Cosmic Love

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Cosmic Love Page 56

by Jan Spiller

  Composite North Node House

  1st House

  The key to maximizing the potential in this partnership is to recognize and remain aware of the special opportunity it offers for each person becoming stronger and more independent. To experience the joys and benefits of the relationship, support your partner’s personal growth and encourage their self-discovery, even if that means they engage in some activities alone.

  If a conflict should arise, the best approach would be: Take an independent stance: “Here is what I would like in this situation; what would you like?” Then you can work out a solution that supports and honors each of you as individuals.

  2nd House

  The key to maximizing the potential in this partnership is to recognize and remain aware that it offers the opportunity for you to support each other’s values and increase your self-esteem. To experience the joys and benefits of the relationship, allow it to expand your sensuality, your ability to make money, and add to your material comforts.

  If a conflict should arise, the best approach would be: State your own needs: “Here is what I need in this situation in order to feel comfortable. What do you need to feel comfortable?” Self-esteem for each partner is paramount for the relationship to be fulfilling. Be willing to build whatever will support both of you, step by step.

  3rd House

  The key to maximizing the potential in this partnership is to recognize and remain aware that it offers the opportunity to experience the joys and benefits of easy communication and acceptance of each other’s ideas. You both enjoy sharing thoughts about the events of everyday life as they unfold. Keep things light, easy, and happy.

  If a conflict should arise, the best approach would be: Stop assuming you know what’s happening and start communicating. Ask questions; be curious about how the other person thinks. Keep daily communication going through notes, e-mails, or text messages.

  4th House

  The key to maximizing the potential in this partnership is to recognize and remain aware that it offers the opportunity to experience the joys and benefits of making a home together. This may be a physical home or a psychological “home base” that provides a solid foundation on which to live your lives.

  If a conflict should arise, the best approach would be: Stop trying to control outcomes. Share what’s going on with you internally in the situation so your partner can see your “real self.”

  5th House

  The key to maximizing the potential in this partnership is to recognize and remain aware that it offers the opportunity to stimulate each other’s creativity and have a lot of fun. To experience the joys and benefits of the relationship, be sure to include playfulness and fun in your everyday life. The children born of this union—whether of the mind or of the body—will be a source of joy and good fortune.

  If a conflict should arise, the best approach would be: Adopt a lighter, more playful attitude and have some fun together. Plan a pleasurable activity you both enjoy. Go on a vacation together or have a romantic dinner.

  6th House

  The key to maximizing the potential in this partnership is to recognize and remain aware that it energizes you to work together and create productive results. You work well with each other on tangible projects and influence each other’s health and organizational skills in a positive way. To experience the joys and benefits of the relationship, stay focused in the here and now.

  If a conflict should arise, the best approach would be: Work together to create a plan for how to shift results onto a more positive track. Get involved in a project—or adopt a pet—you can both enjoy.

  7th House

  The key to maximizing the potential in this partnership is to recognize and remain aware that it offers the opportunity to experience the joys and benefits of a successful relationship. To this end, learn what you can do to support each other through joining forces and functioning as a team.

  If a conflict should arise, the best approach would be: Release independent tendencies and self-focus; being interested in your partner’s individuality helps support the well-being of the team.

  8th House

  The key to maximizing the potential in this partnership is to recognize and remain aware that it offers the opportunity to experience the joys and benefits of a Soul Mate relationship. This is a natural situation of reciprocity. As you give to them and support them, they automatically are aware of you and support you back—the mutual experience of Love and energy flows between the two of you.

  If a conflict should arise, the best approach would be: Release self-absorption and preoccupation with your own needs and become interested in what you can do to support your partner. If there is a project that the two of you are pledged to working on together, freely blend your energies to create success.

  9th House

  The key to maximizing the potential in this partnership is to recognize and remain aware that it offers the opportunity to increase trust and personal freedom. It can also expand intuitive awareness of the events unfolding in your daily life. Allow this alliance to shift you into a pattern of accelerated spiritual growth. To experience the joys and benefits of the relationship, both of you need to become more direct and honest in your communication.

  If a conflict should arise, the best approach would be: Stop talking and pull back. Give the other person, and yourself, a chance to reconnect with your trust that a Higher Power is in charge and put personal growth above desired material outcomes. Foreign travel together or joint involvement in religious, philosophical, or spiritual activities brings out the best in both of you.

