Blood Sabers

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Blood Sabers Page 33

by Burbaugh, MF;

  “No, my dear, it was not, we occasionally play for him,” I said.

  “Th—there really is a God?” she asked.

  I thought of Rodel as a prior first who played for him.

  “Yes, some of us claim to have met him, he is real,” I said. “I thank him for being so forgiving to us sex fiends, sluts, whores, prostitutes, and devil spawn.”

  The woman sat on the floor and cried as we moved on.

  Aawasa said, “That went well, my husband, no?”

  I told them to be ready. We cleared the front door and some guy jumped out and shouted, “Now!” He squeezed the trigger and his finger became curious why the scramble of signals as two 44 cal rounds entered his heart, the second to keep the first company, and Katawasa wiped her blade as the head bounced across the concrete.

  A bronze bombshell on a lion landed with a guy across the saddle. She was covered head to toe with used body parts and blood. “They figured they only needed twelve teams my husband. They were crying so hard while trying to shoot me I didn’t know whether to hug them or kill them. One guy’s heart literally exploded when I gave it but a little squeeze. I don’t think I’ll do that again, so messy!”

  The cameras didn’t miss a thing.

  She threw off the guy. He was alive for now. “The only one left.”

  Aawasa took his hands and read him as questions were asked. “Hired, not military. Evil soul.” He named names, three country heads, all present, a vice president, and an advisor.

  Linda’s eyes glared.

  “I suspect, after being warned, my wife Linda is a bit upset,” I told the reporters behind us.

  She held the guy up with one hand and in the time it took to think, she had drawn her sword and neatly sliced him into four parts on worldwide TV.

  She bent over the pile of flesh that used to be alive and pulled up a large handful of guts and turned to the TV, her eyes turned to blue pools of fire, sparking and cracking.

  She screamed, “We warned you m-f’ing, sonuvabitching,” some new Japanese words, “we would not think kindly of this shit again!”

  I told the TV guy. “Yup, she’s pissed now.” I laughed, he didn’t but kept rolling. A few people standing around were puking their guts out.

  Inside, a female advisor may have noticed her head was missing, if she had lived.

  One country’s ruler found a blood-covered bombshell needed no sword to remove his head; it ripped off quite well thank you. The rest got away for a while.

  We went outside, our limo guy didn’t say a word. He’d been there, just held the door, smiled, and said, “Where too?”

  “Airport, I guess.”

  We piled in. Linda said, “That went well, I think.”

  The limo guy said nothing. I told Linda to quit dripping guts all over the poor guy’s car and we all cracked up.

  I told the limo guy to go by the hotel after he dropped us off, have them get on line to ‘’, and present the bill and it will be paid immediately. Same with the limo company.

  He would take care of everything and forward our belongings to Huston. I had him swing by Sax, and saw a pretty young girl in Camelot battledress assisting an elderly couple with some rings. We all smiled.

  I tipped the limo guy a $1000 and thanked him.

  Linda asked if I had noticed the limo driver was always the same one? NYC, Huston. Same guy.

  “Sure, he told me, works for NASA intelligence, supposed to keep tabs on us. He’s a good boy.”

  We hopped a charter sub orbiter to Huston and were home for supper. Linda said she thought maybe she needed a shower, the dried blood was starting to stink.

  We all showered. While I combed hair, we watched the news. They were being a lot more careful how they worded things now.

  I had Rodel contact The Sensei and his protégé. I needed them available at 1030 hrs. tomorrow morning.

  A couple restraining orders on the news people went totally unheeded. People the world over saw a woman cut a man to shreds and tear a guy’s head off with her bare hands. Careful discussion of the twelve sniper teams found tore to pieces, an advisor dead, and all the rest. They showed it all along with a female reporter who broke the news that both NASA and NATO were going to unconditionally surrender tomorrow to the King of Camelot at high noon. The planets Earth and Mars, and the Moon, and all the people of them would become the personal property of the King called Jake and his wives.

