The Eldritch Conspiracy (Blood Song)

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The Eldritch Conspiracy (Blood Song) Page 30

by Adams, Cat

  if I had been sleeping, anyway.

  I brushed my teeth, then stumbled to

  the shower, hoping it would help wake

  me enough to keep me moving until I got






  shampooed, but didn’t dry or style my

  hair or put on makeup. Both would be

  taken care of later by professionals—

  Adriana, Olga, Natasha, and I would all

  be getting “done” in my big living room.

  The very best hair and makeup artists in

  the world had been hired to make sure

  we looked perfect. I was a little

  surprised they were letting me dress

  myself. They must figure I could be

  trusted to tie on a lavalava. Silly them.

  I pulled the dress from its garment

  bag, laying it across the bed. It was a

  striking piece made of raw silk in a red

  so dark it was almost black, with a

  pattern of glittering silver and gold

  abstract flowers and contrasting black

  bamboo. It was dark enough to set off my

  pale coloring and blonde hair and

  looked good with the black jacket and

  matching picture hat I’d be wearing to

  protect the delicate skin of my face.

  Isaac had come through with the

  solution for my hands and feet:

  handmade gloves and boots covered in

  illusion spells that made them look

  eerily like bare hands and feet—with a

  perfect manicure and pedicure to match

  my dress, no less. My skin would be

  covered and protected, but I’d look like

  everyone else. I was more grateful to

  him than I could say.

  When I was dressed, I went

  downstairs to join the others. I’d

  accessorized with a boatload of

  concealed weapons as well as the ruby-

  and-diamond earrings and bracelet that

  I’d used to have Gilda spy on Olga and

  Natasha for me—not because I needed

  their special properties, but simply

  because they were the best match for my


  I was directed to a tall stool, where

  an elderly woman with close-cropped

  curls and skin the color of café au lait

  whipped a black plastic cape over my

  shoulders and began using a wide-

  toothed comb to detangle my hair. It took

  a bit of time. I have a lot of hair.

  “It’s a bit windy today, and I

  understand you want to wear a hat, is

  that right?” she asked. There was no

  censure in her voice.

  “Yes. I need to protect my skin.”

  “In that case, why don’t I pull it over

  to one side, and arrange it in curls

  trailing over your shoulder?” She

  combed it into place, to give me an idea

  of how it would work.

  “I like that.” I smiled at her.

  I sat still, letting her do her thing with

  a variety of pleasantly scented hair

  products, a blow dryer, and a pair of

  tortoiseshell combs. All the while I

  wished fervently for a cup of black

  coffee. I can function without caffeine in

  the morning, but I’m never happy about


  The stylist was working with the

  curling iron when Hiwahiwa arrived at

  the head of a parade of servers pushing

  carts laden with food and drink—

  everything from capers to caviar, bagels

  with cream cheese to scrambled eggs,

  English breakfast tea to—oh joy and

  rapture— coffee. It smelled glorious.

  They even brought me a Sunset Smoothie

  that must have been made from Juan and

  Barbara’s recipe. It was all I could do to

  sit still and let the hairdresser finish

  what she was doing instead of pouncing

  on the tray like some ravening beast. I’d

  have to brush my teeth again to get rid of

  the garlic and onions, but the coffee and

  the wonderful food were worth every


  “All done.” She turned the stool

  around so I could get a look at myself in

  the mirror behind the bar. “What do you


  I looked great. Even without makeup.


  “You have great hair,” she said as she

  whisked off the cape. “Now go eat.

  When you’re done they’ll want you

  down the hall for makeup.”

  “Thanks, so much.” I wished I could

  tip her, but I hadn’t brought down my

  purse. “Um…” I tried to think of an

  apology that didn’t sound lame, but

  couldn’t think of a thing.

  It was as if she read my mind, or





  expression. “Don’t worry about it,” she

  assured me. “Everything’s been taken

  care of. Tips and everything.”

  I enjoyed my breakfast while my

  hairdresser worked on Natasha. I half

  expected Hiwahiwa to approach me

  with word about Laka or Okalani, but

  she didn’t. Most likely, there wasn’t

  anything to say. Still, I was glad to move

  to the next room and put some distance

  between us.

  “I’m going to use a base with the





  makeup artist assured me as she swept

  another little capelet over my shoulders.

