His Mate and His Mistress 2 Rise of a Luna (W)

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His Mate and His Mistress 2 Rise of a Luna (W) Page 3

by Irtania Adrien

  Her eyes found mine, while she lay on the floor, her lips moved, and I had to blink twice to make sure I caught what she said.

  She gasped again, then she whispered with her last breath "forgive me."

  I was frozen.

  I didn't blink.

  I didn't speak.

  I hardly breathed.

  The bloody hand suddenly went limp, and to the ground, Wanda's heart cascaded. It landed with a dead thud, because that's what it was... dead.

  I killed her.

  My older sister.

  I killed her.

  The daunting reality finally hit home, and with shuddered breaths, and weak knees, I stumbled back into the chair.

  I looked at the blood on my hands, then down at the corpse that now lay with glazed eyes.

  They were staring at me, straight on, challenging my conscience.

  All that currently echoed through my brain was the word killer, and my nickname, Lina.

  Jessica was the oldest out of the four of us, one day during a rogue attack, Wanda manipulated me into going outside.

  Jessica yelled for me to come back, but I was so focused on proving myself that I ignored her pleas.

  A rogue attacked me, pinned me down and was ready to make me his dinner when Jessica ripped him off me.

  She told me to run, and not look back, and of course that's what I did.

  She never came back.

  She gave me the nickname Lina because she thought it was better than calling my wolf's name, Aden, but since the day she didn't come back, the nickname Lina was no longer called.

  On the last day Lina was pronounced, Jessica lost her life, or well, she no longer was a part of my life.

  The day Lina was once again called, someone else lost their life, Wanda died.

  Guess Lina carried a bounty on itself.

  I sighed and looked down at Wanda, few minutes ago she was breathing, and now she was just dead, cold, with very accusing and haunting eyes.

  However, I couldn't get over the fact that she said, "forgive me."

  Was it her way of saying sorry? For everything? Or was she just referring to the day we both lost Jessica?

  I couldn't think.

  My head was pounding, and I suddenly felt weak.

  I leaned back in the chair and rubbed my bruised wrists.

  What was I going to do now?

  "How about run? I mean there is no one here, get over your shock later." Urged Aden.

  "Yes, I should... run." I muttered, but couldn't find the physical strength to do it, in fact, I felt myself slipping in and out of consciousness.

  "I’m A, I'm a, a killer." I murmured.

  "No, you're a victim of kidnapping. Get up and run!" Said Aden.

  "I can't move." I gasped, "I can't move." I said again.

  "Come on Adelina, now is not the time to be freaking out on me." Groaned Aden in my head.

  I wanted to protest with her for not being more considerate to the idea that I just killed someone. No, matter of fact, I killed two people, the first one, Serena is irrelevant to me, but I did kill her.

  My killing her may not have been justified, but she was trying to come in between me and Demitrey.


  "Did you tell Demitrey where we are?" I asked Aden, the idea of him rescuing me coming to my hazy mind.

  "Yeah, I told him." Said Aden, sounding a bit strange suddenly, as though she was holding something back.

  "But...?" I prolonged.

  "But, he's not on his way yet." Explained Aden.

  "What? Why?" I asked, suddenly a bit more alert, my earlier worries placed aside.

  "The pack is under attack." Announced Aden.

  Chapter 6- “Escaping” Part- 1

  *Adelina's pnt. Of view*

  "Wait, rewind, what did you say?" I questioned, my mind currently freed of earlier worries.

  "He's not coming right now because the pack is under attack, so you need to go." Warned Aden.

  This seriously wasn't happening to me right now.

  "Adelina, now is not the time to contemplate whether life is fair right now. We need to go!" Urged Aden, in a very antsy manner.

  "Alright, alright. I'm getting up." I said, getting up on trembling knees.

  I supported myself off my arms, the energy in me suddenly drained, and that's when I heard something crash on the ground.

  My eyes snapped up to find a shocked Wilma standing at the gate of my cell.

  Her mouth was wide open, her eyes bulging in surprise.

