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Imperfect Consequences

Page 1

by Piper Stone

  Imperfect Consequences

  Piper Stone

  Published by Blushing Books

  An Imprint of

  ABCD Graphics and Design, Inc.

  A Virginia Corporation

  977 Seminole Trail #233

  Charlottesville, VA 22901

  ©2019 by ABCD Graphics and Design, Inc. and Piper Stone

  All rights reserved.

  No part of the book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. The trademark Blushing Books is pending in the US Patent and Trademark Office.

  Piper Stone

  Imperfect Consequences

  EBook ISBN: 978-1-64563-014-2


  Cover Art by ABCD Graphics & Design

  This book contains fantasy themes appropriate for mature readers only. Nothing in this book should be interpreted as Blushing Books' or the author's advocating any non-consensual sexual activity.


  Piper Stone


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Piper Stone


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8


  Piper Stone


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Piper Stone

  EBook Offer

  Blushing Books Newsletter

  Blushing Books


  Imperfect Consequences Book One

  Piper Stone

  Chapter 1

  “Damn it! Why is every night like this?”

  “Cause you’re a jerk-off,” Shannon Parker muttered under her breath. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. Loathing her husband and calling him names seemed like sport lately, one she relished and seemed to be winning. Snickering, she could tell David was swearing, turning away as he spewed nasty words.


  Cringing, she stood, staring out the living room bay window, a myriad of ugly thoughts racing in the back of her mind. She glanced toward the doorway and held up her middle finger, anger boiling within. I fucking hate you.

  “You’re such a bitch, lately.”

  “Shut up!” she screeched and fisted her forehead. God, she wanted to punch him. The sad truth? Her behavior continued to be reprehensible. She could hear David rustling in the kitchen, opening and closing cabinet doors, the sounds wafting above the music blaring on the CD player. Of course, he wasn’t just washing and drying utensils and placing them in the drawers. He was yanking open every one, throwing every spoon and knife, dish or glass inside before slamming the door or the drawer, cursing in a low and husky tone, every time. But she could still hear his angry exclamations. Asshole. For a minute, she considered storming into the kitchen and telling him to his face. Any additional insolence would only escalate another fight. Now she debated.

  “You shut up!”

  David was pissed tonight, frustration brimming in his words since he’d gotten home. Then again, his moods had been getting darker over the last several months as their relationship continued to deteriorate. Her husband was a different man than the one she’d married. And, she was an unconventional woman, one her husband couldn’t seem to tolerate.

  She shook her head, trying her best to keep the nasty words she was thinking from brimming to the surface. Another argument wasn’t going to do either one of them any good, or their nearly destroyed marriage, but goddamn it, he could push every fucking button. Calm down. Just calm down. She glanced over at her glass of red wine, and for the first time in her life, the color made her think of death. Maybe the fact her mother had recently died had something to do with her moments of raw angst. Sadly, her bouts of lashing out at David, blaming him for practically everything that had gone wrong lately, had been increasing as well. They were on a collision course to separation; she had no doubt. There were days she didn’t give a shit, and others she was on the brink of bawling her eyes out. Shannon’s emotions were all over the place, her sensitivity level so high David couldn’t seem to say anything right. At least to her.

  A rattled sigh escaping her lips, she reached over and grabbed her wine glass, nearly knocking the dense crystal over onto David’s CD collection. Snorting, she could only imagine just how infuriated he’d be if some of his precious music collection were ruined. Taking a sip and then a gulp of her wine, she shivered from hearing him cursing again. That’s all he seemed to do lately, curse. And all she could do was call him names—horrible, vile names. She palmed the glass with one hand as she shook her head. Their life, barely two years before, had been different, happy. Well, mostly happy.

  When did the ugliness start? The arguments were created out of nothing, ending up so horrific and totally off the radar. Day after day, they screamed at each other until the wee hours of the morning. Why? When had she spent the first night crying herself to sleep? When was the first time she’d contemplated leaving? The answers weren’t easy to come by. Neither were the reasons why. They’d simply fallen into a bitter trap, one not unlike several sets of close married couples they knew. So many of their friends were either embroiled in divorce or getting close to ending whatever relationship they were in.

  Closing her eyes, she could still remember the love, the passion, and the fun she and David had shared together. In the beginning, they’d been so much in love, unable to keep their hands off each other. Life had never been perfect, but right now, there was nothing they shared that was enjoyable any longer. Nothing. Their relationship was simply a tumultuous mess.

  Shannon took another sip of her wine, realizing her hand was shaking so much that beads of merlot were trickling down the side of the glass. Her heart skipping, she drove back tears along with her anger, afraid of starting another fight. Tonight was supposed to be about enjoying dinner together and not a boxing match, but each time they shared space or had heated discussions, a battle seemed to ensue. Every day was a new conversation about bills and her constant spending, her laziness around the house, or so much of his time spent with his friends.

