Reforming Rebecca

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Reforming Rebecca Page 18

by Emily Tilton

  As she looked into James’ eyes, though, and saw his calm determination that she would obey Dr. Brown—that it was true, and not only Thomasina and her stable boy, but also the horrid Mr. de Gerner, would watch James train his bride—Rebecca understood for the very first time precisely what Dr. Brown had meant, concerning corrosive modesty. She realized, too, that she could put that modesty away, and follow her bridegroom’s commands with only a pretty little blush. Thomasina, on the other hand, Rebecca supposed with a guilty thrill of arousal, would almost certainly need to be spanked, wouldn’t she?

  Mr. de Gerner, clearly seeing Thomasina’s alarm, must have decided he could prevent the ‘persuasion’ Dr. Brown intended from occurring—or at least from unfolding as the physician wished it to do.

  “Do you see, Miss Perkins, the sort of monstrous practice employed by this so-called medical man in pursuit of your happiness, as he is pleased to call it? I do not know if he will let you go, for the tales they tell of this man are terrible indeed, but I pledge myself to do whatever I can to guard your honor.” He made a great show, then, of struggling against the stout straps that bound him to the high-backed chair.

  Thomasina turned to Rebecca, and to Rebecca’s surprised delight she saw that her friend had in her hazel eyes a clear willingness to learn the truth of the matter, rather than to trust Mr. de Gerner. Perhaps she should not have felt such astonishment, for he had given her so very little to trust, but she supposed she had expected Thomasina nevertheless not to betray her class, when unlike Rebecca herself she did not have the spur of illegitimate birth.

  “Rebecca?” she asked softly.

  Rebecca, without even thinking about it, turned to James to see whether her natural man wished her to say what she had it in her heart to say—whether he trusted her to speak the truth persuasively. She knew precisely what she would see in his face, but the discovery inside her heart that she wanted his approval—that she did not want to displease him, out of love rather than out of fear for the state of her backside—made her whole body seem to glow.

  She had intended to supply an explanation of how it would seem strange at first, but Thomasina could watch James train Rebecca, and see how natural it was to submit to a man who knew how to master a young lady properly for the pleasure of both man and wife. Instead, though, the idea of standing naked in front of them all seemed to take hold of her heart, and of her burning cunny. She remembered suddenly that she still held the case that contained her anal harness, though in her confusion at the strange turn of events upon their arrival at the society she had nearly forgotten it. She looked into Thomasina’s eyes for a long moment, and then turned back to James. She held out the case to him.

  “Would you please show Thomasina how I wear my harness, sir?” she asked softly.

  James smiled, and the glow inside Rebecca threatened to take her breath away.

  “Of course, darling, if Dr. Brown thinks it a good idea.”

  Rebecca turned to the doctor, and found him wearing the little smile that had so disconcerted her at first but now reassured her that to be a natural daughter in the power of a natural man represented the highest degree of felicity.

  “Remember, Miss Adams, Mr. Oakes,” he said in an avuncular tone, turning to each of them, “that Mr. Oakes’ impulses as a natural man deserve the greatest respect.”

  Rebecca looked at Thomasina, and saw in her friend’s eyes uncertainty and fascination at this exchange—above all, Rebecca suspected, at the mention of the harness.

  “What does it mean?” Thomasina asked.

  Rebecca smiled, and again suppressed the impulse to offer a discourse upon the subject, which she knew could never do it justice. “Help me unlace my stays?” she said softly.

  Thomasina’s eyes went wide, and her brow grew troubled, but after swallowing once, very visibly, she gave a little nod.

  As Thomasina helped her remove her gown, then her corset, then her petticoat, Rebecca fixed her eyes on Mr. de Gerner, who stared angrily back at her. She glanced once at James to make certain he did not mind her putting on this sort of shameless display for the unnatural man strapped to the chair, and found him still smiling gently.

