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The Shadow of the North: A Story of Old New York and a Lost Campaign

Page 9

by Joseph A. Altsheler



  Now, a few pleasant days of winter came. The ground dried undercomparatively warm winds, and the forest awoke. They heard everywherethe ripple of running water, and wild animals came out of theirdens. Tayoga shot a young bear which made a welcome addition to theirsupplies.

  "I hold that there's nothing better in the woods than young bear,"said Willet, as he ate a juicy steak Robert had broiled over thecoals. "Venison is mighty good, especially so when you're hungry, butyou can get tired of it. What say you, Tayoga?"

  "It is true," replied the Onondaga. "Fat young bear is very fine. Noneof us wants one thing all the time, and we want something besidesmeat, too. The nations of the Hodenosaunee are great and civilized,much ahead of the other red people, because they plant gardens andorchards and fields, and have grain and vegetables, corn, beans,squash and many other things good for the table."

  "And the Iroquois, while they grow more particular about the table,remain the most valiant of all the forest people. I see your point,Tayoga. Civilization doesn't take anything from a man's courage andtenacity. Rather it adds to them. There are our enemies, the French,who are as brave and enduring as anybody, and yet they're the bestcooks in the world, and more particular about their food than anyother nation."

  "You always speak of the French with a kind of affection, Dave," saidRobert.

  "I suppose I do," said the hunter. "I have reasons."

  "As I know now, Dave, you've been in Paris, can't you tell ussomething about the city?"

  "It's the finest town in the world, Robert, and they've the brightest,gayest life there, at least a part of 'em have, but things are notgoing right at home with the French. They say a whole nation's fortunehas been sunk in the palace at Versailles, and the people are growingpoorer all the time, but the government hopes to dazzle 'em by waginga successful and brilliant war over here. I repeat, though, Robert,that I like the French. A great nation, sound at the core, splendidsoldiers as we're seeing, and as we're likely to see for a long timeto come."

  They pushed on with all speed toward Mount Johnson, the weather stillfavoring them, making their last camp in a fine oak grove, andreckoning that they would achieve their journey's end before noon thenext day. They did not build any fire that night, but when they roseat dawn they saw the smoke of somebody else's fire on the easternhorizon.

  "It couldn't be the enemy," said Willet. "He wouldn't let his smoke goup here for all the world to see, so near to the home of ColonelWilliam Johnson and within the range of the Mohawks."

  "That is so," said Tayoga. "It is likely to be some force of ColonelJohnson himself, and we can advance with certainty."

  Looking well to their arms in the possible contingency of a foe, theypushed forward through the woodland, the smoke growing meanwhile as ifthose who had built the fire either felt sure of friendly territory,or were ready to challenge the world. The Onondaga presently held up ahand and the three stopped.

  "What is it, Tayoga?" asked the hunter.

  "I wish to sing a song."

  "Then sing it, Tayoga."

  A bird suddenly gave forth a long, musical, thrilling note. It rose ina series of trills, singularly penetrating, and died away in ahaunting echo. A few moments of silence and then from a point in theforest in front of them another bird sang a like song.

  "They are friends," said Tayoga, who was the first bird, "and it maybe, since we are within the range of the Mohawks, that it is ourfriend, the great young chief Daganoweda, who replied. I do not thinkany one else could sing a song so like my own."

  "I'm wagering that it's Daganoweda and nobody else," said Willetconfidently, and scorning cover now they advanced at increased speedtoward the fire.

  A splendid figure, tall, heroic, the nose lofty and beaked like thatof an ancient Roman, the feather headdress brilliant and defiant likethat of Tayoga, came forward to meet them, and Robert saw with intensepleasure that it was none other than Daganoweda himself. Nor was thedelight of the young Mohawk chieftain any less--the taciturnity andblank faces of Indians disappeared among their friends--and he cameforward, smiling and uttering words of welcome.

  "Daganoweda," said Willet, "the sight of you is balm to the eyes. Yourname means in our language, 'The Inexhaustible' and you're aninexhaustible friend. You're always appearing when we need you most,and that's the very finest kind of a friend."

  "Great Bear, Tayoga and Dagaeoga come out of the great wilderness,"said Daganoweda, smiling.

