Tidal Magic

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Tidal Magic Page 6

by Janelle Peel

  Bex settled on her rear, and her expression turned quizzical. “Blaze is the Master of our Clutch. He is Sora’s Mate.”

  Right, I thought. The Mistress.

  “As you know, I’m part Shifter. The growl is instinctual. It was a warning for him to back off. I feel… protective of you.”

  Running my fingers through the tender green shoots, I digested her answer. Her admission touched my heart.

  Leaning forward, she plucked a blade from the mat before us. “This is grass. Its roots extend into the soil below. Nat, one of the other Fae, has the Earth Element. She exceeds in growing things.”

  “Grass. Got it. And the big box Kai and Blaze are heading to?”

  She grinned. “That’s the mansion. It’s also where you’ll stay. After you passed out we flew through the night to get here. I’m exhausted. Would you like to settle in and grab some food, or meet the others?”

  On cue, my stomach gurgled loudly.

  “Figures. I’m starving too.”

  Bex laughed at my naivete all the way to the kitchen. I admit it took us some time to get there. The world was different when it wasn’t covered in water and sand.

  The plush black carpet caressed the soles of my feet. Silver-veined wallpaper adorned the hallways. Where our doors were slabs of stone, theirs were made of wood.

  An aged man beamed as we stepped onto the cold tile. Clad in a wrinkle-free white shirt and black pants, he snapped out a curt bow. The wisps of his thinning brown hair flipped to the side with the motion. “Bex! Welcome home. Are in you in need of refreshments?”

  “Yes, please. Julian, this is Riva.”

  Julian straightened. His shiny shoes tapped across the floor to my side. Tucking a board beneath one arm, he nodded. “Riva. It is truly a pleasure. I am the Head of the House. What can I get you?”

  The wrinkles lining his chocolate eyes placed him in his elderly years, but his smile was infectious. I grinned. “I’m not quite sure, actually. Do you have any peanut butter?”

  His jovial mood soured. Tossing a glare to Bex, who was trying very hard to contain her glee, he frowned. “Are you sure? We have a fully stocked pantry. Anything you desire can be prepared within a few moments.”

  Bex cleared her throat. “Riva is my half-sister, Jules. She’s a Mermaid.”

  Without batting an eye, his expression lit in understanding. “I see. We have fresh salmon, snapper, tuna…?”

  I hesitated. While those were some of my favorite foods, I was eager to try something different. “If it’s all right, may I have whatever Bex is having?”

  Bex clasped my hand and tugged me back to the doorway. “Of course. Eight grilled cheese, please. We’ll be in the courtyard, Jules.”

  Julian bowed once more as we exited.

  Nothing could have prepared me for the large body of water inside their home. My skin ached with the need to have a quick dip.

  Bex picked up on my interest. “This is an infinity pool. The water is chlorinated, but you can help yourself if you like.”

  I was already shucking my jeans. Tugging the borrowed tank over my head, I dove in without a second thought. My tail unfurled on contact in tandem with the opening of my gills. The first filtered breath lanced my lungs with a sharp pain.

  It burned!

  Curling into a ball, I floundered below the surface.

  My power responded to my distress. A geyser of water shot up and tossed me from the pool with a wet slap. Flopping on the floor, I desperately tried to inhale.

  Bex screeched, “Fucking hell!” Blue magic lit her hands as she palmed my gill slits. “Hold on, Riva. Be calm. It’ll be over in a minute.”

  Her touch instantly cooled the fire boiling inside my chest. My tail disappeared in a flash of light. Rolling to my side, I spat mouthfuls of the foul liquid.

  Rocking back on her heels, she heaved a heavy sigh. “I’m so sorry, Riva. Of course you didn’t know what chlorine was. Goddess, I’m so stupid. The pool is treated with a chemical to kill algae and bacteria.” Reaching over to a bench, she snapped out a fluffy rectangular shape. Her brow furrowed as she draped it over my hips. “Are you okay?”

  The sound of footsteps halted my reply.

  Bracing her hands on her hips, the newcomer looked from the half-empty pool, to my tail, and back again. “What the hell is going on, Bex?”