  She stood only in her shift and her drawers, finally. Thomasina had stepped back so that Rebecca confronted Mr. de Gerner directly, their eyes at the same level since Rebecca stood and the future Earl of Hobberly sat. On his face she read an uncertainty that she found highly satisfactory.

  Behind her, she heard Thomasina’s breathing, heavy and even a little panting. She remembered, with a smile she could not suppress, how much more knowledgeable her friend had seemed about matters touching on the way of the coquette, when she had conveyed to Rebecca the information concerning the newlyweds and their fucking that had so transformed the girls’ ideas of what they wanted from their world.

  She thought of the ploughboy, and of their schoolmistress’ empty threats with respect to the birch. She wondered how Thomasina had felt when she had gone over Mrs. Teasdale’s knee for the hair-brushing, and whether her friend had experienced anything of what Rebecca had, when spanked by James for the first time—let alone when he had caned her in the drawing room, or, here in this room, put her at last over his knee to curb her defiance.

  “Mr. de Gerner,” she said, suddenly discovering in herself the same sort of natural impulse she felt sure Dr. Brown meant when he spoke of the impulses of the natural man. “I am going to remove my drawers and my shift, now. I wish you to know that my charms belong to Mr. James Oakes, who stands here, and consents that you should watch him train me for his pleasure.”

  Thomasina gasped. “Rebecca!”

  Rebecca turned to smile at her schoolmate. “I am quite sure, Thomasina, that you feel that your charms belong to Mr. Mead, just as mine do to Mr. Oakes—or perhaps you are not yet sure that they do, but you wish it so.”

  Thomasina’s mouth opened, but no word came forth. Her cheeks had gone very pink. Rebecca turned back to the seated man, and looked him straight in the eye as she reached beneath the hem of her chemise to untie the ribbon that held up her pantalets. She nearly giggled when she thought of the pair she had burnt, at Rand Park, that had occasioned such great events.

  The drawers dropped to the floor in a puddle of silk around her feet. She reached up to the neck of her shift, to loose the drawstring there. “You will see, Mr. de Gerner, that Mr. Oakes has decided that I should be bare between my thighs. It embarrassed me at first, but I am happy that I look there as I should, submissive for him.”

  “Rebecca!” Thomasina cried again, but now Rebecca did not turn, but reached down and drew the chemise up over her head in a fluid motion, exposing her beauty—the beauty that belonged to Mr. James Oakes’—to the eyes of her rapt audience.

  She put her hands on her head. “This is how Mr. Oakes is pleased I should stand, so that I am available to him,” she said proudly, her eyes fixed on the arrogant face that now seemed somewhat crestfallen. “Thomasina will stand this way before Mr. Mead, very soon.”

  Her friend gave a little whimper, but did not cry out again.

  James knew his cue, it seemed. He spoke from behind her. “I’ll put my girl’s harness on, now, Mr. de Gerner, and then I will fuck her. I think you will see how mutual can be the happiness of a natural man and his young lady.”

  Thomasina’s whimper gave way to a little sob. Rebecca felt certain she could hear in the sound not only her friend’s surprise but her as-yet-unutterable longing to undergo at the hands of Mr. Mead exactly the training to which she heard Rebecca must now submit.

  Then she felt James’ hands upon her, bending her, moving her into the posture in which he desired her. Rebecca had a strange, lightheaded moment, then, because she realized suddenly that she had not defied her wonderful lord and master at all, despite the great length of time that had elapsed since her last spanking and even since she had had the trainer in her bottom reminding her of his authority. Nor, she found, did she have any desire to resist.

p; Then, as he placed her hands upon her knees, and pressed against the small of her back so that she would present her bottom properly; as he began to buckle the belt of her harness around her waist, she thought she understood. Indeed, she wondered if Dr. Brown had planned this, too, for Rebecca’s edification as well as that of Mr. de Gerner. For she knew that the reason she now longed to obey Mr. Oakes in every respect was above all in order that she might defy the haughty, foul-mouthed future peer.