  Certain people in NATO resigned, some we didn’t know about.

  That evening a crew laid down 30 yards of hardwood floors in 10 foot squares to each side of the 50-yard line.

  At 8PM I invited Brigit to a sex party to rock the world. The rest had all disappeared to high orbit with an hour’s head start.

  I asked, “Ready to dance?”

  She smiled and kissed me as we went surfing.

  Rodel said, “9PM, it is 9PM.” He would stop us at 1158PM.

  We didn’t mess around. The first wave was in the middle of a cyclone, thunder roared, lightning crashed and we rode wave after wave after wave and they kept getting bigger and bigger. We held hands the whole time, it was wonderful. We both heard it, ‘1158, 1158 please’–seemed like we had just started. She pointed to a big one, from its crest we could see most of Earth and a little space ship went shooting by as we rode it’s curl until it crashed.

  She collapsed and we were sated.

  The news reported that many older women had passed away in the night with big smiles on their faces. We ran 11 minutes over time, it was a big wave.

  The girls got back, too exhausted to even say hi. I took Brigit and we showered. I then helped them all in.

  Aawasa said, “Those places are real.”

  “What are?” I asked.

  “In our minds, we all saw you two come by the ship atop a huge wave. We couldn’t get away, we just hugged each other tight and waited to die.”

  Ouch, guess it would be ponds and spring showers from now on. We all slept like the dead, some may have been close.

  Rodel said “10AM, 10AM please.”

  I woke amidst a spread of tired bodies. “Good morning all!” I said, as they came awake. I stretched and said, “Wonderful night, who wants me for breakfast in bed?” My arm turned black and blue and Linda wouldn’t fix it. “Sheez.” I just smiled. “We never knew. Now we do and I am so glad you weren’t hurt.”

  They got out of bed with exaggerated waddles and tiredness.

  By 1030AM sharp The Sensei and his protégé came by. I told him what I was thinking and he said yes, good a time as any. I said okay, and I needed to talk to her alone a bit. He nodded and went down to wait. I took her to the private room.

  “Sensei had to hold me down last night. He lay across three of us. His wife, me, and his daughter. He is a bit upset at you.”

  “Sorry. We will leave tomorrow or the next at the latest.”

  She said nothing.

  “How’s the mind adapting to the body?” I asked.

  “The attire? Fine, hardly notice it missing really, more free,” she said.

  “Good, today the world will meet its new ruler in my stead, you.”

  She stared, and got scared. “Me, what?”

  “Ruler on my behalf of the new Camelot EMM coalition, of course.”

  “I, I, no,” she said.

  “Yes, you can and will and you will do a good job. Think, all those men to choose from, too. The naked queen needs a mate! Headline news flash, of course. Anyway, we shouldn’t need you until 4PM tonight. Get to Sax, talk to your old boss.” I gave her the card, tell him stat, and be here by 4PM. It’s 11AM already and New York is a ways away.”

  She was stunned, but got up and went out the door. The sensei and the limo were waiting.

  She could handle it.

  1145hrs, I drifted to the floor. They were there of course. The Vice President of NATO was absent.

  I handed out some rules that would become law the second they signed.

  The President
of NASA said, “I see nothing I can’t handle here.”

  The President of NATO balked immediately. I asked one of the generals how long it would take to get a new head, this one was about to lose his from about here.” I touched the middle of his neck.

  “I don’t have time for any explanations. Prepare for space war, have troops ready for ground war. Spend one penny on bullshit waste and free handouts and you will lose all the government heads, literally. No tax over 10% of suggested retail on anything. Other requirements will be addressed as needed.”

  I gave them a list. “These people will be presented for trial and public execution tomorrow. Other than that you may continue to keep your jobs as long as your new ruler agrees.”

  12 noon. Three worlds watched.

  Simply put, I accepted the unconditional surrender of both corrupt governments.

