The rude and stupid customers make me sick since some of them treat the workers like they are stupid.
One bitch even made fun of my math skills when I have a math disability. I mean come on, if you want respect from a sales person how about being nice to the person behind the counter, and if you are then they will treat you with respect. If you treat them like shit then expect to get it in turn. I would never go out of my way for you if you are rude to me. I’ll give you some customer service, but don't expect me to go above and beyond for a rude person.
Customers mess up everything especially after I just cleaned up the area, and I’ve heard a few mothers say, “It’s their job to pick up after us” when their kid picks up stuff off the floor. I thought people pick up after themselves at least that is what my parents taught me. But apparently, people think a sales person’s job is to clean up after adults who should know better. Like a few of the idiots left one of the numbers on the floor, and didn’t pick it up to be nice. Even the daughter just stared at it and left. And I wanted to hit her since it’s not hard to pick something up off the floor. Hell, maybe my old life is better than picking up after idiots.
And then after treating me badly you wonder why you get bad service? How about as a customer when you need assistance don’t treat me like I’m stupid, and I get it I work retail but that doesn’t mean I deserve to be treated like an idiot. Don’t stare at me thinking I am going to automatically know you need help. Speak up and stop treating me like I am incompetent just because you are horrible at communicating what you want.
Some customers can’t describe items worth shit, or they use different terms as if they are more educated than the person working there. It doesn’t make a person smarter it makes them look like a jackass. They also over explain the item to me when they think I don’t know what they are talking about, and guess what? I don’t. One dumbass described it to me silently about undies saying they tuck in like she thought I was a dumbass…Nope. You just suck at explaining. Grunting and showing me what you mean doesn’t help either. And speak clearly and loud enough for me to hear you, and never explain it to me like you think I’m slow. Don’t treat me like I don’t know what an item is just because we don’t have it. A lady and one in a wheel chair were looking for socks, and they were talking to each other rather loudly enough for me to hear them. Guess what they were right by it. But the lady points to me and said in a dramatic way said, “She can help us.” So, like a good retail slave I show the idiots the socks even though they were right near it. I show them the brand they were looking for and the wheel chair, “Do you have socks with the waves?” And she continued to describe it to me like I was stupid and had no idea what she was talking about. I told her multiple times if we had it then it would be in the area. I mean if it’s not there then we don’t have it. I can’t pull an item out of my ass that we don’t have. The lady kept explaining it to me over and over again like she thought I didn’t know what she was talking about. Whatever. I just hope the bitches leave before I lose it and yell at them to stop treating me like I’m stupid. That night dealing with those idiots made me want to grab a bottle.
I’ve written down policy changes in the notebooks I carry (which change so fucking often I have to write it down), notes about the job, and some angry customer stories. I want to remember the funny moments, and even the angry customers so I can laugh about them later especially when I leave retail for good.
Retail is not for everyone, and if you don’t have the ability to let shit roll off you then this is not the job for you. I am a sales associate who works everywhere in the apparel area.
I have worked in the fitting room, phones, jewelry, shoes and accessories. I have been working at times throughout all the clothing departments too like: men’s, boys, infants, girls, women's and lingerie. I’ve even helped out in other departments when I’ve needed to such as toys, housewares, lawn and garden even in the meat and frozen food departments.
Some of the stupid managers made me work there since they don’t have enough coverage in other areas, and they are so shorthanded in their areas they can use others too. Part of the reason customers can’t find sales associates in our areas is thanks to the managers. The managers have a stupid habit of pulling people out of their departments, and then get mad when the associates they pulled from their departments are not staffed. It’s their fault since they pulled the associate in the first place. I hate it since it means I get blamed for not having work done in my department. Yet the dumb managers can’t see how stupid it is to pull from other departments. Not to mention when someone asks me where something is in another department I don’t know where every single item is since I don’t usually work there. Then the customer treats me like I’m the dumb one when they don’t describe the item well and say, “Never mind I’ll find it myself…I thought you would know.” Treating me like I’m stupid just because they suck at describing the item.
Then, customers assume we have all the same things when we don’t and different Kyle’s carry different products. The online website and in store are different and unless online is the salesperson’s area they aren’t going to know how it works. Also, there are third parties on Kyle’s website, and people complain about that when Kyle’s doesn’t have any control over it.
Don’t ask a sales associate about the website, and stop being lazy and look for yourself in store. Sometimes the website is not accurate since it takes 24 hours to register it. Hell, a customer can even leave it on a shelf and have it in their cart.
People act like they can’t help themselves…they can.
Inventory is also wrong, and people call up the fitting room and other areas thinking they have a catalogue of items in their store when they don’t. I can’t look up anything unless I have the universal product code, and that is the ten digit number that is associated with an item. I can also put in a code, and scan it when it doesn’t have a price on there, and even when it does have one a person will still ask if it’s the price...yes, it is what else will it be? “Why does it have $4.00 on it?” Come on it’s the price, dumbass.