  Mr. de Gerner, who had sought to do Thomasina such an injury, represented the forces that required defiance, and Rebecca, by the side of Mr. James Oakes, her lowborn husband, would defy them.

  “Oh, no,” she heard Thomasina whisper, as James touched the trainer to Rebecca’s anus. “Joseph… I… that is to say… Mr. Mead… please. Y-you must not.”

  “Hush, sweetheart,” Mr. Mead said. “See how gentle Mr. Oakes can be?”

  “Miss Perkins,” said Dr. Brown, “do watch closely. Mr. de Gerner, I would have you also observe as minutely as you can. I think you will find that the ordeal produces extremely beneficial results in Miss Adams.”

  It did. Oh, it did. So beneficial that when Mr. Oakes divested himself of his trousers and drawers and finally thrust his cock into the passage the trainer had rendered so tight, Rebecca spent almost immediately. She wanted to keep looking into Mr. de Gerner’s face, to display her rebellion to him and his ilk, but her master rode her so vigorously that she could not help closing her eyes, and crying out over and over her submission to her footman, the natural man who had claimed her.

  Before she gave herself over to the sensation, though, and lost her sight of the haughty man strapped to the chair, she felt sure she had seen on his face his capitulation. Perhaps Mr. de Gerner would not cross the aisle and join the Whigs, but Rebecca felt sure that when Mr. Oakes required a friend on the other side of the House, he would have one in the future earl.

  She did not anticipate, however, what happened when James withdrew from her cunny and bid her kneel before him and receive his seed upon her tongue. Thomasina was now hiding her face in Mr. Mead’s broad chest and only peeking from time to time at Rebecca’s service to the man she loved. Rebecca herself had practically forgotten about the man in the chair as she worshipped the cock that ran with her own arousal, but as she closed her lips upon the stiff, musky shaft of her future husband’s manhood, her attention was suddenly returned thither by the sound of Mr. de Gerner’s voice, though she could not of course turn to look at him.

  “If I swear my fealty,” the man said dryly, “might something be done about this entirely natural cockstand of mine? I must say that what I have seen makes me quite willing to learn your methods, Dr. Brown.”

  “While the girls are in training,” the doctor said, with an air of great circumspection, “their masters do not share them. But there are handmaidens here in the society’s clubhouse whose duties, when well compensated, include the alleviation of exactly such a condition. Mr. Oakes, do you think we should summon a handmaiden?”

  James said, in a rather distracted voice, for Rebecca was doing everything she could to please him, sucking and rubbing and gently holding his balls all at once, “Rebecca, darling, if you could convert Mr. de Gerner thereby, would you allow him the services of a girl’s knowing hand?”

  He pulled his hard penis from her mouth as she looked up at him in confusion. Did he truly mean to ask her opinion? Would she allow relief to the manhood of a wicked man to effect his reform, if James thought it wise? What a terrible paradox of virtue and vice, compliance and resistance, constructive and corrosive modesty! She bit her lip, and felt her brow furrow.

  “Or must I spank you, to ensure your consent?” James said speculatively, pumping his hardness in his hand, now.

  “Oh, please!” cried Thomasina. “Please don’t spank Rebecca!”

  But her friend’s concern had made up Rebecca’s mind for her, irrevocably. She smiled.

  “I fear you must spank me, sir,” she said, turning her face up to his and feeling the thrill of her defiance as urgently and pleasurably as she had ever felt it.


  The long session of discipline and pleasure that followed, which made Mr. de Gerner into a secret convert to the theories and practices of Dr. Brown and the Society for the Correction of Natural Daughters, cemented the happiness of Mr. and Mrs. Mead as well as that of Mr. and Mrs. Oakes. Mr. Mead settled in Oxfordshire with his submissive bride at his side, her erotic curiosity fully satisfied by his natural ways. The Meads were often invited up to town to sample the delights of London, and such things occurred in Mr. and Mrs. Oakes’ large bedchamber as made even Mrs. Oakes blush to think of them in the morning.

