Inked & Dangerous

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Inked & Dangerous Page 21

by Evelyn Glass

  “I can’t hold back,” he says into my chest, his breath massaging me. “I just can’t.”

  “Then don’t,” I moan.

  There is a pause. Everything stops. The tip of his cock hovers just outside of my hole. His hands stop moving on my ass. His face is unmoving in my chest. And then he springs into life, a hunter leaping from the brush at its prey. He licks and sucks my breasts. Madly, sucking my pale flesh if he can’t find my nipples, sucking randomly. Sucking like an un-caged beast. His hands spank my ass, grab it, stroke it. Whatever he wants, he does. And his cock pounds into me.

  He lifts me by my ass cheeks and pounds me, his cock a drill thrusting in and out, in and out. Deep, hitting my sweet spot, and then stretching me on the way out, and then deep, deep.

  “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” I cry, bouncing up and down on him. “Oh, fuck, it’s so big, it’s so fucking big!”

  “Take it!” he roars, throwing his head back and staring up at me. “Take it!”

  “Yes, yes, yes!” I moan, bouncing as he thrusts, bouncing so that his ten-inch cock penetrates me so hard, and so deep, that all I know is the fire of it.

  His cock pounds into me relentlessly. There is no mercy. And I don’t want mercy. I ride it, bounce on it. All thought of the right or wrong of this has fled my mind. All I care about is his solid face and his even more solid cock.

  “Come quick!” he commands, his lips twisted in agony. “Come quick for me, Hope! Fucking come quick for me!”

  Bouncing, bouncing, I momentarily wonder if the park is really empty—

  But then I no longer care. His cock slides from hole to sweet spot, filling me, and then something shatters inside of my pussy. Shatters and spreads through me.

  “Oh. My. Oh. My. Oh my fucking god!”

  The orgasm originates at the end of his cock, the tip of it smashing my sweet spot, causing pulses of pleasure to take me. I bite down on my lip so hard that the taste of blood fills my mouth, but I don’t care. I don’t feel it. All I feel is the orgasm.

  It is the kind of orgasm only deep penetration can provoke. The kind of orgasm only men as hung as Killian can provoke. The strength goes from my body and I ride the pleasure, close my eyes and ride it; and Killian props me up, still pounding me.

  “You’ve gone so fucking tight,” he breathes. “Fuck, fuck, so fucking tight.”

  The wetness of my orgasm drips over his cock, into his crotch, and he fucks, fucks.

  “You’re too—”

  He cuts short, unable to speak.

  “Do it!” I plead, as my orgasm passes. “Come in me! Do it! Fuck, fuck, do it!”

  He thrusts into me one last time, grunting loudly, and then his cock begins to wilt.

  I think: That was the best sex I’ve ever had, easy.

  We walk back through the amusement park, past the stalls and the ghost train, toward Killian’s bike. I’m wearing just my tights and my heels. My panties are back at the ferris wheel. I walk somewhat awkwardly because I’m still wet and his come is dripping out of me. But it doesn't embarrass me, as it should. The pleasure was too intense to care about petty things right now.

  “Quite the night,” I say.

  He laughs. “Quite the night,” he agrees.

  We don’t hold hands, but we walk closely, close enough that we could hold hands if one of us reached out. But neither of us does.

  “I want to know about you now,” I admit.

  We pass under the arch and stop next to the bike, him on one side and me on the other.

  “Know about me? What do you want to know?”

  He looks cool as hell in his leather and his jeans and his boots, his blonde hair messy, his eyes light blue. For some reason, I think he looks cooler now that we’ve had sex.

  I shrug. “Shouldn’t a girl know something about a man she's just had sex with? A man she had sex with after, what, a few hours of knowing him?”

  He raises his hands and shrugs. How should I know? the gesture says.

  “That’s not how I usually do things.”

  “Tell me about yourself,” I insist.

  “What, though?”

  “Oh, I don’t know. Something!”

  He laughs, that cocky smile back on his face. He’s back in control now, but there was a moment back there, toward the end, when he wasn’t in control. When his lust took him. Maybe I’m being crazy, but I think there was something there. Not a connection, exactly. But the potential for a connection.

  “What, though, pretty lady?”

  “You want to make me happy?”

  “I never said—”

  “Whatever. You want to make me happy, just tell me one thing you haven’t told anybody else.”

  “That’s a tall order.”

  “I don’t care. That’s the deal.”

  “We’re not making a—”

  “We are. Now, tell me.”

  He throws his head back and laughs. I wait it out. Finally, after ten or so seconds of laughing, he trains his gaze on me. “You’re the feistiest woman I’ve ever talked to, Hope. Hands down. Okay, fine, I’ll you something. I’m pretty damned worried about my brother, Patrick. He’s not the same since he got out of prison. He’s taking stupid risks. I’m starting to think he’s not fit for duty. There, I haven’t told anybody else that.”