  "So we do, Daganoweda. We've been there a long time, but we were notso idle."

  "I have heard of the fort that was built in the forest and how theyoung white soldiers with the help of Great Bear, Tayoga and Dagaeogabeat off the French and the savage tribes."

  "I supposed that runners of the Hodenosaunee would keep youinformed. Well, the fort is there and our people still hold it, and weare here, anxious to get back into the main stream of big events. Whoare at the fire, Daganoweda?"

  "Waraiyageh (Colonel William Johnson) himself is there. He was fishingyesterday, it being an idle time for a few days, and with ten of mywarriors I joined him last night. He will be glad to see you, GreatBear, whom he knows. And he will be glad to meet Tayoga and Dagaeogawho are to bear great names."

  "Easy, Daganoweda, easy!" laughed Willet.

  "These are fine lads, but don't flatter 'em too much just yet. They'vedone brave deeds, but before this war is over they'll have to do a lotmore. We'll go with you and meet Colonel Johnson."

  As they walked toward the fire a tall, strongly built man, of middleyears, dressed in the uniform of an English officer, came forward tomeet them. His face, with a distinct Irish cast, was frank, open andresolute.

  "Ah, Willet, my friend," he said, extending his hand. "So you and Imeet again, and glad I am to hold your fingers in mine once more. Afaithful report has come to us of what you did in Quebec, and it seemsthe Willet of old has not changed much."

  The hunter reddened under his tan.

  "It was forced upon me, colonel," he said.

  Colonel William Johnson laughed heartily.

  "And he who forced it did not live to regret it," he said. "I've heardthat French officers themselves did not blame you, but as for me,knowing you as I do, I'd have expected no less of David Willet."

  He laughed again, and his laugh was deep and hearty. Robert, lookingclosely at him, thought him a fine, strong man, and he was quite surehe would like him. The colonel glanced at him and Tayoga, and thehunter said:

  "Colonel Johnson, I wish to present Tayoga, who is of the most ancientblood of the Onondagas, a member of the Clan of the Bear, and destinedto be a great chief. A most valiant and noble youth, too, I assureyou, and the white lad is Robert Lennox, to whom I stand in the placeof a father."

  "I have heard of Tayoga," said Colonel Johnson, "and his people andmine are friends."

  "It is true," said Tayoga, "Waraiyageh has been the best friend amongthe white people that the nations of the Hodenosaunee have everhad. He has never tricked us. He has never lied to us, and often hehas incurred great hardship and danger to help us."

  "It is pleasant in my ears to hear you say so, Tayoga," said ColonelJohnson, "and as for Mr. Lennox, who, my eyes tell me is also a nobleand gallant youth, it seems to me I've heard some report of himtoo. You carried the private letters from the Governor of New York tothe Marquis Duquesne, Governor General of Canada?"

  "I did, sir," replied Robert.

  "And of course you were there with Willet. Your mission, I believe,was kept as secret as possible, but I learned at Albany that you boreyourself well, and that you also gave an exhibition with the sword."

  It was Robert's turn to flush.

  "I'm a poor swordsman, sir," he said, "by the side of Mr. Willet."

  "Good enough though, for the occasion. But come, I'll make an end tobadinage. You must be on your way to Mount Johnson."

  "That was our destination," said Willet.

  "Then right welcome guests you'll be. I ha
ve a little camp but a shortdistance away. Molly is there, and so is that young eagle, herbrother, Joseph Brant. Molly will see that you're well served withfood, and after that you shall stay at Mount Johnson as long as youlike, and the longer you'll stay the better it will please Molly andme. You shall tell us of your adventures, Mr. Lennox, and about thatQuebec in which you and Mr. Willet seem to have cut so wide a swathwith your rapiers."

  "We did but meet the difficulties that were forced upon us," protestedWillet.

  Colonel Johnson laughed once more, and most heartily.

  "If all people met in like fashion the difficulties that were forcedupon them," he said, "it would be a wondrous efficient world, so muchsuperior to the world that now is that one would never dream they hadbeen the same. But just beyond the hill is our little camp which, forwant of a better name, I'll call a bower. Here is Joseph, now, comingto meet us."

