His Mate and His Mistress 2 Rise of a Luna (W)

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His Mate and His Mistress 2 Rise of a Luna (W) Page 11

by Irtania Adrien

  "Cilia let me go." I said.

  "No! Are you crazy?!" She grunted, her fight with gravity causing the pebbles and red dirt to dig into her skin.

  "No! But you're crazy! You're pregnant! What are you doing?!"

  "There are advantages that come with being a werewolf" she hissed and gritted.

  "So?! That doesn't mean you have to push it!" I argued, still aware of Clarissa's death grip around my waist.

  "Oh shut up! It takes energy to talk to you." Replied Cilia, as I felt her reaffirming her grip around my arm.

  I looked into her eyes and pools of water started to form.

  My vision became blurry with tears of my own, and I begged her with my glossy eyes to let me go, but instead she said "no. No!"

  "I'm sorry." I said, there was only one thing left to do," Adelina don't!" She begged, but I already made my decision.

  "Cilia, as your Luna, I command you, let me go."

  Cilia shook her head in fear, and tears ran down her cheeks as she screamed "Noooo!" But on instinct, her tight grip suddenly loosened, and I felt myself drop.

  This was the end.

  Until Demitrey's palm came over the cliff and clasped onto my hand tightly.

  The small drop gave gravity the upper hand, and as Clarissa arms loosened from the effect, she desperately tried to hold on, but she fell to her death, screaming until she landed on a multitude of jagged rocks, that stood like erect fangs, ready for their victim.

  Her fragile human form morphed and snapped around the rocks.

  The dry earth below her greedily sucking in her blood.

  Her eyes remained open.

  The last thing she saw was her falling from Adelina.

  It was over.

  Meanwhile Adelina kept her eyes on those that belonged to her mate


  He had her.

  Chapter 25- “He had me”

  *Adelina's pnt. Of view*

  I kept my eyes on Demitrey, afraid that is I looked away for even one second, he'd disappear, and I would be joining Clarissa on the ground.

  He pulled me up effortlessly, and though my skin rubbed harshly against the ground, I was just grateful that he had me.

  He pulled me into his arms, and I broke down into sobs.

  For a second, I actually believed that I was dead.

  When I could finally calm my breathing, I turned and looked at Cilia, she ran to me, and we hugged each other so tight.

  "Don't you ever, and I mean never, use that on me again. I'm your best friend Adelina, how could you ask me to let you die?" She sobbed against my shoulder.

  "Because, Cilia, your baby was in danger, and I didn't want to be selfish to force you to save my life and endanger a life that hasn't even started." I explained, pulling away and wiping her tears.

  "But you never forced me to do anything." Cilia admitted.

  "Yeah, except throwing her down a cliff. Adelina what the heck were you thinking?" Came Demitrey's voice as he pulled me away from Cilia and into his arms.

  He lowered his head, and nuzzled his nose into my neck, as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

  "I'm fine now, okay? It's over." I assured.

  "Damn right it is." He confirmed.

  "Cilia?!" Came Kade's voice. As he erupted into the clearing.

  Cilia turned sharply and ran to Kade's open arms.

  They held each other tight, as me and Demitrey did.

  It was a reunion of a lifetime.

  For once I could finally breathe in peace. The threat that was once Clarissa is now gone, and I felt like I could finally stop looking over my shoulder.

  My sisters died by my hands, and well my father was done with me the second he gave me over to Demitrey.

  Peter is dead, and it's no surprise that I found out that Clarissa offed Val.

  Serena has been out of the picture since I killed her with my bare hands, and well everyone that could've been a threat have all been taken care of, including Kat.

  It was over.

  It was really over.

  At that notion, I broke down. I fell to my knees and sobbed my eyes out.

  I cried for all those who lost their lives. Whether they did me wrong didn't matter, they were all once alive. I don't know what life was going to bring their way, for all I know, I may be the reason they never reached their destinies.

  But life is funny like that.