  This one was hot pink and marked with

  the logo of her company. The color was

  an almost exact match for her short,

  spiked hair and perfect manicure.

  “I appreciate that.”

  “My name is Brenna.”


  “I know.” She smiled, showing

  straight white teeth. “Now try to relax.”

  I tried, but wasn’t very successful. It

  was weird having somebody paint

  makeup on me. I didn’t like it. Still, I

  couldn’t argue with the result. When she

  stepped aside so I could see myself in

  the mirror, I was stunned.

  That was me? Wow. I had a moment

  of pure ego—which was deflated the

  minute I got a look at my cousin, seated


  Everybody says brides are radiant,

  and Adriana was. Her long red hair was

  held to one side by pearl-encrusted

  combs carved from abalone shells; it fell

  in a cascade of curls over one shoulder.

  The lavalava she wore was dark gold,

  cream, and yellow, and was tied in a

  way that showed off her dangerous

  curves. The cross King Dahlmar had

  given her the night before nestled in her

  ample cleavage; the colors of the dress

  picked up the topaz in the necklace and

  her topaz-and-pearl earrings.

  The makeup artist hadn’t needed to do

  much for her. Adriana had amazing skin

  and she was so excited and happy that

  cosmetics were almost redundant—


sha and Olga were both looking

  lovely as well. I studied myself again in

  the mirror and was pleased with what I

  saw. Today I could hold my own with

  the other bridesmaids, and that was

  good, because even if the bride was

  going to be the center of attention, I’d be

  in lots of the wedding photos, and the

  event was being televised all over the






  photographers taking shots for all the

  international print media.

  There was a light tap on the door.

  It was time to go.

  The drive from the guest house to the

  parade route was surprisingly quiet.

  Nobody bothered making small talk. I

  didn’t mind. I was enjoying staring out

  the window at the milling throngs of

  happy people waving and shouting

  congratulations as we drove past.

  We arrived at the starting point

  exactly on schedule. Stepping out of the

  car into the bright morning sun was like

  stepping into a pool of thick, burning

  magic. It hurt. I’d known about the

  protective spells everywhere, but ow,

  ow, ow. Damn. And it was going to be

  like this for the long, long walk to the

  courthouse. I’d have to really fight not to

  wince the whole way—and wouldn’t

  that look special on the front page of

  every paper in the world?

  The procession probably looked

  casual, but of course that was an

  elaborate illusion. Everything had been

  planned to the last nuance. Adriana and

  Dahlmar were at the head of the group,

  walking hand-in-hand. The queen would

  be directly behind them, escorted by

  Gunnar Thorsen. If there were any

  concerns about whether she was strong

  enough to walk a couple of miles so

  soon after being released from the

  hospital, no one I knew had dared voice

  them. Truthfully, she looked good, and it

  wasn’t the makeup, either. Being so

  close to the ocean and back on her home

  island seemed to be doing wonders for

  her. She was beautiful in bright

  turquoise, her golden hair left long and

  loose so that it fell past her shoulders in

  shining waves. We three bridesmaids

  were next, with our escorts. Mine was






  traditional long shorts and a flowing

  white shirt. Igor followed—with Baker

  at his side, which gave her a reason to

  stay close to me. I noticed that she and

  Igor were smiling at each other in a

  genuinely friendly manner. Hmmm.

  I settled my hat on my head, activating

  the little spell disk that insured it

  wouldn’t fly off, even in a gale-force





  extending his arm. I took it and we began

  the stroll to the courthouse steps.

  For all the expense, trouble, and

  elaborate planning, the actual ceremony

  at the courthouse would only take about

  fifteen minutes. It boggled my mind. I

  wondered what the cost added up to per

  minute, and decided I really didn’t want

  to know.

  We walked down a wide brick street

  that had been strewn with flower petals

  of various colors. It smelled fantastic,

  and probably felt wonderful for those

  going barefoot. Somewhere, someone on

  the Internet was probably decrying the

  waste, and someone else was totting up

  how many flowers had been denuded to

  make this happen. But it was beautiful,

  and I took deep breaths, enjoying the

  fragrance as I turned from side to side

  and waved at the crowd.

  “You do not know, do you?” Griffiths

  spoke softly, keeping a smile on his face

  as he waved cheerfully to the people on

  our right.

  His voice hinted at something amiss. I

  forced myself to keep smiling, even

  though I felt a chill of foreboding.


