Cosmic Love

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Cosmic Love Page 51

by Jan Spiller

  Your North Node partner will help you see life and relationships in a way that expands your capacity to experience love. There is a positive, mutual flow of love intrinsic to this connection, so when someone has their North Node on your Venus, spend time with them!

  North Node Conjunct Mars

  Mars rules the “warrior within.” Its placement in our birthchart reveals our sexual style, the way we assert ourselves, the areas where we most need to experience independence, and what motivates us.

  If you are the NORTH NODE person:

  Your purpose in the Mars person’s life is to motivate them to take action. You sense their life force and have the innate ability to jumpstart their energy in a positive direction. Your enthusiasm supports their initiative and encourages them to follow their desires by bravely pursuing new pathways. Be confident that you are a positive force for your partner. When they express a desire to do something, step right up and lend encouragement.

  If this is a sexual relationship, they will reveal their sexuality more comfortably and more spontaneously with you than with others. As you support their success with sexual expression, your relationship will be filled with mutual satisfaction.

  In a non-sexual relationship, you are bringing them the gift of Love by showing interest in goals that are important to them. Encourage their independence and urge them to follow their dreams. You naturally know the right words to build up their confidence to express the “warrior within,” allowing them to become the leader in their life and manifest their desires. In the process of motivating them, you will increase your own level of boldness to pursue your goals for your own life.

  If you are the MARS person:

  When the North Node person encourages you to be assertive in the pursuit of your goals, take their advice. This individual can motivate you and help you learn how to take action in ways that promote your aims. They fuel your intentions when these intentions are in your best interest.

  Whenever you lack courage or drive to take the next step, connect with this person. They will energize you. Share your dilemma with them, since they know what works best for you. The key is for you to first be clear about what you want, then reach out to them and let them motivate you to take action.

  This person has entered your life because on a subconscious level your Soul is urging you to get in touch with your power to achieve success through rightful action. If you lack boldness, this person can light that spark for you. It is their job to help you heal self-sabotaging patterns that prevent you from getting the results you want. By following their advice, you in turn bring out the best in them and they are motivated to act successfully on their own behalf.

  North Node Conjunct Jupiter

  Jupiter in the chart reveals (by house and by sign) the areas of life where good fortune smiles on us. This is where we are intuitively connected to the beneficent forces of the Universe and consequently experience guidance that brings us spiritual and material happiness.

  If you are the NORTH NODE person:

  You bring the Jupiter person the gift of helping them grow and establish a positive view of life. You may introduce ideas that expand their appreciation of culture, or you may enlighten their higher consciousness so that they find answers that were previously unavailable to them. In this way, you help them achieve peace of mind.

  Encourage them to expand their horizons. Let them know you are interested in the areas where they most want to develop. If they express a desire to further their education or experience other cultures, show enthusiasm for these aims. Your support will expand their trust in life. You are like a good luck charm for them, opening them up to the flow of universal forces that bestow blessings and good fortune when we are ready to receive these gifts.

  Your purpose in their life is to be a conduit to a higher level of awareness than they would be able to reach without your influence. As you encourage them to take risks and grow through new experiences, it brings out the best in you and increases the flow of Love between you.

  If you are the JUPITER person:

  Your North Node partner will encourage your desire for personal growth and self-development. Their influence in your life helps you to see that life is an adventure—and you want to be part of it! They have come into your life because on a subconscious level your Soul is calling for you to perceive life within a larger framework. They are destined to impact your spiritual growth and increase your faith in positive outcomes.

  It may be that in trying to understand your relationship with them, you read a self-help book, draw closer to your church or spiritual group, or begin a practice of prayer or meditation. Through their influence you become ready to take the next step in your evolutionary journey by connecting with positive spiritual forces that bring you greater peace of mind.

  This partner also provides positive guidance in terms of prosperity and abundance. They bring you good luck in the areas where Jupiter’s house placement in your birthchart naturally inclines you to receive such gifts. For example, if your Jupiter is in your 2nd House (money), you were born with good money karma. Their North Node conjoining your Jupiter increases this karmic asset, so when this person enters your life, your natural money magnetism is activated to attract financial blessings.

  By actively receiving their gift and increasing your faith in positive spiritual forces, you simultaneously nurture your spiritual connection with them. And as the gift is activated, it becomes reciprocal. This is a winning situation for both of you.

  North Node Conjunct Saturn

  Saturn shows that part of us—by house and by sign—where we have been “damaged” due to having a lack of boundaries (both in a past incarnation and often reactivated in early childhood), and thus feel awkward and inadequate in this lifetime. We tend to have inhibitions and barriers in those areas that block us from full expression.