  God, she was tired, exhausted from sparring over nothing. She could hear him grumbling in the background, and a part of her wanted to grab a bag and her keys and leave the house, him, and her fake life, forever. Fake. The nasty word was the only way to describe the moments that revolved around the clock lately.

  She turned back toward the window, her emotions running high. For a brief minute, she closed her eyes, imaging another life, one filled with joy, and peace, and passion and…

  “Are you going to help me finish the dishes or not?”

  Shannon’s eyes snapped open. She exhaled, and the ugly sound was ragged. Just say yes. Just make peace. “Sure.”

  David snorted. “Or are you too busy drinking your wine?”

  He always cut her down, no matter what she was doing or not doing. “Damn it! Why do you always do that?” Turning to face him, she gave him a horrible sneer. He was looming in the doorway. Jesus.

  “Stop acting like a child. If you’d help me more, then I wouldn’t have to push you.”

  “Push me? I do the lion’s share of work around here since you’re always working.�
�� Shannon’s eyes flashed. “When was the last time you did a load of laundry or ran the vacuum? Do you even know how to turn the damn thing on?” When her tirade was met with silence, she hissed. “See.”

  “Fine. Have it your way. Somehow, you always manage to get what you want anyway.” David stalked back into the kitchen.

  Her legs trembling, she swore under her breath. Fuck you. She wasn’t good, any longer, at making the peace, but tonight, she was exhausted from extra hours at work and simply not getting enough sleep. Clenching her fist, she held out her glass and shook her head. He knew how to push her buttons every time. The fight wasn’t worth fighting. Resigned, she polished off her drink, and walked back into the kitchen. Where was love? They certainly seemed to have a lot of hate.

  David glanced in her direction before placing several plates in the now empty dishwasher. Turning on the faucet, he wrapped his hand around a bowl, yanking it under the water. “So, are you going to help, or do I need to hire someone?”

  “Why do you have to be argumentative about every aspect of our life?”

  “Every aspect? You have to be kidding me,” David snapped. Shaking his head, he grabbed a glass, tossing it onto the top rack, the clamor echoing into the room.

  She had to fight to keep from gasping. “Just stop.”

  “Jesus Christ, Shannon. We can’t even have dinner without arguing. We can’t even have a conversation without you turning and twisting the words around and making every single thing I say sound nasty.”

  “You’re right about dinner, but you usually start the bullshit.”

  David glanced in her direction before gripping the counter with both hands. “Yeah, you’re right. I’m a fucking asshole. That’s all I’ve been ever since the day we got married. Right?”

  “That’s not what I said,” Shannon whispered as she folded her arms.

  “But that’s exactly what you meant.”

  Her breath caught as she tried to figure out how to answer him. If she had to be honest with herself, she’d used the words more often than not, lately. “I don’t know what I mean any longer.”

  “Well, maybe you need to figure out what you mean and what you want. Maybe we both do.” David locked eyes with her, then looked away.

  “And what the hell does that mean?” Incensed, she shook her head. When he remained silent, she flanked his side, the tone of her voice becoming more demanding. “I asked you a question. Answer it.”

  “Look, this crap we’re doing to each other can’t continue.”

  For the first time in several years, they agreed on something. And she was honestly beginning to question any aspect of his love. Shannon started to move away, but something drew her back, maybe the memories, the quiet joys she could still find in her heart. Sighing, she studied his back, the way he was standing so tall and yet so tense. They’d been happy once. Now she had to wonder whether they could ever find a way back to each other again. “Yeah, you’re right as usual. You’re always so very right.” When he looked away, she cringed. “Whatever. I’m going to bed.”

  David exhaled slowly. “Fine. I’ll be up later, after I freaking calm down. You take the joy out of everything.”

  Why don’t you just sleep on the couch? She started to suggest the very notion, knowing he was going to escape into his office and surf the internet, but why bother? “Sure, you need joy in your life, and I don’t.” Her feet were heavy as she walked up the stairs, tears slipping from her eyes. Shannon wiped them away furiously, determined not to allow him to get to her tonight. Sadly, David was right. Their battles had to end, and she wasn’t certain what would help. So many things had been tried, so many conversations held. She was exhausted from bantering, unable to see straight, most evenings.

  The moment she walked into their bedroom, she couldn’t hold back the tears any longer. The honest truth was, she still loved David with all her heart and was terrified of losing him. Everything seemed so out of control lately, and she couldn’t keep a grip on her emotions. Work was overwhelming, with new clients, and everyone in her company was on edge, simply trying to keep up with the extra workload. No matter. There were no excuses that could suffice for her behavior or his. They were simply at a crossroads. Again. Angry and bitter, she felt completely shoved into a corner, no idea what the hell to do or what to say.