  10th House

  The key to maximizing the potential in this partnership is to recognize and remain aware that it offers special opportunities to focus on achieving success and attaining goals. The joys and benefits of the relationship can make you both stronger and give you an expanded sense of your own competency and capacity to take charge.

  If a conflict should arise, the best approach would be: Rise above the emotional field and take charge. Work together to define a goal that is agreeable to both of you, and then focus on it. Support each other in achieving joint aims.

  11th House

  The key to maximizing the potential in this partnership is to recognize and remain aware that it offers the special opportunity to experience the joys and benefits of a relationship with someone who can also be your best friend. You create plenty of energy to work together toward humanitarian goals. The shared dream of benefiting others energizes you both.

  If a conflict should arise, the best approach would be: Treat the other person as an equal and ask for their input as a friend. Brainstorm with them in order to see the situation more objectively. Be interested in what is best for them, and encourage them in realizing their own life dreams.

  12th House

  The key to maximizing the potential in this partnership is to recognize and continue to honor the fact that it offers the opportunity to experience the joys and benefits of a relationship while supporting each other’s personal time, privacy, and self-sufficiency. Your influence on each other enhances each person’s ability to link with positive spiritual forces in order to find higher resolutions to mundane problems. Support each other’s spiritual and artistic forces and ability to connect with mystical realms.

  If a conflict should arise, the best approach would be: Give each other space. Support each other in taking time alone to rest and revitalize yourselves. Instead of trying to change their behavior, seek awareness of any self-sabotaging patterns you may be enacting on an unconscious level in the relationship.

  Composite North Node Sign


  This relationship will stimulate your feisty spirit and give you the chance to develop your independence and courage. You both will likely become more assertive, impulsive, and bold. Be willing to support each other in developing and expressing
your separate identities.

  Aim for: Developing healthy independence; each of you putting your view on the table as independent entities; encouraging each other’s strength and self-development.


  This relationship creates stability and helps you build toward whatever you feel is valuable. You both will likely feel comfort in areas where you have previously felt the energy of crisis. This partnership can validate your sense of self-worth and can stimulate your moneymaking potential.

  Aim for: Building stability that will serve you in times of crisis; doing things that make each of you feel good about yourselves as individuals; gaining awareness that feeling comfortable is an indicator of being on path.


  This relationship enhances the development of your communication skills. You are likely to be able to “hear” each other’s ideas and accept them as true for the other person. By all means, talk things out together and discuss all the options you see as a basis for resolution.

  Aim for: Regular communication; staying in touch concerning situations that are unfolding; be willing to share helpful information on a regular basis through written communication.


  This relationship enhances the experience of emotional intimacy. Risk revealing your feelings to each other as they arise, and release control at a deeper level. Become more aware of caring for your partner—and taking care of them—in a way that makes them feel nurtured and supported.

  Aim for: Empathy and caring for each other; revealing of feelings on a deeper level; showing sensitivity to each other’s moods; helping each other feel better.


  This relationship brings the opportunity to experience the energy of romance. It will also encourage creativity. You will see what your partner enjoys and what naturally increases their vitality, and these are areas in which you will encourage them toward greater expression. This partnership flourishes when you maintain a playful, happy mood.

  Aim for: Supporting each other’s creativity, having fun with children, encouraging your partner to participate in activities that bring them pleasure; taking time for romance.


  This relationship thrives when you are helping each other become more practical. Make plans and establish routines that lead to a stable, healthy, and productive life. You bring each other the opportunity to gain a clearer awareness of your ability to create order out of a chaotic situation.

  Aim for: Analyzing the details of the situation together to come up with a practical plan; defining a mutual goal to which you can both pledge yourselves; making lists of behaviors you both want to encourage in the relationship.


  When you work together as a team amazing results can be created. Drawing on each other’s energy to support the good of the team leads to true cooperation. This relationship brings the opportunity to create healthy interdependency with another.

  Aim for: Cooperation, fairness, and diplomacy; non-competitive teamwork; thinking of yourself as part of a “team” and supporting your partner.


  This relationship thrives when you become attuned to your partner’s needs—and support them. It offers the opportunity to experience the joy of a Soul Mate relationship: the reciprocal flow that is created when each partner is deeply aware of the other and wholeheartedly giving each other what they need for support.