It’s a job that requires talking to people and showing them merchandise. A job that requires answering stupid questions like a customer wanting to know the price when it’s right in front of them, and directing them to the items they are in front of. Times like those I want to slap the person for acting like a dumbass about it.
I have stories for every section I’ve worked in, and I’m going to share it with you. Sit back relax, and enjoy the ride since these are stories that will laugh, entertain you, and make you never want to work retail ever. There is also a special section for how not to treat a sales associate and tips. I’ve even got a guide to help you around the store so you won't look like a dumbass. I don’t think this way of all customers just the stupid ones, and ones who are lazy and rude.
If you have worked retail you will know my pain, and for those of you that haven’t I hope it will be a real eye-opener on how not to treat someone, and you can see the crazy customers a sales associate will encounter on a day to day basis…I hope you will learn to be nicer to the person behind the counter too. And don’t say I’m being rude in here and I should get another job since I will have another one.
It will also help you see why retail associates can be rude and nasty to you since they get shit on by the general public every time they wear the dreaded uniform.
Also, never say these phrases to a sales associate:
“I’ll give you something easy.” Because you think I’m stupid because I work retail?
“I just have a quick question…” that you could have answered yourself had you looked on the last aisle, and you just had to interrupt me while I was with another customer too. I mean come on.
“Do you happen to know?” No, I don’t know shit now fuck off, and never ask me like that again.
“Can I ask you for a favor?” No, we aren’t friends bitch. Don’t say that to me.
“Item.” Not even an exc
use me? Or hi? Some people ask this while talking to their friends, and not even bother talking to me directly. Fuck you, by the way since if you need my help at least treat me like a person.
“I know you don’t work in the area but…” I don’t care since if I don’t work there then I might not know where the item is.
“Oh, are you waiting for me?” No, dumbass I was waiting for my shift to end so I can go home, and not be around stupid assholes.
“Are you open?” Why the fuck do I have my light on? And why am I behind the register if I’m not open?
“You look like you are bored/need something to do…” No, I’m not bored, but thanks for being an asshole.
“Let me put you to work and make you do your job.” Because I wasn’t doing it before?
One dumbass wanted to say I was doing nothing since I told him I could not work on his watch since it wasn’t one we carried. I was putting away a cart of shoes actually.
Please stop thinking your clever saying these phrases, and I get it I look like I’m 12 but you don’t need to treat me like I am.
I see day to day how people behind the counter get treated, and I’m sick of it. I should not be coming home crying or ranting because of a rude customer who could not get their way. I should not have to deal with being run around ragged because the managers expect us to have super powers. I shouldn’t be treated like I’m not a human being because I work retail. I’m human too, and I make mistakes too like everyone else. My head should not be bitten off because another person put the item in the wrong spot, or stole something and it’s my fault the other shoe is missing.
The people who say the customer is always right clearly haven’t worked with the general public before.
Chapter 10
The Killer Contract Agency Chapter 1:
First Agency Operative: Salina Sinclaire
It was the first day of school, and I was excited to start the school year with my cute boyfriend, Roger. His good looks made everyone jealous of me for having him before everyone else had the chance. He had brown hair streaked blonde at the tips, pretty blue eyes, and a sweet personality to match, which made him a good catch.
I loved his scorpion tattoo and his sexy, muscular body. I had been with him for over six months, and he made me happy, so happy that I wanted him move in with me. He opened the door for me, and called me cute names. He was a sweetie, sending me love notes, and walking me to my locker. He even had a promising future career in the military.
Things were going great.
The problem started when Laurice came into the picture. The first day of my senior year, she walked toward me with beautiful long blonde hair and blue eyes with an attitude that said she thought she was better than everyone else. I hated her from the beginning.
“Hi,” she said in a sickening-sweet voice. “I’m Laurice. I just transferred here. You must be Roger’s puny girlfriend. Don’t worry; he’ll be mine when the time comes. I doubt that you can handle a guy like him, anyway.” Then she walked away, and I glared at her retreating back.
A few weeks later, Roger came to my house to pick me up for a date. I wore a red dress that accentuated my body and made my eyes pop. My heart beat hard within my chest as his car pulled up in the driveway and he got out.
Roger was dressed in a tux, making him even cuter than usual. He smiled as his eyes traveled up and down my body. “You look beautiful today.” Then, his look turned sad. “We need to talk.”
It was never a good thing when a guy tells you that. My heart stopped, but I tried not to let it bother me. “Okay, what is it?”
He sighed. “I’ve been seeing someone else, and we’re in love. I want to move in with her. Let’s face it, you’re a side chick and we’re going to be apart for some time. I think I have more of a future with her, and she’s the reason why I haven’t been contacting you much lately.”
