Rock Mayhem: 8 Complete Rock Star Romance Novels

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Rock Mayhem: 8 Complete Rock Star Romance Novels Page 14

by Candy J. Starr

  She punched me again.

  She didn't punch softly either.

  "Hey, if you're into some kind of femdom thing, just let me know. "

  "It's not a femdom thing. It's a 'Savage should shut his mouth' thing."

  She was probably right about that. It might even happen, one day. I was doing all kinds of new things now. Like fidelity. That was a huge one for me. Much easier when you had no interest in other women, though.

  "I'm going to miss you," she said.

  "You'd better. You'd better miss me so much that you get all crazed. When I see you again, you'd better be as horny as fuck. And call me every night and talk all sexy to me. If you're all horny, I need to know about it."

  She kissed me.

  "I already am," she said. "And it's only been twenty minutes."

  "We do have time for a quickie before we leave."

  She kissed me again. No wonder I loved her so much. She was funny and smart and cute as a button. And the things she could do with that mouth.

  I pulled her on top of me and held her tight to me as my cock moved inside her. I wanted to fuck her hard but I also wanted every part of me touching every part of her. I could stay inside her like this forever but even with this gentle fucking, I came hard. Even then, I stayed inside her, kissing her mouth, her neck, her ears, her nose...

  The alarm went off again.


  "I can't be late," she said. "I've got to get to the meeting point."

  That killed me but I jumped out of bed. I said I'd drive her to the meeting spot before taking her car back to my place for safe keeping.



  "That's one talented bastard, right there," I said, strumming my fingers on the wheel to the beat.

  "You are so egotistical."

  "Hey, you throw out your Molloy for my music. That makes me happier than anything."

  "Happier than the sex?" she grinned.

  "Fuck no. The sex is the best. I love the sex a lot."

  She stretched in her seat. "I hope I can sleep on this tour bus."

  "Sleeping had better be all you do. I should've made you get my name tattooed all over your body."

  "What? Property of Savage?"

  "That might sound all caveman-like and wrong, but yes, that's exactly what I want."

  She didn't hit me, so that was exactly like her saying she agreed.

  I loved this little car of hers. It squished us tight so that we almost touched. I made sure to rub against her leg every time I changed gears.

  "Don't forget to call me every single night," I said. "No matter what."

  "Yep. As if I'd forget."

  "And answer your damn phone."

  She nodded and laughed.

  We got to the meeting spot way too soon. A few people had gathered already. A few chicks among the crew, which made me feel better.

  "Do you want me to get out?" I asked.

  "Of course."

  "I thought you might be embarrassed to be seen with me among your cool rock buddies. I'm surprised you didn't ask to be dropped off around the corner. This is really going to fuck with your indie rock cred, you know."

  She laughed.

  "You'll get out to see me off and you'll kiss me goodbye, and fuck what anyone else thinks."

  Who was I to argue with the lady?

  I got out and spotted a big, ugly bastard in the crew. Frankie. I gave him a furtive salute. He was my man. There was no way in hell I'd let my woman go on this tour without someone to watch over her and Frankie would do just that.

  We kissed. A kiss filled with a month of promises. If I could kiss her a million times though, it still wouldn't be enough.

  In the end, I had to let her go. I would not cry as I drove away. I wouldn't let a single tear fall from my eyes. I could do this.



  THE ROAR OF THE CROWD washed over me. I crouched in the shadows near the footlights, getting a few last shots before the band went offstage.

  Kit Molloy was every bit as fantastic as I'd imagined. I'd seen him live before but being official tour photographer was a whole different ball game.

  As the audience called for an encore, I flicked back through the shots I'd taken tonight. Close-ups of his face, his eyes half shut as he sang those words that racked every woman's soul. He really believed every word he sang, the emotions so strong and touching.

