Alphas Confess All

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Alphas Confess All Page 12

by Shayla Black

  “Yes, that was a slipup,” he muttered under his breath as he hurried her down the corridor. He stopped in front of one of the smaller conference rooms and took both her hands in his. “Has it really been so awful for you, darling?”

  It hadn’t and he knew it. It had been wonderful. Being with Gideon and Reid again made her remember how nice it had been to work with them. Of course, it hadn’t all been work. They’d had dinner together, the three of them, more often than not. During the time she worked for them, she felt like they were her family. It was why it had been so hard to lose Gideon. “I’ve enjoyed spending time with you.”

  He pulled her right hand gallantly to his mouth and pressed his lips there. “And I love being with you. It’s been nice just the three of us.”

  She remembered the night before when they sat around the fire in her suite and shared a bottle of wine. It had been lovely, and she’d gone to bed alone. Of course, in her dreams, they’d ordered her to go to bed with them. She shook off the thought. “Yes, but I have to mingle. I can’t hide behind you and Gideon forever.”

  He looked inexplicably cheerful. “I don’t see why not. It sounds like a perfectly nice way to spend the rest of your life.”

  She opened her mouth to refute the statement, but a sign caught her eye. There was a large sign saying Do Not Disturb. She knew what that meant. It was a scene room. There were discussion only sessions, and then there were scene sessions. Scene sessions could include anything from mild nudity to outright sex.

  “What did Gideon need me for?” She could hear the breathlessness in her voice.

  “He needs a female sub to partner with. Don’t worry. I’ll be there, too. Gideon will explain the process, and you and I get to be the visual aid. You trust me, don’t you?” He looked very serious. His emerald green eyes stared down at her. He really was a work of art. He brushed his thumb along her cheek. “You don’t have to do this, you know. But I think you’ll enjoy it. Have I steered you wrong, yet?”

  She shook her head, trying to look unaffected by his close proximity. He’d been her guide as she explored this freaky side of herself. He’d taught her the uselessness of shame and the joy of accepting who she was. She trusted him implicitly. “I’ll do it.”

  He smiled and winked as he opened the door and guided her in.

  “Excellent. Our couple is here.” Gideon seemed to be in full-on professor mode. He stood at the front of the room, dominating it with his presence. “You all know Master Reid. Our pretty submissive is named Jessica. She’s brand new. You haven’t had a true D/s relationship have you, sweetheart?”

  “No.” That one night with Gideon didn’t count. She felt Reid’s hand tighten on her arm. Gideon’s eyebrow had shot up. Jessica remembered what she was supposed to do. “No, Sir, I have not.”

  She looked around, and there were seven men in the room. Two had female subs at their feet.

  “Master Reid, will you bring your sub front and center, please?” Gideon gestured to the center of the room.

  Jessica took a deep breath and moved forward.

  Reid seemed to grow a couple of inches. She’d seen it before. For the most part, Reid was her playful friend. When they entered a club, though, he became a Dom. His eyes took on a harder glint, and his voice made her sigh. It was deep and dark. When Reid was in that mode, he would envelop her. She sometimes thought Reid and Gideon had ruined her for any future D/s relationships. She doubted the sex could ever be as good as it had been with Gideon. He was tireless at bringing a woman pleasure. She also seriously worried that she would never feel as safe with anyone as she felt with Reid.

  She kept her eyes trained on Reid as she stood where Gideon instructed her to stand.

  “Jessica, this is a ropes class. I’m teaching a specific design and how to make the experience pleasurable for your submissive,” Gideon explained. “A few of the couples in here don’t believe that a long time spent tying up a sub can be pleasurable for both partners.”

  Reid snorted as if to say “amateurs.”

  “I’ve passed all my ropes courses but Sylvie gets bored easily,” one of the Doms explained.

  “A spanking would take care of that,” another of the Doms cracked. “Step up and be a real Dom.”