  "Y-y- you, killed her." Stuttered Wilma, her eyes accusing.

  She took a step back, and as if instinct kicked in, I bolted towards her.

  She stumbled back in an attempt to run, but the second her back was to me, I grabbed onto her head, and twisted her neck in a quick motion until I heard a sickly crack.

  Her corpse instantly plummeted to the ground, and with bewildered eyes, and an erratic heart, I started running.

  This wasn't my personal strength because I was currently weak.

  "Its mine. Now just run!" Commanded Aden in my head, and that's what I did.

  There were no exit signs, nor where there any form of directions.

  I followed my gut, and whenever I felt like turning, I turned.

  My heart beat was resonating in my ears, my limbs protesting the sudden effort, my lungs burning with the insufficient amount of oxygen, and my muscles were crying from being pushed so hard with no type of warm up.

  I was so focused on surviving that when a bullet ricocheted off the wall few feet away from me, I hardly noticed it.

  The next one I felt whooshed by my ear, and I ducked as the lights exploded from above me.

  I made a right turn, then a left, trying my best to lose my perpetrator, but she was hot on my heels.

  I heard the gun go off, yet there was no resonation. My guess was that the bullet hit somewhere behind me.

  I couldn't map out where to go, so when a large window was the only thing facing me, I went for it.

  "Oh, don't do it." Warned Aden.

  "Got a better idea?" I questioned, my eyes glued on the window.

  "Well, no."

  "Okay then, hush." I silenced her, my mind made up.

  Bullets started aiming my way more urgently, but with my eyes set on the window, nothing could scare me out of my escape.

  The glass texture quickly arrived, and with no relent, I threw my entire body against it.

  The clear surface shattered into millions of pieces, my arms covered my face in effort to protect it.

  My eyes were closed, but I felt the sensation.

  I was falling.

  I opened my eyes to find a body of water quickly approaching me.

  With a loud splash I broke the surface and plunged deep into the blue water.

  Liquid penetrated my nose, burning my nostrils, as I struggled against the weight of the water, until I submerged back onto the surface. My skin itched and burned from the harsh contact. I looked up to find Clarissa staring down from where I crashed.

  I kicked my legs and set myself in a bobbing motion to keep my head above the surface.

  She disappeared for a second and came back with a rifle.

  She aimed, then fired, but the waves of the water drew me across the surface, and she missed by a few centimeters.

  She took another shot, and missed again, then she stopped.

  I smiled thinking that she had given up, but then that's when I noticed, the waters started to become more violent. In fact, I was being swayed harshly from left to right.

  I felt the sole of my right foot slice against a sharp rock, the salt from the water instantly heating it up, then I felt the water nipping at a vulnerable spot near my shoulder on my arm, and below the surface I noticed an open wound.

  I was hit.

  "So that's where the missing bullet hit." Observed Aden.

  "Not right now Aden." I scolded.


  Before I could fully c
omprehend what took place, I was suddenly thrusted sideways, and my ribs came in harsh contact with a rock wall. I cried out as I felt my bones rip apart.

  I was once again thrusted in a quick motion, the movement making me dizzy and disoriented.

  At some point, the water spun me around, and my head came into harsh impact with a rock. A high-pitched ringing resonated in my ears, and the world was spinning, slowly fading in and out.

  I was going to pass out.

  "Oh my God! Dave look!" I heard a voice echo.

  "Dear God." I then heard what felt like feet crunching gravel, then splashing into the water.

  I could hear the movement of someone swimming my way.

  I felt hands grab my arms and my legs, then I was no longer in water.

  I bat my eyes in order to clear my starry vision, but it was to no avail.

  The world was still spinning and fading.

  "Hey, hey! Stay with me!" Said a voice urgently, as I felt a set of warm fingers grab onto my chin and forehead.

  A flashlight suddenly shone in my eyes causing me to squint, and for a splitting headache to come alive.

  "Hey, okay, my name is Dave, what's your name?" Questioned the voice as his flashlight constantly pierced my eyes.


  I wanted to sleep.

