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His Battered Submissive (Restrained Fantasies Book 3)

Page 18

by Brandi Evans

  She managed to wrangle her eyes open. Sir watched her in the way he did, the sides of his mouth tipping up.

  "That was three." He cupped her sex. "I think there're definitely a couple more climaxes in you."

  "I think more might kill me, Sir."

  "We'll just see about that." Grinning, he leaned in and took her mouth.

  She tasted herself on his lips, on his tongue, and she loved it. He'd done that to her. They'd done that together, shared an intimate moment, and now, they were sharing that intimate moment differently, an assault on her already frazzled senses.

  Never stopping his plunder of her mouth, he slid two fingers inside her sex. He didn't thrust, per se, but ground the heel of his hand over her mons in a gentle, circular pattern. The movement was just enough stimulation to her over-worked clit that she stayed aroused but not so much as to have her careening back over the edge.

  His other hand roamed her body. Fingertips teased anywhere and everywhere. The side of her breasts, the swell of her ass. Tips of fingers traipsed over the hard bone of her hip and then up her side to her armpit.

  She laughed when he tickled her. She tried to yank away, tried to pull away, but she was entirely under his control. He continued his languid strokes into her sex even as he tickled her again. He made her horny even as he made her laugh. It was an experience she'd never realized she'd been missing.

  His lips curved. "Problem, kitten?"

  "You're, oh god, please stop." Her laughter turned toward something approaching hysteria as he tickled her harder. Tears slipped free and careened down her cheeks.

  "Okay, kitten, I'll stop."

  He slid his fingers from her sex and attacked her with the dreaded two-handed tickles—armpits, sides, inner thighs. And then, he gave attention to spots she'd never known were ticklish.

  "Please," she said hiccupping. "Need… air."

  After one more blissfully evil round of tickles, he took pity on her, and she was able to catch her breath.

  He thumbed away the tears that were still falling. "Who knew making you laugh was just as fulfilling as making you scream with pleasure."

  Her smile felt lazy. "I can't remember laughing so much in, well—ever, Sir. Thank you."

  But laughing wasn't the only thing she'd gone too long without. The onslaught of orgasms was long overdue, too, but she'd trade them both for what they were sharing right now: tenderness.

  Sir opened his mouth as if to offer more tender words and then closed it. Instead of words, he used his mouth.

  When he pulled back, tender Maddox was gone, and her Dom was fully back in command. "Now, where were we, kitten? Oh, I remember. We were about to start working on orgasm number four, weren't we?"

  Maddox carried Kat to the bed, her body limp and supple. He'd worked her into complete exhaustion, but he hadn't glimpsed even the formation of her safe word on her tongue. That had surprised him, which, in hindsight, shouldn't have. She amazed him with her strength. Next time, he'd try reaching for the flogger instead of the massager.

  He crawled onto the center of the turned-down bed and placed her on the sheets as gently as he might a pane of glass. No, that wasn't a good analogy. He wasn't afraid she'd break. She'd shown massive reserves of inner strength tonight. More like she was a piece of porcelain from a thousand years ago, fragile, yes, but infinitely precious.

  He stole a quick kiss before undressing her and then himself. He stowed some water and some snacks on the bedside table and then rolled on a condom. He needed to be inside her, not to fuck her, simply connect them in the most basic and primal way.

  She didn't stir again until he lay atop her, covering her with his body and with the blanket. Her pussy was still wet as he slid his cock through her folds.


  "Yes, kitten?"

  She tried to lift her head, but the movement was clumsy, as if she'd spent the past two hours drinking her weight in whiskey, but she steadied herself and locked her eyes on his. "Make love with me, Sir."

  "Was already planning on it."

  He eased inside her, and when he was balls deep, he cradled his hands around her head and kissed her deeply. He didn't plan on stopping until morning.

  Chapter 17

  Katlyn took another sip of her sparkling wine and couldn't think of a better way to spend a lazy Sunday afternoon.

  She and Raven stood side by side at the bow of the old houseboat as Carter steered the vessel through the channel and away from the Lakeside Village where he and Raven lived. Maddox was in the cabin with his friend. Raven and Carter's dog, Buddy, was lying next to Sarge on laminated flooring that looked like hardwood, both animals basking in the afternoon sun after a morning spent playing.

