Cosmic Love

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Cosmic Love Page 48

by Jan Spiller

  BUILDING GREATER SELF-RELIANCE—One of the reasons you are in this person’s life is because they have boundary issues in their relationships. You can motivate them to maximize their potential by setting appropriate boundaries. You will instinctively stimulate them to build on their own talents, rather than becoming overly involved in supporting others. Encourage any experiences that can contribute to their sense of self-sufficiency.

  POTENTIAL AREAS OF CONCERN—If this is a primary partnership, you may be unconsciously maintaining your own space and supporting their self-sufficiency at the expense of the power and love that can be generated through merging energy with another. By being aware of this, you can consciously go out of your way to say and do things with them that validate the “us” in the relationship.

  BEST APPROACH—The Universe has brought this person into your life to assist them in recognizing their talents and abilities and actively pursuing their own strengths. You can help them realize what is valuable about them and what is valuable to them, by asking them questions that put them in touch with their inner truth. Then they can make choices in alignment with what they deeply value. For example: “Which path would make you truly feel good about yourself?” “What is most important to you in this situation?” “What is your motive?”

  PAST LIFE INFLUENCES—It is likely that in a past incarnation, you were Soul Mates who became overly enmeshed at the expense of retaining a separate sense of self. You may also have used them to better your own position at their expense, or merged your power with this Soul and then betrayed them in some way. If so, then on a subconscious level you may be reticent to “set them up” again, so are careful to keep boundaries in place. As you demonstrate Love by helping them increase their wealth, sense of self-worth, and self-sufficiency, any psychic scars you may have from past unions with this Soul can be healed. If your South Node also conjoins a planet in their 8th House, your connection is truly a matter of destiny—a contract to be fulfilled—and these influences will be felt much more strongly (see Part III).

  When your North Node is in their 3RD HOUSE, you are bringing them the gifts of:

  COMMUNICATION—One of your purposes in this person’s life is to help them overcome their inhibitions and encourage them to open up and communicate. Be interested in how they view life and the different things that are on their mind. Your job is to ask them questions and keep them talking so they can learn about reciprocal communications through your interactions.

  ENHANCED CONNECTIONS WITH OTHERS—You can inspire them to expand their ability to successfully connect with others. Urge them to take the initiative in communicating with family, neighbors, and friends, by telephone, e-mail, etc. You can also arouse their desire to extend the scope of their interests and experiences. Encourage their ability to be tactful and to take a more lighthearted approach in social situations.

  MORE POSITIVE DAILY INTERACTIONS—Life has brought you across their path because they need to increase their effectiveness in daily interactions with others by checking out the facts, seeing options, and looking at situations from another’s point of view. Help them to expand the scope of their interests by prompting them to become more aware of their environment and inspiring their curiosity about the people they meet. Encourage them to look at situations logically. You are good karma for them in terms of their relationships with their siblings and neighbors.

  EDUCATION—Encourage this person to continue their formal education. You can see where further training can enhance their natural skills and mental abilities. If they have writing or speaking skills, help them to exercise their communication muscles. You can be a natural cheerleader and supporter, urging them to express their valuable ideas.

  POTENTIAL AREAS OF CONCERN—In the process of increasing their confidence in their ability to communicate, you may inadvertently cause them to become so involved in social activities and the details of everyday life that they become distracted from developing their spiritual nature. This person may require private time for prayer or meditation in order to maintain their peace of mind. Support them in pursuing a spiritual path that is important to them—even if you do not share their views.

  BEST APPROACH—You are involved in this person’s life because they need help in gaining the confidence to open up and share what they really think—the way they see life and how they interpret events. You can best accomplish this by asking them to elaborate on their perceptions: “That’s interesting. What do you think about this?” “Will you tell me more about that?” Your curiosity will help them to value their own opinions, increase their facility in relating to others, and allow them to more easily create what they want through clear communication.

  PAST LIFE INFLUENCES—It is likely that in a past incarnation, you somehow limited this person’s participation in daily interactions or hindered them from distributing their ideas to a wider audience. This was likely due to religious, self-righteous, or legal restraints—perhaps silencing their views in order to further your own ambitions. So in this lifetime you are in a unique position to support them in reconnecting with others, and expanding beyond any unconscious inhibitions to a free and happy level of open communication. If your South Node also conjoins a planet in their 9th House, your connection is truly a matter of destiny—a contract to be fulfilled—and these influences will be felt much more strongly (see Part III).

  When your North Node is in their 4TH HOUSE, you are bringing them the gifts of:

  A SUPPORTIVE FOUNDATION AND CORE BELIEFS—You can instinctively see where this person is coming from in terms of their core beliefs and where fears or limitations are keeping them from getting what they want in life. You have a unique ability to say just the right things to increase their sense of inner security. As you help them attune to their inner self, they will be able to see the need to make some changes in their basic frame of reference so that instead of undermining them, their foundation supports them in leading a happier life.