  With these shots, this tour would be a fantastic addition to my portfolio. But there was a whole lot more going on for me. Kit Molloy was my ultimate rock crush. I'd dreamt about going on tour with him for years. I'd fangirled over him, bought every CD he released, had scrapbooks of him.

  The guy knew how to rock on stage but his real talent was his song writing. He wrote lyrics as though he knew exactly what was in my heart. Every secret dream, every tiny emotion, he had them figured out.

  I'd always been sure that, if only I could meet him, we'd connect.

  The band walked back on stage to more cheers and I got my camera ready for more shots.

  The guitarist held his guitar in the air, the stage lights reflecting off it. I clicked, capturing the perfectly framed moment.

  Then I pivoted to get a shot of Kit's face. He stood in the shadows staring out at the crowd with an expression that looked like disdain. Seconds later, he moved into the spotlight and the screams became deafening. He flashed a smile so full of love for his fans, I had to believe I'd imagined what I'd just seen.

  The band played their last two songs and I began anticipating getting the hell out of here. Until recently, I'd have hung around after the show but now I had the best reason in the world to return to my hotel room alone.

  In what seemed like a lifetime ago, but was really just over a week, I'd been offered the job as Kit Molloy's tour photographer -- if I worked with former pop star, Ash Savage, first.

  Savage planned a comeback from his faded pop glory. Pop star turned rocker, using his money and fame to gain himself some cred.

  I thought I'd hate Savage and the job.

  Not so much.

  Rather than being the jerk I'd imagined, Savage rocked my world. In a short time, he had won my heart and made me his. I'd have always said I was the last person in the world to believe in love at first sight and all that sappy stuff, but I'd fallen. I'd fallen hard.

  Still, I'd decided to go on tour with Molloy. For starters, I wanted to fulfil my dream but, more importantly, I'd taken on the assignment and cancelling it at the last minute would've ruined my career. My editor, Eleanor, had been only too clear on that.

  Being separated from Savage a week after we'd met was hell for me, though. I wanted to revel in those newfound love feelings. Instead, he was about to go on his tour and I went on this one, the two of us apart for a month. I missed him like crazy and it'd only been two days so far.

  I headed backstage to pack up my gear. I'd thrown my bag behind a table in the band room before the show started, and had to squat down to get my stuff sorted out.

  Soon, I'd be back at the hotel. Soon, I'd be able to call Savage. Even if it was only his voice, that was better than nothing. And the things I wanted to say, I needed to say alone.

  I checked my phone and I already had a bunch of messages from him. I grinned. So many heart emoticons.

  I'd wanted to get out of the room before the band got backstage but I must've wasted too much time reading and replying to Savage's messages. The door opened and a couple of the guys came in.

  They started talking before I could let them know I was behind the table.

  "See that bitch in the front row?"

  "Yeah, the one with the massive tits? Total whore."

  That was Molloy. He called some girl a whore? Hell, Savage had a bad reputation but I'd never heard him talk about fans like that. Maybe it was some private joke.

  "You going to fuck her?" the other guy asked. I think it was the guitarist but I hadn't been with the band
long enough to recognize his voice.

  "Not worth the bother. If she comes backstage and she's lucky, I might let her blow me. I'd love to shoot a big rope of jizz over those titties. Then send her home like that."

  That was the soulful poet? The man I thought would understand me and all the dreams I buried inside?

  Wow, what was that sound? The painful shattering of all my illusions.

  "See that photographer chick?" the guitarist said. "Speaking of huge hooters."

  "Yeah, I'd love to see those swinging in my face while she rode me."

  "So long as she didn't talk. Hell, I heard she's dating that pop loser. Dunno if you'd wanna go where his cock had been."

  Molloy laughed.

  I had to walk out of here with my dignity intact. I had to walk out without punching him. Punching the star would be career death. I'd be lucky to get a job shooting weddings after that.

  My insides died. I had to put up with a month of this? I couldn't back out. No way. But Molloy was not the person I'd thought he was. More like a total pig.