  “Okay,” I say, and then let out a sigh. “That wasn’t so hard was it?”

  He reaches down and picks up the helmet, hands it over the bike to me.

  “It was harder than you think,” he replies.

  I take the helmet and we climb onto the bike.

  I left the Cove not sure about this man at all. Now I’ll return with his come in my tights.

  How the hell did that happen?

  As he starts the engine, I think about how much Dawn would like to meet Killian. My sister has always loved bad boys.

  Chapter Six


  I stop outside of Hope’s apartment building. It’s one of the semi-commercial buildings which have started popping up in small towns all over the States, and began rising here in the Cove about a decade ago. She climbs from the bike and lays the helmet on the back. I stay mounted, but twist and face her.

  “I had fun,” she says, standing with her handbag clasped near her crotch, perhaps to hide any wetness.

  I can’t help but smile.

  “What’re you grinning at?”

  I nod at the bag. “Making it pretty obvious, aren’t you?”

  A light is fixed above the main door to her apartment building. It shines out onto the street, so that when she blushes, her cheeks are lit rosy red. “You’re a cruel, cruel man.”

  “That’s true, pretty lady. But I don’t remember you saying that half an hour ago.”

  “You’re a cruel, despicable human being!” she giggles.

  Then she turns on her heels and heads for the door.

  “Wait,” I say.

  She stops just outside of the door, her hand in her bag, searching for her keys.

  “Yes?” she says, without turning.

  “Your cell number. Give it to me.”

  “That’s not a way to ask a lady.”

  “Just give it to me.”

  The way she’s standing at the door, her ass looks amazing. Round and well-formed, something to be grabbed. Bitten . . . Damn, I wish I’d bitten it.

  “I’ll give it to you,” she says. “But you have to promise not to play games. I hate men who play little games.”

  Games? Are there men who even know how to play women’s games?

  “I wouldn’t even know where to start. I don’t usually get to the taking-number stage.”

  “Charming,” she mutters, but I must be getting pretty good at reading her, because I can hear the smile in her voice.

  Then she reads out the ten digits of her number.

  “Have you written it down?”

  “No need,” I say, and kick away the stand on my bike. I rev the engine. “I’ll remember it.”

Then I speed away from her apartment, the bike growling into the dead night, toward the Satan’s Martrys’ clubhouse.

  When I get into the clubhouse, it’s past four o’clock. I leave my bike out front with two others, Gunny’ and the old man’s, Declan. I walk into the bar and grab myself a small whiskey. The lights are off, but I don’t have to be able to see to know the clubhouse, to know that the walls are wood paneling covered in framed photographs of the Satan’s Martrys’ members. I know, too, that on the wall next to the pool table, there’s a photograph of Patrick’s first steps out of prison, a goofy grin on his face. My big brother, grinning like a fool.

  I drain the whiskey and make my way toward the back office, past the tables and chairs, past the pool table and mounted bear’s head, to the doors which lead to the meeting and storage rooms.

  I’m at the door when the old man grunts, “O’Connor.”

  He’s sitting in the corner booth, his pipe cradled in his boney hands. He leans back in the seat, half slumped in it. His leather hangs from his body as from a corpse. His neck is saggy. In the dark, the skin looks like a beard, but I know that Declan is bald except for the hair which sprouts from his ears and nose.

  “Old man,” I reply. “I’m tired.”

  “Where’ve you been?”

  “You know I won’t tell you that.”

  Declan’s accent is Irish-American. He was born in Ireland, I know, but he’s lived in the Cove since before I was born.

  “No, I guess not.” He speaks slowly, each word a struggle. He’s ninety if he’s a day.

  “Something’s been troubling you this past week,” he goes on.

  I point at his pipe. “Want that lit?” I ask.

  “Yes, please. Legs ache so bad these days . . .”

  “Yeah, old man, I get it.”

  I take a box of matches from my pocket, walk to the booth, strike one, and hold the flame to the pipe’s bowl. The tobacco flickers, the embers glow, and the old man smiles at me, his face shining orange.

  “Take a seat,” he says, his voice gravelly.

  I sigh and slump down next to him. Can’t ignore the old man. He’s been through a damned lot. Respect your elders and all that . . .

  “What’s on your mind, then?” he says.

  “You know I can’t say.”

  “Oh, no, I know, I know.” He waves a hand. “You’re the boss, Killian. Can’t be easy. Lots of things to worry about.”

  “I get by alright.”

  “Until Patrick.” Declan says it casually, but he raises his eyebrows at me knowingly. “Oh, I see more than folk round here think. What you have to remember is, years seem like ages when you’re young. But when you get to be my age, they don’t seem so long. Yesterday becomes last year. To me, Patrick hasn’t been gone that long. And now here he is, more volatile, more unstable, more—”

  “Careful,” I say. “Don’t say anything you’ll regret.”

  Declan nods, sucking on his pipe. “Oh, I won’t. We’re just talking, aren’t we?”

