Riding Until The End

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Riding Until The End Page 11

by A'zayler

  When Virginia couldn’t say anything else, Arizona shook her head and pulled her mother’s front door open. “Honey, let me go holla at my mama real quick then we can go.”

  Honey nodded, but didn’t say anything. She was a little nervous about Virginia saying anything or trying to fight her, but she didn’t show it. If she hit her, she would just have to hit her back. With the way her face looked, she was probably tired of fighting anyway. From the looks of things, Keyona and Kayla had put it on her. She’d probably had enough for the day.

  “You’re not her real sister, you do know that, right?”

  Honey looked at her. “You’re not either. You do know that, right?”

  “She’s my blood. She has to forgive me.”

  “Aside from the fact that you didn’t act like she was your blood, she doesn’t have to forgive you. You’re lucky I even convinced her to come over here. She wasn’t thinking about you.”

  “The same way those people at the housing authority wasn’t thinking about your homeless ass until I felt compelled to send them some valuable information.” Virginia smiled like she had just said something. “Everybody and their mama knows you can’t have a convicted felon living with you when you’re receiving housing assistance.”

  Honey’s eyes scrunched up for a minute as she thought about what was being told to her. “You’re the reason we got kicked out of our house?”

  “I sure am.”

  Honey shook her head in disbelief. How in the world could a person she had never even really met, not like her so much, that she would do something that vindictive? This girl really did have problems. Not only was she so miserable, she was gunning for her own sister, but she was after Honey too, and she didn’t know her from a can of paint. She couldn’t wait to get home and tell Congo about that. The two of them had been trying to figure out for the longest who had done it, and not one time had they thought about Virginia’s sneaky butt.

  “You are such a miserable person.”

  “Nah, I’m not. I’m good. People like you just make me sick.”

  “People like me? Girl, you don’t even know me.”

  “I know you think you’re better than me just because you were raised different. You ain’t no better than nobody else. Think because you had a lil money you can look down on people. Me and Arizona are the same kind of people, boo.”

  “Virginia, you need to seek help, girl, because you are so very stupid. That’s how I know you’re just jealous of me. Everything you just said was completely inaccurate, minus the part about us being raised differently. That I can agree with because I was taught growing up that loyalty is everything. Never turn your back on your blood. My uncle is doing life right now because he refused to turn in my mother for killing a cop. Both of them will spend the rest of their lives in prison because of their loyalty. See that’s the kind of blood I have. So when you think about Arizona and why she kicks it with me, remember that. I wouldn’t turn my back on her for all the money in the world.” Honey stood from where she was standing and was about to walk into the house behind Arizona, but she was already coming out of the door.

  “You ready?” She raised her eyebrow at Honey.


  “Aight then, Virginia.”

  Honey and Arizona began descending the stairs of her mother’s porch.

  “Z, wait. Can I come stay with you for a while? I was staying with them because you know me and Mommy don’t really get along.”

  “Oh hell no.” Arizona shook her head. “Hell fucking no. I’d be a fool. You crossed me one time that was shame on you, but to open myself up to be crossed again, that would be my own fucking fault. I’m sorry, but no.”

  “Z, please.”

  “No, Virginia. I don’t trust you. You might be running a scam right now so you can tell your little friends where I lay my head at night.”

  “Yeah, you don’t want to let her know where you stay. She might call housing authority on you.”

  Arizona looked at Honey with shock all over her face. “You lying.”

  “Nope. She just told me. Ain’t that some mess?”

  “Oooh, Virginia. I can’t believe you. Why would you do them like that? Congo ain’t never did nothing to you, and you don’t even know Honey.”

  “That’s the past. I don’t give a fuck about them.”

  “Clearly you don’t give a fuck about nobody. I can’t deal with you. You’re too conniving.”

  Arizona turned around and headed to her car with Honey behind her. They didn’t even turn back around to look at Virginia before getting into her car. She could see the anger in Virginia’s eyes, but she didn’t move. Just stood on the porch watching them pull away. They drove in silence for a minute, both of them thinking of Virginia’s sneaky ways.

  “Honey, I can’t even begin to express how sorry I am that my sister did something like that.”

  “Girl that ain’t your fault. It doesn’t matter now, anyway. God has blessed what the devil tried to destroy. Congo and I are good. We have a house that no one can take from us, we have money in the bank, my man ain’t in the streets, my baby is healthy, and I’m doing something I love. There’s nothing from my past that can upset me, girl. I am good. Don’t worry about Virginia and nothing she’s done, because I don’t care.”

  Arizona held her hand out and Honey hit it softly with hers. “I know that’s right, Honey bunny. You and my boy are doing the damn thing. If I can just get my damn life, I might could follow in y’all footsteps.”

  “You said you and Zay are kind of together now, right?”

  “I mean, in a way. It’s like we’ve decided to give it a try, but we’re not necessarily in a relationship or nothing like that.”

  “Oh, okay, well y’all have known each other long enough to skip the dating stage and go right to being boyfriend and girlfriend. Y’all ain’t new to each other.”

  Arizona laughed at Honey because she was right. “I know, but we still might have to take it slow in the beginning just to feel things out for a minute. I don’t want no mess out of Xavier because you already know I will beat his ass.”

