Rock Mayhem: 8 Complete Rock Star Romance Novels

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Rock Mayhem: 8 Complete Rock Star Romance Novels Page 5

by Candy J. Starr

  Was he just stalling? He oozed confidence but there were a few tell-tale signs. His fingers clenched just a little too tight on the neck of that guitar, his jaw tense. He wasn't as comfortable with this as he pretended.

  Someone behind me snickered.

  Savage walked up to the microphone stand. The singer gave him a nod and they started.

  Music blared through the bar. Loud and solid. Then Savage's voice. Not the popstar voice and not the velvet voice from earlier today but he roared. His voice intense and strong.

  People around me became still. This wasn't the punchline they'd been expecting. The joke was on them. Savage owned this song. He sounded like he'd sang it a million times, played it with this band a million times. And, more than that, he shone up there.

  When they got to the chorus, Savage held nothing back. He growled, low and sexy. A girl near me screamed.

  I tried to edge down the stage so I could get a different angle but I couldn't get through. Everyone had crowded up to the front, wanting a closer look.

  God, the way he strode around the stage. Where had he learnt those moves? That was no popstar up there. He rocked with the best of them.

  The screams got louder. Savage's lip curled into a smile, not the usual charming smile but a rock snarl. That just raised the screams. He'd won them over. All these rock hipsters stopped what they were doing to watch.

  The song finished with a bang.

  People screamed for more but Savage handed the guitar back to the guitarist. He left the stage with a cheesy grin.

  "That was Ash Savage," the singer said.

  "Just Savage," Savage called back. "I've got a new album coming out next month. Make sure you grab a copy."

  That got a few laughs.

  It'd been magic. I'd written Savage off as a talentless popstar but he had this whole other side to him. Who was the real Savage?


  "HEY, YOU'RE THAT GUY... Savage."

  I turned with my usual smile that I pasted on for fans. In this business, no matter what your mood, you could never act like you weren't 100% happy to see a fan. And, most of the time I was. In small numbers. The mobs scared the fuck out of me. This guy wasn't a fan though. That sure as hell wasn't admiration in his eyes. That was a major case of wanting to fuck my shit up.

  Oh hell.

  Alice had gone to the bar. She'd looked at me differently after that performance. And, hell, that had been my intention. I'd done it for her. To prove to her that I wasn't just the shallow pop singer. Stupid maybe. Why did I even care what she thought of me?

  But hell, it'd almost given me a boner to see that look of admiration in her eyes.

  I turned my back on the jerk, searching the crowd for Alice. I wasn't sure if it was best just to take off. I didn't want trouble, not here. She'd be pissed and I wouldn't blame her.

  Ignoring him was the best policy.

  He grabbed my shirt front.

  "I said, hey Savage. You aren't real friendly to your fans."

  The guy's breath reeked of bourbon. I'd had a few drinks but not enough to fall for the bait.

  "You want me to sign something?" I said with a friendly smile.

  "Yeah, my butt."

  Dude was a real charmer.

  "Excuse me," I said, and nodded at a random spot in the room as though I had somewhere to be.

  As I walked off, he grabbed me again.

  "Hey, I'm not done talking to you."

  This was developing into a situation. I tried to peel his fingers off my arm where he grabbed me. I needed to keep my cool. Without witnesses, I'd lay this loser flat but I couldn't afford the scandal because, no matter how big a tosser this guy was, I'd be the one at fault. That's the way it worked.

  I smiled, my "don't fuck with me" smile. "I think we're done."

  Most people would've backed down after that. Not this guy. He snarled. He wasn't bigger than me but he sure as hell didn't have a face to protect either.

  "What's going on?" Alice handed me my drink.

  "Nothing," I said. "Just chatting to a fan."

  "Alice, what the fuck are you doing with this prick?" the drunk said.

  She knew him?

  "He's allowed here, the same as anyone else."

  And that sounded almost like she was defending me.

