SWORN TO PROTECT: An Everyday Heroes World Novel

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SWORN TO PROTECT: An Everyday Heroes World Novel Page 12

by Readnour, Kimberly

  “Of course I want to. But a dirtbike? I know kids love them, but they need proper training. Is your brother an expert?”

  “Hell no. And even if he were, I wouldn’t want Liam anywhere near one of those. The last thing I need is a kid laid up in the hospital with a broken neck.”

  “Has Liam been asking for one?” Not once have I heard Liam mention anything about motorcycles. Even when we pass them on the street, he hasn’t given them a second glance. But if this is something he’s wanting to do, I can make sure he gets the proper training.

  “No, he’s never mentioned them. He doesn’t even watch Motocross. I have no idea why Jordan wants him to have one.” She swirls the drink around her glass and then takes a swig. “Am I being unreasonable?”

  “I don’t think so. It’d be different if this was Liam’s wish. What gave Jordan the idea?”

  “Who knows. He gets on these whims and won’t let go.” She bites her bottom lip. “I don’t know. Sometimes, I feel as if I’m overprotective. It’s not like he has a male influence in his life.”


  I know I haven’t been around that long, but her admission stings. “I think you’re being too hard on yourself.”

  She shrugs.

  “Maybe you’re worrying for nothing. Surely, Jordan will listen to you. I mean, a dirtbike is an expensive gift.”

  “Good point. I probably am worrying for nothing.”

  “I doubt your brother goes to the effort.”

  “You’ve never said if you have annoying siblings. Any brothers or sisters that you hate to claim?”

  “No. I was an only child.”

  “Sometimes I wish I were, but as annoying as Jordan can be, I wouldn’t trade him for anything. But I have to deal with him, you know?”

  “I used to want a brother, but after I got older, I was glad I never had one. My dad. . .” I hesitate, not knowing how much to disclose. “He isn’t the nicest of guys.” I certainly wouldn’t want anyone else exposed to his belittling ways. “I wasn’t good enough in his eyes.”

  “Seriously? I can’t imagine you were a hellacious child. Were his expectations too high?”

  “Something like that. One example, he wanted a brawny jock. I was more into academia. I liked learning about cellular biology more than chasing a ball. Most kids read Sports Illustrated. I was the weird one reading National Geographic.”

  She eyes my biceps and broad shoulders. “Were you scrawny as a kid? Because you’re all brawn now.”

  My chuckle is as light as I try to keep the conversation. “I was normal, and before you ask, I was decent at sports. But they never held my attention.” Maybe because the prick wanted me to be the best. If I played football, he pushed for me to be the quarterback. If I played baseball, he wanted me to be a pitcher. I had to dominate on the field. To be nothing but the best.

  “Are you wanting to head back to your roots in San Francisco?”

  My jaw hardens to keep from cringing. Why the fuck did I say I was from there? The worst part is, too much time has passed to correct the lie. If I admit I’m originally from San Diego, she’ll question everything I ever said. I can’t risk that, but I do give her a slice of truth.

  “I don’t have any roots. I guess I haven’t found a special place I can call home.” I especially don’t want to go back to the area where my old man resides.

  “I don’t have ties either. Not anymore. San Francisco seems so long ago. It doesn’t hold the sentimental value it once had. Besides, my dad is in jail. Did I tell you that?”

  “No, you didn’t.”

  “He’s a conman.”

  That’s something we have in common.

  “Mackenzie Gillman, is that you?”

  We both turn to an eager looking woman a few years to Mackenzie’s senior.

  “Cathy. How have you been?”

  “I’ve been good.” The woman turns to me. “And is this the Nate Dixon? I’ve heard all about you.” Her gaze ping-pongs between Mackenzie and me, but her pause isn’t long enough for neither one of us to jump in. “And you’re here having drinks . . . together. Isn’t that nice.”

  I can see the wheels turning in her overzealous head, but I don’t know how to diffuse the bomb. I don’t want to say the wrong thing. This lady seems like the type to take a story and run with it.

  “Well, I guess introductions aren’t warranted then,” Mackenzie says dryly. “Nate has been helping me out a lot with the kids while I study.”

