Transforming Snowridge (Stonefire Dragons Universe Book 2)

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Transforming Snowridge (Stonefire Dragons Universe Book 2) Page 7

by Jessie Donovan

  Dragon-shifters must definitely have some sort of love-inducing powers. That had to be it.

  The corner of Rhydian's mouth ticked up. "There's no reason to be nervous. I won't hurt you."

  His statement cut through her hesitation and lust-haze. Straightening her shoulders, she replied, "Of course not. I'm trying to decide what the protocol is for talking with a clan leader about important topics. Do I sit? Stand? Twirl and finish with a bow?"

  He smiled. "I'd pay good money to see the twirl and bow."

  Resisting the urge to give him the double finger salute, she tilted her head and placed a hand on her hip. "Are you going to be helpful or do I have to ring Lily and ask for her advice instead?"

  "No, no, don't ring Lily. If you do, she'll be here right away and hover protectively. She may have only just met you, but she has a way about her when it comes to helping those who need it."

  "You still haven't told me what I should do," she stated.

  Standing up, he took a few steps closer to her. "I'd prefer for us both to stand."

  As she glanced up to meet his gaze, she snorted. "So you can tower over me and try your best to intimidate me?"

  "No, because you have too much energy to sit down and stay still."

  She blinked. "How do you know that?"

  He brushed a section of hair over her shoulder. "You keep tapping your hand against your side and shuffling your feet. And given your former profession, lounging around doesn't really seem your style."

  She opened her mouth and closed it again. Rhydian was far more perceptive than she'd given him credit for.

  However, as he searched her gaze, she forgot about that and drew on every bit of strength she possessed not to look at his lips. The full lips surrounded by a late-day stubble. A stubble that would rub against her tender flesh and make her wet and needy for him.

  Rhydian's voice was husky when he said, "So now that we've established how I'm a master of reading body language, let's talk about earlier when you proposed your boxing match."

  "I wouldn't call you a master of body language as it seems to be a recent development. Otherwise, you would've noticed my irritation the first time we met."

  He raised his brows. "Do you really want to debate this or talk about what you can do to be more accepted inside the clan, even if only slightly?"

  She wanted to needle him for some reason—probably because it was fun—but she managed to keep herself on topic. "Okay, then what's this grand idea of yours?"

  "Do you like me, Delaney?"

  She frowned. "What are you talking about?"

  His finger rose to her cheek and lightly traced it. Her heart rate sped up as heat rushed between her thighs. Rhydian's voice somehow made her hotter as he said, "I think you fancy me, Delaney Murphy. And if that's true, it'll make my suggestion easier."

  It was hard for her to concentrate with Rhydian's finger on her cheek and his heat so close. Never would she have pictured him as such a charmer, but she was definitely falling under his spell.

  Stupid dragon-shifter powers of seduction. They should be illegal.

  "Rhydian, what is all of this about? I don't like beating around the bush, so just tell me straight what you mean."

  His pupils flashed, and since this was the first time she'd seen them do so up close, she noticed how they came to sharp points at the top. As they grew round again, the middle fattened out.

  They reminded her of cat eyes.

  Rhydian replied, "If you agreed to be my mate, then the clan would mostly back off. Not everyone, but enough to make your life easier."

  Of all the things she would've guessed, Rhydian proposing that she become his mate hadn't been one of them. "Wait, what? What do you mean agree to be your mate?"

  "You wanted to know what my dragon suggested, and that's it. And don't worry, I wouldn't kiss or touch you unless you asked me to."

  As Rhydian stared at her with his heated gaze, his pupils flashing rapidly, she doubted him not kissing or touching her would last long. Not because he'd go back on his word, but Delaney didn't think she could maintain a platonic relationship with Rhydian for any period of time.

  But to marry him? It was all so sudden.

  She didn't want to hurt him, but she needed some clarification. "Say I agree to it." She swore Rhydian growled, but she pressed on. "And it doesn't work out. Is there any sort of dragon divorce? Because if not, then I'll have to find another way to make my stay here easier."

