The Audacity of Demons

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The Audacity of Demons Page 8

by Trina M. Lee

  When Dalyn’s eyelids grew heavy, she set down her cue and yawned. “That’s it for me, ladies. I’m not cut out for this nocturnal schedule. Bedtime.”

  Sunrise wasn’t far off. Still I wasn’t ready to retreat to my room just yet. Tavi refilled her glass, and stalked out of the living room after Dalyn. Circling around behind the couch to avoid crossing in front of the TV, I came up next to Corr.

  Tapping a finger on his e-reader, I asked, “Got anything good on this thing?”

  He dragged his icy gray-blue eyes from the worn paperback, a copy of Wuthering Heights. Or were they pale blue? “Nothing you’d like.”

  “How do you know? You have no idea what I like.”

  Before I could pick the device up, Corr slapped a hand down on top of it. He seemed awfully protective of his e-reader. “I can tell.”

  “Bullshit. Unless there’s something on here you don’t want me to see.” I batted my lashes playfully and continued to try to slide the device from beneath his hand. “Come on. I didn’t bring any books, and I can’t stare at my tiny phone screen to pass the time.”

  Slipping a glance at the guys on the couch, who paid us no attention, Corr relented. “Fine. But the contents of this device are confidential. Got it?”

  “For sure. No problem.” Feeling victorious, I pried the e-reader away and turned it on.

  I immediately knew why Corr was so protective. His entire e-reader library was jam packed with romance and erotica. The quiet werewolf had just gotten a whole lot more interesting. I tried to catch his eye, but he’d already gone back to his paperback. So he kept the juicy stuff hidden.

  I browsed through Corr’s kinky library, settling on a book about a woman and her two lovers. Curling up in the corner of the unoccupied love seat, I did my best to let the steamy story capture my attention. Meanwhile, I took note of the men in the room, their scents, voices, and mannerisms. From beneath lowered lashes, I watched them all.

  Suspicion might as well have been my middle name. It had become second nature to take stock of the details. I suspected that I wasn’t the only one in the room making note of such things. I’d bet Corr had already analyzed each of us down to the most minute detail. He seemed like that hyperaware type.

  Knowing that Nova could drop in any moment or even watch us at random, I wanted to look like a team player. Not that I couldn’t be cooperative, but we all knew the stakes. The moment one of us gave The Circle any reason to wipe us out, they would.

  I couldn’t possibly be the only one thinking about running.

  With the sun climbing toward the horizon, I got to my feet and handed Corr his e-reader.

  He shook his head of ash-blond hair. “You can hold onto it for a while.” Despite his words Corr took the device, flicked it on, and checked the screen before turning it back off. “Nice choice.” Nothing in his tone conveyed teasing or flirtation, but it was there in his eyes. Unspoken. He just might be the most intriguing one here.

  “Thanks. Come grab it from my room any time you want it back.”

  With a nod to the guys on the couch, who’d switched from games to Netflix, I left the room. I could feel Rayne’s gaze follow me as I went.

  On my way up the stairs the sound of muffled sobs drew me to a stop near Dalyn’s room. I felt for her. She had to be terrified. I would be in her place. If I hadn’t already survived much worse imprisonment, I’d have been hysterical.

  For a brief second I considered knocking on the door. Deciding against it, I left Dalyn to her private breakdown and continued around the bend and up to my own bedroom.

  Once again locked inside, I let my head fall back against the door and sighed. Only when the sun had crested the horizon did I know for certain that Nova could no longer creep on me or anyone else.

  After changing into a loose t-shirt and a pair of shorts, I climbed into the fluffy bed and settled in among the blankets and pillows. As far as beds went it was a total dream. Maybe it felt as vacant and lonely as any other place, but at least it was comfortable.

  Every time I heard a noise in the hall or on the stairs, I tensed, torn between hoping that Rayne would come to my room and hoping that he’d stay away. Despite how much I hated Nova right then, his rule on attachments was sound.

  Attachments were dangerous. They made you vulnerable. Weak. And yet they could also make you strong. Regardless, they always came with an expiration date. Despite how good it would feel to have Rayne wrapped around me, it was probably better to play it safe.

