Kissing Kendall: A Gone Wild Novel

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Kissing Kendall: A Gone Wild Novel Page 10

by Robert, Katee

  Alex dragged his hands over his face. Shower and food and a conversation with Lucas, if he could snag him. Alex had done some abandoning of his own on this cruise and, though he’d fully intended to really abandon the ship, it didn’t make him less of a jackass for doing it. Though Lucas was more than capable of hunting him down if he needed something, it didn’t make Alex’s actions any less shitty.

  Fifteen minutes later, he knocked on Lucas’s door. His friend answered, looking more relaxed than he’d seen him in recent memory. “Hey, stranger.”

  “Hey stranger, yourself.” He motioned vaguely down the hallway. “You going on the excursion today?”

  “Nah.” Lucas gave a slow grin that lit up his eyes. “I have plans.”

  “Plans,” Alex echoed. “So much for not taking advantage of the party cruise.”

  “You’re one to throw stones.” Luca laughed. “You’ve got freshly-fucked written all over you.” He shook his head. “We can plan to meet up for drinks later, or…”

  “No, no, don’t let me distract you from your vacation fling.” Having Lucas focused elsewhere meant Alex didn’t have the distraction he was hoping for, but he couldn’t begrudge his friend whatever joy he’d found on this cruise. “I’m going to spend the day relaxing.”

  Which was how Alex found himself in Cocoa Beach instead of doing literally anything else. He moved with the group he’d accidentally joined, his hands in his pockets, feeling a bit like a kindergartener. The idea of a water park or all the other activities they offered didn’t appeal, so he ended up on the “chill” side of the island, surveying a long beach with cabanas, lounge chairs, and other shit like that set up.

  Though Alex could barely look at the lounge chairs without thinking about Kendall riding his cock on one the other night. He clenched his jaw and adjusted his shorts. Relaxation. Right. Somehow, it had seemed like a good enough idea when he mentioned it, but now he had a full day laid out ahead of him and he was supposed to… sun himself?

  What the fuck was he even doing here?

  A flash of pink farther down the beach caught his eye and Alex went still. Even at this distance, he knew that body, had kissed his way along the curve of her waist, had gripped her lithe thighs, had buried his face in her now-barely-concealed pussy. Kendall.

  He started for her without having any intention of doing so. With each step, more details came into focus. The bright pink bikini that stood out against her pale skin. How little those scraps of fabric covered. The curves of her ass were mostly left bare, the suit cutting up in almost a V to its ties. She turned to say something to the pretty Asian woman next to her and he got a good look at the front of it.


  The suit dipped so low in the front, he could almost see her pussy. And the top’s triangles looked in danger of sliding out of place with one wrong move. He simultaneously wanted to throw a towel over her and fall to his knees and worship her right here and now.

  He should stop. Should turn around. Should walk away until he had control of himself, until he was sure he could act right in an interaction with her.

  Alex didn’t do any of those things. He marched up to her, stepping between her and the sun, and growled. “You didn’t say goodbye this morning.”

  “Ah!” Kendall jumped and, Jesus, he thought he might have to lunge forward to cover her breasts from a wardrobe malfunction before anyone saw. Thankfully—wretchedly—the fabric stayed in place. She took a step back and her hands fluttered at her sides. “Oh. Alex. It’s you.”

  He had absolutely no reason to be annoyed at her response. None at all. But he couldn’t help wanting some fucking acknowledgement. Something to indicate she was as messed up over him as he was over her. He turned to her friend and held out a hand. “We didn’t meet propertly before. I’m Alex.”

  “Grace,” she said slowly and gave him a solid handshake.

  “Need some help setting up?”

  She looked between them and arched her eyebrows. “Actually, I think I’m going to find a drink. I’ll be back… in fifteen minutes or so.”

  “Traitor,” Kendall hissed.

  And, yeah, that annoyed the shit out of Alex. First she snuck out, leaving that vague ass note, and now she obviously didn’t want to be alone with him. He started to say it was fine, that he’d leave, but Grace was gone before he had a chance, her confident stride creating distance between them quickly. He turned back to Kendall and crossed his arms over his chest. “You left.”