  “I’m sure he has.” Cathy whips her attention to me. “I bet you’re gathering all sorts of information, huh?”

  She looks at me expectantly, but I have no idea what she’s referring to. “Uh, I’m not sure what you mean.”

  “Oh, you’re good.” She shakes a finger at me, clicking her tongue. “High-level classification stuff. I get it.”

  Mackenzie stifles a laugh while I sit there dumbfounded.

  “Don’t worry. Your secrets are safe with me.” She smacks my arm and winks. A sinister smile slides in place as she steps away. “It’s good seeing you, Mackenzie. I’ll be sure to get to the café and visit.”

  We watch her retreat to the bar, silenced by the bombardment of accusations. If the townspeople weren’t talking before, they sure would be now.

  “What the hell was that?”

  Mackenzie leans in across the table as if she’s the one with hot gossip. “Rumor has it, you’re writing a spy novel. Or you’re the new James Bond.”

  This time, I bark out a laugh. “Do I get to have my wicked way with you later? Bond always gets the hot girl.”

  “Hmm, we’ll have to see how cunning you are.” She suppresses a grin as she raises her glass to her lips. I watch as they wrap around the rim and take a sip. The simple move has me shifting in my seat. Damn, what I want those lips to do.

  “I’ll be whatever you want me to be.”

  She breaks into a grin and glances toward the bar. “Oh, boy.”

  I follow her gaze and frown. Cathy is talking to another woman, and they keep glancing over their shoulder at us.

  Mackenzie groans. “I’m not ready to answer people’s questions.”

  “You don’t have to.” I give Mackenzie a wry smile. How our conversation segued into a discussion about our fathers and town gossipers is beyond me. I need to step up my dating game. “Look at us talking about shitty dads and dodging gossip hounds when we’re supposed to be having fun.” I push to my feet and grab her hand. “What do you say? Let’s show them how it’s done.”

  Her eyes stay focused on me as she lifts to her feet. “Yeah?”

  “Yeah.” I nod and lead her to the dance floor. The jukebox has been playing country songs all night, so when in Rome and all. I lean down and ask, “How’s your two-stepping?”

  “A little rusty.”

  “Here’s a secret, sweetheart. So’s mine.”

  Her laugh is the sweetest sound I’ve heard all night. I push the negativity away and direct all my attention to Mackenzie. She deserves to let loose and have fun. And I want to be the one to show her how.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  Nate twirls me to face him when we reach the makeshift dance floor, and I can’t stop the huge smile. It’s the first time all evening I let myself relax. His fingers intertwine with mine and hold them out to my right side as his other hand slides underneath my other arm. The slight graze of my breast causes a shiver to race down my spine. Always the gentleman, Nate doesn’t acknowledge my reaction toward him. He must know the effect he has on me. He remains tight-lipped and holds my gaze, wearing the same stoic expression I see all too often. If it weren’t for the uptick in his breathing, I wouldn’t even know he was affected.

  Our feet synch to the music, doing the quick two-step, then slow two-step shuffle. I try to maintain focus on the footwork and not the broad, bulging shoulder beneath my palm. But it’s damn near impossible. He’s incredibly firm and muscular, and, oh my God, I want to run my hands along his enti
re body. Here, in his arms, I’m past the point of caring if being together is wrong. Or if it’s too soon. The town gossipers are going to cackle no matter what I do. I’ve gone too many years denying myself pleasure. I need to focus on pleasing myself. Of course, if that means seducing the man currently promenading me around the dance floor, then so be it. I don’t see why us being together would be a problem. What I do or don’t do isn’t anyone’s business.

  I look up, and his intense stare has my body aching with need. The music fades along with the other patrons into the background. We’re in our personal bubble right here on the dance floor—he and I.

  Another quick one-two, a slow one-two, and he draws me closer to him. I want nothing more than him to lead me right out those doors and straight to his place. I want to scream his name as he fucks me long and hard. I have a feeling this rock wall of a man could fulfill every sexual fantasy I’ve ever imagined.