  A SENSE OF BELONGING—Because you truly care about them for who they are, you bring them a sense of acceptance regardless of what they achieve in the outer world. This allows them to incorporate a feeling of “belonging” into their foundation. You are also good real estate karma for them, and you may be a factor that encourages them to buy a home that is just right for them.

  BASIC SECURITY—You are tuned in to the perimeters of this person’s well-being. If they encounter any problems that threaten their basic survival, you are instantly there for them. Your presence in their life helps to increase their sense of security on all levels, and will intervene on a material level if they need your protection for survival.

  POTENTIAL AREAS OF CONCERN—Although your awareness is accurate in terms of whether their core beliefs will support their sense of security, you are completely unaware of what they need to do on a practical level in order to succeed in the world. In fact, you are bad professional karma for this person, and even with the best intentions will inadvertently give them erroneous advice about how to reach their career or work goals. Be supportive with your confidence in their ability to succeed without trying to influence the way in which they do it.

  BEST APPROACH—You are in this person’s life because on a deep level they have called for help in becoming more aware of their core beliefs and strengthening their foundation. You can assist them by asking questions about their internal feelings in different situations: “What do you feel is going on here?” “On a gut level, what do you fear about the outcome of ____?” “Emotionally, what is stopping you from going forward?” Also encourage activities that can help them build a more positive foundation, such as seminars or books on positive thinking, a 12-step program, seeing a therapist, etc.

  PAST LIFE INFLUENCES—It is likely that in a past incarnation, you played a key role in supporting this person’s worldly success at the expense of their own inner growth and without considering their level of preparedness. You may have facilitated their skyrocketing to a position of fame and fortu
ne that they hadn’t really earned. This may have resulted in their downfall—or even death. So in this lifetime your job is to help them strengthen their basic foundation so that whatever befell them due to your influence in a past incarnation will never happen again. They will have the inner strength to support the level of worldly success they attain. If your South Node also conjoins a planet in their 10th House, your connection is truly a matter of destiny—a contract to be fulfilled—and these influences will be felt much more strongly (see Part III).

  When your North Node is in their 5TH HOUSE, you are bringing them the gifts of:

  CREATIVITY—One reason you are in this person’s life is to help inspire their creativity and give them confidence in their artistic abilities. Be open to promoting their talents with emotional and/or financial support. Don’t hesitate to nudge them in terms of taking on a project that you sense will bring them joy and help revitalize their life. Encourage their creativity.

  OPENING THE HEART/ROMANCE—Another reason you are in their life is to help them open their heart, rekindle the spark of happiness within, and stimulate their willingness to take risks—romantic and otherwise. Just being around you opens their heart. You are good karma for them in terms of romance and risk-taking, and your influence naturally increases their sense of healthy play. So don’t hesitate to nudge them in the direction of taking a risk in terms of something they feel happy about.

  CHILD ENERGY—You are also good karma in terms of their relationships with children. One important purpose you have in their life is to reawaken their inner child—either by encouraging them to have children, to spend more time with children, or to directly pursue activities that nurture the child within. You naturally help them to overcome stagnation and reconnect with the playful, healthy, childlike part of themselves that can revitalize their energy.

  LEARNING TO PLAY—Your natural influence will be to teach them how to look at life with a sense of humor, play, and fun. You have a lighthearted attitude with them, and your energy will inspire them to enjoy their life and experience pleasure in a healthy way. You can also have a positive effect on any sports activities in which they are involved.

  POTENTIAL AREAS OF CONCERN—In the process of validating their childlike nature and encouraging them to open their heart and have fun, you may neglect to see the dreams and aspirations they have for their life. So go out of your way to support them in spending time with friends who can help them gain objective insights about their life and help them further their larger goals.

  BEST APPROACH—You have come into this person’s life to help them increase their vitality and joy by expressing their creativity in all areas of their life. So your best bet is to ask them questions that help them gain awareness of what will truly bring them happiness. For instance: “If you follow that path, will you have a happy feeling about it?” or “Is that activity fun for you?” In this way you can help them reconnect with their own pure child energy.

  PAST LIFE INFLUENCES—It is likely that in a past incarnation you coerced this person into promoting a cause or ideal at the expense of expressing their own individuality. In some way you channeled their creative talents in a direction that met your needs instead of supporting them in what made them happy. So in this life you have the opportunity to consciously encourage them to open their heart, have fun, and act on their creative urges. And as you give them your gifts, any psychic scars you may be carrying from past lives with this person can also be healed. If your South Node also conjoins a planet in their 11th House, your connection is truly a matter of destiny—a contract to be fulfilled—and these influences will be felt much more strongly (see Part III).