  “Your business associate has not


  “I left my phone in my room.” I’d

  figured it would be rude to leave it on

  during the morning’s events, so I

  decided not to even carry it.

  “Ah. I see.”

  My smile had probably gone brittle.

  Waving to the cheering crowds on the

  left, I whispered, “Is anyone dead?”




  “Then just tell me.” Military jets

  roared overhead in formation. I looked

  up. The crowd looked up. Despite the

  ooohing and ahhing of thousands of

  voices, vampire hearing, activated by

  my rising level of tension, let me hear

  Griffiths clearly.

  “Because of all of the various threats

  against Adriana and the sirens, my king

  has had me put intelligence feelers out

  throughout the world. An informant

  brought us word of a threat to a siren in

  Santa Maria de Luna. He had helped

  plant a bio-magical bomb in the upstairs

  bathroom of a Victorian office building.”

  My stomach lurched. “Shit.”

  “I sent my people to check it out. The

  device they found involves both

  explosives and powerful curses and was

  linked to your DNA by strands of your

  hair. It is a particularly nasty piece of

  equipment. The bomb squad is on their

  way. But, based on the photos my

  colleague has sent me, your police are

  not going to be able to disarm it. They

  will insist on a controlled explosion.”

  My smile faltered and I gripped his

  arm tightly so that I wouldn’t stumble.

  My building. Damn it. Damn, shit, hell,

  crap, fuck! Swearing internally helped

  me fight back the tears that stung my

  eyes. I loved that building. I’d loved it

  since the day I’d seen it while looking

  for office space, long before Vicki had

  left it to me. Yes, it was just a thing, but

  it was my thing. It was unique. And we’d

  just gotten Ron moved out.

  This was why Dottie had taken the

  cat, had had my things sent away, had

  looked sad. She knew but, like Vicki,

  couldn’t tell. Because if she had, we

  might all be dead; our searching for the

  bomb might have set it off.

  I took a deep, shuddering, breath. I

  could handle this. Nobody I loved was

  dead. Nobody had been badly hurt. I’d

  rebuild if I could, or find another office.

  I could deal.

  Griffiths waited until I had myself

  fully under control. “There is more.”

  Wave, smile, turn. Wave, smile, turn.

  My movements were a little mechanical,

the audience probably wouldn’t

  notice. “Of course there is.” I didn’t

  bother to keep the bitterness out of my








  acknowledgment. “My people have

  traced the magical signature and have

  found out who created this bomb and

  hired the man to plant it.”

  “The terrorists?”

  “No. A woman. A human. Her name is


  I didn’t even have to guess. I finished

  the sentence for him. “Angelina Bonetti.”

  His eyes widened, his eyebrows

  rising. “You are not surprised.”

  Oh, I was surprised. I’d known

  Angelina was jealous. But a bomb?

  Really? How over the top was that?

  Still, in a weird way, it made sense. If

  she was going to kill me, now was the

  perfect time, and with all of the

  Guardian of the Faith crap going on, a

  bombing of my office would likely be

  written off as an act of terrorism. The

  terrorists might even lie and take credit

  for it, which would make the police less

  likely to look for any other culprits.

  Beautiful and smart, she was quite the

  adversary. If it hadn’t been for the

  informant, she would probably not only

  have succeeded in killing me, she’d most

  likely have gotten away with it.

  The knowledge was both shocking

  and frightening. But it also made me

  mad. She’d tried to kill me. She actually

  tried to fucking kill me. So much for not

  being much of a threat to her.

  “I’m smiling, Griffiths, but heaven

  knows what people are reading in my


  He squeezed my arm reassuringly.

  “That is why I am walking with you. I’m

  blocking your mind from outside reading

  or attack. Your thoughts are your own

  until this is over.”

  It was a relief to hear. “Thank you.”

  Now I could be angry and hurt and

  terrified and still pretend for the public

  and the cameras that everything was fine.

  Everyone would think I was happy while

  in fact, I felt a level of rage that, if not

  held in check, was likely to bring out my

  inner monster. I managed to control it.

  But it wasn’t easy.

  As a consequence, the ceremony was

  something of a haze to me. I was there. I

  did my part, but I don’t remember

  anything specific. Adriana and Dahlmar

  made their public declarations of love

  and fidelity, then kissed on the steps of

  the courthouse amid deafening cheers.

  We all made happy-happy in our





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