Tidal Magic

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Tidal Magic Page 4

by Janelle Peel

  Bex shifted back abruptly. Gripping the hem of her blue tee, she straightened it with a disapproving expression. “Kai can’t dive that deep, Riva. The water will make him vulnerable. We need a plan. Our people can help. I promise you will be safe. Please? Will you at least try?”

  Stubbornly, I shook my head. “You go. I will stay and find it on my own.”

  Her brow rose. “How many Mer has the Arctic King sent after you?”

  Gritting my teeth, I muttered, “I’m not sure. Three at least.”

  She gestured toward the crashing waves, and her tone sharpened. “Are you a match for them? I’ll not lose my sister when I’ve just found her!”

  I stilled. “What did you say?”

  Taking a deep breath, she visibly calmed. “My father is also Dax. Before you ask, he’s dead, and, no, I didn’t know him. He killed my mother after I was born. My uncle took me into his Pack, and we joined the Clutch shortly after.”


  Kai interrupted. “Let’s go back inside. This is going to take a while.”


  Prince, no. King Titus would be here any moment. Anxious as I was to receive him the night after our marriage, my worry over Riva quickly dashed any previous desire toward him.

  Tugging at the intricate braids painstakingly woven into my hair, I finally tore the heavy diadem free. This wasn’t how things were supposed to be.

  Riva was intended to rule. It was my job to lounge around and act like I was clueless.

  Heaving a sigh, I kicked at the soft sand beneath my feet. This was Mother and Father’s room. I didn’t belong here. Why had Nanu kept such a secret? Not only was I completely unprepared, but the endless number of questions swirling through my mind was driving me insane.

  The egg-shaped topaz winked up at me from my fisted hand. My arm trembled with the urge to throw it.

  I loved my sister. Setting her free was the least I could do make up for what she’d been through. Her childhood had been far worse than mine. Always toeing an unattainable line. Keeping her power hidden. I found the sharp points of her ears ridiculously adorable, but mother did not.

  Riva was a stain on her reputation. A constant reminder of what she had done. It still didn’t make sense though. Granted, Riva was firstborn, and custom stated she inherit the throne, but why would Nanu deceive our people?

  Moving to the window, I looked out upon the castle courtyard. Brilliantly hued fish swam in schools through the pink coral far below. Safe within the border of our castle, the reef lit in a fantastic display. Large spawning plumes littered the water as their species desperately tried to reproduce.

  The ebb and flow soothed my ragged nerves. Matings were mostly successful during this time.

  Twisting shadows drew my eye to a secluded section near another spire. Pressing my ear to the bubbled sphere designed to keep out the sea, I willed their voices to carry.

  My stomach dropped as Mother’s sharp whisper registered. “Adrik, I told you they’re not here! Go back to your King!”

  A deep chuckled sounded. “You know I cannot. Returning to the Arctic without Prince Jin or Collin would be a death sentence.”

  “Well it isn’t my fault they went after Riva. I still don’t understand Berin’s obsession with her.”

  Adrik snorted. “Foolish as always, Nanu. Tsk. Tsk. Berin won the rights to the Atlantic, not Riker. Berin was upset. Inconsolable. He followed you the night you conceived Riva.”

  Nanu gasped. “Impossible!”

  “Quite the contrary. In fact, Berin even had a little chat with… What was his name? Ah, yes. Dax.” His tone soured. “Not only did you go back on your word, but you also rutted with an Elemental like a seal in heat.”

  Stunned silence reigned.

  As he twisted to the side, his yellow tail flitted into view. Fanning the appendage cockily, he added, “It turned out well enough. Riva holds the heart of the ocean. Once we have her, your Kingdom will be ours.”

  He left in a swirl of bubbles.

  Nanu took a moment to compose herself before reentering the castle.

  My thoughts rolled. It was my first day as Queen and things were already going sideways. I’d never known she was supposed to marry Berin. Was this all because she’d spurned him?

  What was an Elemental?

  Was Riva safe?

  Lost in the twisted web my mother had wrought, I started as a pair of strong hands grabbed me from behind. “Eeek!”