  Besides, I should be used to sleeping alone by now.


  “Nice to see you’re all still here. We’ve usually had a runner or two by now.” Nova’s crimson gaze swept over each of us, lingering on me.

  I stared unflinching right back at him. After last night, I had nothing to say to the demon. I didn’t give a damn if it had been a test or if he was just following orders, he could have gotten me killed. My bangs and bruises from last night had healed, thanks in part to Rayne’s potent blood. I felt great.

  But I suspected that would soon change.

  Other than Dalyn and Ira who were down in the magic wing with Retta, the rest of us were gathered in the basement gym. Nova had started beating on our bedroom doors right at sunset. He’d given us exactly fifteen minutes to get to the basement.

  Black wings framed Nova as he stood before us. The horns protruding through the black hair atop his head made it so much easier to remind myself that he was the truest monster of us all. “You’re going to spend the next few hours working on your takedowns, grappling, mat work, and submissions. At some point I’ll select two of you to come out with me. The rest of you will have the remainder of the night to yourselves. If you’re smart you’ll use the time to get in top form.

  “Split off into twos,” he continued, gaze darting over us. “Every twenty minutes break for five, then grab a new partner. I’ll work with the odd one out.”

  Right away I glanced at the others. No way was I sparring with Nova. I didn’t even want to look at the cocky dick. Lucky for me, Corr stood right next to me. He accepted my unspoken request with a nod. We spread out through the gym, each pair claiming an area of floor mats.

  “Do you have much fight experience?” Corr asked, standing opposite me on the large mat. In a t-shirt and sweatpants, he tilted his head of slightly shaggy hair and studied me.

  “I know how to throw a punch and take one,” I offered with a shrug.

  Corr stretched both arms up over his head before cracking his neck. “I used to train in jiu-jitsu and kickboxing. For a while there I thought I might be a pro fighter. Then life had something else in mind.”

  “Like being attacked by a werewolf?” I nodded knowingly. Some of us came willingly into this world. Most of us arrived bloody and screaming.

  “Yeah, like that.” Pain glinted for a split second in his unfocused stare. “Anyway, I can teach you a few things if you’d like.”

  Although he wasn’t bulky like a body builder, Corr had the tight form of a guy who worked out. Finding out that he was a former fighter made sense. I could see it in the sinewy muscles of his arms and the way he held himself, balanced and braced.

  “Sure, that would be great.” Feeling someone’s gaze upon me, I glanced across the gym to where Nova blocked a punch from Tavi. Our eyes met. Having been caught, he licked his smirking lips.

  That demon had some nerve.

  Ignoring him, I gave Corr my full attention. I knew how to throw my fist around, but if he had some knowledge to impart, I’d take it.

  “Jiu-jitsu is a great way to surprise an opponent when they get you on the ground. Being able to escape a ground hold and turn it back around on someone in seconds can mean the difference in winning or losing.” Moving to the center of the mat, Corr got down on his knees and motioned for me to join him.

  “Ok, I’ll get on my back and you get on top of me, between my legs. I’ll show you.” Corr proceeded to blow my mind by getting flat on his back and directing
me to get on my knees over him. I did as instructed, mildly surprised when his legs wrapped around my waist.

  Even though the position took my mind down a naughty path, the skills to get out of a tight hold after being taken to the ground could save my life. The more physical talents I could build up, the better. My blood magic had to be my last resort. It was just too unstable. More tricks in my arsenal would help.

  “So there’s a few different ways this can go down.” As I listened attentively Corr taught me how to go for someone’s arm if they were pinning from above. Moving slowly, taking care to be gentle, he explained how to grab an opponent’s wrist with one hand and wrap the other arm around to lock it into place. With a simple jerking motion, the top person’s shoulder could be dislocated. “Now we’ll switch places, and you can try it on me.”

  When I got on my back and let Corr slide between my legs an array of dirty thoughts filled my head. A flutter in my stomach had me groaning inwardly. Life in a house filled with attractive men wasn’t going to be easy during a dry spell. It had to have been at least six months since I last got laid. I hadn’t really felt it to be a problem until now. The incubus in the room sure didn’t help.