  His voice sounded tight to her as he replied, "It's rarer since so many pairings have been, historically, between true mates. However, there is a process for it."

  She hadn't even thought about true mates. "Is that why you're so attracted to me? Am I your true mate?"

  He didn't hesitate. "I'm fairly sure you are, yes."

  To dragon-shifters, finding a true mate was one of the best things that could happen.

  However, her sister had been a dragon-shifter's true mate, and it hadn't been happily ever after for her.

  That shouldn't matter to Delaney since her situation was completely different. Wales allowed humans and dragons to mate, as well as even live together, unlike back in Ireland.

  And yet, she wondered if the Murphy women were cursed when it came to dragon-shifters. It had to be rare that a pair of human sisters both ended up being true mates to dragons.

  Rhydian tilted her head back up, to make her meet his gaze. "You're hesitating. You have every right to do so, but I'm curious as to why?"

  She didn't have to tell him. From what she'd learned of the Welsh leader, he didn't use fear and pain to make his clan members do his bidding.

  However, she'd been sincere earlier when she said she didn't like to beat around the bush. "My sister ended up dead because of being a dragon-shifter's true mate. How do you know that won't happen to me, too?"

  His face softened a fraction. "I can't promise you'll never come to harm since dragon-shifters in the UK have some dangerous enemies, namely the Dragon Knights and the dragon hunters." He leaned his head a fraction closer, his gaze turning fierce. "But you will be living within the protection of an entire clan. No, several clans as I have allies in the rest of the UK, too. There is power in numbers, which is something your sister didn't have."

  He was right. And on the surface, it was so simple. However, if she was going to even consider the offer, she needed to explore the deeper parts, too. "What about Rian? He clearly cares for you, and if we are pronounced mates, he'll think we're his new family. If it doesn't work out, then he'll be devastated."

  Rhydian raised a hand to her cheek and cupped it. The second his skin touched hers, some of her tension faded.

  Aye, dragon-shifters must have secret magical powers.

  He murmured, "You don't have to answer right this second. Think about it. But know this—I haven't felt such a pull or sense of ease around a female in twenty years. And even compared to back then, that feeling was a fraction of what draws me to you, Delaney. My dragon and I will do almost anything to keep you happy. That's what any mate should do."

  The corner of her mouth ticked up. "So if I asked you to do a dance number, you'd do it?"

  "I like dancing, so of course."

  She blinked. "You like dancing?"

  He smiled. "Should I show you?" He took a step back, releasing her cheek, and put out his hand. "Care to dance with me, Miss Murphy?"

  Delaney wouldn't say she was a dancer, but she was quick on her feet and a fast learner.

  And curse it all, she wanted to dance with Rhydian. It was something romantic, almost like out of a movie, and she'd never seen such a thing happen in her thirty years to date. Men just didn't ask ladies to dance out of the blue like that, at least in her circles.

  So passing up the chance just wasn't an option for her.

  Sliding her hand into his, Delaney nodded. "As long as you teach me as you go, I'd love to dance with you."

  His pupils flashed again. "Good. Just remember to let me lead."

e opened her mouth to protest—even though she did have a tendency to take control of situations—when Rhydian turned on some barely audible music. Placing his phone to the side, he pulled her close and positioned one hand on her waist and readjusted his grip on the one already in his. "On the count of three, we step left. One, two, three."

  He moved and she followed. The steps weren't hard, but they took a little bit of concentration.

  She focused on not stepping on his feet, and Delaney never noticed how easy it was to move with Rhydian, almost as if they'd danced a hundred times before.


  Rhydian hadn't danced with a female outside of his clan leader duties, simply because he wanted to, for over a decade.

  Part of him had thought he'd be rusty and make a fool out of himself.

  And yet, the steps came to him without a thought.

  His dragon spoke up. Because Delaney's our true mate. Moving with her, no matter what we're doing, will always be easy.