  The grip tightened. “Hush, Luna. It’s just me.”

  Reassurance filtered through me with Titus’s soft whisper. Taking a deep breath, I attempted to calm my racing pulse.

  “What’s wrong, my Queen?”

  Biting my lip, I leaned back against his thick chest. Could I tell him? We’d been married for one day and I was already cracking under the pressure.


  Taking his hand, I chastely kissed his knuckles. “I’m afraid our union will have to wait a bit longer, my King. Trouble is on the horizon, and Riva is stuck in the middle of it.”

  An hour later I stared into his sapphire eyes and prayed for him to understand.

  He tipped his chin in thought, and the orange scales near his temples twinkled in the low light.

  Why Riva had given him up was beyond me. Titus was everything I’d ever dreamed of. His broad shoulders gave way to a narrow waist lined with muscle. A low-slung panel of woven tropical shells wrapped tightly about his hips in preparation for our coupling.

  He rose from the bed, and his thick legs made short work of our suite as he paced from one wall to the other. Running his fingers through the neatly trimmed blond hair atop his head, he rumbled, “This is a lot to take in, Luna. Give me a moment to think.”

  Cheeks heating, I turned my attention to the window. My sister was in danger, and all I could think about was how attractive he was. Then again, it was better than the alternative. It would be so easy to get lost in our union. My mouth watered as a deep ache pooled low in my belly. I wanted him.

  “Let me get this straight. Berin won Nanu’s hand, but she chose Riker instead. Then she slept with another man before the marriage could take place. This resulted in Riva’s conception. Riva is half Mermaid, half Elemental, and somehow holds the heart of the sea. Now Berin is after her and the Arctic Princes are missing. It’s a race to find Riva before the Arcticians do. If they get her first, we’re all doomed?”

  I gulped. “Yes.”

  Turning to the door, he tugged on the handle. “Guards!”


  “Call a meeting. Any Mer over the age of fourteen is to be in attendance. Escort Nanu personally, Gideon. We convene inside the throne room in one hour.”

  “Yes, sir!”

  Shocked, I made my way to his side. “What are we going to do?”

  Clasping my hand, he tugged me against his chest. “We begin our rule the right way. We keep nothing from our people. Then, we decide.”


  His deep bass vibrated against my ear. “We find Riva and bring her home. Consequences be damned. Based on what you’ve told me, she doesn’t want the crown. If that fails, we fortify and fight. There’s something else I need from you, Luna.”

  His words lifted a tremendous weight from my shoulders. Nuzzling my nose against his collarbone, I answered, “Anything.”

  Gently, he lifted my chin with his thumb. Feathering his fingers against my cheek, he murmured, “We must Mate. Facing our people without doing so will spell disaster. I had hoped to savor our union, but now is not the time.”

  Understanding slowly dawned. He was right. We were King and Queen in title only. If we didn’t do this quickly, Nanu would still hold sway over the Kingdom. Nodding, I pulled the cord tethered around my neck. My gown slithered past my breasts and gathered at my waist.

  His mouth opened in awe.

  Stepping to the side, I shimmied out of the silky material. While our first Mating would be far from perfect, I saw no reason to be
coy. Gesturing to the window, I urged the sea to join us.

  The wave rolled in. Gurgling joyously, it lapped against my ankles.

  I dropped to my knees, and my teal fin unfurled with a splash and settled against the sandy floor. Dipping my head below the surface, I waited for him to join me.

  He flicked his wrist, and his shelled drape drifted to the ground. My breath caught at the explosion of his fin. I’d only ever seen the sunrise once in my life, but his coloring was a perfect match. Shot through with strands of red, orange began near the base of his tail. Yellow hues followed as they shimmered to green and blue near the edges. With one swish, he was at my side. He hesitated. “You prefer this form for our first joining?”



  I grinned. “Because when this is finished I plan to devour every inch of you.”

  His twin claspers bobbed in approval.

  Chuckling at his reaction, I slipped my hands around his neck. My breasts instantly budded as they met his skin. Grinding my hips against his, I savored the sensation of his dual members.

  Needing no further encouragement, he pressed his lips to mine.