  Corr guided me through the motions of a few different moves. I learned how to wrap my legs around him and lock his shoulder in as well as his neck. He showed me several different ways to grab someone’s arm, leg, or neck, easily disabling them with the threat of serious damage and dislocation.

  More than once I got the sense that we were being watched. When Corr brushed against me during a move and I felt his rigid cock graze my belly, he promptly ended the groundwork and got to his feet. Before we could start throwing fists in an effort to pretend that hadn’t just happened, Nova called time and we switched partners.

  I stayed where I was while Corr moved to another mat. Ghost ended up on mine. A dark grin tugged at his lips. “Sorry I missed you last night. How did it go with the boss man?”

  Keeping my eyes off Nova, I shook my limbs out and stretched. “As good as it possibly can go when being led into an ambush. He used me as bait for the FPA.”

  Ghost’s brows rose. He almost seemed impressed. “And you survived. Must have given them hell.”

  “I managed. It didn’t seem fair to be blindsided like that. We can’t trust either side. Can’t trust each other. All in all so far, this fucking sucks.” I cracked my knuckles and wondered if I could replicate any of the stuff Corr had just shown me. Probably not without feeling like a horny pervert.

  To my shock and awe, Ghost stripped his shirt off and tossed it on the floor beside the mat. “That’s not entirely true. You can trust me, baby girl.” That smoky voice dug claws into me and cut deep.

  I couldn’t help the shiver that racked me. It was impossible not to drink in the sight of his bare chest, remembering how it felt beneath my fingertips. “I’ll keep that in mind,” I managed to say. Feeling in need of a cold shower and a session with my vibrator, I hoped he couldn’t tell. “Ready?”

  “You know it.” Holding both hands up, he beckoned me forward. “Show me how you kicked FPA ass last night.”

  With a laugh I advanced on him, fists raised. Keeping an eye on his feet, I was ready when he tried to hook my ankle. As I avoided being tripped, I swung my left fist, surprised when I actually hit him. Wincing apologetically, I bounced back a few feet, letting him come at me.

  “Don’t be afraid to follow up once you get the jump on someone,” Ghost advised. “Anyone. Even in here. We can all take it.”

  Then he rushed me, aggressive and sudden, in my space before I’d gotten my hands up to block. His knuckles grazed my cheek. A purposeful miss. He could’ve knocked me on my ass.

  A sly smile crept across Ghost’s face. He got closer, taking another swing. I blocked that one with my forearm. He pushed forward, forcing me to take a step back. Then another. If I didn’t stand my ground, he’d force me off the mat.

  I dodged the next hit he threw and dropped into a leg sweep. Ghost went down hard. Without hesitation he grabbed my calf and pulled me down with him. When I sprawled atop him, he rolled me over so I was beneath him.

  My chest heaved and I stared up at him, trying to remember what Corr had just taught me. But the only memory that surfaced was the one of Ghost thrusting between my legs. I saw it flash behind his eyes too.

  Since he was thinking about being inside me, I took advantage of his distraction. Once I snapped into action, I captured his arm in the first bar Corr had shown me. I gripped him with my legs and pulled him into position, feeling quite accomplished.

  Ghost slithered in my grip. A few moves later he had me pinned, my arm stretched painfully. I tapped the mat, admitting defeat.

  “Well at least I know that’s an effective move,” I grumbled, rubbing my shoulder as I got to my feet. When Nova called time, I was ready for a break.

  We’d just been sparring, but it hadn’t taken long for me to realize how easy I’d had it the last few decades. Stronger than a human I simply overpowered my victims. A few at a time even. The fight they put up so rarely proved challenging.

  I had grown complacent. The kills came easy, and I kept a low profile. Or so I’d thought. Now I was forced out of my comfort zone, the mental haven I’d built for myself after leaving Rem.

  “Let me know if you ever need a partner to help you turn that violence inside you into something useful,” Ghost offered before we split apart. “I think we go pretty well together.”

