Good Pet (His Pet Book 5)

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Good Pet (His Pet Book 5) Page 27

by Jamie Knight

  Almost as if he’s developed a sixth sense for me after having ravaged me, Tommy turns in my direction, the minute I step inside the bathroom. And I doubt he’s heard my footsteps with all that extra noise from the water. He waves cutely at me, smiling proudly, and invitingly at me. Unlike me, he’s still completely naked.

  And that’s when it hits me: this is the first time I’ve seen him in all his glory. In all his strong and commanding broad-shouldered presence, that still holds up even without a suit and tie on. He sees me admiring all of him, even his tummy, and blushes. He looks caught between being embarrassed and turned on by it.

  “Beautiful,” I mouth at him over the thundering water and sweet clouds of bubble bath mixture. I get to work on undressing myself again. I do it quickly this time, not caring what kind of pile my clothes are in. Just enough to get them off of me and out of the way.

  As my last bit of clothing comes off my body, Tommy turns off the water and quiets the jets to a low, fizzy rumble. “You’re beautiful,” he says. “Generous. Kind. Compassionate. Wise. Wonderful.” He smiles, wrinkling his nose and being coy. “Need any more adjectives? I could go get a dictionary,” he offers playfully. “Believe me, there are quite a few more that would have your picture by them, Melissa.”

  “I’m sure,” I say, shutting the bathroom door to keep the heat in and any unwanted attention or distraction out. “Just like I’m sure there are quite a few entries in the same dictionary that would have your picture by them, my love.” Saying this, I step up to Tommy, throw my arms around his neck, and kiss him. As I do, I feel myself lifting off my heels and standing on my tippy toes.

  Tommy returns the kiss warmly and passionately, using that moment to help walk and partially carry me into the bath — into the warm, softly roiling water. I let him, having no reason to fight. It’s been a long time since I’ve had a man with enough emotional intelligence and strength to really put me before himself. And without bitching about it. Tommy literally sweeps me off my feet, and lays me down into the tub, against one of my favorite jets, one of my favorite massage places on the entire Jacuzzi. It also happens to be in the fluffiest, the sweetest swelling cloud of bubbles.

  And the warm water it’s just exquisite! Within seconds of slipping into the water, I’m completely relaxed. Free of all the stress and heartache I didn’t realize I was carrying until just now. All the worry and dissatisfaction with Dennis that I wasn’t willing to admit was haunting me until now, that leaves as well.

  Tommy reclines in the tub opposite me, bringing the water level up considerably. It’s not enough to splash any water or cause any tsunami. The moment he’s down in the tub, he proceeds to give me a foot massage. Followed by a massage that includes my legs and shoulders eventually. I relax, enjoying his touch.

  Dennis was never so emotionally intelligent or available to give me even half this attention half the time. Which is why Tommy is the man you’re meant to be with. It’s why he’s the one who’s deserving of any and all of your thoughts and attention, not Dennis. Dennis doesn’t deserve one more second of your time or your heart, not as long as he or you shall live.

  I smile to myself with this thought, just as Tommy starts to work on my back. From my lying down position in the tub, I’ve gone to sitting up, with him sitting behind me. As he really gets to work on a particularly difficult knot somewhere in the middle, he says, “So, I noticed there’s a whole extra bedroom here. With a bed, furniture, and everything.”

  I flinch at the mention of the second bedroom. The bedroom Dennis was going to use as his workspace, had he ever moved in with me like I thought he would. Tommy notices my flinch immediately and adds, “Not to bring up anything uncomfortable, pet. I was just curious about it. About if you had any plans for it, or whether you were undecided, given the behavior of certain exes who should not be named.”

  I chuckle. Even without having to say anything, Tommy knows something about the original intent of that room. He also understands how I feel about that certain person being brought up, so I’m glad that he doesn’t seem to be intent on digging. But I do sense him fishing for more information about that room. Part of me gets excited. Part of me begins to think that maybe he’s fishing for another place to live. Fishing for my reaction or feelings toward such an idea. So I respond with, “I don’t really have any plans with it, now that certain other relationships have completely dissolved.” I turn to look up at my baby. “But that doesn’t mean I’m not open to new plans or new ideas of what or who it could be used for, honey.”