  The stolen kisses of my youth burned away with his taste. Salty, yet sweet. Delicious.

  Gliding his palms down my sides, he carefully maneuvered past my gills to my rear. Deftly, he fingered the edge of my fin.

  My vent opened in a flood of heat. He felt so damned good.

  “Are you sure, Luna?”

  Ignoring his question, I balanced on the tip of one member. Bracing myself for the pain, I sealed my mouth on his wide bicep. As I bit down, I impaled myself to the hilt. My eyes closed with a muffled scream.

  As I battled against the agony splitting my core, his gentle hum brought me back to myself.

  Rings of blue bounced off the walls as my vision slowly cleared. The sonar tune was a long-forgotten lullaby. How he knew it when we lived leagues apart was beyond me.

  Tenderly, he shifted his pelvis away from mine.

  I whimpered as my body cried out at the loss.

  “Shh, my Queen. The hard part is over.”

  Slowly, his length slid along my bundle of nerves as he reentered. A deep ache began to build low in my stomach with each motion. His gentle strokes brought me closer to the edge. Need lit my blood. My gills pulsed with every inhale.

  Scoring my nails down his back, I urged him into a faster pace. My channel tightened in response.

  He froze.

  Confused, I pulled him closer.

  The result was his undoing. With a groan, he spilled inside of me.

  Oh… He had stopped because he was too close… Awkwardly, I patted his back as he shuddered with the aftermath.

  “I’m so sorry, Luna. I didn’t expect it to happen so fast.”

  Well, I mused, that made two of us. Shaking my head, I leaned back.

  Abashed, he refused to meet my gaze.

  Gripping his jaw, I forced his face to mine. “Titus. It’s fine. Really.”

  His cheeks reddened further. “It most certainly is not.”

  I giggled. “That’s why you were born with two. Are you ready to go again?”

  The V lining his brows smoothed as a mischievous smile lifted his lips. “As you wish, my Queen.”

  Chapter 5


  I peeked out from the woven kelp curtain, and my stomach soured. Hundreds of our people had gathered. They were milling about in large groups, and their expressions ranged from curiosity to downright irritation.

  I couldn’t blame them. This late in the night I would much rather be sprawled across Titus’s broad chest than attending a meeting.

  The throne room was nearly a thousand years old. Carved from the seabed, the auditorium was open to the surface high above. Fish flitted across the bubbled sphere in quick bursts of speed. Columns of water sprang up from the ground at regular intervals. Gliding leisurely inside, the light cast by the jellyfish lit the scene in a bluish hue.

  Calmly, Nanu took her seat one step down from the raised dais. Naturally, all eyes looked to her for guidance.

  Before she could respond, Titus led me to my throne.

  It was molded from dead coral, and the rigid surface dug into the backs of my thighs. I gritted my teeth and wondered how Nanu had managed to sit on it for more than a moment.

  Titus settled beside me without incident. “Welcome. Due to the late hour, this will be brief. Luna will lay out the facts, and then we have a decision to make.”

  Someone called out from the back of the massive chamber. “What decision? You are the King! Your word is law!”

  Titus’s voice lowered to a growl. “Do you wish to disrespect your Queen as well?”

  Though I was touched by his threatening rumble, it grated on my nerves. Beginning our rule in such a manner was unacceptable. Nanu had kept so much from them. If we were to have any chance at leading our people, we needed to band together. Skipping my gaze over those gathered, I cleared my throat. “My mother’s rule has ended. This brings us to a new era. No longer will the monarchy solely decide what is best. If we’re to survive we need to form a democracy. Everyone’s voice will be heard.”

  Hushed whispers broke out.



  One shout rang out above the rest. “What say you, Nanu?”

  As she opened her mouth to speak, I shook my head. “No. Nanu has lied to us all. We’re on the verge of war with the Arcticians due to her foolishness.”

  Audible gasps rang out.

  Lifting a hand for quiet, I continued, “The story I tell you now is nothing but the truth. You are my people, and I trust you to be patient. Listen to my words, weigh each of them carefully. Our very future is at risk.”