  Now who's the romantic one?

  You. You're the one who asked her to dance. Not that I'm complaining. It means we get to hold her close and memorize her scent.

  Decades of experience told him his beast would soon go down the path of naked images and prodding Rhydian to kiss the human. So he ignored the dragon and said to his human, "You're light on your feet."

  Delaney met his gaze, a grin on her face. "Just be grateful you're seeing it now, and not when I'm trying to punch you and knock you out."

  He snorted. "Maybe one day, if you give me a little training, we could have a proper match."

  "That would be a tough decision, whether to teach you or not, because if I teach you too well, then I'll lose."

  "True, but then I'd keep pushing you to do better."

  Her smile faded a fraction. "I can't go as hard as I did even a few years ago. I hurt my knee, and while I can do a match or two for fun as long as I wear a brace, there's no way I could train up and participate in professional matches again."

  "You miss them, don't you?"

  She shrugged one shoulder. "In a way. I mean, all athletes are on ticking clocks to some degree. Bodies age, and we can't do the same as when we were younger. And I knew one day I just wouldn't be able to keep up with it all." She missed a step but quickly righted herself before adding, "But even if I wanted to practice, I haven't had the time. Over the last few years, I've been taking classes in graphic design, and building up a client base for my new career."

  He raised an eyebrow, making sure to turn Delaney at the right moment. "That would require you sitting still all the time. Are you sure that was a wise choice?"

  "I've been using a standing desk, which helps. But regardless, there's only so many things I can retrain to do at thirty without spending years and years at university. Graphic design was something I'd always wanted to try anyway, and I'd even built up some regular clients before coming here, so I must be decent at it."

  He made the final turn as the music died down. However, he didn't release his hold on Delaney. "Can you still teach boxing without reinjuring yourself? I'm sure some of the Protectors would love the chance to fight against each other, to let off some steam."

  She raised her chin a fraction, and Rhydian did his best not to notice her long neck. "Maybe. I've never tried training others before."

  "Then maybe give it a go? I can help set everything up as well as put out the invitation. While it's not the same as fighting and competing yourself, you wouldn't have to completely discard that phase of your life. Well, provided you want to do it, of course."

  She searched his gaze, remaining silent a few beats. He desperately wanted to know what she was thinking.

  She finally bobbed her head. "I'll work on a training plan, although my top priority will still be Rian."

  "Of course. I wouldn't expect anything else of you."

  She tilted her head, her long, dark hair sliding over her shoulder.

  Rhydian wondered what it'd feel like to have her hair brushing his naked chest.

  His beast growled, but thankfully Delaney spoke again before his dragon demanded something he couldn't do, such as kiss the female.

  She finally replied, "How can you say stuff like that so confidently? You barely know me. Is this all because of the true-mate pull?"

  Rhydian answered, "As much as I'm sure some people would love that to be true, no. I've been in charge of Snowridge for about five years now, and I've become rather good at reading people. Between the time spent with you and the background check conducted on you by my Protectors, I have a general framework. And then every additional minute with you fills in the gaps a little more."

  Her hand moved from his waist to lay on his chest. Even through the material of his shirt, fire erupted at her touch.

  His dragon hummed but didn't say anything. Probably because he was trying to be on his best behavior, as he'd promised he could be.

  Delaney stroked her fingers, and Rhydian let out a groan. "You're testing my limits, human, that's for sure."

  She pulled her hand away and he wanted to drag it back, but didn't. "I wasn't trying to tease you. To be honest, I wasn't even aware I'd moved my hand. Are you sure you don't have some sort of mind-control powers over me?"

  He snorted. "If I did, then we wouldn't be here talking. We'd be doing a different kind of dance in my bed."

  Her pupils dilated and he could smell the intensity of her arousal.