  Tommy blushes at this, and I know I’ve had this particular nail on the head. He was feeling me out for sharing more of my space with me, though I don’t know what specifically he’s thinking — long-term or short-term. Whichever it was or is in the end, I don’t blame him. I’d want to get away from his dad too if I were unfortunate enough to have to live with him, let alone be related to him.

  “I’m open to discussing new arrangements,” I say. “Just like I’m open to discussing what you want to do for late-night dinner since we slept through a good portion of the fine-dining circuit around here.”

  “There’s a late-night burger place,” he says.

  “One on just about every corner in Manhattan,” I say, snuggling into his belly and chest. “But sure. I don’t mind. Burgers sound really good after our exercise.”

  “Then I’ll go out and get them for us if you lend me your keys,” says Tommy, beginning to wash off the bubbles and suds, though he doesn’t go to get out yet.

  “They don’t deliver?”

  I must sound more disappointed than I meant to because Tommy frowns. “Well, I don’t know. They might. I’d have to check. Or use a third-party delivery service. But I can do that, if that’s what you want, pet.”

  Now it’s my turn to frown. “Sorry.” I look down. “I don’t know what it is, but I’m feeling really clingy right now.”

  Tommy wraps his arms around me, kissing me on the neck. “Cling away, pet. You can be needy with me too, you know. You can be demanding if you want. I won’t love you any less.” With this, he gives me a tornado of kisses again. “You deserve to be a little that way, after being emotionally and physically abandoned by your so-called partner of over a year.” Around these words, he sounds downright pissed. He shifts to get up in the next second. “If you want me to stay in, I’ll find a way to stay in and get us food.”

  He picks me up in his arms and carries me out of the tub then wraps me up in a towel before I can even get the slightest bit chilly. “And I’m going to be paying for that if I pay for nothing more tonight.”

  I have no objections to this. Whatever he does, however, he makes it work, I’ll be happy with. So long as he gets to stay in bed, and the burgers come to us.

  Chapter Fifty


  True to my word, I get us the food we need eventually. It takes some unconventional means (calling on a third-party delivery service and paying the premium at this time of night), but I get it done. At just before midnight, our bag of burgers and fries arrive.

  I also took the liberty of getting us some desserts: pies and ice cream. Before paying for the food via my debit card, I look to make sure that my paycheck for the week has finally come into the bank. It finally cleared, as of this last afternoon — shortly after our shopping trip, actually. Something I think is odd but in no way coincidental. How could it be? Vanacore may be in control of a lot of things around the office, but she’s not in control of what does or doesn’t happen at the bank.

  That detail doesn’t matter to me in the end, though. All I care about is the fact that the paycheck is just as big and fat as it should be for all the extra “work” I’ve been putting in for Vanacore, the way she likes it when she likes it.

  Something I’m going to have to keep up and escalate as of Monday morning when I go back into the office, I think, putting away my phone and carrying the bag of food and holder of drinks into the master bedroom, where Melissa is waiting patiently and e
agerly for me.

  Setting the food and the drink holder on the nearby nightstand, I undress and get into bed. From there, I start unpacking the food and doling it out like a fast-food Santa Claus. Handing Melissa her burger and fries.

  I know Monday’s going to come too soon. Even with tomorrow available for us to spend together, I have to make my plans and solidify them. So I know how I’m going to make every motion and pick up every bit of evidence, before doing what I need to do to take Vanacore down.

  I’m going to have to give Vanacore what she’s been looking for this whole time. I’m going to have to get down on my knees for her. If she’s the kind of woman I think she is, she is going to start pushing me for that even more on Monday. In the last few weeks, I’ve gotten away with teasing and titillating her, but that’s not going to satisfy for much longer. I unwrapped one of my three burgers and bite into it, halfheartedly savoring the flavor of spicy, smoked beef. I’m going to have to make sure to bring it up before she does. Especially if I’m planning to record it so that she doesn’t smell the rat in her midst.