  A crone shambled forward with an uneven step. Her milky unseeing eyes flitted from one person to the next as a hush settled over the crowd. Deep wrinkles scored her alabaster skin like crags in hardened lava. Bone white, her hair was tied tightly at the nape of her neck. She grasped a trident in one gnarled fist, and her tone brooked no argument. “Listen to our Queen!”

  Silently, all those in attendance dropped to one knee at our Seer’s command.

  My spine bowed under the need to obey, but I remained tall.

  Tipping her chin toward me, she rasped, “For too long Nanu has disregarded my warnings. I wish to see if you are her daughter or Riker’s.”

  A sharp pain pierced my heart at the mention of my father. Shoving the useless emotion aside, I nodded. “Let us begin.”


  I frowned. “Let me get this straight. Vampires drink the blood of humans… Kind of like sea lampreys?”

  Bex snorted. “Yes, but they look like you and me. They’re not,” her nose wrinkled in disgust, “like eels.”

  Shrugging off her answer, I feigned understanding. “Right. And the Clutch is a group of Vampires, Mages, Fae, Shifters, Angels, Humans, and… a Demon or two?”

  Reaching into a blue box, Kai methodically began arranging its contents on the cracked countertop. Twisting a plastic bag counterclockwise, he laid out six strange white squares. “Yes. My half-sister Lillin is part Demon.”

  Bex followed my line of sight. “He’s making sandwiches, Riva.”

  Curious, I padded across the dusty floor to his side.

  Unscrewing a lid, he dipped a small blade into the tan jar.

  My mouth watered as a sweet aroma permeated the air. “What is that?”

  Selecting another container, he chuckled. “Peanut butter, and this is grape jelly. I suppose you don’t have PB and J’s down below.” Finished with his task, he offered me the knife.

  I stared at the globs stuck to the metal.

  Bex snorted. “It’s the best part. Lick it.”

  Furrowing my brow, I took the handle. My companions watched with knowing grins. Well, they hadn’t harmed me yet. Throwing caution to the wind, I swiped my tongue across the edge. The explosive taste registered, and I froz

  Bex laughed. “I think she likes it, Kai.”

  As I cleaned the blade, Kai nodded to a sandwich. “If you think that’s good, try this.”

  Suddenly starving, I attacked the soft square with enthusiasm. A moan ripped from my throat. Cheeks heating, I mumbled, “Than—, er. I appreciate it.”

  Kai beamed. “You’re learning fast.”

  Returning to my seat on the floor, I stuffed the last bite into my mouth. That was possibly the most delicious thing I’d ever eaten.

  Bex finished her meal and grabbed a black pack. Digging through its side pocket, she brandished a rectangular bar. The word Hershey’s appeared as she tore open one corner. “I’ve been saving this. If you think the sandwich was good, you’ll love it. It’s called chocolate.” Snapping off a brown chunk, she nodded encouragingly.

  Intrigued, I took the tiny piece. The scent was indescribable. I placed it on my tongue. She was absolutely right. My lids slid closed as the chocolate melted. “That is fucking amazing!”

  “I know, right!” Taking a small portion for herself, she offered it to Kai.

  He shook his head. “I’m good. Riva’s reaction is priceless. Give it to her.”

  Passing it over, Bex continued, “So now you know where we’re going. And, yes, we’ll have to fly. What do you think?”

  Waving the empty wrapper, I queried, “Will there be more chocolate?”

  Standing on the rocky outcropping, I wondered at my decision. Was this the right thing to do? Bex seemed so sure. Yes, she totally bribed me, but I wanted to see all of these amazing creatures myself.

  Shaking out her ruff, Bex yipped once sharply.

  I was out of time. Moving to her side, we waited for Kai.

  A scarlet hue lit his skin for a brief moment. Near instantly, a lead-colored hide replaced it. Large wings stretched wide on either side of his broad shoulders. The light of the Moon winked off of the sickled tips. He tipped his bald head to the side, and the points of his ears swiveled in multiple directions as his tail lashed the air. “Do you hear that, Bex?”

  Nodding once, she peered over the edge of the cliff.


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