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Pin Page 2

by Hope Stone

  Two hours later, I had finished putting together my final report. I sent it to Daniel and then grabbed the next file. As tired as I was with the cheating husbands, I always got a little thrill of anticipation with a new case. It was like a wrapped present where you thought you knew what it was, but you couldn’t be sure.

  Anything could lurk beneath the shining veneer of Trey and Olivia Cook. It could be scandal, intrigue, a web of deceit that stretched back years. He could be the head of a coke ring or the leader of some crazy cult. No matter what it was. I, Claire Brennan, would crack the case.

  It was probably just a mistress with big tits. But it could be something else, and that’s what gave me the little flutter of butterflies in my stomach.

  I read over the info about Trey’s office and license plate number. I checked my watch. If I hustled, I might be able to trail him as he left his work. It was Friday night, so if he was meeting his side chick, it would be about now while his wife was at home making mac and cheese for the kid.

  I shoved the file into my bag and stood up.

  “Heading out already?” Veronica asked.

  “Might as well,” I said. “Who knows? This one could be different.”

  Veronica smirked. “Maybe.”

  Fifteen minutes later, I was parked outside his office in the heart of La Playa near the boardwalk. He had a nice cushy position in a consulting firm; probably had a corner office too.

  I rolled down my window and kept my eye on his car. When I first started the whole PI thing, my instinct was to do it like the movies. Big sunglasses, a hat, maybe even a scarf. But the secret to not being seen is to not try and hide. Just dawdle about in plain sight. Look like you’re up to absolutely nothing.

  It doesn’t hurt that no one suspects foul play from the petite girl with a blonde ponytail.

  Veronica does it a little differently. She wants to be seen. She wants the guy to notice her so much that he can’t resist. Not me. I stick to my corners where I can watch undetected.

  At six on the dot, Trey Cook strolled out of his office and hopped into his car. In the distance, the sun was setting over the water. He was working late for a Friday, but maybe he did that to cover his bases if his wife ever asked a coworker.

  If I were a betting woman, I would have put my money on Trey heading straight to one of the bougie cocktail bars or steakhouses in downtown La Playa. Mistresses loved that kind of thing while men like Trey loved to impress.

  It’s a good thing I didn’t gamble, because Trey surprised me by driving all the way out to East La Playa.

  “Ok, Trey,” I muttered. “We’re roughing it tonight.”

  He finally pulled up to a bar I had never been to called Blue Dog Saloon. It didn’t look dangerous, per se, but it was decidedly shabby. Not without charm, though.

  I cast a wary eye towards the bikes parked outside. There were biker clubs all around LA, but I had never had any trouble with them. Then again, I had never really gone near bikers.

  Overall, it was not the type of bar I expected Trey to frequent. This case was looking more interesting by the second.

  I looked down at myself. I was wearing worn black jeans with frayed hems, sturdy boots, and my reliable jean jacket. Not exactly a Friday Night Out Look, but any PI worth her salt is always prepared for wardrobe adjustments.

  I pulled my hair out of its ponytail and ran my hands through it until it settled in soft waves down to my shoulders. Then I dug around in my bag and yanked out some dark red lipstick and mascara.

  After hastily applying the makeup, I shoved my wallet and my phone into my smaller handbag. It looked weird to walk into a bar with a huge tote bag. Getting pictures would be tricky, even if I used my phone instead of my nicer camera.

  I shoved my small pink pepper spray into my purse as well. I was pretty street-smart and I knew how to avoid risky situations, but a girl could never be too careful.

  At the last minute, I tugged my jean jacket off. I was wearing a white lacy blouse with short sleeves, cropped to show just an inch of my stomach. If I needed to flirt my way around the bar that would help.

  Veronica had taught me how to keep everything I might need for any venue in my car. She also always had at least three pairs of heels, but I skipped that step. I never wore heels. They made it too hard to run if things got dicey.

  I pulled myself out of the car and walked towards the entrance. There was a cute hanging sign of a blue dog with rock music blasting from within. I burned with curiosity. What was Trey up to?