  When the Saturn in one person’s chart conjoins the North Node in another’s chart, there is enormous potential for healing for both parties. This is a definite past life karmic connection in which the North Node person has promised the Saturn person to help release them from these limitations. Through this connection, the Saturn person feels energized and encouraged to successfully overcome old constraints. A deep bond is activated for both parties.

  If you are the NORTH NODE person:

  Your purpose in the Saturn person’s life is to help them heal the area where they have been most damaged in the past. The damage occurred because of their lack of boundaries in this area. At the time they were injured, in that incarnation they did not have the knowledge and character development necessary to overcome their sense of failure in the situation. As a result, they now feel inept in creating success in that area of their life. For instance, if in a past life they didn’t set appropriate boundaries around money and lost their fortune as a result, now they may not feel confident in managing their finances successfully (Saturn 2nd House).

  All Saturn-related karma is the result of not knowing how to take responsibility for creating success, and our natural tendency as human beings is to avoid areas where we feel uncomfortable. Your presence in their life naturally makes the Saturn person more receptive to dealing with these issues. Your influence helps them to stay “on path” and encourages them to expand their consciousness, increase their patience, and activate their self-discipline. In this way they gain experience and self-assurance in the part of their life where they feel restricted.

  So take the initiative to encourage them wherever they feel inept. Demonstrate your faith in their dormant skills. Your presence automatically gives them renewed strength and confidence in their ability to take charge so they can evolve into their full potential and successfully reach their goals.

  The reciprocity inherent in this conjunction lies in the fact that the Saturn person’s awkwardness pulls on you, demanding that you engage the energy of the house and sign of your North Node. On some level they r
ecognize that only by activating your North Node potential and claiming your destiny will you have the strength to help them break down their barriers to success.

  This process is not always easy or comfortable. If you are lazy and don’t enact your North Node attributes, they may pull back from the relationship—perhaps even abandon you. One way or another, your relationship with the Saturn person will force you to recognize the importance of these areas in your life so you can reach the next level of personal growth. In the end this is a win-win situation for both parties.

  If you are the SATURN person:

  Saturn represents the area where we most want to experience success, yet feel the most deeply inadequate and fear failure due to an injury experienced in a past incarnation and often reactivated in early childhood. This injury occurred due to a lack of boundaries in a situation that was important to you. For instance, you may have gotten hurt in a romantic relationship because you failed to establish personal boundaries with your partner. Now in this lifetime you feel awkward and unsuccessful in the area of romantic relationships (Saturn in the 5th House).

  The North Node person has entered your life because on a subconscious level your Soul is calling for you to gain the confidence you need to overcome these fears, learn to establish appropriate boundaries, and create success in this area. Their influence helps disintegrate old restrictions that have been holding you back. They validate you and give you self-assurance where you need it the most.

  Your North Node partner recognizes your underlying talents and has faith in your abilities. They refuse to buy into your feelings of insufficiency and are willing to help you actualize your potential to take charge and achieve success. In spite of your imperfections, awkwardness, and flaws, you feel appreciated and loved by this person—somehow they “get” who you really are.

  They will bring you positive expansion in areas where you have injuries stemming from past life issues or from your relationship with a parent, and have felt inhibited and limited—the areas of life where your Saturn is located. For example, if your Saturn is in the 10th House (your career and/or reputation is involved), they will be supportive of your career and will help to expand your reputation. If your Saturn is in the 2nd House, your finances are likely to increase. With Saturn in the 3rd House, your communication skills improve, etc.

  This is an excellent marriage, partnership, or friendship connection. By respecting their values and allowing this person to be an integral part of your life, you make your journey and healing your karma so much easier. Don’t take them for granted. They are bringing you the gift of freedom from the insecurities that can paralyze you and keep you from fulfilling your dreams.

  In fact, this person brings you the potential to experience what you have always longed for on the deepest level (depending on the sign placement of your Saturn at birth): Aries = authenticity, Taurus = self-worth, Gemini = acceptance, Cancer = nurturing, Leo = approval, Virgo = a sense of order, Libra = harmony, Scorpio = empowerment, Sagittarius = freedom, Capricorn = respect, Aquarius = understanding, Pisces = trust.

  North Node Conjunct Uranus

  The placement of Uranus in our birthchart reveals, by house and by sign, that part of us that longs to experience the aliveness of change and new levels of awareness.

  If you are the NORTH NODE person:

  Your purpose in the Uranus individual’s life is to awaken them to the positive possibilities of change and encourage them to make choices that add excitement to their lives. By supporting them and giving approval and value to their distinct brand of individuality, you set them free to follow new enlivening avenues of self-actualization.