  I’m too lost in my lust-filled trance to notice him trying to spin me. My feet stumble, and I fall awkwardly into that very chest I keep fantasizing about. Those massive, strong arms wrap around me as he catches me.

  “Whoa, there, Grace.”

  I laugh and run my gaze along his chest until I meet his eyes. Those beautiful amber eyes that, despite his stern stance, hold warmth and feel inviting. My heart hammers, and being this close to him, chest to chest, I know he can feel the increasing adrenaline pumping through my veins. But that’s not all being felt. His growing erection presses against my stomach, and oh my, his muscles aren’t the only thing big and bulgy. I want to lead him right out of this bar and make my earlier thoughts a reality. I bet he’s damn good in bed. He’s built like he’s good.

  “Thank you.” My words barely register above the crescendo of guitar chords, but he hears me.


  “I think I’ve had enough dancing for the night.”

  “You ready to go home?”

  Before I talk myself out of it and allow guilt to consume me, I lower my guard and let my inhibition lead for what I can only say is a very long time. Tonight, I don’t want to think. I just want to do. “I’m ready to be alone with you.”

  He draws in a breath. “You sure?”

  “I’ve never been more sure in my life. Take me home, Nate.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  Fifteen minutes later, my back crashes against Nate’s door as this glorious creature of a man presses every hard inch of his body into me. Shoving his fingers into the sides of my hair, Nate tilts my head and claims my mouth with his. The kiss is hard and demanding—a merciless hunger that only I can fill. I can’t stop the flurry of emotions racing through me, this need for wanting more warring against the need to back away. It’s head spinning, but I don’t want to stop. That part isn’t questionable. It’s the fear of regret threatening to ruin the good brewing between us.

  As his tongue dances with mine, I fist the sides of his shirt, wanting the damn thing gone. He doesn’t quite comply. Instead, he skims his hands along my rib cage and lands on my waist. He grips me tighter and grinds his impressive cock against me, causing a shiver to rip through me. My need for more outpaces any other emotion. He slips his hands to my ass, slides them to the back of my thigh, and lifts me as if I weigh nothing. I wrap my legs around him, the end of my heels rubbing against his ass. Why did I wear jeans? If I had a skirt on, he could rip my underwear off and be inside me already. Is he an underwear ripping kind of guy? He acts as if he would be. He acts like the kind that takes what he wants but also gives in return. God, I want his cock inside me so damn bad. I subconsciously rock my hips into him.

  Nate lets out a guttural groan as his mouth leaves mine. He leans his head back far enough to meet my gaze. Those honey-rich eyes, darkened by want, hold an intensity I’ve never seen. That look alone hardens my tightened nipples even more—a task I didn’t think possible. But holy shit, this man is turned on by me. And I like it.

  “Please tell me you want this.” His gruff voice cuts through our heavy breaths, and the hint of desperation in his tone only serves to fuel my desire. That delicious ache between my thighs builds.

  If there were any doubts I wanted this, wanted him, that statement alone annihilated any fears.

  I not only want him, but I need him. It’s been so long since a man has looked at me like this. Like I’m the answer to a question he didn’t know he was asking. It’s the lifeline I’ve been seeking.

  Still holding his gaze, I don’t hesitate when I speak. I know he can deliver. “Fuck me long and hard, Nate.”

  Carnal desire sets in his eyes, burning me into a molten mess of longing and hunger. I’m reduced to ashes lying in his arms, eagerly awaiting his command. I’m not sure when I became so submissive, but this man can do whatever the hell he wants to my body. I’m all game, cashing in every one of my chips.

  “You’re too damn perfect, Mackenzie.”

  The next few moments become a blur as we tangle into desperate kisses and frenzied touches. Nate carries me across the short distance to his bed, each of us working fervently to remove the other’s clothing. Neither one of us fast enough for the other. Shirts and pants fly in the air and land on the floor in a crumpled mess until we’re completely naked with him positioned between my legs.

  Oh, what a glorious sight.

  Sculpted shoulders lead to toned biceps that brace above me. His body is too tempting to not run my hands across those defined pecs, up to his broad shoulders, and down his tattooed biceps. I grab hold, his sinewy muscles tightening beneath the palms of my hands. Jesus, he’s built.