  An Indian lad of about eleven years, but large and uncommonly strongfor his age, was walking down the hill toward them. He was dressedpartly in civilized clothing, and his manner was such that he wouldhave drawn the notice of the observing anywhere. His face was openand strong, with great width between the eyes, and his gaze was directand firm. Robert knew at once that here was an unusual boy, onedestined if he lived to do great things. His prevision was more thanfulfilled. It was Joseph Brant, the renowned Thayendanegea, the mostfamous and probably the ablest Indian chief with whom the white menever came into contact.

  "This is Joseph Brant, the brother of Molly, my wife, and hence myyoung brother-in-law," said Colonel Johnson. "Joseph, our new friendsare David Willet, known to the Hodenosaunee as the Great Bear, RobertLennox, who seems to be in some sort a ward of Mr. Willet, and Tayoga,of the Clan of the Bear, of your great brother nation, Onondaga."

  Young Thayendanegea saluted them all in a friendly but dignifiedway. He, like Tayoga, had a white education, and spoke perfect, butmeasured English.

  "We welcome you," he said. "Colonel Johnson, sir, my sister hasalready seen the strangers from the hill, and is anxious to greetthem."

  "Molly, for all her dignity, has her fair share of curiosity," laughedColonel Johnson, "and since it's our duty to gratify it, we'll goforward."

  Robert had heard often of Molly Brant, the famous Mohawk wife ofColonel, afterward Sir William Johnson, a great figure in that regionin her time, and he was eager to see her. He beheld a woman, young,tall, a face decidedly Iroquois, but handsome and lofty. She wore thedress of the white people, and it was of fine material. She obviouslyhad some of the distinguished character that had already set its sealupon her young brother, then known as Keghneghtada, his famous name ofThayendanegea to come later. Her husband presented the three, and shereceived them in turn in a manner that was quiet and dignified,although Robert could see her examining them with swift Indian eyesthat missed nothing. And with his knowledge of both white heart andred heart, of white manner and red manner, he was aware that he stoodin the presence of a great lady, a great lady who fitted into hersetting of the vast New York wilderness. So, with the ornate mannerof the day, he bent over and kissed her hand as he was presented.

  "Madam," he said, "it is a great pleasure to us to meet ColonelJohnson here in the forest, but we have the unexpected and stillgreater pleasure of meeting his lady also."

  Colonel Johnson laughed, and patted Robert on the shoulder.

  "Mr. Willet has been whispering to me something about you," hesaid. "He has been telling me of your gift of speech, and by my faith,he has not told all of it. You do address the ladies in a mostgraceful fashion, and Molly likes it. I can see that."

  "Assuredly I do, sir," said she who had been Molly Brant, the Mohawk,but who was now the wife of the greatest man in the northcountry. "Tis a goodly youth and he speaks well. I like him, and heshall have the best our house can offer."

  Colonel Johnson's mellow laugh rang out again.

  "Spoken like a woman of spirit, Molly," he said. "I expected none theless of you. It's in the blood of the Ganeagaono and had you answeredotherwise you would have been unworthy of your cousin, Daganoweda,here."

  The young Mohawk chieftain smiled. Johnson, who had married a girl oftheir race, could jest with the Mohawks almost as he pleased, andamong themselves and among those whom they trusted the Indians werefond of joking and laughter.

  "The wife of Waraiyageh not only has a great chief for a husband," hesaid, "but she is a great chief herself. Among the Wyandots she wouldbe one of the rulers."

  The women were the governing power in the valiant Wyandot nation, andDaganoweda could pay his cousin no higher compliment.

  "We talk much," said Colonel Johnson, "but we must remember that ourfriends are tired. They've come afar in bad weather. We must let themrest now and give them refreshment."

  He led the way to the light summer house that he had called abower. It was built of poles and thatch, and was open on the easternside, where it faced a fine creek running with a strong current. Afire was burning in one corner, and a heavy curtain of tanned skinscould be draped over the wide doorway. Articles of women's apparelhung on the walls, and others indicating woman's work stoodabout. There were also chairs of wicker, and a lounge covered withhaircloth. It was a comfortable place, the most attractive that Roberthad seen in a long time, and his eyes responded to it with a glitterthat Colonel Johnson noticed.