  Uranus in their birthchart shows the area in which they are most uniquely themselves, where they are following their own path rather than heeding the dictates of society. You validate their innovative approaches and help jolt them out of any stagnant ruts they may be stuck in.

  Freely encourage them to be themselves and to take action that is intuitively in alignment with their inner being. If they have a desire for change or want to reform society (or their immediate environment) in a constructive way, support their aims and be willing to engage in the experiment with them. Being true to the self within ignites their aliveness and allows them to take the next step on their evolutionary journey. You are the catalyst who can make it happen. And in the process of supporting their uniqueness, the best in you becomes free to rejuvenate your life as well.

  If you are the URANUS person:

  The North Node person has entered your life because on some deep level your Soul is longing for you to shrug off the pressures of social conventions and begin to follow your own innovative spirit. Their job is to encourage you to try new paths and take chances that ultimately disrupt the status quo and lead you to a higher level in your evolutionary journey. The old structures have served their function and are holding you back. It’s time to replace them with new and exciting avenues that awaken your energy and aliveness.

  If you find yourself stuck in an uncomfortable situation, this person will help you to see new possibilities. They support your unconventionality, and their influence creates an inner awakening in you that leads to greater freedom in your life. By receiving their gift, it becomes activated and reciprocal. So when you have flashes of intuition and inspiration, this person will be right there with you on the journey, gaining new insights and aliveness for themselves as well.

  North Node Conjunct Neptune

  Neptune reveals, by house and by sign, the area in which we experience our deepest need for unconditional love, trust, and reliance on a power greater than ourselves. It is where we most long to connect with Divine Love and experience a state of inspiration, bliss, and unlimited joy.

  If you are the NORTH NODE person:

  On a Soul level, the Neptune person has called out to you to validate their spiritual path. You will feel naturally inclined to support them as they look to a Higher Power for their inspiration. Your purpose in their life is to encourage them to pursue the vision or dream they would like to manifest. If they have a spiritual ideal or mystical approach to life, your influence bolsters their progress.

  You instinctively know how to support their idealistic, artistic, mystical, spiritual nature so that they can take the next step of their evolutionary journey. Regardless of what spiritual or artistic path they have chosen to follow, support their efforts to become more unconditionally loving. Suggesting disciplines such as meditation, yoga, and other mystical pursuits can lead to bliss and open them to guidance from a Higher Power.

  Your influence can bring out the healer in them, which in turn helps them to become a greater inspiration and healing influence for others. In the process of encouraging their spiritual development, the best in you emerges and you are inspired to seek a higher path in your own life.

  If you are the NEPTUNE person:

  Your North Node partner has entered your life because on a subconscious level your Soul is calling for you to grow spiritually and experience Love on a whole new level. They help to clarify any confusion or delusion that may be hindering your spiritual path, which enables you to more fully actualize your spiritual potential.

  You are ready to take the next step in your evolutionary journey by connecting with a Higher Spiritual Power. This may take the form of developing your creativity or entail a search for mystical truths through esoteric studies. This person will inspire your creative or artistic talents or interests. They honor the gentleness in your nature and your sensitivity to subtle forces. And you gain confidence and strength from their support.

  This person encourages your dreams, visions, and mystical inclinations. They can spot the pitfalls that are blocking your progress and preventing you from manifesting your dreams—and they can help you in making your dreams come true.

  If you have been dealing with the challenge of addictive substances or behaviors, their presence in your life can help y
ou conquer your dependency. They will be a healing, soothing influence, supporting you in following forms of relaxation and purification such as yoga, meditation, or fasting. They listen and are interested when you discuss these subjects. By receiving their gift, the energy becomes activated and reciprocal. So as you become more trusting and reliant on the guidance of higher spiritual energies, you inspire them to expand their own spiritual journey as well.

  North Node Conjunct Pluto

  Pluto reveals, by house and by sign, the area of our life where we most want to demonstrate power. This urge is often suppressed by our environment in childhood, leaving us feeling powerless and terrified to use our power. Pluto’s placement also shows us where a purging or cleansing must take place in order for us to consciously reconnect with our potency and learn how to use it in a healthy way.

  If you are the NORTH NODE person:

  Your purpose in the Pluto person’s life is to encourage change and personal empowerment. You help to reactivate their sense of potency and learn how to use it appropriately. One way to do this is by validating their positive qualities. Your partner automatically feels more charismatic, energized, and powerful because of your influence.

  It is appropriate for you to show an interest in their affairs and encourage them to take risks that lead to healthy transformation. Don’t hesitate to be firm when steering them in the direction of commitments and actions that will be empowering for them. Inspire them to transform areas of fear and suppression into bold and positive action. By supporting their strengths and encouraging them to take actions that test their character, you nurture their moral fiber.


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