  Everything happens for a reason.

  The best thing about life and the future is that, you may try to go with the flow, but the flow is so unpredictable. It's an unending rollercoaster. The best thing you can do is live each day as it goes by, and always be ready. Always expect the unexpected.


  That word caused a whole new wave of emotions to wash over me.

  And for once, while I cried, my chest didn't feel heavy, my tears weren't burdened, but instead, every gasp and every sigh were a breath of relief, my tears were a way of letting go of those inhibitions that held me back. The way my chest heaved with unsteady breaths allowed for the fears and insecurities to be released from my soul.

  It was a liberating moment.

  Demitrey got to his knees in front of me, once my cries have settled, and he placed his index finger under my chin in the gentlest way. He directed my head up, until my eyes unglued from the ground and met his.

  He cupped my cheek with his left hand and used his right thumb to wipe away the last trail of tears that rested on my dusty cheeks. Then, ever so softly, he kissed me.

  It was indescribable.

  It wasn't a seductive kiss. It wasn't an aroused kiss. It wasn't a kiss driven by lust.

  There, at that moment, where our lips touched, the sparks where flying, we were enveloped in each other's warmth.

  He had me. And I had him.

  If only I could've stayed in that moment forever. Where I felt safe, and not alone.

  But of course, life had its own rules.

  "Okay, as much as this is considered cute and romantic, we have things to discuss. “came Darrell's voice, and Demitrey and I were thrust back into reality.

  He pulled away slowly, and placed his forehead against mine, he looked into my eyes and whispered, "You okay?"

  And I didn't have to answer, a simple nod and a small smile, he helped me up to my feet, and I turned to find Cilia held in Kade's arm, James, Darrell, Anila, Gavin, Raoul, and aunty Diana, standing at a distance, witnessing such a vulnerable moment.

  No one spoke a word for a while, then Demitrey pulled me in his arms, my back to his chest, and he spoke up in a very powerful manner as he said "we will postpone this discussion until further notice. You are all dismissed."

  And without even allowing anyone to say anything, he grabbed my hand, and we walked away.

  When we reached the castle, we headed straight to his room.

  I didn't waste a second and headed to the shower to rid my body of the dry blood and red dirt that covered my skin.

  After a long, hot, and relaxing shower, I exit into Demitrey's room.

  He was sitting on the bed shirtless, and when his eyes met mine, they were filled with tears.

  I opened my mouth to ask what's wrong, but before I could get the words out, he spoke up and said "I almost lost you today. Like you were once again going to be ripped from me, and this time you weren't going to come back." He stood up and walked over to me.

  The way his eyes pierced my own allowed me to feel what he was truly feeling, and although overwhelming, it was beautiful.

  The emotions that swirled around his captivating orbs were breathtaking and indescribable. And yet they were all because of me.

  Such a unique masterpiece, all because of me.

  "I've lost way too many people that meant so much to me, and I don't want to lose you again. Not ever." He whispered, then just like that he captured my lips in a powerful kiss.

  He pulled me close, and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

  He picked me up, and I wrapped my le
gs around his waist.

  He turned us around and carried us to the bed.

  He laid me down then climbed on top of me as his hands caressed my skin, and eventually they rid my body of the towel.

  While his hands traveled over me, my fingers worked on bringing his zipper down, and with my feet, I dragged his pants off his legs.

  His lips left mine as he kissed my neck, and continued to go lower, and with every second, my breath picked up.

  I moaned when he nipped a spot right below my right breast, then he continued.

  I could feel his hard length rub against my body, as his lips kept lowering until they reached their main target.

  He kissed my inner thigh, and I could feel the soft skin of his face graze over my sensitive area.

  I moaned when his warm thumb landed on my aroused nub.

  He rolled his thumb, and I found my back arching off the bed as uneven breaths and gasps escaped me one right after the other.

  When his warm tongue tasted me every so softly, my fingers fisted the sheets.

