mean to cause you any stress.”

  “It’s all right. Not your fault.” Riley stood and walked over to her, “So, you coming back on Saturday?”

  “Yes, I’ll be here.”

  “I really appreciate it, Libby. It’s certainly a lot easier to get things done when you are here watching Cristie for me. I’d like to talk to you about maybe watching her full time. I’ll pay you, of course. I don’t expect you to do it for free. But she’s too young to go to school, and I am not putting her back in daycare.”

  “I don’t want money, Riley.”

  “Course, you do. You need to make a living.”

  “Well, yeah, but I could work part time at the grocery to cover my needs. I live in my parents’ house. They left it to me when they moved south. All I have is utilities and what little food I eat.”

  “You’d be willing to do that? Watch Cristie for me, and I could supplement your income. Whatever you’d give up by going part time at the grocery, plus some.”

  Libby shook her head, smiling shyly, “I said, I don’t want money.”

  “Then what do you want?”

  “I want to belong. I want to be a part of what you’re building here.”

  Riley’s face registered surprise.

  Libby saw it and started explaining quickly, “I know I’m human, but I heard you and Richie the other day, saying how your old clan had humans in it. And I wouldn’t be any trouble…”

  “Stop,” Riley said.

��And I’d always remain loyal and do whatever I could to…”

  “Stop! I said to stop,” Riley insisted.

  “But…” Libby started again.

  “You’re already a part of us, Libs. Didn’t you know that?” Riley asked, a soft smile on his face.

  “I… I am?”

  “’Course you are. You can ask Lucas if you don’t believe me. When he got here, I told him there were four in my Pride. Me, Richie, Cristie and you. Well, maybe I wasn’t so clear, but I said four, and I counted you among them.”

  “Really?” Libby asked, tears in her eyes.

  “Yeah, really. Silly woman!” Riley teased.

  Libby laughed, throwing herself into Riley’s arms. “Thank you, Alpha. Thank you!”

  “It’s Riley, and you earned your spot. Thank you for helping Cristie feel more secure here. And for helping us all acclimate. But, one thing remains to be done.”

  Libby let go of Riley and stepped back, waiting to see what Riley had in mind.

  Riley reached out, placing his hand on her neck, softly but firmly gripping her throat. He felt her heartbeat quicken, but she didn’t flinch in the least.

  “Do you pledge your loyalty to me, mine and our Pride?”

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  “Do you promise to protect to the best of your ability the same?” Riley asked.

  “I do,” Libby promised. “I will always be sure that I’m not a burden, and I’ll always call our Pride home.”

  “Welcome to our Pride, Libs.”

  “Thank you, Alpha Riley,” she said with tears in her eyes.

  “You alright?” he asked, brushing a tear away from her cheek bone.

  “Yes! Better than alright. Just been so long since I felt like I belonged anywhere.” She laughed, wiping her eyes with the backs of her sleeves. “I’m gonna go now, so I can get to work early tomorrow and let them know I’ll be going part time soon as possible.”

  “Alright. You drive safe, and hit me up if you have any issue. If you don’t let me know you made it home safe, I’ll come looking,” he said, holding his phone up for her to understand he meant for her to text him.

  “I will.”

  “Drive safe, Libs.”


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