  Slipping into her nightgown, she studied her reflection in the mirror, a new sadness sweeping through her soul. Her once bright eyes were haunted. Maybe a good night’s sleep would help. Turning off the lights, she walked toward the window and instead of closing the blinds, she stood quietly, admiring the full moon. Shannon once believed in so many things. If only there could be a little magic.

  She tensed hearing David come into the room and prayed he wasn’t going to start again. He remained quiet, but she could hear his ragged breathing. Anticipation was killing her. As he walked closer, she braced herself.

  “Maybe we should talk to the counselor again, see if some sessions give us insight into why we’re bickering,” David whispered.

  “We’re not just bickering, David. This is much worse. Do you really think a marriage counselor is going to help this time?” The educated woman they’d seen had tried her best 2 years before, and for a little while, the reconciliation had been pleasant; but even back then, both of them knew they were just biding time. A little over ten years of marriage, and they could barely stand in the same room without bickering.

  “I don’t know, but we need to try something. I don’t want to continue to fight. We can’t. We just can’t, Shannon.”

  “Maybe we should just end this, get on with our lives.” The difficult decision was something she’d been thinking about for months, but fear of the unknown always prevented her from making the suggestion. Her gut told her a separation would be final. Shannon expected a nasty retort. When he closed the distance between them, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her against his chest, she whimpered.

  “I don’t want us to divorce, and I don’t think you do, either.” Brushing his fingers up and down her forearms, he leaned his head against hers.

  She could feel how fast his heart was beating. Shivering in his arms, she had no idea what to say.

  “Do you?”

  “I… I just don’t know.” Several seconds went by, and she faced her own harsh reality. She really didn’t know.

  David kissed the top of her head, turning Shannon around to face him, cupping both sides of her face. “I love you. I’ve never stopped loving you. I don’t like what’s happening to us any more than you do.”

  Blinking rapidly, she nibbled on her bottom lip and longed to pull away from him. Her husband of almost ten years had a way about him, and she wanted desperately for them to just hold each other, cuddle, and talk. “Oh, David, what are we going to do?”

  “I wish I had an answer for you.” Rubbing his thumbs across her cheeks, he seemed to be studying her, his breath shallow.

  “I’m sorry, but I’m exhausted. Tomorrow is going to be a full day.” She pulled away from his grasp, but he grabbed her wrists, yanking her back.

  “Shannon, wait.”


  Tugging her arms down by her side, he pulled her close and lowered his head. Easing a single hand up from her waist, David cupped her chin, tilting her face.

  Even in the dim lighting, she could see his eyes shifting back and forth, hunger building. She wasn’t surprised, just unable to care. “David, don’t.” Palming his chest, she swallowed hard. She knew what he wanted. “We can’t.”

  “Why can’t we? You’re my wife,” he whispered and brushed his lips across hers.

  Part of her wanted to push him away and another yearned for the intimacy. When he pressed his lips against hers, darting his tongue just inside her mouth, she lost herself to the quiet passion.

  David slid both arms around her waist, kneading her ass and bringing her to her tiptoes. Grunting, he swayed his hips back and forth, shoving his groin into her stomach.
br />   “Don’t.”

  “Shannon. You know what you want.”

  Every part of her body tingled from the friction, the feel of his throbbing cock. She couldn’t remember the last time they’d made love. The bouts of sex every once in a while were empty, without feeling. Closing her eyes, she savored the taste of him and the scent of his body, musky and all male. She moaned into the kiss as their tongues entwined, trying desperately to hold back the tears. Why would she cry when he wanted to make love? Maybe because a nagging voice had been stirring the pot in her psyche for two months, vile notions she couldn’t get past.

  He crawled the edge of her gown up her thighs, curling the silky material in his fingers. Exposing her ass, he growled, breaking the kiss. “I want you.”

  Unfortunately, he was irresistible, his actions so convincing. She licked her lips and spread her legs as he caressed her ass, tingling sensations rushing through her body. When he rubbed a single finger up and down the crack of her ass, her legs trembled. Being kinky, to any degree, he hadn’t attempted in so long. The moment he wiggled a single finger in between her ass cheeks, rimming her asshole, she gripped his arm with one hand. She tried to summon the strength to push him away, but she couldn’t. “David.”

  “Are you wet for me?”

  “Yes.” God, she didn’t want to admit the way she felt. Cringing, she tried to fight the dazzling sensations sweeping through her body. Shannon was as wet as she’d been in months, maybe longer.


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