  His mouth claims mine again as if taking no prisoners. He’s demanding, controlling. His tongue wars with mine, and my legs respond by spreading wider to accommodate him. He presses his body closer, the length of his cock smashing against my thigh. A heady sensation overcomes me, and I moan, wanting him inside me. He has donned a condom at some point, but when, your guess is as good as mine. I’m lost in everything Nate. He runs his finger down my sex until he reaches my wet pussy. My hips buck against the intrusion as he thrusts a finger inside and proceeds to finger fuck me. He does all of this while still laying claim to my mouth. His free hand palms my breast and tweaks my nipple that has begged for attention ever since touching me out on the dance floor.

  My entire body is on fire. It’s been too long since I felt a man’s touch. Too long since sensations caused by something other than my own doing ripple through me. I’m almost embarrassed about how close to the edge I am. But I also don’t care because this feels too damn good.

  “That’s it, baby. I can feel you getting close.” He slips another finger inside and continues fingering me. He scoots lower on the bed until his mouth lines up with my pussy. He places his tongue on my clit, and yep, it’s definitely been too long for that. The orgasm comes swift and fast as I’m reduced to a quivering mess, writhing beneath his mouth and convulsing around his fingers. He continues to work my body until the last shiver works its way through me. When he rises to look at me, his lips glisten from my arousal. He licks them, and that move alone has my thighs clenching. I don’t think I’ve witnessed anything sexier.

  “Get on all fours,” he demands.

  I comply.

  He runs his palms along my flesh. The touch is smooth and delicate as he lands on my ass. He smacks it and grabs my hair. He brings his mouth to my ear, and his words come out as a growl. “Goddamn, I want you. I’ve wanted you for so long. You want this long and hard?”

  I nod. “I do.”

  His growl cuts through the air. Without having time to think, he wedges his knee between my legs and spreads them wider. Then he pushes my shoulders down on the bed until it’s only my ass hiked in the air.

  I’m part scared.

  I’m part excited.

  But mostly, I want this beast of a man inside me. I want to be claimed by him. Is that wrong? As he places the tip of his cock against my entrance, I couldn’t care less. All I want is this
moment. This time. Him.

  “God, Mackenzie,” Nate moans my name as he slips his cock inside and pauses. The world stops spinning as I adjust to his girth. It’s just him and me connected in a way that two people share when being intimate. The air energizes around us, and I know I’ll never want this feeling to end.

  He grabs one of my hips as the other tugs my hair just enough to keep me positioned. He backs his cock out to the tip and then slides back in. A quick hard thrust only to repeat the action. He reaches down and strokes his tongue along the base of my spine. “God, you don’t know how badly I’ve wanted my mouth on you.”

  “I think I have a clue.” I ball my fingers into the sheets as he pumps inside me faster, harder, giving me what I asked. A whimper escapes my throat as I’m overwhelmed by sensations. I’m completely lost to this man.

  To the feel of his cock sliding into me.

  To the way he dominates my body into submission.

  To the overwhelming sense of making me feel like a woman.

  This man is everything I’ve ever wanted and so much more.

  He shifts his leg, and, oh God, he’s so deep. My core clenches around him as he continues to drive into me.

  “Fuck, Mackenzie. You feel so fucking incredible wrapped around my cock.” He reaches down and bites my shoulder as if straining against his release. “Jesus, your pussy is magic. You have a magic pussy. I’m trying to hold off.”

  “I’m almost there.” My voice is barely audible. I slip my finger to my clit and start rubbing feverously. He groans in approval.

  “You’re so fucking hot.” Nate replaces my fingers with his, and that’s all the extra stimulus I needed. I splinter into a million different shards as shivers wrack my body. My walls clamp down on his dick and milk every last ounce of pleasure. He pumps a few more times, his body quivering until he releases.

  He crashes down beside me, breathing heavily. “You’re fucking incredible.”

  “You’re not so bad yourself,” I say through a yawn. I’m not sure where we go from here, but I needed this release. No matter how short our time is with each other, I vow to enjoy every minute.


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