  “I left you a note.” She looked around like she expected an audience to gather, but no one was paying them the least bit of attention. “I’m trying to be reasonable.”

  This should be good. “Reasonable.”

  “Yes, reasonable. I booked this trip to reconnect with friends, and I’ve spent most of the time with you.” She propped her hands on her hips, and it was everything he could do to keep his gaze on her face. “Look, at the end of this you’re going back to Dawson’s Creek and I’m going back to New York, and while that is good and fine and whatever, I like being with you a lot and I needed some distance to get my head on straight.”

  Because she was falling for him.

  Just like he was falling for her.

  The realization should send him running for the hills. He knew what came after that initial blissful time. Reality. Shit would happen, life would worm its way through the cracks, and she’d realize this was all a mistake and leave. Then he’d be left picking up the pieces yet again. There were no guarantees in the future, nothing except the simple truth that the wheel always turned and it always sent people he cared about scattering before it. Away from him.

  Even as he laid out all the reasons he should turn around and walk away, Alex planted his feet. “Did it work?”

  She blinked. “Did what work?”

  “The distance. Did it get your head on straight?” He stepped closer and lowered his voice. “Or did you pick out that bikini hoping I’d see you in it and lose my fucking mind?”

  She tugged at the ties of her bottoms, as if that would do a damn thing to cover her more. “I bought this before I knew you.”

  That, he believed. “Did you wear it before today?”

  Her blush told him all he needed to know, but he wanted verbal confirmation, too. Finally, Kendall gave a jerky shake of her head. “No, I’ve never worn it before.” She didn’t quite look him in the face. “I was feeling good and confident so I put it on.”

  Being around this woman was like watching a flower bloom in real time. He had no illusions; he wasn’t the cause, not really. He was just the tool at hand she used to facilitate the growth. What a fucking privilege to play that role. He took another step closer. “And how do you feel right now while you’re wearing it?”

  “Really good,” she breathed. “I feel absolutely indecent.”

  “You look indecent.” He couldn’t help the rough edge in his voice. He didn’t want to. “I thought you were a nice girl, sweetheart, but you sure as hell seem intent on tormenting me.”

  Her lips curved. “I am a nice girl.”

  “Mmhmm.” He didn’t touch her. He didn’t trust himself to go that far when they stood in the middle of a beach full of people. “So nice you’re about to get a lump of coal for Christmas.”

  She laughed. “Strangely enough, I’m not even sorry.” Kendall trailed a single finger down his chest, tracing the faint line of his muscles. “How do you feel about hammocks?”

  Alex blinked. “What?”

  “I saw some advertised, but I think they’re a little back from the beach in the shade.” She gave another of those small, secret smiles. “I haven’t been on a hammock since I was a kid. Might be just the kind of experience this vacation needs.”

  He caught her hand, but forced his feet still. “What about your friend?”

  “Grace has an agenda for today, so she was going to be abandoning me before too long anyways.” She hesitated. “But you’re right. I should let her know.” She gripped his hand and dragged
him behind her to the bar where her friend had posted up. The woman gave them a significant look, but just shook her head as Kendall rattled off some excuse and then hauled Alex behind her toward the hammocks scattered just inside the tree line. They weren’t exactly private, but it seemed most people had gravitated to the beach and the bar, so the area surrounding them was mostly deserted.

  Kendall stopped in front of one, but Alex didn’t. He scooped her into his arms and turned around to sink carefully onto the network of interlaced rope. It gave beneath their weight, folding around them so they were cradled in it. “There.” He held still while she shifted so she could face him. “You have me in a hammock, sweetheart. Now what are you going to do with me?”

  Chapter 10

  This wasn’t part of the plan, but in that moment, Kendall decided that it didn’t matter. She had Alex for now and that had to be enough. Who cared if it didn’t check any boxes or make any kind of logical sense? She enjoyed every moment she spent with him, and she couldn’t say that about much else in her life these days.