  Rhydian was getting closer and closer to the edge of his restraint, so he released Delaney and stepped back a few paces. "I'm an honorable male, Delaney Murphy. Even so, I'm getting close to my limit. I'll warn you now that if you kiss me, it'll start off the mate-claim frenzy, which will only end once you're pregnant. And before you possibly say you want it, I can't. Not yet, anyway."

  "Why not?"

  He loved how she didn't hesitate to find out the reason behind his statement. "There's something in the works, something that's not public knowledge to even most of the clan, and I have to remain in control until it's completed." He paused and added, "And just know that I wish I could tell you more, but I won't violate the promises or trust placed on me. Mates tend to have more privileges, but even then, there are some things clan leaders have to keep secret for a time."

  Some females would frown or say that's ridiculous. However, Delaney merely shrugged. "That sounds about right. I mean, it's not as if the prime minister is going to tell his or her partner about a silent strike, or recovery operation, or the like. Well, in some cases, I'm sure. Besides, everyone has boundaries and secrets."

  "Between true mates, there aren't many boundaries, though. And some clan leaders confide everything in their mates, and even plan things together."

  She tapped her fingers against her thigh. "So if I agree to this true-mate plan, is that what it'll be like between us?"

  A small flash of hope flickered inside him. Maybe Delaney would say yes. Or at least it sounded like she was becoming more open to the idea. "Eventually, yes. But I can't share other clans' secrets unless they trust you, too. So we'd just have to convince them of it."

  She turned and walked to the far side of the room. "If I say yes, what happens next?"

  His beast roared. She will be ours. Soon, so very soon. It means we need to work hard to finish the operation with Stonefire.

  She still hasn't said yes, yet.

  But she will.

  He focused back on Delaney. "There would be an announcement. And until the ceremony could be arranged, you'd probably stay with Gwendolen Price, a former Protector trainee with a half-human child."

  Delaney's eyes widened. "I thought Rian was the only one on Snowridge."

  "Cora—that's Gwen's daughter—is the only other one. But that is a long story, and one that Gwen should tell you, not me."

  It took everything he had not to move back to Delaney's side. He needed to end the conversation and say his goodbyes for the night, or he might end up doing something stupid, like kiss the human. So he added, "I can introd
uce you to her tomorrow. So, will you consider it?"

  She bobbed her head. "Aye. I'll have an answer for you in the morning."

  His beast grunted. That's not good enough.

  It'll have to be. Now, shush. He spoke to Delaney. "Then we should probably say goodnight for now."

  Delaney's gaze traveled to the door, the one behind which Rian slept. "Will Rian be able to stay with me and Gwen, too, if I say yes? I think it'll be good for him to meet another child like him."

  "I don't see why not. We can finalize the details tomorrow after you have an answer for me." Just for fun, he bowed deeply. "Good night, Miss Murphy."

  He expected a snort, but when he raised his head, Rhydian saw the smile on Delaney's face. She replied, "Goodnight, Mr. Griffiths."

  She did a quick twirl and exited the room before he even laughed.

  Since Eira would be waiting to escort Delaney to her room, he stayed where he was, reliving the dance and ensuing conversation with Delaney.

  The evening had made him realize how much he needed the female in his life. And not just for Rian's sake, either.

  Rhydian bloody hoped she said yes to his plan. He wasn't sure he could take no for an answer and go back to his lonely, work-focused life.

  Chapter Eight

  Delaney had spent yet another long, restless night, barely getting any sleep despite the fact she'd decided what she was going to do not long after leaving Rhydian's place.

  She wanted to try being mated to him and see how it went.

  Mostly for Rian's sake, but also for her own. The dancing the night before, as well as the teasing, had felt more than nice. Not to mention she'd never felt so at ease around someone she'd known for two days.

  Hell, she'd had boyfriends for months and months who hadn't been as charming or honest with her. Yes, there was still a lot to learn about him—no one was perfect, after all—but if he'd earned Rian's love already, then Rhydian was probably a keeper. Not to mention the way Lily Owens and her family obviously thought well of him, too.


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