  "I don't wonder that you like it, lad," he said. "I've spent somehappy hours here myself, when I came in weary or worn from hunting orfishing. But sit you down, all three of you. I'll warrant me thatyou're weary enough, tramping through this wintry forest. Blunt, shovethe faggots closer together and make up a better fire."

  The command was to a white servant who obeyed promptly, but MadameJohnson herself had already shifted the chairs for the guests, and hadtaken their deerskin cloaks. Without ceasing to be the great lady shemoved, nevertheless, with a lightness of foot and a celerity that wasall a daughter of the forest. Robert watched her with fascinated eyesas she put the summer house in order and made it ready for the comfortof her guests. Here was one who had acquired civilization withoutlosing the spirit of the wild. She was an educated and well bredwoman, the wife of the most powerful man in the colonies, and she wasat the same time a true Mohawk. Robert knew as he looked at her thatif left alone in the wilderness she could take care of herself almostas well as her cousin, Daganoweda, the young chief.

  Then his gaze shifted from Molly Brant to her brother. Despite hisyouth all his actions showed pride and unlimited confidence inhimself. He stood near the door, and addressed Robert in English,asking him questions about himself, and he also spoke to Tayoga,showing him the greatest friendliness.

  "We be of the mighty brother nations, Onondaga and Mohawk, the firstof the great League," he said, "and some day we will sit together inthe councils of the fifty sachems in the vale of Onondaga."

  "It is so," said Tayoga gravely, speaking to the young lad as man toman. "We will ever serve the Hodenosaunee as our fathers before ushave done."

  "Leave the subject of the Hodenosaunee," said Colonel Johnsoncheerily. "I know that you lads are prouder of your birth than the oldRoman patricians ever were, but Mr. Willet, Mr. Lennox and I were notfortunate enough to be born into the great League, and you willperhaps arouse our jealousy or envy. Come, gentlemen, sit you downand eat and drink."

  His Mohawk wife seconded the request and food and drink wereserved. Robert saw that the bower was divided into two rooms the onebeyond them evidently being a sleeping chamber, but the evidences ofcomfort, even luxury, were numerous, making the place an oasis in thewilderness. Colonel Johnson had wine, which Robert did not touch, nordid Tayoga nor Daganoweda, and there were dishes of china or silverbrought from England. He noticed also, and it was an unusual sight ina lodge in the forest, about twenty books upon two shelves. From hischair he read the titles, Le Brun's "Battles of Alexander," a boundvolume of _The Gentleman's Magazine,_ "Roderick Random," and severalothers. Colonel Johnson's eyes followed him.

  "I see that you
are a reader," he said. "I know it because your eyeslinger upon my books. I have packages brought from time to time fromEngland, and, before I came upon this expedition, I had these sentahead of me to the bower that I might dip into them in the evenings ifI felt so inclined. Reading gives us a wider horizon, and, at the sametime, takes us away from the day's troubles."

  "I agree with you heartily, sir," said Robert, "but, unfortunately, wehave little time for reading now."

  "That is true," sighed Colonel Johnson. "I fear it's going to be along and terrible war. What do you see, Joseph?"

  Young Brant was sitting with his face to the door, and he had risensuddenly.

  "A runner comes," he replied. "He is in the forest beyond the creek,but I see that he is one of our own people. He comes fast."

  Colonel Johnson also arose.

  "Can it be some trouble among the Ganeagaono?" he said.

  "I think not," said the Indian boy.

  The runner emerged from the wood, crossed the creek and stood in thedoorway of the bower. He was a tall, thin young Mohawk, and he pantedas if he had come fast and long.

  "What is it, Oagowa?" asked Colonel Johnson.

  "A hostile band, Hurons, Abenakis, Caughnawagas, and others, hasentered the territory of the Ganeagaono on the west," replied thewarrior. "They are led by an Ojibway chief, a giant, calledTandakora."

  Robert uttered an exclamation.

  "The name of the Ojibway attracts your attention," said ColonelJohnson.

  "We've had many encounters with him," replied the youth. "Besideshating the Hodenosaunee and all the white people, I think he also hasa personal grievance against Mr. Willet, Tayoga and myself. He is themost bitter and persistent of all our enemies."

  "Then this man must be dealt with. I can't go against himmyself. Other affairs press too much, but I can raise a force withspeed."