  “I know. I don’t think he’s going to come along with any mess though. As long as I have known him he has never had any women come to the barbershop, he hasn’t talked about any, and he’s a very blunt person. Zay will say exactly what’s on his mind and not care how you feel about it, so if there is something that needs to be addressed between y’all, I’m sure he’ll address if before it gets too out of control.”

  “Believe me when I tell you, you have no idea how blunt he is. Some of the stuff he says is so alarming, even for me, and you know I can roll with the best of ’em.”

  “Well, welcome to my life because I promise I don’t know where Congo gets the nerve to say some of the stuff he says sometimes.”

  “Girl, you ain’t never lied. I used to listen to him all the time and be like, nigga what? Where that come from?” Arizona was smiling with a confused look on her face. “But for real though, Honey, that’s why I don’t think you have to worry about anything with this little assistant he has. He ain’t never been on no funny shit before, so I don’t think he’ll start now.”

  “You might be right, but I’m not going to sit back and wait on it to blow up before I pay it any attention. I’m about to investigate this until I get all the information I need to feel secure. I didn’t work as hard as I did to maintain a good relationship for some privileged little trick to swoop in and take it.”

  “Well you know my motto. If she gets out of line, beat her ass.”

  “I can’t. Congo won’t let me.”

  Both of them thought that was funny. Honey’s tone was of a child who had been disciplined by their parent. They talked and gave each other advice for the rest of their drive back to Arizona’s house. When they got back and got out, Arizona noticed Zay’s truck first. It was parked in the visitor’s spot and his window was down. They could hear the music playing as he looked down at whatever it wa
s he had going on in his lap.

  “There go bae, Z.”

  “Girl, I see him. Come walk over here with me.”

  Honey followed Arizona to the window of Zay’s truck. When they got closer, he looked up and smiled. He was so handsome.

  “Don’t be sneaking up on me. I would have had y’all leaking had you gotten any closer.”

  “Boy please, we ain’t worried about that.”

  “Right. You need to pay attention to your surroundings.” Honey agreed with Arizona.

  “Ain’t shit happening on this side of town. Where y’all two coming from anyway?”

  “Went to my mama house to see my sister real quick, with her lying ass.” Arizona rolled her eyes.

  “Damn. It’s like that?”

  “Just like that. I’ll tell you about that later, though. Come on and get out. Honey was about to leave anyway.”

  “Oh, don’t be trying to let me know it’s time for me to go. Zay ain’t nobody.”

  Zay opened the door to his truck and got out. “I’m her man, and when I get home playtime is over, so take your lil ass on home, Honey.”

  “Her man? You get home? Oh!” Honey covered her mouth and widened her eyes, playfully. “Well, excuse me, then. Let me get to my car, Z, your man is here.”

  Arizona and Zay chuckled at her silliness before telling her that they would see her later. They waited outside until she was in her car and driving away before going up the stairs. On her way home, Honey called Congo so she could fill him in on the mess Virginia had just told her.


  “Hey baby, what you doing?”

  There was a lot of noise in the background, which let her know he was still at work. “On the site. You need something?”

  “No. I just thought you would be home by now. I’m about to just head over to your mom’s house and get Blaze. Then I’m going home.”

  “Cool. I shouldn’t be too much longer. I’ll call you when I’m on the way.”

  Honey told him okay before ending her call. She didn’t spend much time at Congo’s parent’s house like she normally did, because not only was she tired, but she was hungry. All she wanted to do was bathe herself and her baby, eat, and go to bed. She would try her best to wait on Congo, but if he took too long, she would just have to see him when she woke up for work.

  When Honey felt the bed moving and Blaze being pulled from her arms, her eyes popped open. It took a minute for her to get her vision together, but once she did she closed her eyes again and reopened them. Congo stood there and in nothing but a pair of cotton shorts and no shirt. The shorts drooped down some in the front, teasing her with the skin just above one of her favorite parts of him.

  He was smiling at her, and if that wasn’t sexy enough, him holding Blaze’s little body against his bare chest just took the cake. Honey smiled at him and yawned.

  “You’re so beautiful, Congo.”

  He smiled bigger. “What kind of shit is that, Honey love?”

  “I think you’re beautiful, babe.”

  “I can’t tell. You sure didn’t stay up to see all this so-called beauty you see.”

  Honey snickered at him as he sat down on the side of the bed. He held Blaze up on his shoulder as he rubbed her back.

  “It took you too long to get here. I was tired. Maybe if you hadn’t been so busy at the office with that lil heffa, you would have gotten here on time.”

  Congo’s face went serious as he cocked his head to the side. “Really, Honey?”

  “I’m sorry. I don’t know why I said that. It was so unnecessary.” She smiled and sat up in the bed. Her lips pressed against the side of his shoulder. “I just keep thinking about her.”

  “I don’t know why. I don’t love nobody but you. I don’t want that fucking girl.”

  “Good.” Honey scooted over until she was straddling his lap. She kissed his neck. “Because if you did, I might cry.”