  Once inside, it didn’t take me long to figure it out. I casually scanned the room as I headed towards the bar and spotted him right away. In his button-down shirt and tie, he stood out like a sore thumb.

  He was holding hands with a drop-dead gorgeous woman. She had legs for days and raven-black hair. I blinked in surprise when I saw she wasn’t in the typical Mistress Fashion. She was wearing a black leather jacket and jeans, introducing Trey to a few guys who wore matching leather jackets.

  I felt a pang of sympathy. I bet she didn’t even know the jerk had a wife. Most of the mistresses were aware of a wife, they just don’t care or they think he’ll leave her someday. Sometimes they honestly don’t know, and those were always tough.

  This girl looked way too self-respecting to be with a married guy. It was unlikely she knew.

  I leaned on a chair and waited for the people in front of me to finish ordering. I furrowed my brow as I tried to come up with a plan of action. Snapping photos was risky in a bar since people would notice.

  Plus, Olivia would want more than a few blurry pictures. It’s amazing how wives, even the smart ones, can justify damning photo evidence. They needed it to be undeniable before they believed their beloved husbands have betrayed them. I would need to trail Trey a bit more, and maybe dig up some texts.

  I could also try and approach the girl on her own. It was risky, and it sometimes backfired to enlist the mistress, but it could pay off. Especially if she had a taste for revenge. I glanced back at the tall beauty and observed her flashing eyes. Definitely looked like the revenge type.

  “Hey, can I get you a drink?”

  I stifled an eye roll as I turned around at the masculine voice. Then blinked in surprise when I saw a leather jacket beneath a cocky grin. The same leather jacket Trey’s side piece was wearing. What a delightful surprise. I could see the patch on the arm now. Outlaw Souls.

  I gave him a sweet smile and shrugged. “I’ll take a Corona.”

  Within minutes, the biker had gotten both of us a beer. He had to know the bartender.

  “I’m Claire,” I said.

  “Pleasure,” he said. “I’m Moves.”

  He jerked his head and led me back towards his friends. I took a deep breath. It was beyond risky interacting with the person you were trailing too early in the game. Veronica never put on her itty-bitty dress until she had gathered all the information she needed.

  Luckily, Trey had let the woman lead him out onto the dance floor while Moves was steering me towards a few of the guys perched at a table in the corner.

  “Claire, this is Hawk and Carlos,” Moves said. “And this is Pin.”

  I glanced at the guys as they nodded at me. They all had nicknames. I had heard biker clubs used alternate names, but I had always doubted it since it seemed a little cheesy.

  Hawk and Carlos seemed nice and relaxed, but the third guy, Pin, looked like he had just swallowed a wasp. He clasped his lips together and barely gave me a nod. My eyes lingered on his broad shoulders and glowing tan skin before I turned back to Moves.

  “So, you new in town?” Moves asked.

  “No, I’ve been here a few years,” I said. “I work in sales downtown.”

  My father used to say that I lied like a rug. Only he had told me it was a weakness. I had learned it was my greatest strength.

  “What brings you out here?” Moves said.

  “Meeting a friend,” I said. “I’m just a bit early.”

  In fiftee
n minutes, I could glance at my phone and either say my friend had bailed or, if I needed an escape route, say she wanted to meet somewhere else and head for the exit.

  I looked up at Moves just in time to see him widening his eyes at Pin and nodding at me. So Moves was the wingman for a very reluctant Pin. Interesting. I could work with that.

  I pulled myself up into the chair next to Pin (where I still had a good angle on Trey and his girlfriend) and gave him a smile.

  “So, Pin,” I said. “How’d you get that name?”



  I wanted to kill Moves. I wanted to knock him to the floor in the middle of the bar and beat the shit out of him. Being my wingman without my asking was one thing, but being a totally unsubtle wingman was borderline unforgivable.

  All I had done was check out the cute blonde girl as she walked up to the bar when Moves had tracked my line of vision. Before I could stop him, he’d bolted towards her and brought her back. Now Claire probably thought I was a pathetic loser who needed my friend to pick up girls.