  Aim for: Deeply listening to what you partner is telling you they need you to do to support them; wholehearted giving to each other; the path of taking chances together that leads to transformation and the excitement of change and moving beyond fear.


  This relationship encourages personal freedom and each partner’s search for Truth. This is the experience of freedom that comes from trusting and following your intuition and acting in alignment with the ethics and moral principles that bring you peace of mind.

  Aim for: Trusting in positive outcomes; experiencing your life together as an adventure; releasing mental manipulation in favor of direct and honest communication.


  This relationship encourages you both to take charge and create a success out of the situations facing you. Every obstacle life brings is a stepping stone on your evolutionary journey. Consciously viewing Life in this way will give both of you the opportunity to expand your experience of creating success.

  Aim for: Defining goals together; creating situations that enhance both partners’ feelings of self-respect; taking on responsibilities together that lead to experiencing increased competency; taking a business-like approach.


  This relationship works best when you relate as equals—as friends. It brings an opportunity for both of you to see life with increased objectivity. This enhances your ability to make decisions that are more closely aligned with the bigger picture of what is occurring.

  Aim for: Objectivity—seeing the Big Picture; creating win-win situations in which you both get what you want; supporting each other in manifesting your dreams.


  This relationship can help you both learn how to “let go and let God.” Creating a pathway that is in alignment with events as they are unfolding can help both of you to become less judgmental, more flexible, and help you surrender to the flow of unconditional love.

  Aim for: Understanding and forgiveness; trusting that a Higher Power is in charge; experiencing joy and bliss; letting other people be themselves; accepting that which you cannot change.

  Composite Planetary Conjunctions

  Of particular interest: I’ve noticed that when a planet in the composite chart is located in the same degree as a planet in one of the individual’s natal chart, one purpose of the relationship is to help that individual actualize and fulfill the drive represented by the planet that is thus activated.

  For example, if Venus in the composite chart is located at 5 degrees Scorpio, and one of the individuals has their Mars at 5 degrees Scorpio, the love in the relationship (Venus) will stimulate that individual to become more assertive and energetic (Mars).

  This book is dedicated to my father and friend

  over many incarnations, William Ayles Nunn Jr.,

  whose presence in my life compelled me to grow.


  This book has been a privilege to write. In the process of coming to deeply understand astrological formulas that make the exchange of love special between two specific individuals, I have personally learned so much more about Love.

  I would like to thank my friend and fellow author Harold Bloomfield for his helpful spirit and his brilliance in coming up with the perfect title for this book. I also want to acknowledge the many people I interviewed, for their willingness to honestly reveal themselves, as well as for their insights on the inner workings of their own primary relationship interactions—most especially Sheri Chalnick, for her many insightful perceptions.

  Thanks also to Judith Horton, who has been the primary personal editor for all my books. She organized, condensed, and clarified a tremendous amount of material, and her focus on making sure the content could be easily understood by those outside the astrological community has been a great help. Jack Pettey coming in at the eleventh hour with his editing skills was a godsend. Helen Thomas-Williams has supported all of us throughout the process of manifesting this book. Danielle Perez and Barb Burg, who have believed in the book from the beginning, have opened the way for it to reach an international audience.

  I’d like to acknowledge the state of consciousness that allowed me to write this book: a non-judgmental curiosity about the inner workings of different archetypes (the twelve North Node orientations) as expressed in relationships. During this process I felt the Guides and Angels surrounding me, opening sacred channels of knowledge so that this information could be shared with you.


  My nephew, Dillon, is a very Old Soul. When he was six years old, my father said to him playfully: “Well, Dillon, here we are, having breakfast. We don’t know what’s going on here really—what do you think we’re here for?”

  Dillon: “To have fun.”

  Father: “Why else are we here?”

  Dillon: “To learn.”

  Father: “Hmmmm—why else are we here?”

  Dillon: “To help others.”

  And really, that about sums it up.


  New Moon Astrology

  Astrology for the Soul

  Spiritual Astrology

  About the Author

  JAN SPILLER is known throughout the world as a trusted and perceptive leader in astrology. She is an innovator in using astrology as a definitive tool that links her readers to their individual spiritual path. Thus her books both illuminate her readers’ way and empower them to manifest their dreams. Her books are based on her unique personal approach to the inner workings of the human psyche and its connection with spiritual empowerment.

  She has websites both in America and Japan, teaches regularly at New Age and astrology conferences and is a highly sought after radio and television guest.


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