  Raven told Katlyn that Carter had completely remodeled the old boat's interior, and the result was stunning. He'd reupholstered the furniture in a red wine fabric that contrasted against the cabin's white walls. There was even a galley kitchen and bathroom on board.

  "Has Maddox mentioned that Viv wants to host a weekly luncheon for subs, either at Ravenous or at her house?" Raven asked.

  Katlyn shook her head.

  "It's something she's been tossing around since one of her friends was violently attacked. It'll be this combo support and self-defense deal, a way to empower us subs. Then, when the same friend was attacked a second time, she knew she needed to do this."

  Katlyn couldn't stop the involuntary shudder, her champagne flute wobbling. She knew what it was like to be violently attacked, multiple times, and she wouldn't wish that hell on anyone.

  "Is her friend okay?" Katlyn asked.

  "For the most part. Two broken arms, a broken leg, and some fractured ribs, but all things considered, it could have been much worse. The guy who took her had no intention of keeping her alive."

  "Then, Viv's right, this self-defense deal sounds like a great idea." Katlyn focused on the waves as they parted just ahead of the boat. "Abusers like to segregate their victims. It's what Jeff did to me until I didn't have any friends left."

  "Fuck, girl. When I brought this up, I didn't even consider that—"

  Katlyn waved her off. "I'm not upset. Just kinda remembering, but that doesn't mean Viv's idea isn't good. I wish I'd have had a group like that when Jeff started hitting me. It may have saved me from years of abuse."

  "That's kinda what Viv is thinking, which is why I think you'd be perfect to help her. Plus, I know you're itching to get out of the apartment more and get involved with things."

  Katlyn nodded. "I mean, I'll need to talk to Maddox and work out the logistics, but if Viv wants the help, she can count on me."

  And if they did the planning at the club, there'd be an added layer of protection, which Katlyn and Maddox would both like. The doors had fingerprint scanners, so not just anybody could get in. Plus, if someone did get in, they'd have Brock to contend with.

  "Great!" Raven clinked her bottle of beer, some brand Katlyn had never heard of, against Katlyn's flute. "I'll let Viv know it's okay to call—" Raven's smile froze, her gaze seemingly caught on something to the right.

  Immediately, Katlyn turned in what she thought was the same direction but saw nothing. "Raven? What is it?"

  "I thought I saw someone just inside the tree line. Then I blinked and nothing. Too much sunshine and booze today must be playing tricks on my mind."

  Before Katlyn could respond, the hum of the motor throttled back. The gentle current of the water and the occasional call of some songbirds became the dominant sounds—at least until Buddy jumped up and let out a series of ear-splitting barks.

  Raven looked at her dog. "Someone knows what that means."

  "What what means?" Katlyn asked.

  "It's time to swim." With vigilant steps, careful not to crush an excited dog underfoot, Raven made her way to the gate. "Calm your roll, buddy. You know I don't move as fast as you."

  Buddy, however, did not calm his roll. He jumped, barked, and pretty much lost his sweet doggie mind, and the second Raven sw
ung the door back, he soared from the boat. Katlyn swore he hovered in the air a full minute before splashing down.

  Sarge went to the gate, his entire butt wagging. He looked from Buddy to Katlyn to Buddy and then back again. She didn't need to be able to speak dog to know the question in his mind.

  "Go on," she said, motioning toward the water and already calculating how many baths she'd need to give him so that the apartment didn't smell like wet dog for a week.

  Sarge went overboard.

  She and Raven were leaning on the railing and laughing like loons when Carter and Maddox joined them. Maddox slipped his arms around Katlyn's waist and pressed a kiss to the side of her neck before resting his chin on the top of her head.

  "They look ridiculously happy," he murmured.

  "Yeah, they do." And they weren't the only ones. She covered Maddox's arms where he held her and reveled in this perfect moment in time.

  "Heads up, partner."

  Maddox looked up from the passenger's seat in time to catch the package of coffee-nut M&Ms flying toward his face.

