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The Fight for Britannia V-Home Coming

Page 25

by Saxon Andrew

  Charlie turned the Sweet Tooth and went to high speed, “Where are you going?”

  “I’m going to meet up with Justin and Charlotte. We need to get this information to Admiral Dunhan and the fleets.” Sweets nodded and sat back in her chair.

  • • •

  Candy turned to RJ, “Grady and Taffy are due to arrive in three hours.”

  RJ nodded, “Good! I can use his insights. Any word from the scouts?”

  “Not yet.” RJ took a breath and turned back to his console. The fleet was moving toward the Triangulum Galaxy and would arrive outside the outer edge of stars in five more days.

  • • •

  Justin joined the Sweet Tooth and they flew at full speed toward the Fleets that were moving in slowly far out from the Triangulum Galaxy. They arrived in six hours and Charlie contacted Admirals Dunhan and Henricks, “I’m transferring all the data we’ve collected on this new civilization and we’ll make ourselves available for any questions after you’ve had a chance to analyze it.”

  RJ nodded, “Send the data now.”

  • • •

  The next day, RJ called a video conference and looked at Charlie on the monitor, “This new civilization appears to be more advanced than the three we’re currently facing.”

  “We’ve determined the same thing Sir,” Charlie replied.

  “However, they’re not that far from our own capabilities. I believe we should be able to duplicate the telepath machine they’ve built. That will help us immensely against the civilizations currently attacking us. The Stealth Civilization will no longer be able to keep their warships hidden.”

  Charlie glanced at Sweets as he replied, “Yes Sir. Now that we know the frequency of telepathy, it should be easily done.”

  “I agree with your findings that they won’t be able to detect our ships. Are you ready to start your scouting mission?”

  “Just insure that all the sailors in your fleets keep their combat helmets on when they arrive.”

  “I’ve already issued the order.”


  RJ turned to Sweets on his monitor, “Yes Captain.”

  “I’ve been thinking about the situation on the way here and I have a suggestion.”

  “Go ahead.”

  “I read everything available on the Triangulum Galaxy on the way out to look at the Grang Civilization and I believe that the Triangulum is considered a satellite galaxy of Andromeda.”

  RJ glanced at Grady on the monitor before responding, “The current data says that it is locked into Andromeda’s gravity and will be sucked into it in about two and a half billion years from now. Neutral hydrogen gas is already being pulled out of the edge of the Triangulum Galaxy toward Andromeda. What’s your point Captain?”

  “Well, I was thinking that if we moved the fleets between Triangulum and Andromeda instead of a line toward the Milky Way, if we’re forced to flee, then this new civilization might think we came from Andromeda instead of the Milky Way.” RJ and Grady stared at Sweets in silence and she shook her head, “I know; it’s a silly idea. It will increase the time it takes to get back to the Milky Way.”

  RJ looked at Grady on his monitor and saw him roll his eyes, which made Sweets feel worse. RJ shook his head and said to Grady, “We should have thought of this.”

  “I’m surprised you didn’t!”

  “I’m just getting back up to speed.” RJ turned to Sweets on the monitor, “Captai, that is a fantastic idea.”


  “Absolutely! Candy, order the fleets to change course toward a position between Andromeda and the Triangulum Galaxy.”

  Justin was listening to the conference and he turned to Charlotte, “Patch us in!” He appeared on everyone’s display and said, “Sir, that’s not enough.”

  Everyone looked at Justin on their monitor and RJ asked, “What are you saying Captain Brown?”

  “Sir, our scouts probably won’t be detected; they can’t see our ships. I must allow them to detect my ship and lead them out to the fleets. Having the fleets between Andromeda and Triangulum won’t do any good if we’re not detected.”

  “NO!” Sweets shouted. “IT’S TOO DANGEROUS!”

  Justin turned to Sweets on his display, “You need to really think about this Sweets! I’ve got to do it.”

  Sweets looked at RJ and said, “You can’t allow him to do this!” RJ stared at Grady and he sighed. She turned to Grady and saw him slowly shaking his head. She turned to Charlie, “Tell them, Charlie!!”

  “You aren’t thinking clearly, Sweets.”

  “The hell I’m not!!”

  “Sweets, what did we learn about the scouting of the two civilizations in the Milky Way?” Sweets glared at him and Charlie added, “They’re close to finishing and you know what happens next; invasion will shortly follow. If we can scare them enough to think there’s a danger to them in Andromeda, it might make them put off their invasion plans for the Milky Way; Andromeda is a lot closer to them than the Milky Way. Especially if they detect a scout in their galaxy and any pursuit of it is attacked by a large fleet. Justin is right and it must be done. If he doesn’t do it, we will.”

