Friends of the Younger Variety

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Friends of the Younger Variety Page 10

by Matt Tims

  Kyle had been so caught up in all of this that he never stopped to think about his buddy.

  “Do you think he’s still gonna be friends with us if he finds out about this?” Tom asked.

  Kyle answered, “Probably not…”

  “He’s been our boy forever,” Tom told him. “He’s like a brother to us. That shits gonna be over if he ever hears about this. And what about her husband?”

  Kyle couldn’t care less about Mr. K. “What about him?” he groaned. Just thinking about that asshole put him in a bad mood.

  “Sure, we think he hates Mrs. K and shit, but they’re still married,” Tom pointed out. “He might be one of those husbands who murders the guy his wife cheats on him with.”

  Kyle took a moment to ponder his friend’s words. There was no changing his mind. He was ready to do this.

  “Wish me luck,” Kyle said as he slowly walked toward the basement steps.

  Tom could only shake his head. “Good luck, man. You’re gonna need it.”

  Chapter 10 – A Hail Mary

  “Ten ways to drive your man crazy,” Jen read to herself while sitting alone at the kitchen table. Way number ten told her to act flirty. Act flirty? Who was writing this garbage? How about, “Ten ways to get your man to touch you.” Now, that was an article she could use.

  Her head perked up at the sound of the basement door opening. Of course, Kyle and Tom would come upstairs. They would have to use the bathroom, or get drinks, or something eventually. What an idiot she was for still sitting at the table! She should had went right up to her room after they showed up.

  She glanced back down at her magazine, but could still see Kyle in her peripheral—his body walking past her—headed for the fridge. He pulled out a bottle of water as she pretended to still be focused on her reading material.

  “So, how’s it going, Mrs. K?” he asked, leaning against the counter while opening his drink.

  “Fine,” she answered coldly, wanting to keep her answers short and sweet. The less time around these two today, the better.

  A few moments of silence passed before she heard him speak up again. “Last night was fun.”

  “I guess,” she responded, continuing to keep her face buried in her magazine.

  Kyle had gone over this conversation a hundred times in his head over the past few hours. He had one-liners ready for anything she could possibly say, and he had an entire speech rehearsed that would knock her on her ass; except, as he stood here in the kitchen, he suddenly had nothing. His mind was completely blank.

  He felt himself begin to panic; and as the silence grew, so did the awkwardness. She wasn’t going to give him anything in a conversation, and he needed all the help he could get. He futzed around with the cap to his drink before finally tightening it on his bottle and heading back toward the basement. He was two feet from the door when he stopped.

  Jen could see him freeze in his tracks right in front of the door. The second he went back down those steps, she would be on her way up to her room to avoid these two for the rest of the day. But why wasn’t he going back down into the basement? Why didn’t anything ever work out the way she wanted it to?

  He turned around and moved back to the kitchen table, taking a seat in the empty chair directly across from her.

  She looked up from her magazine, her tone giving off anything but a welcoming vibe. “Can I help you?”

  Kyle stared back at her with a slight grin. “You know what, Mrs. K? I have you figured out.”

  “Excuse me?” Jen asked.

  “I said that I have you figured out,” he repeated.

  She leaned back in her chair, now focusing all of her attention on the young man. “I wasn’t aware there was anything to figure out.”

  “Sure, there is,” he said, removing the cap from his water bottle before taking a sip. “You know, a lot of guys might have you pegged as a bit of a tease.”

  She let out a soft chuckle after hearing that. “A tease?”

  “The way you flaunt your body,” Kyle explained. “The way you know you drive all of us crazy.”

  She glanced down at what she was wearing and questioned, “Flaunt my body?” Her plan to dress down to deter attention apparently had no impact on him.

  “The bun?” he asked, pointing to her hair and raising his eyebrows. “Please, you still look amazing.”

  She tried her best to hide her smile, but felt herself crack. She was a sucker for compliments—even in uncomfortable situations such as these.

  “So, I’m a tease?” she inquired, still not quite sure what he meant by his comment.

  “Most guys might have you labeled as a tease, but you aren’t in my mind,” he said. “No, I know what you really are.”

  “And what’s that?” she asked.

  “You’re too good of a person,” Kyle told her.

  That was the last answer she’d expected to hear.

  “You see, Mrs. K, you’re too concerned about everyone else,” he went on. “Don’t get me wrong, that’s what I love about you, but you’re always thinking about others instead of yourself; and when you want to act on your urges—your real urges—you don’t. You don’t because you’re too concerned about the impact it might have on the people around you.”

  “And that’s a bad thing?” she asked.

  Kyle stared into her soft blue eyes. “Maybe not for everyone else, but when are you ever happy? When do you ever put yourself first?”

  Maybe he was right. If it wasn’t her son or her husband, it was the PTA board, or their neighbors, or her annoying mother-in-law. She never put herself first; and while she was busy pondering his questions, Kyle had made his way behind her, and was now massaging her shoulders.

  “Doesn’t that sound good?” he asked. “To put yourself first.”