  "Creep like that does more damage to music than anything else. No-talent pretty boy, probably started taking it up the arse when he was a kid to get that recording contract."

  I handed my drink back to Alice. I needed my hands free.

  "Want to take this outside?" I said to him.

  The guy snarled again. People crowded around. I'd never keep myself low profile now. Then I remembered Alice had her camera with her. I'd stupidly let my guard down. No matter what, she was one of them. She wasn't on my side. I could play around with her, sleep with her even, but one slip-up and she'd happily sell the photos.

  With that tosser glaring at me, I'd happily take the bad publicity for the satisfaction of punching his smarmy face.

  "We're leaving," Alice said.

  "You going home with the loser? Fuck, Alice, you must be desperate for some cock."

  I flew at him but Alice put herself between us. I sure as hell didn't want to be the kind of guy who hides behind a woman but she wasn't moving.

  "Dan, you're a massive dick and you're drunk. Now shut the fuck up. Here, have these, on us." She handed him the drinks and the scowl on his face turned to a smile. He'd be less happy when he realized Alice's drink was straight Coke.

  She grabbed my arm.

  "Come on, I knew this was a bad idea."

  The two of us walked out of the club. At least she came with me rather than making me leave alone. Did that mean she was leaving with me leaving with me? I could only hope.

  "Sorry," I said when we got outside.

  "I guess it's not your fault. You can't help your face. And you were awesome up there on stage. There are jerks everywhere."

  "Yeah, I was."

  She laughed. "Come on, let's get a coffee. Somewhere safe. Just coffee."

  Damn. Still, just coffee with her sounded good too.

  We walked down the street, keeping to the shadows.

  "You didn't have to do that, you know. A few minutes later and you'd have got some shots of Savage out of control again. Maybe a nice one of me throwing a punch. The public wants that more than they want the reformation."

  She grinned again. "Maybe. But the reformation story is a good one too. We're not all bad, you know. I'm not out to destroy anyone's career."

  That might be true but the way she smiled might just destroy me.


  I HAD TO GO TO SAVAGE's house for the next photoshoot. I hadn't seen him for a whole day, not since the night at the rock bar. I don't even know why I'd stood up for him. Well, I guess I did know. I wasn't the sort of person to let drama manufacture just for the sake of getting some newsworthy story. It's not just morals. I'm too good for that. I can make things work on my own merit.

  And Dan had been way out of line. A total jerk. Savage hadn't done anything wrong as far as I could tell. Hate the guy's music but don't hate him personally. Yeah, that was rich coming from me, I knew it. But the guy deserved a chance. I guess.

  The whole bet thing though, I wasn't sure if he'd been joking or not. If he thought I'd fall into bed with him that easily, he was sorely mistaken. Savage was not my type.

  I called into a cafe on the way to his house and picked up a latte. I felt like I should've called him to ask if he wanted one but I didn't have his number. Maybe I should have it. It'd make this job easier for the next week. Maybe a GPS tracker too. I considered grabbing him a coffee on the off chance but I had no idea how he liked his coffee. Also, why was I even thinking of getting him coffee?

  Savage lived in a whole different area to me. A whole different world even. I pulled up at his house. It didn't have a security guard working the gate but it did have some fancy intercom thing. I couldn't quite r
each the button. My arm was too short. So I jumped out of the car and pressed it.

  "You need to pull up closer to it," Savage said.

  Huh? I was on camera? He saw me try to force my arm as far as possible out the car window. Yikes.

  "Too late now."

  The gates slowly opened, like something from a horror movie. Maybe I should've taken that as a sign. I drove into the grounds. This sure as hell was some fancy house. Did I park just outside the front door? That seemed rude. I'd block the semi-circle driveway. Maybe there was a parking spot somewhere? Maybe he had a butler who'd park my car for me? I had no idea. I pulled up and got out of the car. I wouldn't let his money intimidate me.

  The door opened before I got to it. I expected some staff dude in a uniform but it was Savage opening his own door.

  "Is that coffee for me?" he asked.