  "Let me go, sir, against Tandakora!" exclaimed young Brant eagerly andin English.

  Colonel Johnson looked at him a moment, his eyes glistening, and thenhe laughed, not with irony but gently and with approval.

  "Truly 'tis a young eagle," he said, "but, Joseph, you must rememberthat your years are yet short of twelve, and you still have much timeto spend over the books in which you have done so well. If I let yoube cut off at such an early age you can never become the great chiefyou are destined to be. Bide a while, Joseph, and your cousin,Daganoweda, will attend to this Ojibway who has wandered so far fromhis own country."

  Young Brant made no protest. Trained in the wonderful discipline ofthe Hodenosaunee he knew that he must obey before he could command. Heresumed his seat quietly, but his eager eyes watched his tall cousin,the young Mohawk chieftain, as Colonel Johnson gave him orders.

  "Take with you the warriors that you have now, Daganoweda," hesaid. "Gather the fifty who are now encamped at Teugega. Take thirtymore from Talaquega, and I think that will be enough. I don't knowyou, Daganoweda, and I don't know your valiant Mohawk warriors, if youare not able to account thoroughly for the Ojibway and his men. Don'tcome back until you've destroyed them or driven them out of yourcountry."

  Colonel Johnson's tone was at once urgent and complimentary. Itintimated that the work was important and that Daganoweda would besure to do it. The Mohawk's eyes glittered in his dark face. He liftedhis hand in a salute, glided from the bower, and a moment later he andhis warriors passed from sight in the forest.

  "That cousin of yours, Molly, deserves his rank of chief," saidColonel Johnson. "The task that he is to do I consider as good as donealready. Tandakora was too daring, when he ventured into the lands ofthe Ganeagaono. Now, if you gentlemen will be so good as to be ourguests we'll pass the night here, and tomorrow we'll go to MountJohnson."

  It was agreeable to Robert, Willet and Tayoga, and they spent theremainder of the day most pleasantly at the bower. Colonel Johnson,feeling that they were three whom he could trust, talked freely andunveiled a mind fitted for great affairs.

  "I tell you three," he said, "that this will be one of the mostimportant wars the world has known. To London and Paris we seem lostin the woods out here, and perhaps at the courts they think little ofus or they do not think at all, but the time must come when the NewWorld will react upon the Old. Consider what a country it is, with itslakes, its forests, its rivers, and its fertile lands, which extendbeyond the reckoning of man. The day will arrive when there will be apower here greater than either England or France. Such a land cannothelp but nourish it."

  He seemed to be much moved, and spoke a long time in the same vein,but his Indian wife never said a word. She moved about now and then,and, as before, her footsteps making no noise, being as light as thoseof any animal of the forest.

  The dusk came up to the door. They heard the ripple of the creek, butcould not see its waters. Madam Johnson lighted a wax candle, andColonel Johnson stopped suddenly.

  "I have talked too much. I weary you," he said.

  "Oh, no, sir!" protested Robert eagerly. "Go on! We would gladlylisten to you all night."

  "That I think would be too great a weight upon us all," laughedColonel Johnson. "You are weary. You must be so from your longmarching and my heavy disquisitions. We'll have beds made for youthree and Joseph here. Molly and I sleep in the next room."

  Robert was glad to have soft furs and a floor beneath him, and when helay down it was with a feeling of intense satisfaction. He likedColonel William Johnson, and knew that he had a friend in him. He wasanxious for advancement in the great world, and he understood what itwas to have powerful support. Already he stood high with theHodenosaunee, and now he had found favor with the famous Waraiyageh.

  They left in the morning for Mount Johnson, and there were horses forall except the Indians, although one was offered to Tayoga. But hedeclined to ride--the nations of the Hodenosaunee were not horsemen,and kept pace with them at the long easy gait used by the Indianrunner. Robert himself was not used to the saddle, but he was gladenough to accept it, after their great march through the wilderness.