  He placed his hand on her chin and turned her head to the side before she had a chance to react. Her lips were quickly met by his, and she lost herself with the teen for a few moments. The peck turned into a kiss, and the kiss morphed into their tongues exploring each other’s mouth, but she quickly snapped out of it.

  “No, we can’t!” she protested while attempting to push him away, but his grip didn’t loosen on the back of her neck. In fact, she felt it tighten. She did her best to shove him away once again, but he instead pulled her closer.

  He immediately went back to kissing her, ignoring her fighting until she eventually caved and placed her hand on his bicep.

  Kyle broke off the kiss before leaning back against the counter with a grin. “See, didn’t that feel good?”

  She didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of admitting it, but yeah, it was good. She liked the feeling of him taking control—the feeling of being in his hands—waiting for him to do with her as he pleased. She finally felt like someone’s girl.

  “Now, Mrs. K, we both know what you really want,” he said as he continued to rest against the counter with a cocky grin.

  Jen stared at him.

  “You want to be a bad girl, don’t you?” he smirked.

  Her face didn’t budge.

  “For some jock to treat you like one of those little cheerleaders I know you’re jealous of,” he went on.

  He was pushing all of her buttons. That was really all she wanted, wasn’t it? To be used. To be ravished by some stud. She just wanted to know that she was on the mind of a worthwhile man, and it didn’t matter if he was eighteen or eighty. At this point, he just needed to exist; and fortunately for her, that guy was standing right in her kitchen.

  “To treat you like the bad girl you want to be,” he added.

  Her eyes began to explore his body from her seat at the table. Orange basketball shorts, a plain white t-shirt which showed off his muscular upper body, and an even darker scruff on his face than the one from last night. Maybe he was right. Maybe attention wasn’t enough. Maybe she wanted to be a bad girl too. But where was the fun in admitting that?

  “I’m a good girl,” she countered.

A big smile grew on Kyle’s face. “Oh, you’re definitely a good girl. What other moms would go shopping for her son’s friends, always let us hang out, and just be a genuinely awesome person?”

  Her eyebrows perked up.

  “Is that surprising?” he asked. “You see, this is why your situation bugs me so much. Your husband is an asshole.”

  Jen opened her mouth to defend Mike before thinking better of it. She was curious as to where Kyle was going with this. She’d never heard someone else talk about her husband this way.

  “We all think he is,” the teen went on. “Doug agreed with me from day one, and Tom finally came around to seeing it recently. There’s something about him. He’s always so fuckin’ miserable, but not just to us. He’s a prick to you too. Do you remember a couple months ago when we came over to watch a basketball game and we got pizza, and then you decided to order chicken wings on top of the food we were already getting; plus, you paid for everything?”

  She nodded.

  “I mean, who does that?” he inquired. “Who treats three of her son’s friends to dinner? But that’s just the kind of person you are. You’re amazing. Anyway, while we’re all thanking you and getting our food, do you recall what Mr. K was doing?”

  She remembered that night, but this specific moment Kyle was asking her to recall eluded her memory. She shook her head no.

  “Really?” he asked.

  “Is it something important?” she inquired.

  “Maybe not to you, but it was to me,” he said. “Apparently, you had some kind of coupon that allowed you to pick out a free bottle of soda. I still remember that moment clear as day. It’s weird the things that stick out to people, isn’t it? I couldn’t tell you what I ate for dinner three days ago, but I can recall that exact moment like it happened yesterday. We’re all getting our food, and Mr. K starts bitching at you because you grabbed a diet soda instead of whatever he wanted. You apologized and he rolled his eyes, muttered something under his breath, and walked outside to eat his food by himself. I wanted to knock him out.”

  That remark had certainly caught her attention. “You wanted to what?”

  “I wanted to knock him out,” Kyle reiterated. “That prick is married to maybe the most incredible woman on the planet, and he can’t stop being an asshole for two minutes. And I get it, he has an attitude when we come over and it’s like, whatever, you know? And it’s nice that he isn’t around here a lot; but when he is, he always seems to treat you like crap. He took his food and went outside by himself, while his funny, awesome, sexy as fuck wife went downstairs with her son and his friends to watch basketball. That doesn’t seem bizarre to you? I mean, what’s wrong with that guy?”


  “I always give guys shit when they meet a new girl and suddenly their world stops,” he cut off her hesitation. “Like, they’ll be around one second, then they start dating some chick; and boom, they vanish. That shit will probably happen with Doug.”

  She was attentively listening to him speak.

  “It’s never happened to me,” he continued. “I always thought I was some kind of badass or something. That I didn’t have feelings where I could fall for some girl, but then I started thinking about you.”

  She asked, “Me?”

  “Yeah, you,” he smiled. “I really started thinking about you. I thought about what it would be like if I was dating you—or even if we were just fooling around or whatever. Your presence creates this intoxicating vibe. It’s hard to explain. You just make everything better.”

  Jen glanced down and blushed, embarrassed.

  “You really do,” Kyle continued. “I can’t get enough of being in this house when you’re home, and I’m not some guy who falls for a different girl every week. I’m really not. You’re different. You’re special. And you have no idea what it does to me to see you not being properly appreciated. How can your husband come home and have an attitude toward you? I’ve come over here after having some pretty shitty days before, and watching you strut into the room changes everything. It’s like all that awfulness just melts away.”