  I had them read all the terms and conditions out loud and I told them all I would install a new ruler at 5PM. I want all the heads of both governments there, with wives, girlfriends, husbands or boyfriends, it would be formal under Earth’s rules. Be there 4PM. It was mandatory.

  A girl at Sax was tickled pink when a normal Earth girl showed up wearing nothing but purple Camelot battledress and a big sword thing. The old guy was scrambling to meet requirements. This customer pays well.

  As ruler, in front of a million cameras, I finally explained about the HH and what they did. Rodel showed a video. The NASA people had encountered them in several places, all with the same results; they kept it secret of course.

  “Of course, why tell people there were bad things coming to saw off their heads? Why prepare for it? Just ignore it and it will go away.” I glared.

  “Rodel!” I hollered.

  “I hear just fine,” he said.

  “Get a scoop to a certain reporter, feed all the info they need on the HH to her,” I said.

  “She is on it, Sir,” he said.

  “Puddle to Camelot, update them. Send a few generals to whip these excuses for soldiers into shape. They have three months from their arrival, also we need four seer groups if available, two to Earth, one for Mars, one Moon, get access approved at all levels for them. More Puddle Jumpers too.”

  “We have generals, Sire,” one of the NATO guys said. I handed him the death list. He just said, “Oh.”

  I shoo’d everyone off until tonight.

  Linda rounded up the wives and they went uptown to see about some of the latest hairdo styles.

  Rodel said Sax called, no purple, would purple trimmed white be acceptable until he could acquire some. I told him fine. Big Amethyst and diamond necklace would look pretty as well.

  Still had a couple hours to kill so I experimented with my armor. A few sub’s to Linda and almost had it, the shoes never seemed to work so I gave it up for now.

  I ordered up a hidden air controller that liked to go swimming. He was shaking like a leaf, scared out of his skull and unable to function. As I figured, a useless piece of shit. I ordered he be a janitor. If he failed to show one time, he would lose his head. We were still pissed at his behavior.

  I set plans in motion with Rodel for key people to have Puddle Jumpers on Earth, Moon, and Mars. Preprogrammed to shoot to New Earth, report on the way by, then on to Camelot and report. They would then return if they had anything to return to. I had Latwasa’s Seeker-Defender plans given to NASA with 100% crash priority. Earth had a usable AI system that should be able to separate the friends and foes, and give heads up on unknowns. The General would handle any other problems I missed.

  For every detail I thought to mention there were probably a thousand I didn’t. Rodel was pumping everywhere he could full of rules and regulations that would be effective. On Camelot it was always handled by Chief.

  The wives were back, Linda helped me solve my shoe problems; came out blue suede.

  Rodel told Queastra the good news, almost 100% Aboriginal. DNA would be contracted, and all the information was puddle jumped to her father.

  The wives were all decked out in their dresses and jewels and new shoes and fancy hairdos. We spent many, many hours in space learning dances and they picked them up as quickly and expertly as those of bow and sword.

  As the time approached I warned Linda and her sister we were under Earth’s cultural rules for this night and refraining from vulgarity was requested. I hired a full orchestra to assist Rodel in music. Full range and types from all over Earth were to be used. Rodel’s backdrops would match the music type.

  By 3:30PM we were in a basic receiving line. Rodel was acting as our caller. Well, Robot caller.

  The entire wood floor was lined with comfortable chairs and small drink tables. I had 400 young men and women to help do my change outs, be waiters and the like. Most were from local high schools and colleges thankful for the extra folding money they would earn.

  I vaguely remember some of the intros; I wanted only the top ten from each political section to be received officially. I would do the rest as a group.

  Seven large comfortable chairs had been lined up along the 20-yard line on one side and all the rest extended to the 20-yard line on the other. Behind those seven, sitting on a dais, was a new throne I had brought in from Arkansas. I had seen some excellent work from them and they were delighted to make the first one for the EMM coalition.