  "Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, no, don't close your eyes. Look at me. Look at me." Said the voice, worried.

  My eyes moved and landed on a blurry face, "Okay, okay, that's good. Now what is your name?"

  My name?

  That's easy, my name is...

  My name is...

  "Lina..." I felt myself whisper, then I winced.

  It hurt to talk.

  It hurt to breathe.

  In fact, it hurt to live.

  I just wanted to sleep... forever.

  "Okay, okay Lina that's good. Stay with me. How old are you? CHRIS GET THE TRUCK!" Yelled the guy, my headache worsening, "tell me love, how old are you?"

  "Demitrey..." I muttered.

  "No, not Demitrey. Dave, my name is Dave." emphasized the guy.

  "Demitrey..." I tried to call out louder.

  "Okay, I can be Demitrey. Can you tell Demitrey how old you are?" Questioned the guy, his voice suddenly a faint whisper.

  "...help..." I felt myself scream, then I slipped into complete darkness.

  *Third person's pnt. Of view*

  Dave looked down at the girl who currently laid faint in his arms.

  Her name was Lina, and she was related to someone named Demitrey.

  "Hey Dave, the truck is here. Need help carrying her?" Asked Chris.

  "No." Answered Dave too quickly, "I got it." Then with no wasted effort, Dave snaked his arms under her back and knees, then carried her bridal style all the way to the truck.

  On his was there, he couldn't help but look down at the bleeding beauty in his arms.

  She looked pretty battered up, dehydrated and weak, and it seems as though she has been shot and stabbed.

  With all his observation, he couldn't help but wonder... who is this girl?

  Chapter 7- “Escaping” Part-2

  *Adelina's pnt. Of view*

  I felt myself floating in between consciousness and unconsciousness.

  At time I'd hear voices, while other time, it was complete darkness, no sounds, and no signs of life.

  One second I felt as though I was in a dream, no pain, no worries. The next, my body was screaming and aching.

  At some point I felt a warm hand on my shoulder, and I heard a familiar voice say "Hey, Lina, stay with me, we're almost there. CHRIS DRIVE FASTER!"

  "I'm going as fast as I can, unless you want to be admitting more than one patient at the hospital." I heard someone else reply.

  "...Demitrey..." I moaned in pain.

  "Shhh, it's okay, you're going to be okay." Soothed the voice, the warm hand softly petting my hair.

  Before I realized it, I slipped out of consciousness.

  I opened my eyes to the soft humming of a woman, her hand petting my hair, the warm breeze of my calm place comforting me.

  I looked up to find Selene looking at me with a smile on her face.

  "Such a beautiful Luna." Commented Selene, her hand continuing its routine of petting my hair.

  It was quite calming and comforting.

  I closed my eyes and swallowed the bit of saliva that gathered in my mouth.

  "I think you mean such a battered Luna. I feel like sh-"

  "Don't even finish that sentence. How can you ever be a Luna with such vocabulary?" Scolded Selene.

  "Sorry." I murmured.

  "Just rest, okay. We'll talk when you wake up." Echoed Selene's voice, the feeling of her hand slowly fading.

  The warmth of my calm place suddenly collapsed, and instead I was met with a biting cold air, and an obnoxious beeping sound.

  The cover of my right eye was suddenly peeled back as a bright light shined deep into my pupil.

  I rolled my eyes in order to avoid the piercing glare.

  "Good afternoon Ms. Lina, how old are you?" Questioned a male voice.

  "I’m- I'm 23." I replied gruffly, trying to shut my eye, as the bright light started it's onslaught on my left eye.

  "That's good, do you know what year we're in?" Questioned who I assumed to be the doctor.

  "Uh, 2017." I once again replied. My throat feeling drier than the hot desert.

  "Good, and can you tell me what happened? You are suffering from a concussion, as well as a gunshot wound, and an open cut at the bottom of your foot. Three of your ribs have been broken, and two of them have been displaced."

  "Uh ... I'm sorry, I have a bad headache. Is it okay if I get some rest now?" I questioned, avoiding the doctor's questions like a bullet.