  I hugged the coffee closer to my chest. "My coffee."

  "That's a little bit selfish, love."

  I felt bad. I could've got him one. But surely he had people for that.

  "Where's the butler?"

  "The what?"

  "Fancy house like this needs staff, doesn't it?"

  Savage shrugged. "I'm not here often enough. Anyway, the place drives me nuts. I'm thinking of getting rid of it and getting an apartment."

  "There are some for sale in my building. Cheap too. The better ones even have a separate bedroom."

  I walked inside and took stock of the huge foyer.

  "You're baiting me now. You want me to say that I'm not going to live in your low rent building then you can tear me down because I think I'm too good. But I'm not falling for that trick. What say I do buy an apartment in your building? I'd run into you every day. When you're in the elevator, when you run out for a carton of milk, when you check your mail. You want us to be that close?"

  He had a point. Although the smile he shot me suggested he thought I'd love him to get close like that.

  "And do you have a doorman? Any kind of security? Because without it, you'll have reporters crawling all over the place, erratic fangirls trawling the halls. I'm not a tosser. I just can't live in a regular place even if I wanted. It wouldn't be fair on anybody else."

  Wow, I'd never really thought of that.

  I followed him through the house, all sweeping staircases and high ceilings with that fancy carving stuff. A huge painting of Savage hung in one room. The next room was massive but had no furniture in it.

  "Never got around to this room. After a while, you run of out of purposes for rooms." He sighed and ran his hand through his hair.

  "You could make it your badminton room. Paint some lines on the floor, hang a net up."

  "I was thinking more along the lines of Yahtzee."

  "That works too."

  The empty room looked out on the luscious gardens. I'd actually make it a "sit and look at the garden" room but maybe he had another one for that.

  A few rooms later, we got to the kitchen. That looked more like a normal room. Bigger and more appliance-filled than most but lived in and comfortable.

  "Is the only room you use in the place?"

  "I use the bedroom," he said, and winked.

  I bet he did.

  He kept on walking to the back of the house, to a conservatory. He didn't look the pottering around with houseplants type.

  "You have a gardener, I assume."

  "My mother actually."

  "Wow, that must be embarrassing when she catches some bimbo leaving your bed."

  This place was amazing. So much color and light.

  "The bimbos go out the other exit. Are you jealous?"

  "Hardly, just worried about your poor mother. She doesn't live with you?"

  "No, she's got her own place but she pops over to deal with the plants."

  I had to do the shoot in this room. It'd be perfect. A complete contrast to Savage's normal image.

  "I'll get my gear and we'll set up in here"

  I finished my coffee then headed out to the car. Savage followed me.

  "You need a hand with anything?"

  I was about to refuse but it'd be damn handy having him lug stuff. Damn handy having someone show me back through that labyrinth of a house too.

  "What are you planning on wearing?" I asked him.

  He had on jeans and a t-shirt. I'd have been happy for him to stay in that but he might have other ideas.

  "Aren't you in control of that?"

  "Nope. I'm just taking the pictures. I'm sure as hell no stylist. Look at how I dress."

  I should not have said that. He gave me a long, hard look. Long enough to make me blush. I'd worn a baggy t-shirt to hide myself but that didn't seem to matter. Savage stared at me as though he could see beneath my clothing. That gaze swept over my skin. Each place he looked at becoming heated as if he'd actually touched me.

  "You look fine to me. I might change my shirt though. This lugging boxes makes you sweat. How do you do it?"

  "I'm tougher than I look. I'll start setting up while you change."

  I didn't need much lighting in that conservatory but I'd brought everything with me just in case. I wouldn't bothered with an assistant because I wanted Savage more relaxed so thankfully, he'd helped me carry it all in. I'd just got my gear set up when he walked back in.

  "Which of these do you think it is best?"

  I spun around and caught sight of him.

  "Jesus, do you never wear a shirt?"

  He stood bare-chested holding out two t-shirts.

  I turned away.