  Yeah, I thought so too. My starved libido took a backseat to what else he’d said. “The violence inside me?”

  Ghost shook a finger at me and turned to fetch his shirt from the floor. Such a shame to hide that hard physique from sight. “You’ve got a dark streak, Blaze. I saw it that night I watched you hunt. Like a lioness. Moving through the shadows like you owned them. You kill like you’ve got a score to settle with the world, and it’s fucking beautiful.”

  His remark stopped me dead. It rang in my ears. Because it echoed what someone else had once said.

  Before I mustered up a solid reply Nova sidled up. He and Ghost exchanged a look before Ghost crossed the gym to join the others, leaving us alone.

  My mood soured. Crossing my arms, I waited for Nova to speak. When he merely stared at me, I snapped, “I’m not sparring with you.”

  “Well at least you’re speaking to me,” he quipped right back. “Still pissed off, I see.”

  I huffed a lock of hair out of my face. My braid had loosened during all the scuffling on the mat. When the piece of hair fell back into my eyes, I angrily shoved it behind an ear. “That was a nasty trick. You’re a demon. I get it. I should never have expected anything less. But you could have at least told me I was being tested.”

  Nova held up both hands. “You’re mad. I understand. But I have orders to follow. As will you if you’re lucky enough to survive that long. I highly suggest you get over it and fast. There’s no time for petty grudges.”

  “It’s not a petty grudge.” I lifted one shoulder in a meager shrug. “I just don’t like you. Pretty sure liking you wasn’t one of the rules.”

  His sinister laugh felt like pin pricks along the back of my neck. I let the shiver that followed fuel my resolve. The Circle of the Veil wouldn’t beat me. Try as he might to unnerve me with that intense, smoldering stare, Nova couldn’t get inside my head. I wouldn’t let him.

  “That’s fair,” he conceded with a slight bow. “Hate me to your little heart’s content, firecracker. Just do what you’re told, and we won’t have any trouble.”

  Rage didn’t quite begin to cover it. If he’d been anyone else right then, I’d have knocked his block off. Since he was the smirking demon currently in charge of my fate, I clenched my teeth and willed my temper down. That redhead fury was going to sink me one day.

  “And if I don’t do what I’m told?” I challenged, unable to keep my lips from moving. “What kind of trouble are we going to have, Nova? Are you going to kill me?” One hip cocked, a
foot tapping, I silently dared him to do it.

  Anger had led me to make many bad decisions in a fit of temper. I’d learned this lesson already. Still I couldn’t hold back and let Nova or anyone else think I would be someone’s bitch.

  Wings stretching wider behind him, Nova glided closer. Almost nose to nose he leaned down and whispered, “I can think of far better ways to deal with this rebellious attitude of yours.” Along with his words there was the slightest warming of the atmosphere.

  Right away I felt unbidden lust rise within me. I had the sudden, irrational need to have Nova take me right there, witnesses or not. I wanted to touch him. To have him touch me. To take me over and over until I could barely walk, talk, or feel anything but him.

  Then it fell away. The incubus thrall he’d slipped me died down. But my desire for Nova remained.

  Our lips were barely a breath apart. I could bridge that gap so easily. When I realized that I was staring at his mouth, I jerked away, surprised and horrified by my attraction to him. His power might have awoken my interest, but it hadn’t been created by him. The attraction was real.

  He’d drawn out my desire in a mere second. And he hadn’t even touched me.

  What would it be like if he did touch me? How intense would the pleasure be with Nova?

  No, fuck that trail of thought. I would not be betrayed by my needy pussy. Nova was the enemy, and I was merely an easy target for an incubus.

  Satisfied with himself, Nova turned to address the rest of the group. “Ghost and Tavi. Meet me at the front door in ten minutes. The rest of you, keep training. Some of you really need the core work. Tomorrow night things will take a mental turn. I’m going to really get inside your heads.”

  Nova cast a facetious grin back at me before sweeping from the room in a stride so smooth he barely touched the floor. Even though he never turned around, I glared daggers at his back until he vanished from sight.


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