I glared at him. “I knew it. You look at her the way you used to look at me. You told me lies just to use me for a place to stay. I’m happy that you didn’t move in with me yet. Laurice had no issues about bragging that she was going to get you, and that you told her you loved her. You told her that you would take her as soon as you saw her. You claimed that it was to get closer to me, and that you weren’t going to sleep with her, but you lied. You’re a jackass, trying to fool me into thinking that your brother is talking to me when it was you. Thanks for saving me from being stuck to a lying douche bag.” I didn’t want to go through this heartbreak again; it was as if I had just been shot to the chest. It was awful and bad. Suddenly, tears welled up in my eyes. I cannot help it. I wanted him to stay in my life, but now I didn’t, since he was a lying, cheating asshole. I hated Laurice so badly that I wanted her dead.
He shook his head. “Laurice was there for me when you weren’t. I would rather be with someone who wants to stay home for the rest of her life. I was in love with you, but I love her more because she at least obeys me, and doesn’t argue with me the way you do.”
I glared at him. “I would hate to be stuck with you for the rest of my life. You’re such a drama king, blowing everything out of proportion. You have a horrible temper, and hit stuff when you’re frustrated. You told me to not put up a fuss in the morning, andyou’ve always tried to tell me what to do. I’m better off without you.”
A few months later…I opened the door to Southbend High School, and made my way through the crowded halls to my locker, where students were packed like salmon swimming upstream. I fought the current to get to my locker, dialed in my combination on the lock, and opened it.
Black mud suddenly sprayed all over me, smelling like wet garbage on a hot summer day. The smell of it was beginning to make me puke. It was all over me, in my grey eyes, and covering my black hair, and my clothes were ruined.
Students surrounded me, and they put their hands to their noses as if they could smell something horrid while they laughed at me.
I pushed them out of the way, not wanting to deal with their ridicule any longer. I knew that Laurice was behind it, since she was jealous of me for some stupid reason. It was always her, and no one else. No one could hurt me this badly and get away with it, especially not her. I hated her for a reason, and I really wanted her to pay. How could she do this to me? I knew she hated me, too, but really? Mud in my locker? I wiped the sludge out of my eyes, hating that bitch with every fiber of my being.
I didn’t go to the rest of my classes. It didn’t matter, anyway, since they were showing nothing but movies. I spread a towel across the car seat so the mud wouldn’t ruin the interior. I didn’t want to explain to my mom why my car had black stains on the driver’s seat. The drive to my house was painful since the memories of her pushing me around still lingered fresh in my mind. I squeezed the steering wheel. Just thinking about that bitch made me see red. I wanted her dead; she went too far this time. She was a cruel girl with long sunflower-yellow hair, blue ice cold eyes, and a devious smile that said she kicked puppies in her spare time. She always dressed in clothes so small that every part of her body showed. Within minutes, I pulled into the driveway, arriving in record time.
I headed to my room first and the calming scent of lavender hit me. I picked out a shirt, jeans, and clean socks and underwear to change into after my shower.
My mom, Rose, was home and heard me come through the door. She worked at home doing data entry, which must be nice. My dad, Steven, worked at a job in a secret company that he never talked about.
Mom took one look at me and was furious. “Who did this to you, honey? Was it Laurice, the same girl who put pig’s blood in your locker? I don’t want them to brush it off like they did last time. If I ever see Laurice or her mom in an alley, God help them because they’ll end up in a body bag for messing with you.”
I nodded. “Yes, it was Laurice Wingfield, the same one who always messes with me. The same one who went after my ex. But good riddance to him since he was a lying, cheating asshole who was using me as a side chick.” Her eyes looked away,
and I knew their picking on me finally got to her. First the blood and now the mud; at least she finally saw that they had gone too far.
“Okay, honey, it’ll be taken care of. Go take a shower and I’ll call the principal about this. By the way, he was a cheating jerk. You can do better. You deserve better since he didn’t even text you for days at a time. When I think of all the time that you spent crying over him when he treated you so horribly … and he even blew you off for your birthday, too! He was not good for you. But, honey, it gets better. My first love cheated on me, too. You’ll heal from it, and find someone better than him … someone who will call you and talk to you when you call,” she said with a look in her eyes that can make a child cry. I never wanted to be on the receiving end of that look since it meant serious trouble. She’ll get Laurice since it wasn’t the first time that she told the school about the way she was treating me. If she had to, I knew that she was file a police report. Then, maybe the school would believe her this time.
I headed straight for the bathroom after the conversation we had together. I stripped off the mud-covered clothes then put them in a plastic bag that I found underneath the sink.
As I showered, I thought of all the ways I could kill the bitch who made my life hell.
Instead of thinking about taking the easy way out by killing myself, I made a decision: I wanted to kill the bully instead. It led me down memory lane, thinking of my ex, Roger. Roger … the one who cheated on me with Laurice, the one who I loved until I realized that he was using me. At that moment, I finally realized that he never really cared about me.
Ember Page 8