  I take another bite of my burger, working to keep the filling in the bun, not on my belly or on the sheets. I’m going to have to be careful, that’s the end of it. Absolutely sure in all of my movements. Whatever happens, I have to make sure I’m in control of it the whole time. I can’t let Vanacore get one over me. Not before I’ve gotten all the dirt I can on her.

  As these tense, stressed thoughts dog me, Melissa’s hand, the one not holding her big burger wrapped in foil, comes over mine. That motion is so well-timed, it’s as if she can read my thoughts and the tenseness in my body and mind. “Everything all right, darling?”

  I turn to her, taking another bite of my burger, though my mind is still chewing over how exactly I’m going to keep everything “in control” around Vanacore. Especially when she seems to take control of the situation, no matter what I’ve tried to do.

  “Fine, pet,” I say. “I just started thinking about going back to work on Monday. How soon that’s going to come.”

  “Being around Ms. Vanacore again,” applies Melissa, as if she too has been worrying about that. Oddly, it frees me. Her admittance absorbs me from the guilt I felt creeping and nipping at my heels.

  “Yeah,” I say, setting my burger down back in the wrapper. “I’m going to have to escalate things with her, Melissa. I’m going to have to start recording her as I’m doing things with her. And I’m just trying to figure out how to do it in a way that keeps me from being drawn too far into her game and put in too much of a risk.” I pause, swallowing down the guilt that’s rising anyway. “And I’m also trying to remind myself that what I do with her isn’t cheating on you. It isn’t breaking your trust in me.”

  Melissa sets down her burger, pulling up the wrapper a bit, to keep sauce and pickles from getting anywhere they shouldn’t be. “I don’t like that you have to do this kind of thing with her, Tommy. I don’t like it at all. I wish you didn’t have to use your body with her at all, to be honest,” she says, avoiding my eyes. “But I know the reason. I admire you for your courage and strength in deciding that you are going to be the man that finally puts that monster out of business.” She looks up at me, squeezing my hand. “And I still stand by what I said: that anything you don’t do with your whole heart, that doesn’t count as cheating. Your openness about it also makes it that way, my love.”

  Melissa pauses, and I can tell that, even though she wants to truly believe that and stand by that, there’s part of it that she can’t. There’s one part she won’t accept, no matter the circumstances.

  I address it, without her having to. That’s what good boyfriends do. “I won’t let her fuck me. I won’t let her have my cock, even though she thinks she’s going to get it. I’m not going to take her.” As I speak, I criticize myself. I tell myself it’s stupid to draw these kinds of “lines” when I’m engaging in this kind of behavior with my boss sexually anyway, but it’s the only way I can do this mission I’ve set for myself and keep my girlfriend. “She’s just going to get a finger fuck or two, and then get a quick and merciless trip to HR, where hopefully, she’ll have her legal license stripped from her.”

  I kiss Melissa on her plump lips, enjoying the faint taste of beef. Melissa returns my kiss with energy and softness. “Just be careful, Tommy. Whatever you do, just take care of yourself first and foremost. Don’t let yourself go down with her.”

  “I won’t, pet,” I say, though I’m worried about that myself. “But let’s not worry about that for right now. Let’s just try to enjoy what’s left of our weekend, hm?” Saying this, I take Melissa’s burger, unwrap it, and bring it in for her to take a bite of. She does so eagerly, sensually, letting some ketchup cling to the side of her mouth. I lick it off, humming with delight. “Tasty. I might just have to have you again in a few hours. Might have you get me ready with that tasty, hot mouth of yours.”

  Melissa giggles, picking up my burger and feeding it to me in much the same way I just fed her. “It will be my pleasure, sir.” As I crunch down on the burger, I bring up a hand to catch the droppings of lettuce and cheese. “And we can enjoy the view out on my balcony at the same time.” She pauses, smiling. “Well, at least I will. You’ll have other views to enjoy.” As she says this, I understand immediately that one of those views will be her — her luscious ass. The other, the panoramic scenery I’ll get to enjoy while fucking that ass. Having my first taste of it.