  "Where the fuck is that dealer?" he said. "I told him to wait back here."

  "He might be in the other room."

  The two of them walked out so I could leave without being seen.

  I definitely needed a shower now. I needed more than a shower. I wanted to run far away. Run to Savage. I'd be with him now if it wasn't for my stubbornness.

  I couldn't tell him about this though. I wouldn't breathe a word of it because he'd go nuts. I'd call like normal and let his sexy voice clear my brain.

  I had to focus on that. Savage's voice, Savage's words. I didn't know much about phone sex but even just talking to him would be enough. I needed his phone calls to help me through this tour, now more than ever.

  It was only a month. How bad could it be?



  Something sounded off about her voice.

  "Nothing," she replied.

  But I knew she was lying. She might think that overly bright voice would fool me but I knew better. Still, if she didn't want to talk about it then pushing her wouldn't help any. She was the stubbornest women I'd ever met.

  I'd talk to Frankie later. He'd signed up as a roadie on the tour but really, he was my undercover agent, keeping an eye on my girl since I couldn't be there. Ha, he'd love that, being called an undercover agent.

  I wanted her in front of me so I could read the expression on her face. With only her voice to rely on, I had no idea if this was a huge issue or if she was overtired.

  She'd only been on tour for one night. I doubted the tiredness would've settled in but then, she'd been travelling on the tour bus all day yesterday. My own tour started soon but already my house seemed empty without her here. Every room held traces of her, and I had a lot of rooms.

  "If there's any problem, anything at all, you know you can tell me."

  "I know," she said.

  "I miss you," I told her.

  That was an understatement. More like some vital part of me had been ripped away.

  "I miss you too. I'm counting the days."

  "What are you wearing?" I asked her.

  "Sweatpants and an old t-shirt," she said.

  "Huh? You don't really get the point of this phone sex thing, right? You're supposed to tell me you're wearing sexy lingerie, get me worked up."

  "My sweatpants don't get you worked up?"

  To be honest, they did. That loose waistband would make it so easy to slip my hand inside. My cock throbbed with the thought. I wanted to touch her so much. This distance between us would kill me.

  I balanced the phone on my shoulder and unzipped my jeans.

  "I heard that," she said.

  "Heard what?"

  "The zipper."

  "Hey, I'm here alone. I need to do what I need to do."

  Hell yeah, I did. I imagined her hands wrapped around it instead of my own. Her pretty little hands, with their chipped nail polish, grasping me tight.

  "Ha, you're always thinking about sex," she said.

  "I'm always thinking about you."

  "Thinking about having sex with me."

  "Not just that. Other things too. When I play a song, I think about how you'd react and when I eat food, I think about how much you'd enjoy it and --"

  "Urgh, don't remind me. I had nothing but stale sandwiches for dinner. Maybe I should call a pizza?"

  "You're going to hang up on me to get a pizza?"

  She laughed.

  "The way your hair tickles on my skin. The way your mouth feels when you kiss me."

  "How does my mouth feel?" she said.

  Her voice had become low and husky. The sound felt like a caress.

  "Soft, so soft."

  I was a songwriter. Words should come easy to me but there were no words I could find to describe how soft her lips were.

  "Hell, Savage, I have no idea how to do this," she said. "I've never phone sexed before. I don't know what to say. It's all embarrassing and weird. Maybe I should ring some phone sex line for tips."

  "I want your words, not some cheesy shit you picked up on a phone sex line. Don't think too much. Have a drink and relax."

  "I'm relaxed. I'm just not that relaxed. I work in images, not words."

  "Well, I'm totally open to images too."

  My cock was definitely open to images. My cock loved images.

  "You want me to send you dirty photos?"

  "Yes. Yes, I totally do."

  "And what if someone finds them on your phone?"

  "I'll delete them. I'll delete them as soon as I finish using them."

  She went silent. Hopefully, she was thinking about it. Then my phone beeped.