  Gideon’s eyes narrowed. “That, Master Matthew, will get you kicked out of this conference.” He stood in front of the room, staring them all down. “Master Joe is being a real Dom by trying to find a way to serve his submissive. I understand that everyone practices differently, but we’re tolerant here and embrace the experience. If you can’t do that, you should leave.”

  Master Matthew nodded. “I apologize, Master Joe.”

  Master Joe shrugged. “He’s a dick. He can’t help it. He’s been that way all his life.”

  Reid leaned in. “They’re brothers.”

  Gideon’s head shook. “Then let’s get on with it. I’m going to give you a demonstration on how to keep your submissive entertained while doing elaborate designs. Jessica, remove your clothing and kneel.”

  Jessica felt her eyes go wide with panic. He wanted her to get naked? In front of a room full of strangers? In front of him? She swallowed. The last few nights had gone a long way in repairing their friendship, but she wasn’t sure she was ready for this.

  “Is there a problem with my instructions, Jessica? Was I not clear?”

  The words were a challenge. A momentary anger flared up. What right did he have to challenge her? Then reason took over. How did she intend to explore this world if she couldn’t handle a little nudity? Besides, it wasn’t anything Gideon hadn’t seen before. Reid had seen her, too. No one was going to laugh, and no one was going to jump her hot body.

  She shakily pulled off her sweater and jeans and handed them to Reid. When her bra came off, Gideon walked over and fingered the little gold rings at her nipples.

  “Pretty,” he growled and tugged one lightly.

  It was like there was a direct line from her nipples to her pussy. Her pussy went soft and she could feel herself getting wet as she whimpered.

  Gideon turned. “You see, this sub is very sensitive. Her skin is fine and fair. She needs to concentrate on the sensation of the ropes winding around her. She needs to feel my intent.”

  “As we’ve said time and time again, communication is the key,” Reid explained. “In some cases, the very act of tying a submissive up will be enough. In others, you need to talk through the experience. It’s all about figuring out what the sub needs.”

  “Precisely,” Gideon replied in a distinctly academic tone. “Off with the panties, pet. This is not for disciplinary use, though naturally you can tie up a sub as a punishment. Today we’re exploring the pleasurable uses of ropes and how it can enhance your relationship with your submissive. This can be a deeply intimate act if you choose to make it so. Let’s begin.”

  Was she really going to do this?

  “Knees, love,” Reid commanded.

  She sank to the proper position. It was one of the things Gideon had taught her that night they spent together. He’d shown her how to sink back onto her feet and place her hands on her thighs, palms up. She remembered how pleased he’d been when she got it right. She forced her knees open, displaying her pussy for all to see. She felt a wash of nerves until Gideon placed a hand on her head, acknowledging his pleasure in her submission.

  “Lovely, Jessica,” Gideon breathed. “Do you wish to serve your Master? I know I’m not your permanent Master, but for the purposes of today, I would be honored if you would acknowledge me as such.”

  “Yes, sir,” she replied quietly. This was what she craved. She didn’t have to be insecure here. There was no place for it.

  Gideon and Reid began explaining types of ropes to use, lengths, and the proper protocols, but it kind of went over her head. They were talking about the differences between jute and silk and hemp, but all she could think about was how she was naked. Super naked, and hot guys were talking about how to tie off portions of rope and usi
ng words she didn’t really understand.

  It didn’t matter because Gideon wouldn’t do anything physically to hurt her. In the whole time she’d known him, he’d only ever once even hurt her emotionally.

  She felt a warm hand on her shoulder as Gideon kept talking. Reid knelt behind her and she could feel his lips moving against her ear.

  “Relax,” he whispered. “You’re thinking too much and that’s not what this is about. Or maybe you’re thinking about the wrong things. I want you to stop being in your head and enjoy your body for once.”

  Her body? She rarely enjoyed her body. But wasn’t that what she was trying to learn? How to be comfortable with herself? How to accept the things she needed?