  It was black walnut with rich red mahogany and white birch inlays of various Earth and Mars scenes. At the top was Camelot’s official shield, produced in the best porcelain and gold edging I had seen in a while. A certain Sax guy was very proud of his connections and abilities to get things done in a hurry. Sax would probably miss him when he finds out he is quitting to work for a queen.

  A certain reporter was there too. I was assured by Aawasa the answer was still no. I laughed.

  Besides the two presidents I doubt I remember a single name.

  At 4:30PM I asked all to be seated. I introduced myself and each of my queens. They curtsied.

  I informed everyone for this night we would follow Earth’s barbaric customs (a few laughs) but I would insist on one from Camelot, it was called dignity. “Under our dignity no one gets drunk and calls trouble on him or herself. This is a social gathering. The penalty is death so I suggest those alcoholics among you drink our fine tea instead. There are no appeals. Public executions will be held at sunup on all days except Sunday.”

  No drinks or food would be presented until their new queen was installed and all allegiances accepted.

  “As you all know, there are two groups of crooks in any open society except Camelot. Politicians and lawyers.” A few laughs.

  I explained the seers we use. “They will replace all judges and lawyers in government cases because my seers are 100% accurate 100% of the time.”

  Some high muck in NATO said, “Yeah right.” I had my pigeon. Rodel said he had been a lawyer too, perfect.

  I had him brought forward. “Most who have disagreed with me lately have lost their heads, let us see if you can keep yours or not, shall we?” His tune changed fast.

  “I have two types of seers in my group. Queen Linda and Queen Aawasa.” They both bowed.

  “They will judge this man and determine if he lives or dies. It is that simple.” He was suddenly not so skeptical. Linda held him just off the ground with one hand. Aawasa held both his hands.

  “Deceitful man, a crooked lawyer. Defended mob bosses he knew were guilty, um, they wangled some political jobs for him. He moved up from there.”

  Linda scanned him. “He is being treated for an STD.” His wife pretended to be shocked. “Lousy seed, genetically defective.”

  Aawasa said, “He has had seven, no, eight sexual affairs this year. Two children he pays child support for.” She looked at me pleading.

  “I know it hurts, dear, continue please.”

  She was crying.

  “He has forced sex on his client’s wives for payment, I can’t go on.”

  His eyes got bigger and bigger.

you see, you cannot hide. We will stop there. He will be executed at sunup for these crimes after verification of guilt under our rules. I apologize to my wives for their pain.”

  He was hollering about his rights. I looked him in the eyes. “You only have two. The right to live if you are not guilty, and the right to die if you are. You have been judged.”

  He was hauled off. “I will take all resignations tomorrow from all heads of state, country leaders and all others guilty of any similar crimes. When my seers arrive all will be judged who work in my government.”

  “Ten minutes.” Rodel said.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, I have been informed your soon to be ruler approaches. After being enthroned we will have a night of dancing and other quaint Earth customs I hope will meet with your approval.”

  I had two youths roll out a red carpet from the dais to the grass area nearby.

  A limo with a young man not unknown to us pulled up to the red carpet. Rodel made a series of trumpet calls.

  The Orchestra played a loud fanfare.

  “Ladies and gentlemen I present your new Queen, Mayu Mori!”

  As they played she walked up to the throne. Rodel was telling her what to do through her earbud. I could almost see her knees knocking. She turned, faced me and bowed. I bowed, she came up and waited; stunning. Nice necklace. Her dress looked like white silk covered in chiffon. The whole dress was full style and had royal purple highlights and trim.

  I went to her. “Kneel please?”

  “Do you, Mayu Mori, take the position of Ruler of the Camelot EMM coalition, to rule over them with justice and compassion in my stead so long as I may require?”

  “I do,” she said.

  “Rise, Queen of the EMM that your new subjects may bow to your beauty.”

  She stood and everyone else bowed. “Most elegant, most regal, my husband,” Aawasa said.

  “Her escorts this evening are sensei Kojiro and his lovely wife and daughter.” I had him step forward and inducted him into the Knights of the Round Table, the Samurai warriors of Camelot.


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