  The weather continued fine for winter, crisp, clear, sparkling withlife and the spirits of all were high. Colonel Johnson beckoned toRobert to ride by the side of him and the two led the way. Kegneghtada,despite his extreme youth, had refused a horse also, and was swingingalong by the side of Tayoga, stride for stride. A perfect understandingand friendship had already been established between the Onondaga andthe Mohawk, and as they walked they talked together earnestly, youngBrant bearing himself as if he were on an equal footing with hisbrother warrior, Tayoga. Colonel Johnson looked at them, smiledapproval and said to Robert:

  "I have called my young brother-in-law an eagle, and an eagle he trulyis. We're apt to think, Mr. Lennox, that we white people alone gatherour forces and prepare for some aim distant but great. But the Indianintellect is often keen and powerful, as I have had good cause toknow. Many of their chiefs have an acuteness and penetration notsurpassed in the councils of white men. The great Mohawk whom we callKing Hendrick probably has more intellect than most of the sovereignson their thrones in Europe. And as for Joseph, the lad there who sogallantly keeps step with the Onondaga, where will you find a whiteboy who can excel him? He absorbs the learning of our schools as fastas any boy of our race whom I have ever known, and, at the same time,he retains and improves all the lore and craft of the red people."

  "You have found the Mohawks a brave and loyal race," said Robert,knowing the colonel was upon a favorite theme of his.

  "That I have, Mr. Lennox. I came among them a boy. I was a traderthen, and I settled first only a few miles from their largest town,Dyiondarogon. I tried to keep faith with them and as a result I foundthem always keeping faith with me. Then, when I went to Oghkwaga, Ihad the same experience. The Indians were defrauded in the fur tradeby white swindlers, but dishonesty, besides being bad in itself, doesnot pay, Mr. Lennox. Bear that in mind. You may cheat for a while withsuccess, but in time nobody will do business with you. Though you, Itake it, will never be a merchant."

  "It i
s not because I frown upon the merchant's calling, sir. I esteemit a high and noble one. But my mind does not turn to it."

  "So I gather from what I have seen of you, and from what Mr. Willettells me. I've been hearing of your gift of oratory. You need notblush, my lad. If we have a gift we should accept it thankfully, andmake the best use of it we can. You, I take it, will be a lawyer, thena public man, and you will sway the public mind. There should be grandoccasions for such as you in a country like this, with its unlimitedfuture."

  They came presently into a region of cultivation, fields which wouldbe green with grain in the spring, showing here and there, and thesmoke from the chimney of a stout log house rising now and then.Where a creek broke into a swift white fall stood a grist mill, andfrom a wood the sound of axes was heard.

  Robert's vivid imagination, which responded to all changes, kindled atonce. He liked the wilderness, and it always made a great impressionupon him, and he also took the keenest interest and delight ineverything that civilization could offer. Now his spirit leaped up tomeet what lay before him.

  He found at Mount Johnson comfort and luxury that he had not expected,an abundance of all that the wilderness furnished, mingled withimportations from Europe. He slept in a fine bed, he looked into morebooks, he saw on the walls reproductions of Titian and Watteau, andalso pictures of race horses that had made themselves famous atNewmarket, he wrote letters to Albany on good paper, he could sealthem with either black or red wax, and there were musical instrumentsupon one or two of which he could play.

  Robert found all these things congenial. The luxury or what might haveseemed luxury on the border, had in it nothing of decadence. There wasan air of vigor, and Colonel Johnson, although he did not neglect hisguests, plunged at once and deeply into business. A little village,dependent upon him and his affairs had grown up about him, and therewere white men more or less in his service, some of whom he sent atonce on missions for the war. Through it all his Indian wife glidedquietly, but Robert saw that she was a wonderful help, managing withease, and smoothing away many a difficulty.

  Despite the restraint of manner, the people at Mount Johnson were fullof excitement. The news from Canada and also from the west becamesteadily more ominous. The French power was growing fast and thewarriors of the wild tribes were crowding in thousands to the Bourbonbanner. Robert heard again of St. Luc and of some daring achievementof his, and despite himself he felt as always a thrill at the name,and a runner also brought the news that more French troops had goneinto the Ohio country.

  The fourth night of their stay at Mount Johnson Robert remained awakelate. He and young Brant, the great Thayendanegea that was to be, hadalready formed a great friendship, the beginning of which was madeeasier by Robert's knowledge of Indian nature and sympathy withit. The two wrapped in fur cloaks had gone a little distance from thehouse, because Brant said that a bear driven by hunger had come to theedge of the village, and they were looking for its tracks. But Robertwas more interested in observing the Indian boy than in finding thefoot prints of the bear.