  "The grey one will be fine."

  "You're pretty uptight, aren't you? Surely you see a lot of flesh in your line of work."

  "Not really. Most people don't go around flaunting it."

  We spent about an hour shooting in the conservatory then moved to the kitchen.

  "How about I make us lunch? You can keep taking photos while I cook."

  "You can cook? Or are you going to fake it?"

  "I never fake it, love. Trust me, I can cook."

  Well, it was free food. I'd never refuse that. Even if it was horrible.

  When Savage began cooking through, I knew it'd be far from horrible. He really knew what he was doing.

  He worked at the island bench to make it easy for me to take photos. I wasn't sure if the whole cooking thing fit in with his new rocker image but hell, any woman loves a man who can cook. He chopped and mixed stuff like an expert. Since most of my meals were eaten out of a can, I was super impressed. He even cleaned up when he'd finished.

  "So, you have no staff?" I asked.

  "Nope. Well, I have a woman who comes in a few hours a week, but no one who lives in. I used to but I can't trust people. Some newspaper offers them a chunk of money for a tell-all story and there's always something to tell, even if they have to make it up."

  "Everything about you is a lie then? You're a saint who's been betrayed by the press?" I reached over and grabbed a tomato from the salad he was putting together.

  "Yep." He grinned at me. "Pure as the driven snow."

  I snorted.

  "Seriously. I don't do anything to hurt people. Sure, I love sex and I love drinking. Well, okay, a few times I've thrown punches and that's hurt people but they deserved it. I'm an adult, surely who I sleep with and what I do in my private life is my own business."

  "Not when you're a celebrity."

  He finished tossing the salad.

  "You can't take a holiday from that."

  I'd never really thought about it like that. It would be creepy.

  He handed me a plate and sat down beside me at the bench. The food in front of me was a feast.

  As we ate, his leg knocked against mine. Like it was an accident, but I doubted Savage ever did a thing like that without thinking about it first. I didn't move away.


  AS I SAT BESIDE ALICE, her fragrance tickled my nose. She smelt so good, I wanted to lean down and sniff her hair. I couldn't deny it any longer. I wanted her.
I'd never been refused by any woman I'd wanted and I'd make her mine no matter what it took.

  The lunch had been a smart move. I had to get rid of her image of me as a shallow man whore. That would get me a step closer to her pants.

  When I rested my leg against hers, she didn't move it. I just had to keep going without making a false move. I wondered what sort of underwear she wore. Sensible cotton stuff, I'd bet.

  She blushed but didn't look at me. She'd expect me to make another move, then she'd cut me down but that wouldn't happen. I could be patient, and I'd rather leave her with a yearning. All those feelings coursing through her body with nowhere to go, that's what I wanted.

  Her breathing became shallow and she wrapped a strand of hair around her finger. Soon, she'd be begging for me. God, this patience thing was hard though. I might end up being the one begging.

  Before I could say anything, her phone beeped.

  She reached over to her bag to get it. Damn phone. I wanted her full attention.

  She answered the message, then stood up.

  "I've got to go. Work thing."

  She didn't meet my eyes. That could be a good sign or a bad one. As she rushed around, packing up her gear, I snuck a look at her phone. If she didn't want me to, she'd have locked the screen. That's what I thought. When I read the message though, I wished I hadn't.

  She planned to dump me for a meeting with Kit Molloy. Kit Molloy, of all people.

  "Are you sure you've completely finished? I think we need more shots."

  She shook her head. "I've got all I need."

  "You might think that now but I'm pretty sure I wasn't looking my best. It wouldn't hurt to get a bunch more. You might think those shots are fine but you've only seen them on the tiny camera screen."

  Hell, did I have to beg? I sounded desperate.

  "I've got enough and this is important."

  I grabbed her bag to carry it to the car. The best thing to do now was let her go but hell, I didn't want to. It'd felt like something had passed between us. That bond would be broken if she left now. Especially if she went running off to that wanker.


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