  "Sure, however, would you like it if I alerted the police? Ms. Lina if you're in danger, you have to let us know for us to help you." Explained the doctor.

  "I'd really like to sleep now, please, leave." I ordered.

  The doctor looked down at me quizzically, but nevertheless shrugged, and exit the room.

  I settled into the hospital bed, slowly being caressed by sleep, when two quick knocks erupted from the door and soon, a young guy made his way into my room.

  With auburn hair, hazel eyes, and a boyish smile, he stood a few feet away from my bed and waved shyly as he said "hi, you may not remember me, but my name is Da-"

  "Dave, yes I know." I cut him off.

  "Right, well um" he cleared his throat, and scratched the back of his head as he said, "So are you alright?"


  "No wait!" He abruptly cut me off, "of course you're not alright, I mean you got a concussion for heaven's sake, and your ribs are broken as well as a cut under your foot..."

  "Dave." I called his name out, but he didn't hear me as he started to pace, and ramble on.

  "... And you got shot. Stupid Dave, real stupid..."

  "Dave." I said a bit louder, really wanting to get some sleep.

  "... first you save her, and now you're rambling like an idiot."

  "Dave!" I exclaimed.

  "Huh? Oh sorry." He apologized, as he stopped pacing.

  "I really need to rest, so could you..."

  "Oh yes of course, sorry. I'll see you later?" He sort of asked.

  "Um yeah, sure." I waved him off.

  He nodded his head with a smile then, he quietly exit my room.

  I once again settled back, and soon I was closing out the real world and waking up in my calm place.

  I found myself in the same position as before. With my head on Selene's lap as she pet my hair. I felt weak, numb, and vulnerable.

  "How come I feel this way?" I asked Selene softly.

  "Because this is how you truly feel. The past few events have awakened certain nightmares and secrets that you have kept bottled up and hidden away for so long. But I guess a trip down the memory lane has triggered them back to existence, and well now their effect is taking a toll on you ment
ally, spiritually, emotionally, and physically. And the road to recovery is not going to be easy at all." Explained Selene.

  "Road to recovery?"

  "Yes, the only way you're going to build your strength is by escaping and moving past these awakened obstacles. They were always holding you back. Your siblings' deaths, you taking the life of various individual, although unintentional, your relationships, and everything that had somehow played a role into making you who you are today. Many of those events, you've hidden deep inside, but now, well now, there's nowhere to run, you have to face them." Said Selene.

  "And what if I don't?" I dared to question, "Well if you don't, you will be trapped in your mind until you do." Replied Selene.

  "Trapped in my mind?" I asked quizzically.

  "Yes, this is basically the road you have to take to become Luna, until you've fulfilled your journey, you will no longer have full consciousness of your body or mind. Occasionally, you might be able to be conscious, but otherwise, you will be here." Answered Selene.

  "Wait, this makes no sense. So, until I fulfill my Luna Journey, I will basically be comatose? In the hospital? In freaking Canada?!" I questioned freaking out.

  "Well not exactly. Aden will be your conscious mind until you're ready." Said Selene in attempt to reassure me.

  "WHAT?! ADEN?! Do you remember what happened last time she was my conscious mind?! And you want HER to take charge while I'm stuck here on some stupid journey?" I heaved.

  "Precisely." Nodded Selene.

  I paused for a second, and blinked, then everything clicked, and before I could catch myself, I started laughing.

  Tears started to form in my eyes as the laughter kept on erupting from me, I went to turn on my side, but decided against it when my ribcage protested in pain.

  I wiped the tears and tried to catch my breath as I said "th-th-thats really funny Selene." I tried to breathe out but instead it came out as a wheeze.

  I tried to breathe in, and I snorted like a pig.

  Poor Selene looked shocked, almost petrified.

  "I- I don't see what is so amusing. Did I miss the joke?" Asked Selene, and she looked so puzzled that I couldn't help but laugh harder.

  "Oh, dear God, Selene, honey, you crack me up." I said as I struggled to get up.


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