  "Joseph," he said, "you expect, of course, to be a great warrior andchief some day."

  The boy's eyes glittered.

  "There is nothing else for which I would care," he replied. "Hark,Dagaeoga, did you hear the cry of a night bird?"

  "I did, Joseph, but like you I don't think it's the voice of a realbird. It's a signal."

  "So it is, and unless I reckon ill it's the signal of my cousinDaganoweda, returning from the great war trail that he has trodagainst the wild Ojibway, Tandakora."

  The song of a bird trilled from his own throat in reply, and then fromthe forest came Daganoweda and his warriors in a dusky file. Robertand young Brant fell in with them and walked toward the house. Not aword was spoken, but the eyes of the Mohawk chieftain were gleaming,and his bearing expressed the very concentrated essence of haughtypride. At the house they stopped, and, young Brant going in, broughtforth Colonel Johnson.

  "Well, Daganoweda," said the white man.

  "I met Tandakora two days' journey north of Mount Johnson," repliedthe Mohawk. "His numbers were equal to our own, but his warriors werenot the warriors of the Hodenosaunee. Six of the Ganeagaono are gone,Waraiyageh, and sixteen more have wounds, from which they willrecover, but when Tandakora began his flight toward Canada eighteen ofhis men lay dead, eight more fell in the pursuit, which was so fastthat we bring back with us forty muskets and rifles."

  "Well done, Daganoweda," said Colonel Johnson. "You have provedyourself anew a great warrior and chief, but you did not have to proveit to me. I knew it long ago. Fine new rifles, and blankets of blue orred or green have just come from Albany, half of which shall bedistributed among your men in the morning."

  "Waraiyageh never forgets his friends," said the appreciative Mohawk.

  He withdrew with his warriors, knowing that the promise would be kept.

  "Why was I not allowed to go with them?" mourned young Brant.

  Colonel Johnson laughed and patted his shiny black head.

  "Never mind, young fire-eater," he said. "We'll all of us soon haveour fill of war--and more."

  Robert was present at the distribution of rifles and blankets the nextmorning, and he knew that Colonel Johnson had bound the Mohawks to himand the English and American cause with another tie. Daganoweda andhis warriors, gratified beyond expression, took the war path again.

  "They'll remain a barrier between us and the French and their allies,"said Colonel Johnson, "and faith we'll need 'em. The other nations ofthe Hodenosaunee wish to keep out of the war, but the Mohawks will bewith us to the last. Their great chief, King Hendrick, is our devotedfriend, and so is his brother, Abraham. This, too, in spite of the badtreatment of the Ganeagaono by the Dutch at Albany. O, I have nothingto say against the Dutch, a brave and tenacious people, but they havetheir faults, like other races, and sometimes they let avariceovercome them! I wish they could understand the nations of theHodenosaunee better. Do what you can at Albany, Mr. Lennox, with thatfacile tongue of yours, to persuade the Dutch--and the otherstoo--that the danger from the French and Indians is great, and that wemust keep the friendship of the Six Nations."

  "I will do my best, sir," promised Robert modestly. "I at least oughtto know the power and loyalty of the Hodenosaunee, since I have beenadopted into the great League and Tayoga, an Onondaga, is my brother,in all but blood."

  "And I stand in the same position," said Willet firmly. "Weunderstand, sir, your great attachment for the Six Nations, and thevast service you have done for the English among them. If we cansupplement it even in some small degree we shall spare no effort to doso."

  "I know it, Mr. Willet, and yet my heart is heavy to see the land Ilove devastated by fire and sword."

  Colonel Johnson loaned them horses, and an escort of two of his ownsoldiers who would bring back the horses, and they started for Albanyamid many hospitable farewells.

  "You and I shall meet again," said young Brant to Robert.

  "I hope so," said Robert.

  "It will be as allies and comrades on the battle field."

  "But you are too young, Joseph, yet to take part in war."

  "I shall not be next year, and the war will not be over then, so mybrother, Colonel William Johnson says, and he knows."

  Robert looked at the sturdy young figure and the eager eyes, and heknew that the Indian lad would not be denied.

  Then the little party rode into the woods, and proceeded without eventto Albany.


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