  “So, Pin,” she said, leaning on her elbows. “How’d you get that name?”

  I blinked down at her. Her blonde hair hung in waving strands around her pert face. She was more than just cute. She was gorgeous. And something about the slant of her head made me think there was a lot of action going on behind her eyes. She had brains.

  And the way she emphasized my name made me flush like an idiot.

  I wasn’t even looking to hook up tonight. I had no problem picking up girls when I wanted to and good at choosing the ones who also wanted nothing more than a hookup.

  I had no idea what this girl wanted. Something about the way she had walked into the bar, sizing up the room as if she was on a mission, was mysterious to me. She wasn’t easy to read.

  “It’s a long story,” I said.

  “Oh, well, never mind then,” she said. “I hate long stories. They’re usually pretty boring.”

  She raised her beer to her mouth and took a sip, keeping her eyes on me the whole time. I had the sudden urge to reach out and touch her rosy pink lips.

  “It’s not so boring,” I said. “But I had better not risk your harsh judgment.”

  She laughed. “You’re smart.”

  “Ah, she’s got you pegged,” Moves interjected. He turned to Claire. “He’s the smartest guy in our club; that’s why he’s the treasurer and does all the accounting.”

  I rolled my eyes at Moves’ blatant boasting. Why did he think accounting was sexy?

  “Club?” Claire asked.

  “We’re a biker club,” I said, nodding at my patch. “Outlaw Souls.”

  “Huh,” she said.

  She wasn’t a biker chick, that was for certain.

  “I’ve never met an accountant biker before,” she said.

  I raised my brows. She was definitely flirting with me. My stomach flipped with anticipation as I leaned closer to her. But my rational side told me to put the brakes on this soon.

  Nothing about Claire said she was looking for a casual hook-up. Yes, she had accepted Moves’ invitation, but she was also wearing minimal makeup, lowkey clothes, and flat-heeled shoes. Girls who came to the Blue Dog Saloon looking for sex were always dressed up a certain way. Low cut tops. Sky-high heels. Bronzer all over their face

  Claire was barely showing any skin. Just a small strip of flat white stomach. And yeah, that was enticing, but overall her outfit indicated that she really did come here to meet a friend.

  I had my rules for a reason. It was risky to fall hard for a girl like Claire. Way too risky. It would only lead to a messy heartbreak.

  Her eyes flashed away from my face and over my shoulder. For a second, the lighthearted flirtatious look vanished and her eyes hardened into an almost predatory expression. I glanced over my shoulder and saw Kim and her new guy heading over. Maybe Claire didn’t play well with other girls.

  I looked back at her and wondered if I had imagined the flash of antagonism. Her face had smoothed over and she had a pleasant smile.

  “Hey guys,” Kim said. She plopped down in a chair, and I nodded at her.

  “Kimmy!” Moves said with a large grin.

  She rolled her eyes and looked up at Trey.

  “I’ll get us another round, babe,” he said, heading towards the bar.

  I had to admit, I was surprised by Trey. He seemed a polar opposite of Kim. He was certainly out of his element among us bikers, but it was kind of endearing that an office guy like him had come out to the Blue Dog Saloon for Kim.

  “Hi, I’m Claire,” Claire said.

  Kim smiled and introduced herself.

  “So you’re a biker too, right?” Claire asked.

  “Hell yeah,” Kim said. “Or I will once I pledge.”

  “That’s awesome,” Claire said.

  “Yeah, well, it may drive me insane,” Kim said. “Especially if this one keeps calling me Kimmy.”

  She rolled her eyes at Moves, resulting in a heated back and forth between them.

  Claire turned back to me. “How long have you been a biker?”

  “Since I was sixteen,” I said. “Joined when I was eighteen, so almost ten years.”

  I wasn’t really focusing on my words. Instead, I was watching Claire’s face to see if she got distracted again. Just when I thought I was being paranoid, her eyes flashed past me again. Right to Trey as he returned to the table with a drink for Kim.

  So it was Trey she was watching. An ex possibly? Although surely one of them would have said something?