  She took a deep breath and let the moment flow over her. It was time to stop thinking about how other people would feel about her and start thinking about how she felt and not on an emotional level. Her brain was always going, but didn’t her body deserve some time, too?

  She nodded gently, letting Reid know she would try, and he kissed her cheek and stood back up, rejoining Gideon.

  What would it be like to be their sub? To truly be in between those two men and know that they loved her and wanted her.

  Nope. That was exactly what she shouldn’t be doing—dreaming about something that wasn’t going to happen. She needed to stop always thinking about the future and spend a little time enjoying the moment.

  The air was cool on her skin. She felt different being naked. Her body was the same, but without the encumbrance of clothing, she could concentrate on the physical. She could truly think about the way the carpet felt under her knees. It was soft and plush. They’d taken care with the room they’d chosen for this particular session. Most of the other conference rooms had flat, utilitarian carpeting. This space had been made for the comfort of a person who would be on his or her knees.

  They kept it warm, but not too warm. She liked the feeling of cool drafts mingling with the heat. Her nipples were nice and hard, and she could feel the rings against her flesh. She’d loved it when Gideon had fingered and tugged on them.

  She relaxed and let his lecture flow over her, simply allowing herself to be for once. She breathed and settled in, feeling the air fill her lungs, the blood flow through her body. Time seemed to slow as she relaxed and for once it was a good thing. She was impatient, far too eager to get to the next thing. She often forgot how to enjoy the thing she was doing.

  She felt the strength of her spine, how her legs grounded her even when they were folded and in a submissive position. There was power here if she was smart enough to see it. Power and something far softer, something she needed. Trust and pleasure.

  “Jessica, I need you to stand now.” There was something about Gideon’s tone that let her know it wasn’t the first time he’d given her the command. He didn’t sound annoyed, though. Amusement sparkled in his words and when she glanced back there was an indulgent look on his face—the one he used to give her when she did something wrong, but he found it slightly adorable. “Have I lost you?”

  She shook her head and scrambled to get to her feet. “No. Sorry.”

  Reid was there, lending her a hand. It slipped and found her hip and she sort of fell against the poor man. They were chest to chest, her head tipping up to look into his gorgeous eyes.

  His lips curled up. “I think we should definitely tie this one up, Master Gideon. We wouldn’t want to lose her.”

  The look on his face made her breath hitch, but he was doing it for show. They were basically performing a scene. He didn’t mean a thing by it. She took a step back and found her footing. “I’m ready, Sir.”

  Gideon was the one who moved in behind her now. He was the one who whispered in her ear as he brushed her hair to the side. She forced herself not to shudder in pleasure at the touch of his hand to her skin.

  “I highly doubt that you’re ready.” He breathed the words against her ear. “But I’m entirely impatient so we’re doing this anyway. Have I told you how gorgeous you look in nothing but your own skin? I lied. I lied to protect myself because you’re the one woman in the world who could truly destroy me.”

  That bastard had done this because they were in front of an audience and she could choose to stand there and listen to him or embarrass the hell out of them both and walk away.

  He wasn’t as impatient as he thought. If he’d done this to her the first day, it would have been easy to stomp off. She wouldn’t have cared what she looked like, but he’d let her enjoy the conference, let her start to know some of these people. She hadn’t met many of the Doms, but she genuinely enjoyed the friendships she was starting with the submissives. He’d let her get comfortable with the outer edges of the lifestyle and now she couldn’t do it. Now that she knew what she would be giving up, she couldn’t push him away.

  What if he was telling her the truth? What if he’d woken up the next day and realized he wasn’t ready for another relationship?

  She shook off those questions that were far too dangerous to answer and simply stared straight ahead.

  He draped a length of rope around her neck. “I’ll take that as progress,” he whispered before raising his voice and getting back to professor mode. “I’m going to tie my lovely sub in a simple but effective design. If you do this properly, your sub could actually wear this under clothing and no one would be able to tell. No one except you and your sub. Trust me, this one will definitely be able to tell I’ve tied her up when I’m done.”