  He and Carter had stopped for gas on the way to pick up Kat and take her to Restrained Fantasies. She was supposed to meet with Viv, Raven, and Viv's friend, Bree, about starting that sub support luncheon or whatever they ended up calling it. Either way, Maddox liked the idea. Making friends with the other subs would be good for Kat, but given the logistics of their current situation, taking her meant he and Carter would lose most of their lunch hour.

  "Figured that would hold you over until we can stop for something equally bad for us on the way back to the precinct," Carter said, getting behind the wheel and firing the engine. "I'm thinking something deep-fried with bacon that's terrible for my arteries."

  Maddox used the sound of ripping into the candy to cover a chuckle. "So, I guess Raven's still on her kick to cut back your meat intake?"

  "Unfortunately." Carter eased his Ford Fusion into traffic. "It's only two days a week, so it's usually not too bad. She's a bad-ass cook. The other day, she made these amazing beer brats that I'd assumed were actual meat until she broke the news. Last night's dinner, however, had spinach and fake bacon. The spinach, I could handle, but not the fake bacon."

  "Kat made pasta with this brie and bacon sauce. It was delicious."

  "You worthless fucker. I loathe you something fierce right now." Carter grabbed for the M&Ms, but considering he was driving, Maddox quickly countered.

  "There're leftovers in the fridge," Maddox said as a peace offering.

  "Go ahead. I'm listening."

  "How about I ask Kat to dish out a couple of servings, and we can wolf it down before we leave for the club. That way, you get your bacon fix, and Raven won't kill you for eating a bacon double cheeseburger without her."

  Carter's lips curled upward, but he quickly fought them straight again. "I accept your peace offering. Just make sure my portion is bigger than yours."

  "Deal." Grinning himself, Maddox pulled his phone from his jacket and called Kat. She picked up on the fourth ring.

  "Hey." Her voice was a little breathy, as if she'd been doing exercise.

  "Catch you at a bad time?"

  "No. Well, sort of. I'd just gotten out of the shower when I heard the phone ring, and of course, I'd left it on the table again. So, I ended up running naked through the house to get it."

  "Too bad I missed that."

  "Maybe I'll reenact it for you tonight?"

  "Looking forward to it." And he was, almost as much as he looked forward to the comfortable rhythm and banter they'd fallen into since becoming lovers. "Just wanted to let you know Carter and I are headed your way. Should be there in about twenty."

  There was a short pause, followed by the sound of Sarge's whimper, and then Kat's murmured apologies.

  "Poor thing," she said when she came back on the phone. "He was all content and napping, and I went and stepped on his tail."

  "He napping in the middle of the hallway again?"

  "Of course. Where else does he sleep when not curled in my lap?"

  He ended the call so she could finish dressing, and yes, she'd agreed to dish out the last of the pasta for them. It and she would be ready when they got there, and true to her word, both were. She'd even put on a pot of coffee. As impromptu meals went, this was nice.

  Her outfit was casual, jean skirt with a flowing light pink top and a pair of sandals. She'd gone with minimal makeup and pulled her hair into a braid that started on the left of her head and then trailed over her right shoulder. She was the epitome of the season change, happy and content as summer slowly gave way to fall.

  "This's amazing," Carter said with his mouth full. "Please teach this recipe to Genny."

  "Sure. It's simple. She can even make it with some vegan or vegetarian bacon if—"

  "Shh," Carter began, using his arms to shield his plate. "She might hear you! And bacon should always be bacon. From pigs. As god intended."

  Kat rolled her eyes. "She's just looking out for you."

  "I know, but my blood pressure was one point high, on one checkup. Even my doctor isn't worried. She said it was probably a fluke."

  Kat shrugged noncommittally. "Perhaps. But you two have stressful jobs, and stress can increase blood pressure. And lots of studies show that cutting meat a few times a week can lower blood pressure."

  Slowly, Carter set his fork on his plate and stared at Kat. "You. You did this to me. You're the reason Genny is making me eat this fakon crap."

  Kat nibbled on her lower lip, fighting a smile so hard that she looked on the verge of tears. "I plead the fifth, Detective Burkes."