  When your North Node is in their 6TH HOUSE, you are bringing them the gifts of:

  GOOD WORK KARMA—You are naturally a positive influence on this person in terms of their work—insightful advice about their projects, job, and interactions with co-workers. You can motivate and inspire them to get the job done because you understand their desire to be of service and the purity of their intent. Your influence can also help them to recognize and heal any behaviors that are counterproductive to creating a harmonious work environment.

  ORGANIZATION—You have been called into their life because you naturally affect their behavior in a way that increases their level of healthy organization. You bring them the gift of actively helping them put their practical affairs—and their lives—in order. By asking them a few questions to determine their needs, you can see how they can restore order to their environment and organize their time more efficiently. As long as your true motive is to help them, they will be open to your input.

  PROCESSING/INTEGRATION/FOCUS—When this person makes a mistake and suffers a setback, you are uniquely equipped to help them process and understand what happened so they can correct their behavior and avoid making the same mistake again. You help them work on themselves in a way that makes them healthier and more successful. By focusing on areas that are causing them stress, your insights allow them to create a new order and gain confidence in the situation.

  HEALTH—One of the reasons you are in this person’s life is to be a good influence on their health. They are likely to discuss their health issues with you, and you can naturally be aware of any attitudes or behaviors that are undermining their health. They sense that you are good doctor karma for them, so when you recommend healers and/or remedies that are most likely to restore their health, they are usually receptive to your ideas.

  POTENTIAL AREAS OF CONCERN—Although one of your main purposes in their life is to be a positive influence on their work, in bringing increased power and focus to “getting the job done” you may inadvertently draw energy away from their taking time to recuperate and recharge on a personal level. If you are working together, be aware that you may not be giving them enough time off from the task at hand. It would be in both of your best interests for you to encourage them to structure their schedule in a way that allows them to have the personal time they need.

  BEST APPROACH—You have come into this person’s life because on a deep level they have called for help in bringing order to their lives, including organizing their time, their work, and their health regimen. Asking them questions—“How is your work going?” “Are you feeling energetic these days?” “What is your schedule like at this point?”—and being interested in the tangible details of their life helps them focus on how they are spending their time and what they need to do to bring the disorganized parts of their life into order.

  PAST LIFE INFLUENCES—It is likely that in a past incarnation, you were responsible for putting this person in a protected environment that isolated them from the world. This undermined their confidence in their ability to survive by doing meaningful work that is rewarded by society. Now you are in a unique position to help them regain confidence in their ability to use their power to produce tangible results, and in the process, any psychic scars you may be carrying from past lives with this Soul can also be healed. If your South Node also conjoins a planet in their 12th House, your connection is truly a matter of destiny—a contract to be fulfilled—and these influences will be felt much more strongly (see Part III).

  When your North Node is in their 7TH HOUSE, you are bringing them the gifts of:

  PARTNERSHIP—Being a team player means surrendering the spotlight and putting the harmony and well-being of the partnership before selfish concerns. You are in this person’s life because they are too focused on themselves, and their independent tendencies have become exaggerated. Your job is to help them develop more awareness of “us” and grow in their ability to form successful partnerships. Then their life will become easier and more fulfilling.

  ENHANCED PRIMARY RELATIONSHIPS—You have a unique ability to help this person feel accepted, appreciated, and loved, and your presence will most likely open their heart to you. Even if they are romantically involved with someone else, you are likely to give them good advice on how they can improve that relationship, and their relations
hip skills in general. Show interest in their relationships with others: “How is your relationship with your wife going?” Through the process of sharing information with you, they will be able to gain new insights about their situation.

  COOPERATION AND DIPLOMACY—You can be a very positive influence in helping them develop the skills of tact and diplomacy. You naturally see the ways in which they are avoiding confrontation or are not cooperating with others, causing situations to become more difficult. When they have a crisis in their relationships, do not hesitate to become involved. You are good relationship karma for them, serving as a role model and giving them advice that will improve the harmony in their interactions with others.

  POTENTIAL AREAS OF CONCERN—As you help them learn to share and “do it together,” you can inadvertently drain energy from their sense of self-identity. You are far more aware of them in their capacity to be a good partner than you are of their individual uniqueness. Ask them to let you know if they begin to feel the need for more independence, time alone, or support in pursuing their own interests.

  BEST APPROACH—You have come into this person’s life to help them improve their relationship skills. Showing interest in their inter-actions with others opens a channel through which they can learn and grow. For example: “How is it going with your boss?” Or: “Is communication getting any better with your son?” Often just by discussing their relationships with you they will gain clarity about how to handle things in a more positive way. Don’t hesitate to share your opinions, insights, and suggestions in terms of how they can create greater harmony with others.


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