  You were willing to share how you felt about Patrick with Hope, who you’ve known for a night, but you won’t share it with the old man, who you’ve known since Dad died? I push the thought away, as I push so many thoughts away. Hope is different. No idea why that should be the case, but it is.

  But maybe that’s a lie. Maybe I do know. Maybe it’s because she’s smart and sexy and funny. Maybe it’s because she’s not like the countless string of women who came before her. Maybe it’s because she was not only the bright spot tonight, but that she’s the bright spot in my history of women, too. A realization hits me which almost makes me gasp aloud. I want to see her again. I’ve just left her, and already I want to see her again. That isn’t me. That isn’t who I am.

  “My point is,” Declan continues, “that it must be hard for the boss when it’s his big brother who’s causing trouble. I don’t want to offend you, but that’s the truth of it, isn’t it? I heard about the incident at the rich man’s mansion. Socked him one, didn’t you?”

  “Just a scuffle,” I grunt. “Don’t suppose you want to tell me who told you that?”

  Declan smiles, his wrinkled skin deepening, wrinkles begetting wrinkles. “Of course not,” he says.

  I bring the heels of my hands to my eyes, rub at the tiredness. “This isn’t for you to figure out,” I say. “You’re lucky to still be alive, in our line of work. Ninety-five? Ninety-eight?”

  “Ninety-nine,” Chest says proudly. “One year from a hundred.”

  “So play checkers, watch TV, eat burgers. Do whatever it is old men do. Let me do the thinking.”

  “Hmm.” His shoulders sag, making me feel absurdly guilty. Dad always told me to be kind to old men and women. Maybe it’s stuck with me.

  “I’m sorry, Declan. I’m tired. Look, why’re you sitting here in the dark anyway? Is it your knee?”

  “Damned knee,” Declan huffs. “Came out here for my pipe. Left it out here. Then I sit down and now . . .” He throws his hands up. Orange embers from his pipe flutter into the air and settle on the table. “It’s the knee,” he murmurs.

  “Alright. Let me help you, then.”

  “I don’t need help!” the old man cries, his voice indignant.

  “I’m not going to wipe your ass. I’m just going to help you to your goddamn bed in the back.”

  Declan looks into the darkness, maybe making sure we’re alone, and then nods quickly. “You’re a good kid, Killian. Always were.”

  “Thanks, old man, but I don’t know about that.”

  I stand up and heave Declan to his feet. He wobbles, but I take his hand and lay it on my arm. “You’ll be in bed before you know it, old man.”

  “Yeah, yeah,” Declan sighs. “But I won’t sleep for two or three hours. It’s hard to sleep when you’ve got so much weighing on your mind, when you’ve done so many . . . so many things folk might say is bad, you know?”

  I shake my head. “No matter what I’ve done, I sleep like a goddamned baby.”

  I peel the sheets off the bed and lie on the bare mattress, staring up at the ceiling.

  My mind is like a shootout, making it hard to think. On one side of the shootout, Patrick and his recklessness fires and fires; on the other side, Hope and her perfect body and her sweet face and her personality fire back.

  Patrick is a big problem. A massive problem. There may come a point where I’ll have to take serious action. I don’t want to, but being the leader of a club like the Satan’s Martyrs doesn’t allow for being weak. It definitely does not allow for letting your brother run wild over operations. Men don’t get paid, they get mad. Men get mad, they leave. Men leave, the club falls apart. A club is nothing without its members. The job at the house wasn’t so bad, but what about the next job or the one after that? What about when Patrick decides to do something serious?

  I roll over, my bicep cradling my head, and stare at the night-black wall. My cellphone rests on the edge of the mattress, plugged into the socket in the wall.

  I try to stay focused on Patrick, try to really reason this thing out, but the other side of the shootout is firing faster, harder. Hope’s face comes to mind every time I try and come up with a serious solution. Hope, her sweet blushing face staring at me, her body writhing atop mine. I can still taste her. I can still feel her. I want to do more to her. I want to take her to places she has never been. I want to taste all of her. She’s too damn sexy, too hot, too smart, too different for me to easily banish her from my thoughts.

  Focus, I think.

  Patrick’s always been an impulsive guy, that’s for sure. He’s the type of guy who’ll punch out a car’s window for the sake of it, for no reason at all other than he thinks it’s funny. Once, when we were leaving a club, he picked up a bottle and hurled it at the wall, laughed, and pulled out his piece when the bouncer shouted. But his impulsive behavior used to be reserved for non-work time. He never let it carry over. I respected him for that.

  And I’m the same, to
o. I gave Hope that money without even stopping to think about it. But on a job? When the club is at stake? That’s a whole other issue.

  But even as my thoughts follow this line, they are blindsided by Hope. I find myself wishing that she was here, that her body was beside mine, that I could turn over and press my crotch into her ass, that I could take her again.


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