  The rope draped down the front of her body, caressing the sides of her breasts. The nipple rings made her so much more sensitive.

  “Normally you wouldn’t do this while standing behind your sub,” Gideon explained as he moved closer to her. “Normally you would take this chance to stand in front of her and watch her eyes as you form each tie. You would use it as a vehicle to intimacy. Rope can be an exquisitely intimate experience for the both of you.”

  Like it had been that night. He was accurately describing how he’d tied her up that night they’d spent together, his eyes on hers as his hands worked the rope. His gaze binding her every bit as firmly to him as the ties around her flesh had bound her to his bed.

  “But then you wouldn’t be able to watch the way I tie her. You would only get to see my back, and her front is so much prettier,” Gideon explained.

  “He is not kidding about that,” Reid added, giving her a wink. “And you are doing spectacularly well, sweetheart.”

  “I’m only supposed to stand here,” she replied.

  “Yes, and you do it so well. It’s very important to understand your subs needs. Some enjoy humiliation play,” Reid continued as Gideon’s hands came around and he started making knots with the rope he’d draped over her shoulders. “This beauty here needs positive reinforcement. Sometimes Doms get confused and make the mistake of switching those around.”

  “Reid,” Gideon said, his hands pausing. “I don’t think we need more commentary.

  “You could have used it six months ago,” Reid replied under his breath.

  “The first thing to do is a set of three ties.” Gideon seemed intent on ignoring his best friend. “One above her breasts, one between, and a third below. These knots should be loose because we’re going to use them later to further secure the sub.”

  His arms were around her, encircling her with his strength. He had to stand right against her so she could feel his chest against her back, feel every muscle tight to her body. She was well aware her nipples were standing at attention, though he hadn’t touched them since he’d begun the actual scene.

  There were a couple of questions that Gideon answered about the knots or “ties” as he called them. She kept herself still, though she couldn’t help but think about the rope he was still fiddling with.

  “Now comes the fun part,” Reid said. “He’s going to want you to spread your legs.”

  “It’s definitely time to spread those pretty legs,” Gideon confirmed.

  She wasn’t su
re why he wanted her to change her stance, but it wasn’t like the group hadn’t seen it all already. She stepped out and Reid knelt beside her, taking the rope in his hand.

  “The next part of my sub’s fun comes from looping the rope between her pretty thighs,” Gideon explained as Reid passed him the rope.

  God, Reid was so close to her core that all he would have to do to touch it was move an inch and his face would be right there. He could lick her and suck her and make her scream…

  Why was she thinking that way about her best friend? He’d been such a good friend to her and she was…

  All thought fled as that length of rope settled against her clitoris. He didn’t mean to leave it there, did he?

  “Yes, now you get the picture, sweetheart.” Reid stood and looked entirely pleased with himself. He gestured to where the rope currently sat like he was freaking Vanna White ready to turn a letter. “The placement of the rope is very important and precisely why this particular design is more about pleasure than punishment. Let’s turn you around so they can see how this works.”

  Gideon gently turned her and she was looking up into his perfectly gray eyes. He had the sweetest grin on his face as he stared down at her. “You are really doing well. Don’t clench.”

  She understood what he meant two seconds later when Reid pulled the rope between her butt cheeks and she gasped. It sent a light joy into Gideon’s eyes. Despite the fact that she hadn’t completely forgiven him, she couldn’t help but like the fact that he looked happy. He so rarely was open and happy. There always seemed to be the weight of responsibility clinging to him.

  “He’s going to draw the rope through the loop around your neck and we’ll continue,” Gideon explained. “Are you green?”

  They’d been using the stop light system. If she got scared she would tell him she was yellow. If she couldn’t stand whatever he was doing, she would simply say the word red and everything would stop. But she was fine. “I’m perfectly green.”


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