  She laced her fingers through the hammock and used the hold to pull herself a little higher on Alex’s body until they were lined up perfectly. The give of the rope made it nearly impossible to straddle him effectively, but she made do. “Well, first thing’s first. I’m going to kiss you.” She waited a beat for him to nod and then did exactly that. It started out light and almost sweet, but she ached too much to let it stay there.

  Because Alex was right. This swimsuit, knowing he saw her in it and wanted her… It had her so twisted up, she might explode if she didn’t get relief soon. If she didn’t get him soon.

  He coasted his hands up her sides and urged her back a little. “I have to—” He used his thumbs to tug her top to either side, baring her breasts. “Christ, Kendall.” He sounded like he was in complete agony because of her, because he wanted her so desperately.

  She wanted him just as much. She felt crazed with it. Kendall kissed him again, dragging her breasts against his chest. It felt wicked. So incredibly wicked. The sensation was only heightened when Alex slid his hand down her spine and into her bottoms, reaching to push a single finger into her from behind. “Oh!”

  “I can’t get enough of you.” He dragged her higher on his chest and pushed a second finger into her. The new position allowed him access to her breasts and he wasted no time capturing one nipple and sucking hard. “You’re like a drug I don’t want to quit.”

  “I feel the same way,” she gasped. It was because of that vacation sex. It had to be. Surely she couldn’t possibly feel this strongly for a man she’d just met, no matter how skilled he was at coaxing orgasms from her.

  The hammock twisted, but she didn’t care. She didn’t care about anything but the way he made her feel. “I was supposed to get distance from you.”

  Alex leaned back enough to meet her gaze even as he kept fucking her slowly, thoroughly with his fingers. “Do you still want space, sweetheart?”

  “No,” she breathed. It took two tries to concentrate enough to keep speaking. “I want you to make me come…” She licked her lips. “And then I want to suck your cock.”

  His body went tight and still against hers. “What the lady wants, the lady gets.” He towed her back down to claim her mouth and then slipped his free hand between them to tug her bottoms to the side so he had access to her clit. Alex surrounded her, overwhelmed her, claimed her, and she couldn’t do anything but writhe against him as she kissed him with everything she had. Speaking words that had no business being voiced.

  Yes, yes, yes.

  Don’t stop.

  Please don’t ever stop.

  Even as part of her wanted to hold out, even after such a short time, Alex already knew her body too well. She came with a cry that he kissed from her lips and then he gentled his touch, bringing her back down to earth. It took the edge off, but only barely. And, this time, she wasn’t leaving him high and dry.

  Kendall ended up needing his help to climb out of the hammock safely, and Alex kept himself between her and the rest of the beach as she adjusted her swimsuit with shaking hands. It felt even more indecent than it had when she put it on this morning. Her blood pounded through her body with each heartbeat. Demanding more. Needing him.

  She urged Alex back onto the hammock, but this time sitting sideways so his feet rested on the ground. Kendall sank to her knees in front of him and licked her lips. “I’ve been thinking about this a lot.”

  “Oh yeah?” His voice came out strained and knowing she was the reason made her shiver.

  “Yeah.” She hooked her fingers into the top of his swim trunks and worked them down far enough to free his cock. As she dipped down, Alex sank his hands into her hair and gathered it up away from her face. Giving her free range of motion. Giving him a clear view of everything she planned on doing.

  She gave him a cautious stroke, but she was too impatient. Kendall licked her lips again and flicked her tongue out to taste him. He was so warm and smooth and hard and… Yeah, she needed more. She gave up on teasing and sucked him down hard, earning a strangled curse from Alex. His obviously fracturing control only made her needier, and so she gave herself over to sucking his cock. Her world narrowed down to the warm sand beneath her knees, to the coiled muscles of his thighs against her hands as he fought to hold still, to swallowing down as much of his hard length as she could. Over and over again.

  His grip tightened in her hair. “Sweetheart, you keep doing that and I’m going to come.”

  Good. She recognized the warning, though. Kendall forced herself to slow down and lift her head. Say what you want and I’ll give it to you. She gave him another lick. “Come in my mouth, Alex.”

  “Fuck,” he growled. “You sure?”