  “Oh, I’ll enjoy it, pet. Don’t you worry.” I take another bite of my burger from her hands, and she takes another bite of hers from mine. “So much so, our neighbors will be thankful they missed it by going to church. By being good little boys and girls while we have all the fun.”

  Melissa just snickers like a mischievous schoolgirl and says, “Exactly what I was hoping you would say.”

  After finishing our late-night snack, Melissa and I get a few hours of rest. It’s not a hard, dreamless sleep, so much as it is napping. Resting in the space between sleeping and waking. Hovering in between consciousness, and that warm, fizzy drug: pleasant, lazy thought.

  In that space, I keep thinking about Melissa, about her sexy, curvy ass. How shapely and plump it is, without being chubby and large like mine. I think about how pink her asshole is. How welcoming and warm it would be to my cock with her bent over the railing on her balcony. What kind of delicious, animalistic sounds she would make bent over that way, being forced to hang outside where everyone and anyone could see her getting plowed by me.

  In no time at all, my dick is thick and hard with these fantasies. So much so that it starts poking up through the sheets and comforter. Pushing them down and off, with no effort on mine or Melissa’s part. The minute the covers slip off me, revealing my big, shiny cock and its wet, ready tip, Melissa jumps at it.

  She puts her mouth around and down on it before I’ve even have to ask her. As she begins to lick and suck me, she moans, long and low, seeming to vibrate that sound through my skin and down my shaft. She moves up and down on me quickly and efficiently, letting her throat come around my tip a few times. It sucks around me, like the walls of a secret pleasure room. As my cockhead fills the space, she moans again, sending the vibrations through me.

  As she does, I throw my head back and groan. I sigh with her, cursing gently under my breath. Having her dedicate so much love and attention to me, that drives me wild. It makes me turn to putty in her mouth and hands, which have come up to start cupping and playing with my balls.

  I arch up slightly, and Melissa chuckles appreciatively. She encircles my cock with her tongue and begins to flick it from side to side as she moves up my shaft and to my head. This makes me wiggle and squirm, but I’m not trying to get away. I’m trying to get more out of her. More attention and touching. Which is exactly what I get. She ups the tempo and speed on her mouth and tongue work, at the same time increasing in varying her stimulation of my ball and the skin there, with little tickles and touches.

ter a particularly fast and furious few minutes of traveling the length of my aching, twitching shaft with her mouth, letting her throat clench around my cock head a few times, she pulls her mouth off me. But only to grab a bottle of lube from the same nightstand I put our drinks on, as well as another condom.

  She hands both to me, before repositioning herself so that she’s kneeling across me with her big and curvy ass in my face. As she does this, I see how wet and pink her pussy is.

  Seeing this, I’m made harder, but it’s her words to me next, that actually cause my head to ooze a bit of precum. “I thought you could get me ready for the taking,” she whispers, shaking her ass at me. She pushes it closer to me and spreads her cheeks a bit with her own hands so that I can see her tight pussy.

  My body temperature spikes, and I fumble to open up the lube and start covering her folds and hole with it. “Of course, pet,” I say, trying to sound cool and collected — in charge like I’m supposed to be sounding as her boss. “I will get you ready for me, as any good boyfriend would.” Saying this, I drizzle more of the lube on her, watching, completely mesmerized, as it drips down her curves, into her crack, and gathers at her clit. The way it comes together in drips around it, it’s like watching frosting being put on a cake. “Ooh, Melissa. Ooh, baby! I’m going to get diabetes from eating on this candy ass!”

  “Oh, no,” says Melissa in mock terror, shaking her slowly, lubed-up ass at me. “We wouldn’t want that, now would we?”

  In response, I give her a bit more lube, deciding to rub it down her slit and into her pussy. As I do this, she trembles. She shivers and sighs, bending into me. Spreading herself wider for me, she practically begs me to finger her. Which I oblige in the next second with two fingers instead of one.


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