  As Bex attempted to explain, I peeked at the long silver braid falling over the female’s shoulder. Her faded gray tee showcased the word Metallica and paired well with the soft material hugging her hips. Thick lashes fanned out around her star-flecked eyes. Her bow-shaped lips lowered into a frown of disapproval. “You have to be more careful, Bex. She’s not a toy.”

  My spine went rigid as Bex hung her head. Who did this woman think she was? Baring my teeth, I ground out, “Leave. Her. Alone.”

  Silence reigned as the new female’s mouth opened in shock. Recovering, she crossed her arms. “I don’t think this is the best start, but I’m glad Bex has someone in her corner.”

  Bex snorted a laugh. “Riva, this is Sora. Mistress of the SoCal Clutch.”

  Chapter 7


  Wait, what?

  Sora nodded to the pool. “I suppose as long as she is with us we will need to drain it. Her violent reaction to chlorine rules out a salt water filtration unit. Even that has a small amount of the chemical. I’ll see if one of the Retainers can refill it with well water.”

  I tossed Bex a queer look.

  She grinned. “A Retainer helps with the day-to-day needs of the Clutch. In return they have a safe haven here in Tabula Rasa.”

  My nose scrunched. “Are they human?”

  “Yes. We also have a Menagerie. They donate blood to the Vampires and receive the same benefits as the Retainers.”

  Right. Because Vampires needed blood. Gross.

  Sora chuckled. “You’ll get over it, trust me.”

  I highly doubted that. How did they even feed? Grisly images flitted through my mind with the question.

  Nope. Not going there.

  Gripping the towel at my waist, I let Bex pull me up. My knees wobbled but held.

  The tap of shoes drew our attention to Julian as he strode confidently across the tile. Taking in the scene, he bowed. “I’ve brought refreshments.”

  Sora took the tray from him with a smile. “Thank you, Jules. I’ll take it from here.”

  “As you wish, Mistress. Will you also be dining?”

  “No. I have a meeting with the Protectors soon.”

  Tipping his chin in acknowledgment, Julian strode away.

  Protectors. The name sounded like guards. Shrugging a shoulder, I followed Sora outside.

  The multiple shades of green halted my forward motion. Large fronds swayed from atop strange plants in the breeze. Chirping sounded as birds flitted from one perch to the next.

  Sora settled the platter on a stone bench. Turning, she gauged my reaction. “I admit I have no knowledge of Mermaids, but I’m happy to learn. Would you like to eat first?”

  Bex snagged a sandwich from the pile. Biting into it, she moaned. “Damn. I’ve missed these.”

  Curious at her response, I quit gawking and chose a triangle. An orange, creamy substance stretched from its cut edge before dripping onto the plate. Mirroring Bex, I bit down with a soft crunch. I groaned in delight. “Fuck.”

  Sora chuckled as she seated herself. “I see you’re teaching her the language, Bex.”

  Bex blushed. “Just the basics.”

  Skimming her gaze across my bare chest, Sora pursed her lips. “Are your people always nude beneath the sea?”

  Tonguing a bite of heaven aside, I shook my head. “No. Clothing is used when we require two legs. If we’re swishing, we use starfish to cover our breasts.”

  Her brow furrowed. “Swishing?”

  Attacking another sandwich, Bex mumbled, “Swimming.”

  She leaned back, and her face took on a look of contemplation. “Kai says you’re looking
for a Gate.”

  My good mood soured. “Yes. Bex has been kind enough to fill in some gaps, but I need to know what I am.”

  “I see. The others who are following you want to force you into a marriage in order to share your power, right?”

  Wow. It seemed Kai had been busy. Swallowing my irritation, I muttered, “Yes.”


  I stilled. “Okay? Okay, what?”

  She smiled. “We’ll help you find the Gate. I’m too busy to go personally, but my daughter’s magic is on par with mine. Her name is Lila. She’s abroad at the moment but should return tomorrow. She will accompany you to the Gate and help raise it.”

  My thoughts rolled. Why would they help me? What did they have to gain?

  Standing, Sora motioned to the house. “Your expression shows disbelief. When you’re finished, feel free to explore. We have nothing to hide. Bex can take you around and introduce you. Be sure to stop by the market. I will answer your questions later this evening.”