  Mr. de Gerner, while he sat among the Commons, did not find his way to joining Mr. Oakes upon the speaker’s left hand. The alliance forged at the society, however, unaccountable to many of the associates of both men, persisted, and aided in the passage of many a close bill. To outward appearances, Hobberly Hall and Dr. Brown’s establishment remained at odds, but a sort of truce prevailed that allowed for mutual visitation, including of course a good deal of sharing of young ladies, in which Rebecca participated fully and enjoyably, though always with a show of rebellion.

  After all, as Rebecca would often say, when James had whipped her soundly before turning her over to Mr. Mead so that she could show her rediscovered obedience by pleasing the big prick of Thomasina’s handsome stable boy, “Without something to resist, how can a coquette ever know she’s being naughty?”

  The End

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  Additional Books in the Victorian Correction Series

  Innocence Examined

  Sir Gerald is having great difficulties with Caroline, his eighteen-year-old ward. He has always been a doting guardian, shielding young Caroline from the truth about the differences between men and women and what they do behind closed doors. But now Caroline has become much too curious for her own good, to the point where he must bring himself to punish her repeatedly for hiding in closets in an attempt to witness the pleasures he takes with his mistress.

  At his wit’s end, Sir Gerald calls upon the services of Dr. Reginald Brown and his colleague Dr. James Fairleigh. After a thorough, intimate examination, the physicians decide that since Caroline is of age, it would be appropriate for her to become acquainted with the pleasures a man can bring a woman. Instead of marrying her off to someone who won’t give her the freedom Sir Gerald can afford, the men decide that Dr. Fairleigh will personally oversee young Caroline’s erotic education.

  After Caroline is made to observe Sir Gerald’s couplings for the first time, however, her wide-eyed innocence stirs Dr. Fairleigh far more than he thought possible. When she implores him to take care of her, the young doctor finds himself promising that he will. Before he knows it, she has utterly claimed his heart, and he can’t imagine her being given to anyone else. But can he rescue Caroline from Sir Gerald’s plans for her before it is too late?

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  The Duke’s School for Young Ladies

  When her governess catches eighteen-year-old Anne Solmes in the act of pleasuring herself, Mr. and Mrs. Solmes conclude that drastic action is required. Anne soon finds herself on her way to Miss Halton’s Preparatory Academy for Girls, a school founded by the famously strict Duke of Panton for the correction of young wom
en of marriageable age. The girls of Miss Halton’s have disgraced themselves, but their future prospects may still be salvaged by means of proper discipline and training. Anne quickly discovers that her new schoolmistress will not tolerate disobedience, and that punishments for misbehavior are both harsh and humiliating.

  Though he samples the pleasures his position offers, the duke does not keep the girls of the academy for himself. It is not long before one of the duke’s associates, a handsome, dominant gentleman in his own right, seems ready to ask for Anne’s hand. But is Anne prepared to spend a lifetime with a man who expects her obedience to his every demand and who will not hesitate to punish and pleasure her as he sees fit, no matter how deeply she might blush at his mastery of her body?

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  The Lord’s Scandalous Bride

  When she is sent by her employer to the room of his esteemed guest, Lord Nele Lourcy, with the expectation that she will submit to him in any way he pleases, Susan Grant has no idea what is in store for her. To her surprise, she soon finds herself not only receiving a humiliating bare-bottom spanking, but confessing to years of naughtiness and wanton behavior as well.

  Lord Nele Lourcy is not the type of man who would be expected to take more than a passing interest in a girl like Susan Grant, but as she pours out her story to him he feels all but compelled to make her his own. He takes her in his arms and vows to guide her back to the path of virtue, chastising her firmly when needed but rewarding her obedience with pleasure unlike anything she has felt before.

  Neither Nele’s family nor the rest of London society respond kindly to a lord taking a fallen woman as his bride, however, and soon the unlikely couple are forced to flee to America. But when danger follows them across the ocean, will Nele decide that Susan isn’t worth the trouble, or will he keep her at his side—and in his bed—no matter the scandal it creates?


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