  “You gon’ cry?” Congo’s voice was a little huskier than before due to the fact that she was now sucking on his neck. “What you gon’ cry for?”

  “Because I don’t like to share… and… because…” Honey placed kisses on his collarbone and his chest as she spoke. “You’ll be making her feel the way you make me feel, and that’s definitely something to cry about.”

  Congo lay back flat on his back with Blaze still in his arms. She was now lying straight across his chest with her legs on the bed. Honey trailed her mouth all over Congo’s body until he began to groan. When she was ready, she slid her gown up and positioned him in a way that she could slide down on it with no problem. Well, almost no problem. Anytime she was on top it took a second to get used to the length.

  “Go slow. I’m tired and I just want to enjoy you,” he said, before closing his eyes.

  Honey obeyed his command and rode him slowly. Grinding her hips the way he’d taught her. She moved around, loving their connection and the love that they were making. Watching him lie so peacefully beneath her, with pleasure spread across her face, made her want to go harder. So she sped up.

  “Didn’t I say go slow?” He spoke with his eyes closed.


  “Well, do what I said do.”

  Honey nodded and slowed her pace again. The slower she rode, the wetter she got. She could feel Congo’s legs tightening beneath her. He had completely removed his hands from Blaze and had placed them on her. They gripped both sides of her hips, guiding her movement. His mouth was slightly open as he gripped his bottom lip with his teeth. Honey slid over some and he opened his eyes.

  He watched her, but didn’t say anything. Honey blew him a kiss and continued working his pole in all of the right spots. Before long, he was grunting and releasing his seeds into her. Alarm spread over Honey’s body as she slapped his arm.

  “Congo! Why did you do that?”

  “Do what?”

  “You know what you did.”

  He laughed. “Girl, your ass ain’t gon’ get pregnant. Stop all that damn whining and get you one.”

  Honey sat still like she wasn’t about to move, so Congo moved Blaze from his chest and laid her completely on the bed, before lifting Honey off of his dick and standing to his feet. He didn’t even give her time to do anything else before slamming right back into her. She yelped so loud Blaze’s entire body jumped. Honey used one of her hands to pat her back until her movement stilled.

  “Babe,” Honey moaned.

  “You want to act like you can’t get it yourself, then I’ll get it for you.” Congo pounded her from behind, roughly.

  Honey’s eyes wouldn’t stop rolling even when she tried to make them. It was like her body was being taken over by something else. Congo was the only reason she ever felt that way. It was a feeling that only he could give her. She tried to maintain control, but failed miserably and began to moan. A mixture of eye rolls and moans later, Honey was climaxing and so was he.

  “Two times in one night. I think that’s a record for you, Congo.”

  “I just wanted to show your ass that my dick don’t get hard for nobody but you.”

  Honey fell forward on the bed with him falling right behind her. They lay entangled in one another for a minute before moving to get themselves together. Honey grabbed Blaze and placed her in her crib in the corner of the room before going to the bathroom and getting a warm soapy rag to clean them up.

  Not even a whole five minutes later she was snuggled in bed next to him with her head resting on his chest. With one arm thrown around her and the other behind his head, Congo had fallen asleep faster than normal. Honey smiled to herself because it was clear who’d won that round. She had worn his fine ass right out. Which made her feel good because as long as he was satisfied he wouldn’t cheat. That was her theory anyway.

  Chapter Seven

  The best things in life are unexpected…

  “Thank you.” Zay walked away from the doctor.

  He rubbed his eyes quickly because it felt like something was in the
m. He rubbed them for a few seconds before he was satisfied. He rounded the corner and went back into the small room Arizona was in. She had been sick with a stomach virus for the past few days, so after they had left the movies they decided to go to the emergency room to see was there anything that they could give her.

  She hadn’t wanted to come, but he made her. She had been running a fever and had been throwing up almost everything she ate. They’d given her an IV as soon as they got there because she was dehydrated, and some medicine for nausea. He’d left out for only a moment to use the restroom when he ran into the doctor. Being that he had already been in the room with Arizona and she was sleeping, he told Zay what was going on with her.

  Zay leaned over the bed she was lying on to make sure he could see her face. She was sleeping peacefully with light snores sounding through the room. He didn’t want to wake her because she had been feeling so bad while she was awake, so he just sat down in the chair he’d been occupying since they got there and leaned his head against the wall.

  At times like that he wished he had somebody to talk to. He had been a loner since his mother died. He had friends, but no one that he associated with close enough to tell his business to. All he had was Arizona and Honey. He wanted to call Honey, but he didn’t know whether Arizona would want him to tell anybody anything yet. So he held his horses and relaxed. He would wait until she woke up to do or say anything.

  He didn’t know how long it had been, but when he felt the presence of someone else he opened his eyes. The young nurse smiled at him briefly as she wrapped the blood pressure cuff around Arizona’s arm. She checked her blood pressure before changing her IV bags. Replacing the empty one with a full one. Zay watched her to make sure she was doing everything right.

  When she finished, she smiled at him again before leaving. Zay sat back and prepared to go back to sleep, but Arizona’s voice stopped him. He looked at her because he had thought since her eyes were closed that she had still been asleep.


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