  His tongue once again licked over me and before I could hold myself back, I moaned "Oh Demitrey." And that motivated him.

  His forefinger joined his tongue, and I found my legs closing around his head, but that didn't stop him.

  His finger traveled in and out, and that tugged at every sensual nerve in my body. I felt hot, and him adding a second finger did not improve the situation.

  I moaned, I groaned, I wiggled and withered.

  Demitrey took his time.

  He kissed and sucked. He teased and pleased.

  "God Demitrey!" I gasped, and he hummed, causing a heated jolt to travel straight to my uterus.

  I felt myself getting even more heated, and my lower stomach started to tighten into itself.

  Waves traveled through me, my breathing now just short quick pants.

  I felt my walls tighten around his fingers, and just as his soft lips closed around my bundle of nerves, the tightness in my uterus released.

  I called out Demitrey's name, while my hands released the sheets, and lodged onto his hair, pressing him closer into my body.

  He didn't stop his onslaught though, not until I calmed down from cloud 9.

  He finally pulled his head from between my legs, and he once again towered over me.

  My eyes were hooded, as I felt the sparks and the heat of the mate bond hum in the atmosphere around us.

  He kissed me, and I could taste myself on his tongue, as his fingers intertwined with mine, then, with no needed words, I felt his tip at my core.

  The minute he started to enter me, I felt the pain, and I knew taking it slow would hurt, so I breathed and said "Demitrey, just do it, one hit." I said.

  He looked down at me and kissed my nose as he said, "are you sure?"

  "Yes, just do it." I urged, and he kissed me again then said "Okay."

  He looked deep in my eyes and whispered, "I love you." And he kissed me.

  The minute his lips were on mine, he trusted his hips, and I felt it unfold.

  I screamed into his mouth and tightened my fingers around his.

  The pain was unexpected, but it wasn't as bad as I imagined. In fact, once the pain dies down, I was suddenly filled with a warmth that sent pleasure dancing through my bones. The mate bond roared around us, and sensual tingles covered us from head to toe, yet the best part was that he didn't leave me.

  He kept me close, and he stayed with me.

  He didn't move, and I breathed into his mouth, moaning occasionally.

  Once I was fully calm, he pecked my lips and said, "I have to move, if I don't, it won't feel good. Okay?"

  "Okay." I agreed, and just like that, he started moving his hips.

  I had to adjust to his size and length, being that I have never been with anyone else.

  At first, he took it slow, a nice routine feeling of his warm member gliding along my walls, which ever so often would tighten around him. He would groan and I would pull in a sharp intake of breaths, my uterus jumping as jolts continuously ran throughout my body.

  After a few calm thrusts of his hips, he growled, placed his hands on my waist, and he picked up the pace then, things got really heated.

  Chapter 26- “Hot Confusion”

  *Third Person's pnt. Of view*

  James laid on his back on his bed as his eyes stared blankly at the ceiling.

  Adelina was back and he was happy that she was safe, yet somewhere inside his there was a deep emptiness.

  He found his mind wandering back to the cliff when Anila told them off. Just the memory sent a dagger through his heart, but then his heart warmed at the thought of Adelina and Cilia sticking up for him.

  They were his closest friends, ever since he met them.

  Before he met Adelina and Cilia, he had been the quiet warrior who works out, fights during wars, and hang about at the club.

  *James' pnt. Of view*

  No one really tried to get to know me and vice versa.

  The minute those two walked into my life everything changed. My routine became disturbed, but in a good way. I found my mate, who in the end I had to kill, and yet again, I found another mate.

  But I don't have to count on that one, she already rejected me, all she had to do now is say the words, and it'll be over.

  With a sorry sigh, I washed my palms over my face then got out of bed, I've been lying in bed since last night when do got back to the castle after Adelina saved Cilia. I wanted to get out and run, and with that resolution I was gone.

  Surprisingly enough, I spent most of the day in bed.

  I exit the castle and took off into the forest.