  “Like hell you will! Grady you promised!!”

  Everyone turned to Grady on the monitor as they heard Taffy’s voice from out of the video stream. Grady turned to RJ, “Captain Brown is right.” Grady turned to Justin, “Do you have any idea of how you will get their attention?”

  Justin raised a hand and snapped his fingers, “Easy! I just go in and actively scan one of their ships that happens to be located in one of their large formation of warships. We need to find out the capabilities of their warships and this is a good way to make that happen. We’ll take off our combat helmets and they should be able to easily follow me with their telepathic scanner.”

  Grady looked at Charlotte, “How do you feel about this?”

  Charlotte looked at Justin and turned back to the monitor, “He’s doing this to defend humanity. Even if we die in the effort, I believe it’s the right thing to do and I support his decision.” Justin reached over and took Charlotte’s hand.

  Justin turned to Sweets on the monitor, “This may not be an issue.”

  “How can you say that?”

  “We might be detected anyway, and we won’t have to voluntarily do it.” Sweets rolled her eyes and Justin shrugged, “Just saying.”

  RJ listened to the back and forth and decided, “Your mission profile is changed. Instead of entering the Triangulum Galaxy on the side closest to the Milky Way, you will enter at the edge closest to Andromeda. You won’t start your mission until the fleet is in position to support an escape.”

  “Sir, we need to make our entry on this line,” Charlie remarked.

  “Why?” RJ asked.

  “The aliens at the Grang Civilization are transmitting a powerful communication beam and my computer has locked in the line. We need to follow that line into Triangulum and see what’s at the other end. Otherwise, we’re going to have to go in and spend time looking for one of their planets.”

  “You must not allow them to detect you moving into the galaxy on the line toward the Milky Way!”

  “I’ll make sure we avoid any of their ships while we follow this communication beam.”

  “Don’t start moving in until the fleets are in position.”

  “Yes Sir.” RJ ended the conference and Charlie said, “Your father didn’t want to tell you no.”

  “I know. But everyone is right about this,” Sweets said with a sigh.

  “We’re not out of the woods.” Cami and Sweets turned to him. “If Justin’s ship is destroyed before he makes it to the fleets, we’re going to have to step in and take his place and lead them there.”

  “You’ll be violating your orders about keeping Cami out of danger.”

  Charlie shrugged, “Mankind needs this to be done. I’ll take the punishment afterwards if it comes to that.”

  Sweets looked at Cami and she smiled
, “I say we do it.”

  Sweets rolled her eyes, “All bravery and no common sense.”

  Cami laughed, “Just like you.”

  Sweets shook her head and looked at Charlie, who smiled as he said, “She’s right.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  “Admiral, a message has just arrived saying the fleets are in position and you’re free to start your mission,” the computer announced.

  Charlie shook his head, “I keep forgetting about the robot back in the rear of the ship.”

  “It’s there for repairs and emergency system issues,” Sweets replied. “The communication system in it is incredible.”

  “It’s one of the great inventions your parents developed.” Charlie looked up, “Computer, send any data we collect through the robot to Admiral Dunhan once we are out of the alien’s scanning range.”

  “Do you wish Captain Brown to do the same?”

  “Have him send his data as well but on a different schedule.”

  “I’ll contact him immediately.”

  Sweets looked at her monitor, “It was a good idea to have Justin and Charlotte to move further around the edge of the galaxy to the line to Andromeda to start moving in.”

  “We only need one ship to follow the communication beam. Computer, put the line that beam is taking on the monitor.” A red line appeared moving into the Triangulum Galaxy on the tactical monitor. Charlie turned to Cami, “I’m moving in at a conservative speed; let me know if you hear anything.” Cami nodded and stared at the tactical monitor. The armored covers had been moved into place over the viewport and now the view on the optical scanner showed what was outside the ship. It wasn’t the same as looking through the viewport, which Cami loved to do. She focused on the tactical monitor instead.

  • • •

  Charlie moved the thruster handle forward and the Sweet Tooth accelerated into the galaxy. After a day, the computer announced, “I’ve been able to triangulate the communication beam and it appears to be headed to a star eighty light-years directly ahead of us.”

  Charlie turned to Cami and she immediately said, “I’m not hearing anything.”

  “Computer, are you detecting any alien scanners?”

  “No Admiral.”

  “What’s bothering you?”

  Charlie turned to Sweets, “I’m of the opinion that wherever that beam is going must be one of their military sites. If that’s true, they should have scouts this far out scanning for anything moving toward it.” Charlie glared at the tactical monitor and asked, “How long until we arrive?”