  “Yes.” She didn’t give him a chance to argue further. Kendall resumed her pace, sucking him down deep and withdrawing almost all the way, only to repeat the action. His hips began moving the slightest bit, rising to meet her descent, as if he couldn’t help himself. She loved that. She loved the exact moment his control splintered, loved what came next. And then he was coming in great spurts that she eagerly drank down.

  “That’s right, sweetheart. Suck me, Kendall. Fuck.” His fingers became a gentle cage around her head as he finished, and Kendall had never felt more powerful than she did in the moment she looked up and found him staring dazedly at her.

  It didn’t last long.

  Alex’s brows slammed down and he hauled her to her feet. She started to protest but he laid a kiss on her lips and then turned around to push her into the same position he’d just occupied. Half a second to shove his cock back into his swim trunks and then he was on his knees. Kendall started to sit up, but he pressed a hand flat against her stomach, stopping her. “I’m not done.”

  She should stop this now. She’d come. He’d come. They should… She didn’t know. Something. But Kendall’s blood heated at the way Alex’s gaze raked over her possessively. He pulled at the strings on one side of her bottoms, undoing it. A tug and he bared her pussy.

  Suddenly Kendall didn’t care if anyone saw them. The fact that they were close enough to hear people partying on the beach only made it hotter as Alex wedged his hands beneath her ass and dragged his tongue over her as if savoring her taste. She laced her fingers through his hair and arched up to meet his mouth. “Anyone could walk over.”

  “Yeah,” he rumbled against her clit. “And they’d think I’m the luckiest bastard in the world to get to taste your sweet pussy.”

  She moaned. “Alex.”

  “Would you make me stop?”

  It took her several long seconds to understand the question. “If someone sees us?”

  He held her gaze as he gave her pussy another long lick. “Yeah. If they walked up, would you make me stop?”

  “No.” She spread her legs wider. “No, I wouldn’t. I don’t want you to ever stop.”

  “I won’t. Not until you come for me again.”

  And then t
here was no more talking. He drove her pleasure higher with a ruthlessness Alex had never displayed before. Kendall could do nothing but cling to him and the hammock and let him take her for this ride. He shoved her into an orgasm that bowed her back and had her clamping her hand over her mouth to keep from crying out. Too good. Everything with him was too good. It defied explanation.

  He rested his forehead against her stomach, breathing just as hard as she was. “Have dinner with me.”

  She blinked up at the sunlight filtering through the trees overhead. “I had dinner with you last night.”

  “I don’t mean like that. I mean…” He took a slow inhale and an even slower exhale. “Considering our circumstances, it seems weird as shit to ask you out on a date, but that’s what I’m doing.”

  A date.

  Now was the time to reestablish boundaries, to remind them both that this could never last past the point when the ship docked in New York again. That the only reasonable and realistic outcome ended with them back in their respective lives with absolutely no overlap. That even trying long distance just set them both up for angst and heartbreak.

  There was only one problem.

  She didn’t feel like being reasonable right now. She wanted the fantasy Alex wove around her. More, she wanted time with him. All the time with him she could possibly have. “Yes. I’d love to have a date with you.”

  He carefully retied her swimsuit bottoms and held out a hand. “Let’s start now.”

  * * *

  Alex wasn’t sure what he intended when he told Kendall they’d start their date now, but he hadn’t expected to end up on a pair of kayaks out in the water inside of twenty minutes. It wasn’t that he had a problem with water. He didn’t. He just had a problem with all the shit that lived in water. But she’d grinned at him and he’d been completely incapable of saying no.

  “What’s your grandfather like?”

  He paddled steadily, keeping pace with her as she sent her kayak coasting across the top of the water. “He’s a cranky old bastard, but he’s one of the best men I’ve ever known.” Alex could just leave it at that, but he found himself elaborating. “My parents weren’t a good match. Shouldn’t have been together. Sure as fuck shouldn’t have procreated. Their marriage imploded when I was a kid and my mom took off right after. My dad lasted until I was thirteen, but he never planned on staying in Dawson’s Creek. Pop is his dad and he took me in. It wasn’t easy on either of us, but we figured it out eventually.”


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