  Sitting on the soft bed, I struggled with a pair of jeggings Bex had provided. My first attempt resulted in a wad of fabric near my crotch. Bex had a good long laugh. Evidently the tag was supposed to go in the back.

  Sliding my legs inside I wondered at Sora’s eagerness to help. More questions than answers sprouted. Back home we only helped our own people. Each ocean had clear borders. The only time they were ever breached was for war or an arranged marriage. This made communication difficult. The negotiations with the Pacifians had stretched on for years before our families were able to reach an accord.

  And in one fell swoop I’d ruined it.

  Heaving a sigh, I snapped the dark band against my hips. Much better. Moving to the bathroom, I gazed at my reflection.

  The teal tank fit like a second skin and highlighted the buds of my small breasts. Bex loaned me a bra, but I politely declined. The pressure against my ribs would interfere with my gill slits if I needed to dive. Not that I would. The pool incident weighed heavily on my mind. Why they would feel the need to contaminate their water was beyond comprehension.

  Leaning against the counter, I perused my face. I really did look similar to Bex. High cheekbones, a slightly upturned nose, and porcelain skin. The hair color and irises were the only real differences. Where her eyes were icy and pale, mine were sea green. The tint changed with my moods. Anger elicited the deepest blue while happiness lit them in a jade hue.

  Running my fingers through my abalone tresses, I was shocked to find the magenta had spread. What had begun at the tips now extended to the nape of my neck. What did it mean?

  A knock on the door stopped my exploration. Figuring it was Bex, I called out, “Come in.”

  Before I could blink, a small female appeared at my side. Lifting a brow, she scrutinized every inch of my body. “So you’re the fishy who has everyone’s panties in a twist.”

  Unsure how to respond, I paid her stare back in kind.

  Bright purple hair stuck out in odd spikes atop her head. Nearly four inches shorter than I, she held herself as if she had something to prove. Emerald flecks sparkled on the edges of her irises as her lids lowered into a glare.

  “Didn’t your mother teach you it’s not polite to stare?”

  I snorted. “Didn’t yours?”

  A smirk formed at the corners of her lips. “Nope. She’s dead.”

  If this little tart expected a reaction, I was more than happy to keep it from her. “Imagine that.”

  She chuckled. “You’ve got sass. I like you.”

  I grinned. “I can’t say the same.”

  Reaching out, she fingered the pink tips of my hair. “I used to have this very color. Keeping up with it was too much of a pain though.”

  My brow furrowed in confusion.

  Releasing the strands, she held out her hand. “I’m Viv.”

  Clasping her palm, I murmured, “Riva.”

  Shaking once, she tipped her head to the side. “Riva the Mermaid. Atlantean Princess. Half Fae and sister to Bex. Well met.”

  Freeing my hand, I nodded. “Yes. It seems you have me at a disadvantage.”

  A snick sounded as twin canines extended on either side of her mouth. “Vampire. Best friend of Sora and Mate to Jackson.”

  I gawked at the glistening white tips. “You… bite people to feed?”

  She grinned. “Want to find out?”

  My face shuttered. “No.”

  Her tone lowered to a seductive purr as a sweet scent permeated the air. “Are you sure, Riva?”

  Dreamlike, my arm rose of its own accord. Heat pooled low in my belly. I wanted… needed…


  Bex’s irritated shout broke through the haze fogging my mind. What the fuck was that?

  Grabbing Viv’s wrist, Bex jerked her backward. “I can’t believe you would do that!”

  Viv pouted. “She started it. Besides, I wouldn’t actually bite her. I was just curious.”

  Bex trembled with barely controlled rage. “If you use thrall on her one more time I will freeze you inside your shower for days. Jackson will have to dig you out with an ice pick. Leave us.”

  One second Viv was there, and the next she was gone.

  Storming to a chair, Bex rubbed her face. “I’m sorry, Riva. She wouldn’t have hurt you. She’s just bored.”

  Oddly, the sulking Vampire didn’t bother me. If anything she kind of turned me on. “What is thrall?”

  She sighed. “It’s a tool Vampires use to relax their prey.”

  I bit my lip. “Is that why I felt…?”


  Huh. Peachy. “Are there any other strange things I need to keep an eye out for?”