  Yes! I had a photo. I had to take my hand off my cock to open the message. My finger trembled as I tapped on the notification. It opened to a glorious picture of her. Nothing dirty at all, just a photo of her smiling but with lots of cleavage in shot.

  "That's amazing," I told her.

  Just the sight of her smile, that special sexy smile, was enough. My cock cried out for attention. I put my hand back on it when my phone beeped again.

  This picture showed more flesh. If only I could suck on those hard nipples of hers. I missed them. I wanted the taste of her and the smell of her, not just photos, but they'd do for now.

  "You're so beautiful."

  "I should go, so you can do what you need to do," she said.

  I balanced the phone back on my shoulder.

  "NOOOO! I want you on the phone. Are you wet?"

  "A little."

  I wasn't sure if she was just humoring me or not but then she gave a soft moan. I knew that moan. She might say she wasn't good at this but that moan did more for me than any dirty talk. My hand moved on my cock like I'd discovered self-pleasuring for the first time.

  She moaned again and my rhythm got faster. Flashes of her came to my mind. On the other end of the phone, her soft voice moaned my name. That was it for me. A few sharp tugs and it was over.

  As I cleaned up, I kept her on the line, waiting for her to finish.

  Her gasps got me hard again almost immediately. This could end up being a spiral of self-pleasure. Which was totally okay. I could stay up all night talking to her.


  WE SPENT ALL THE NEXT day travelling, so I didn't see Molloy, thankfully. He had his own fancy, pimped-out tour bus. I was on the staff bus with a heap of other people. It seemed everyone stuck to their own groups. A bunch of roadies in one group, right down the back. Lighting guys in another, and then some chicks sitting together up the front. I think they were like hair and makeup people.

  On the first day, I'd tried talking to them but got totally frozen out. Now I just sat near the middle, headphones on and laptop out, working. Since it was dead time, I might as well make the most of it.

  Being a loner had one advantage. I didn't have to share a room with anyone else. I couldn't do those things on the phone with S
avage if I had someone else in my room. I'd be too embarrassed even to ask them to leave, in case they worked out what I was up to. Face-to-face sex, even face-to-back or face-to-whatever sex was fine with me, but sex with a voice over the phone, even Savage's voice, made me uncomfortable.

  I wasn't sure these nightly talks with Savage were a good thing. After just one night, it already screwed with me. It made the loneliness so much more intense.

  What was the alternative, though? Not talking to him at all? No way could I do that.

  Oh well, I'd made my bed. I had to last the month. Only 27 days now.

  Outside the window, the world flashed by in a blur. Small towns, farms, a big empty nothingness. None of it seemed real. Just a view from the bus window. I'd become totally disconnected.

  I considered messaging Savage but didn't want to look like a clingy girlfriend. Instead, I tried to get back to my work.

  One message wouldn't hurt, surely. He'd be happy to hear from me.

  He hadn't messaged me but then I didn't want to play those kinds of games. If he messaged first or if I did, what did it matter?

  "How's things going?"

  One of the roadies sat beside me. I'd seen him on the bus yesterday, caught him glancing at me a few times. That creeped me out a bit. He was a huge guy, long hair tied back in a ponytail, denim vest over a black t-shirt and arms covered in old school tats.

  "Name's Frankie," he said, holding out his hand.

  I shook his hand. I wanted to make sure Frankie knew I was completely not interested though. I wasn't sure if he was trying to hit on me or just being friendly. It'd be easier to assume the worse, especially after Molloy being such a jerk.

  "I'm Alice."

  "Well, you've sure as hell fallen down a rabbit hole here, Alice."

  His crazy laugh seemed to fill the entire bus.

  I smiled but glanced back at my laptop to let him know I had work to do.

  "Just wanted to introduce myself. If you have any trouble with any of these guys, let me know."

  "Ah, yeah, sure." I wasn't sure how he meant that. "Um, I've got work to do..."


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