  My breathing increased, while my heartbeat picked up. My lungs started to burn and sweat started to roll down my forehead.

  It felt good to run in my human form, the wind was whipping through my hair which was now almost shoulder length, my limbs were pumping powerfully, and before I knew it, I was already at the cliff.

  Once I broke into the clearing, I came to a staggering halt as I breathed hard and placed my hands atop my head.

  The sun was nearing disappearance behind the horizon and it was a beautiful sight.

  I breathed, and I dropped to ground, sitting and admiring nature's beauty. The sight allowed a peaceful wave to wash over me and my mind was cleared of all worries, yet there was a nagging image in my mind, that no matter how hard I tried to push it away, it remained.


  Was it strange that I couldn't stop thinking about her? My Luna? The alpha's mate?

  Why was she stuck in my mind? I didn't know.

  Maybe it's because I was so worried about her and now, she was finally home, and I haven't gotten over the shock of my Luna being in danger.

  Yesterday we were right here at this cliff. I witnessed her being in Demitrey's arms. I saw the love that shined in their eyes for each other, and I saw when they went home together.

  I had no right to be thinking of Adelina that way, and yet here I was, sitting here in my lonesome, thinking of her.

  It wasn't until I heard a rustling sound behind me that I became alert.

  I turned around, and there she stood, Adelina, with her signature smile. She walked up over to me, and though her walk was as simple and innocent as can be, all I could admire was the shy way her hips moved seductively, and the way her shapely legs strutted over to me.

  She sat down, and bumped her shoulder with mine, a light in her eyes.

  "Hey you." She said.

  "Hey you." I replied, bumping my shoulder with hers, causing a giggle from her throat that aroused a million butterflies in my stomach.

  "Why are you sitting out here by yourself?" She asked.

  "Just thinking." I replied.

  "About?" She asked again.

  You. I wanted to reply, but instead refrained myself.

  "Nothing serious, just this and that." I said.

  "Well you sure picked a wonderful spot to think. It's beautiful." She said,
her eyes walking over the horizon.

  "Yes, she is." I muttered silently.

  "Huh?" She asked.

  "Nothing. Nothing." I said shaking my head.

  Get a grip James!

  "So, I missed you." Spoke Adelina seriously.


  "Missed you too." I replied, trying to keep my cool.

  "Why didn't you come find me, like you did last time when I was in Italy?" She questioned.

  "The pack was under attack." I replied in my defense.

  "So? Last time you escaped to come for me, and yet you couldn't do it again?" She pouted, and all my eyes saw were her soft lips.

  "Next time I'll come for you." I assured her.

  "Yeah you better." She said play punching my arm.

  "Hey, you don't get to order me around." I replied.

  "Says who?" She asked with a smile.

  "Says me." I replied, "Well I don't listen to you." She said, "oh yes you will." I replied, then my fingers went into attack.

  I knew she was a sucker for tickles, and soon, I had her on her back, in a laughing fit.

  She managed to get an upper hand and push me to the ground, but I instantly rolled us over, and we landed in a compromising position where she laid on her back, and I laid on top of her, our legs intertwined with my left leg in between her two legs.

  She looked up at me breathing heavy, her chest heaving, and her eyes dark with lust and I lost all control.

  I slowly found myself lowering my head until I could feel the ghost of her lips on mine.

  "Mmh we shouldn't be doing this." I mumbled. Our lips still softly dancing against each other.

  "I won't tell if you won't." Was all she had to say, and I dived in.

  I kissed her like my life depended on it. I wrapped my hands around her waist, and pulled her closer, smashing our bodies impossibly closer together.

  She wrapped her soft hands around my neck and deepened the kiss.

  Our tongues danced, as I felt our heartbeats pick up the pace.

  I broke the kiss and moved to kiss down her neck, I kissed the opposite to her mate’s mark, where I nipped her skin, and she moaned in encouragement in my ear.

  I lifted my left hand from her hip and slid it into her jeans as she bent her knees, to give me better access.


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