  Tugging at her white ponytail, she grunted, “Probably. Are you ready to go, or do you want to stay here tonight?”

  While my reaction to Viv was disconcerting, I was eager to see more of this world. “I’m ready.”


  Ugh, I wanted to ring Viv’s neck. What a little shit! Hey, welcome to our world. Can I suck your blood?

  Rolling my eyes, I bumped Riva’s shoulder. “You sure you’re okay? We can stay in, veg out. The entertainment room has a ton of movies.”

  Riva’s steps faltered. “I don’t know what that means, but I’d like to see the people who live here. What is this market?”

  How could I explain it? Tabula Rasa wasn’t only a haven; it was also a trading post for the masses. Those who lost everything during Hell’s rule flocked to our city in droves. The promise of supplies at a fair price and a hot meal were impossible to ignore. Sora’s idea to welcome anyone had taken off like wildfire. Mages sold their wares side by side with Humans. Vampires bartered with Shifters. The market was a melting pot of people all crammed into one place.

  My pace slowed. Riva would be overwhelmed. If Viv knew we had a Mermaid, who else did? Taking a right at the next juncture, I motioned to the front door. “Let’s start with the Training Grounds. It’s where our warriors spar. If you can handle that, then we’ll check out the market.”

  Every person came to a standstill as we entered.

  I held my breath and gauged Riva’s reaction.

  Her gaze skipped over the exercise equipment filling a quarter of the room.

  Kane’s Pack stared back in shock as she dismissed them.

  Tipping her chin, she pinpointed the ropes secured to the three-story ceiling.

  Rowe swung from one and waved awkwardly.

  Riva nodded in acknowledgment before scrutinizing the red dojo mat spread across the floor.

  Mel sprawled over Jonas’s large frame in an attempt to pin him.

  Mason’s voice rang out. “Back to work!”

  Hesitantly, everyone went back to their task.

  The thud of combat boots announced Mason’s arrival. His black fatigues fit his sinewy frame to perfection. He firmed his lips, and his cobalt eyes lit with disapproval at the interruption. “Bex?”

  Riva’s spine straightened. She extended he
r hand, and her voice took on an edge. “You must be the man in charge.”

  He cocked his head to the side. Clasping her palm, he rumbled, “Mason. Well met, Princess Riva. You are correct. I am the lead Protector.”

  If she was surprised he knew her name, she didn’t show it. Releasing her grip, she nodded to the trainees as they pretended to work. “And they are your subordinates?”

  A deep chuckle rolled from his throat. “Some are, yes. The others have merely come to let off some steam. Shifters are highly aggressive when they do not have an outlet.”

  “I see. The two rolling on the mat. What are they?”

  Mason followed her gaze. “Mel is a Wolf and is the Alpha of his Pack. The man beneath him is Jonas, his second. Jonas is a Bear.”

  As Mason continued to answer her questions, Rowe clambered down the rock wall. She was small as Shifters went, but whip-crack smart and cunning as hell. Then again, she had to be.

  Her tiny bike shorts showcased her toned legs. Perspiration dampened her gray sports bra. She threaded her way across the floor, her expression lit with curiosity.

  I smiled at her arrival. “Rowe, this is Riva. Riva, Rowe.”

  Rowe’s green eyes sparkled. “Hello, Riva. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  “Hi, Rowe.”

  Mason clapped Rowe on the back. “Rowe is a Fennec Fox. Don’t let her size fool you. She is the Omega of Mel’s Pack. This means she helps keep their twin souls in line.”

  Riva frowned. “Like a peacekeeper?”

  Rowe’s platinum bun bobbed as she nodded. “Yes ma’am.”

  The door behind us slammed opened, and a sharp yowl pierced my ears.

  Recognizing the sound, I placed myself between Riva and the large Panther padding into the room. Great. Just what I needed.

  Riva picked up on my reaction. Moving beside me, she stared at the big cat.

  Syn’s thick black tail flipped from side to side in agitation. Zeroing in on Riva, her amber eyes formed tight slits. Baring her fangs, she hissed.

  The hair on my arms rose as Riva’s magic kindled. In the split second it took for me to decide whether or not to intervene, Riva pulled moisture from the air. The large bubble engulfed the disgruntled feline and shoved her outside.


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