  She wanted to say something, but she was coming up empty. He’d rendered her speechless. She’d never been talked to like this before. This wasn’t a romance novel or some Hollywood movie either. This was a high school kid, and he’d just made her feel like the luckiest girl in the world.

  “He’s not taking care of you, is he?”

  She shot him a curious glance. “What?”

  “Mr. K,” Kyle specified. “He isn’t taking care of you, is he?”

  “Well…” she stalled for time.

  “It’s a yes or no question.”

  She took a deep breath and admitted, “No.”

  “That’s over,” he declared.

  “What’s over?” she asked. “What are you talking about?”

  “I’m taking care of you from now on,” he firmly told her.

  Jen started laughing.

  “Do you think this is a joke?” he asked. “I’ve never been more serious about anything in my life.”

  She rolled her eyes at him this time.

  “Get over here,” he demanded while motioning her toward him with his hand.

  “Yeah, I don’t think so…”

  “It’s not an option,” he said. “I’m not looking for your two cents on this subject. The days of you not being happy are over. You have a different man now. A real man. You have me.”

  “This is ridiculous,” she said with a chuckle.

  He demanded once again, “Get over here.”

  Maybe this wasn’t a joke. Jen had assumed that he was messing with her, but she was starting to change her mind. He wasn’t smiling or laughing at all. In fact, there wasn’t a hint of playfulness to his voice. He told her that he was going to take care of her needs, and now he was pointing at the floor in front of him. Suddenly, this seemed real—very real—and she found herself growing excited.

  “And what if I don’t want to?” she asked with a grin.

  “What part of ‘it’s not an option,’ don’t you understand?” he asked. “Hey, I’ll ask for your help if I need an opinion on how my dress shirt matches my pants, but I’m not looking for your thoughts when it comes to this, because I know better than you.”

  “Oh, is that right?” she laughed. “You do realize I was twenty-four years old when you were born, right? I think I have a little more experience than you.”

  “And where has that gotten you?” he inquired. “Married to a bum husband who probably has a little dick and can’t fuck. Or how about playing sexually themed card games with a couple of high schoolers because you’re so horny. Shit is going to change starting today. You aren’t going to be tense and frustrated anymore. You’re going to be relaxed and happy. And you want to know why? Because I’m going to take care of your sexy ass. So, I’m done asking nicely. You have five seconds to get out of that chair.”

  She blankly stared at him.

  “One…” he started.

  Her looked didn’t change.


  A slight smirk grew on her face.


  “I didn’t know you could count that high,” she giggled.

  Kyle grinned at her. “Four…”

  Jen yawned.



  She’d never experienced anything like what followed. This was still fun and games, right? They were just flirting with each other, weren’t they? Well, apparently they weren’t on the same page, because after he hit five seconds, he loudly stomped over to her. A strong hand gripped the blonde bun on the top of her head and yanked her out of her seat, her knees quickly finding the ground as he dragged her across the wood of the kitchen floor. It was exactly what she’d been fantasizing about for years: for a dominant, assertive man to take her, and she was finally getting her wish.

  Kyle found his original place again, leaning against the kitchen counter, but now he wa
s looking at something new. He gazed down at his friend’s mom who was on her knees in front of him. Her hands were busy checking her hair as a result of him roughly pulling her across the floor. He knew that she wanted this. He couldn’t explain how he knew it, but he just did. He would never make a girl do something that she wasn’t comfortable with. He wasn’t one of those guys. And he especially didn’t want to hurt Mrs. K, but he was positive that she desired for him to step up and be aggressive like this, even if he couldn’t explain how he knew it. But he needed to be one hundred percent sure. He couldn’t take any chances with this. He nonchalantly rested his arms back on the kitchen counter and stared down at her.

  Her hands rocketed for his bulge.

  Kyle did his best not to scream with excitement. He knew he was right. He knew exactly what Mrs. K wanted, and that she just needed someone to tell her what that was. The feeling of his dick being stroked over his shorts by this woman overshadowed any sexual experience in his life. Everything she did already drove him crazy, so finally having her touch him was just that much more powerful.

  “What’s your hair still doing in a bun?”

  She smirked as her hands left his groin and made their way to her head. She undid her bun before giving her hair a shake to allow her long blonde hair to fall down past her shoulders. That rapidly growing bulge had transformed into a large tent by the time she turned her attention back to his basketball shorts. Ah, to be young again…

  Kyle’s ego and confidence were at an all-time high as he continued to gaze down at the previously unimaginable sight below him. He felt on top of the world, and he was going to take a chance and get a little brass.

  “Beg for it.”

  Jen raised her eyebrows before glancing up into his brown eyes. “Excuse me?”

  “I want to hear you beg for it,” he repeated with a grin.

  What was the harm in entertaining this kid’s fantasies? Maybe it would even be a little fun for her as well? “I would like to see your cock.”

  “Are you kidding me?”

  “What?” she asked.

  “That’s your idea of begging for it?” he questioned. “Really? Jesus, maybe Mr. K has a point…”


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