  Shaking his head, Carter leaned close to Maddox as if about to say something terrible about Kat, but instead, his partner grabbed Maddox's plate and dumped the last of the pasta onto his own plate.

  "Hey!" Maddox said, but he was already laughing.

  Grinning, Carter shoveled a huge bite of noodles into his mouth.

  When they'd finished lunch, Maddox placed the dishes in the dishwasher while Kat made travel cups of coffee. Sarge met them at the door and gave Maddox his sad, puppy dog eyes.

  "No, you don't, old man. Just because you got to go in the car yesterday doesn't mean you get to go again today."

  Sarge sat, cocked his head to the right, and whined.

  "That may work on her…" Maddox indicated to Kat. "…but not on me."

  Kat positioned her purse over her shoulder. "Sorry, boy. You'll have to stay here but tell ya what. I'll bring you a treat when I come back, though."

  Sarge leaped up, let out a happy bark as he spun, and then went to assume his usual spot in the middle of the hallway.

  "How do you do that?" Maddox asked, shaking his head.

  Grinning, she blew him a kiss and followed Carter out the door.

  "Genny's planning on meeting you there," Carter said as he pulled from the apartment complex. "She said, and I quote, 'I'm shit at planning stuff like this,' but she wanted to be there for you and—"

  Joshua Radin wafted through the car's speaker system and cut Carter off. The singer sang a song about wanting to be with the one he loved.

  Carter chuckled. "Speak of the beautiful devil." He hit a button on the steering wheel, and Raven's voice came through the speakers.

  "Someone's following me," she said without preamble.

  Carter's hands tightened on the wheel, and he sat straighter. "What do you mean?"

  "There's been a light gray car behind me almost as soon as I left the housing addition."

  "Why do you think it's following you?" Maddox asked.

  "Because it keeps following me! I mean, at first, I thought I was just paranoid, so I drove past the club a few blocks and then turned, planning to just circle back, ya know?"

  "Yeah. Good move," Carter said even as the car accelerated. "And I'm guessing he followed?"

  "Oh yeah. I've now driven this square four times, and I think he knows I'm onto him because he keeps getting closer." She paused, the click-clock
, click-clock of her turn signal filling the cabin. "Carter, I'm scared."

  Given the way Carter's knuckles were going white on the steering wheel, he was, too, but when he spoke, his voice relayed calm Maddox knew his partner was not feeling. "Don't be, baby. I'm on my way."

  Carter flipped on their flashers and hit the siren.

  "I'm gonna call Brock," Maddox said, pulling out his phone. "Just hang tight, Raven. I've got a plan."

  He keyed in a request for backup on the onboard system as he dialed Brock. As the phone rang, Maddox glanced behind him. In the backseat, Katlyn was pale as a ghost. Part of him wished he was back there with her, holding her, comforting her, but he needed to be here, where the equipment was.

  Brock answered on the second ring. "Hey, Maddox. Viv was just asking about—"

  "Are you at the club right now?" Maddox asked.

  "Yeah. Viv and I just got here about—"

  "Good. Raven's in trouble. Some asshole's following her. She's close to the club. I'm going to have her pull into the parking lot, but I want you there waiting for her."

  "On it."

  Even over the phone line, Maddox could tell his friend was running hard, feet pounding on stairs, breath coming faster.

  Maddox said, "Did you hear that, Raven?"

  "Yeah," she answered, voice a little less shaky.

  "Don't stop and don't get out of the vehicle until you see Brock in the parking lot," Carter instructed. "Got it?"

  "Yeah. Got it. I'm almost back to the parking lot now. He's not there yet. I'll just—"

  The crunch of metal hitting metal exploded through the speakers, and Raven's panicked, pained scream sliced through his guts.

  "Genny!" Carter yelled.

  But she didn't answer.

  Carter yanked the steering wheel left, passing an idiot who didn't know that flashing lights and police sirens meant to get the fuck out of the way!

  Maddox fought to keep his own panic in check. He wouldn't do Raven any good if he couldn't maintain.

  "Brock, are you in the parking lot yet?"

  Even as he asked the question, the club's backdoor screeched open. Brock must have hit it at a dead run.


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