  I shrugged and took a swig from my drink. It was stupid to obsess over this. I didn’t want to pursue Claire, and she probably wasn’t that interested in me anyway.

  I paused to listen as Trey leaned closer to Kim to talk into her ear.

  “Babe, I’m so sorry, but I gotta go,” he said. “There’s been a work emergency and I need to put something together for a client tonight.”

  Kim frowned, but she wasn’t the type to whine. She didn’t need her guy to have a good time on a Friday. “I understand. I’ll see you tomorrow?”

  “Of course,” Trey said.

  He said his goodbyes to the rest of us quickly and then headed out.

  “Looks like we scared him off,” Moves joked.

  “As if,” Kim said.

  Moves finally succumbed to Kim’s withering glare and headed out to flirt with some girls he’d spotted across the bar. Carlos and Hawk wandered off as well so it was just me, Claire, and Kim.

  To my surprise, Claire seemed more interested in getting to know Kim. She wasn’t rude or anything, but as the conversation went on, she made an effort to ask Kim about her biking and how long she had been in La Playa. I was clearly not getting lucky tonight, but that was for the best. Claire was too enigmatic for my tastes.

  She drummed her fingers on the table and leaned forward towards Kim.

  “So how long have you been with –?” Claire waved her hand as if she couldn’t recall the name. It was all almost too casual.

  “Trey?” Kim said. “Just a few weeks.”

  “He seems nice,” Claire said. She leaned forward as if she was ready to settle in for some serious girl talk. I guess I could comfort myself with the fact that I got to witness the start of a friendship.

  “I’ll be honest, he’s not my usual type,” Kim said. “But I like that he’s actually an adult. I’ve dated too many Man-Children the last few years.”

  “Tell me about it,” Claire said. “What does he do?”

  “He works in consulting,” Kim said. “And he travels a lot so his schedule is a little weird.”

  “That can work though,” Claire said. “You don’t strike me as the clingy type who needs to be with her guy 24/7.”

  “Oh, no way,” Kim said with a laugh. “And he gets that. Like I said, he’s an adult.”

  Claire nodded, and a pensive look drifted across her eyes.

  “Although, Claire, not all biker guys are immature,” Kim sai
d, reaching over to brush a hand over my arm. “Pin here is definitely not of the Man-Child variety.”

  Kim threw Claire a wink, making Claire’s cheeks turn red. She was adorable when she blushed. At least Kim was a better wingman than Moves.

  “I got that sense,” Claire said. “I’ve heard all about the legendary biker accountant.”

  “Best one in La Playa,” Kim said.

  “Hey, give me more credit than that,” I said. “I’m at least the top in the LA greater area.”

  The conversation continued like that for a while. Claire was charming, I couldn’t deny it. And I liked that she wasn’t throwing herself at me. It made me want her even more.

  But that was a bad idea.

  When her drink was low, I stood up. “Should I grab us another round?”

  “Yes, please,” Kim said.

  “Sure,” Claire said.

  Claire was a bad idea, but one more drink couldn’t hurt?



  Maybe it was the second beer, or maybe it was just that I really liked Kim, but I decided I had to come clean. Based on our conversation, I was 99% certain that Kim had no clue Trey had a wife.

  I could also tell Kim was tough. She could handle the truth, especially since she and Trey had only been dating for a few weeks.

  As for Pin, he was harder to nail down. With his dark hair and serious eyes, he was undeniably handsome, but he seemed reserved, like he was holding a large of himself back. I figured he was into me since Moves had been pretty obvious, but Pin wasn’t exactly making any moves. Just a bit of flirtation, nothing more.

  It didn’t matter. I had no intention of going home with anyone and Pin was clearly Kim’s friend. As long as Kim trusted him, I was fine with him.

  I waited until Pin excused himself to go to the bathroom. Then I cut to the chase. I’ve always been direct.

  “So I’ve got to confess,” I said, looking Kim right in her eyes. “I didn’t come here tonight to meet a friend. I’m actually a private investigator.”


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