  “At our current speed, ten hours,” the computer answered.

  Charlie pulled the thruster handle back, “I’m slowing down. I’m not rushing into this situation. Sweets, let me know if you detect anything on the passive scanner.” Sweets nodded and stared at the display on her console.

  • • •

  Three hours later, Cami announced, “I’m hearing something moving in our direction.”

  “Where is it?!”

  Cami’s brow furrowed and she shook her head, “It’s not moving close enough for me to know. Give me a few minutes.” Cami continued to focus and after thirty minutes she turned to Charlie, “They’re not behind us. They’re off our starboard side at the edge of my range. They appear to be moving in the same direction we are paralleling our ship.”

  Charlie moved the ship to the starboard, “Let me know when you can hear them clearly.”

  Cami nodded and a few minutes later said, “That’s close enough. There are six ships headed to report to a new assignment.” Cami rolled her eyes.

  “What?” Sweets asked.

  “All this species does is complain! They’re at it again.”

  Charlie looked at Sweets, “Are they on the passive?”

  “They just entered scanning range. They’ll pass us shortly.”

  “Put it on the tactical.” Six green blips appeared on the tactical monitor and Charlie turned the Sweet Tooth toward them. “I’m moving in behind them and following them in. Computer, do those ships have their scanners operating?”

  “No, they do not.”


  Cami’s expression showed her disgust, “Nothing but complaints to hear.”

  “What are they complaining about?”

  “Having to leave the planet where their families are located and being forced to report to a new Fleet Commander. They think they’re going to be away for a long time, and they don’t like it one bit.”

  Charlie nodded and moved in behind the six alien warships. He pushed the thruster handle forward to match their speed and held a position behind them at the edge of the passive scanner’s range.”

  They followed the ships until they moved into a star system and headed toward the fourth planet out from the star. Charlie stopped the Sweet Tooth just inside scanning range from the planet, “Do you detect any scans?”

  “No,” Sweets answered.

  Charlie shook his head and the computer announced, “I’m detecting numerous communication beams leaving that planet.”

  “Can you get a line on them?”

  “Not from our current position; there is no communication beam being directed in our direction.”

  Sweets said as she stared at her display, “This must be their first planet from the edge of the galaxy.”

  “Computer, if we move out and fly around that planet, could you get a line on those beams?”

  “Yes.” Charlie turned the ship and began moving on a course around the planet. The computer finally announced, “I’ve been able to track thousands of communication beams leaving the planet.”

  “Are any of them directed toward the edge of the galaxy closest to Andromeda?”

  “Hundreds are being sent in that direction.”

  “Send the data to Justin now.”


  “I know why they’re complaining about having to be away for a long time.” Charlie and Sweets turned to Cami. “They’re gathering warships here to launch an attack on the two civilizations in our galaxy.”

  Sweets’ expression turned grim and she remarked, “I’ve recorded everything around that planet; there’s thousands of warships holding formation above it.”

  “And none of them have their scanners operating?” Charlie asked. Sweets shook her head.

  “Computer, put a communication line being sent toward the edge of the galaxy closest to Andromeda.”

  “There are more than fifty being broadcast in that direction; do you have a preference, Admiral?”

  “Yes, use one that moves closest to the edge of the galaxy.”

  A red line appeared on the tactical monitor and Charlie turned the ship on it. “You don’t want to wait to see what Cami can hear?”

  Charlie turned to Sweets, “There’s nothing more we need to learn. We know they’re launching an attack and it will commence when those scouts complete their mission. Can you think of anything else we need to know?”

  “What their long-range plans are is a good piece of information.”

  “They intend to invade and settle in the Milky Way.”

  “How do you know that?”

  Charlie shrugged, “Did you notice that none of their warships or the planet are using scanners?” Sweets nodded. “That says volumes about what’s happening in Triangulum. They don’t use scanners because there’s nothing here to endanger them. They’ve conquered all their possible enemies and are the Apex Civilization here; they’re ready to expand into new territory.”

  “Why didn’t they choose Andromeda to invade; it’s closer and larger than the Milky Way.”

  “Sweets, it also must have numerous advanced civilizations they’d have to conquer. They watched the Core Alien Civilization’s destruction and believe the competition in the Milky Way will be far less than what they’d encounter in Andromeda. It’s the logical target of the two.”

  “I wondered why they weren’t using their scanners,” Sweets replied. They were silent
for a long moment and Sweets sighed.

  “What are you thinking?”

  Sweets shrugged, “They wouldn’t just make that decision without confirming the Milky Way was the best option. They must have gone to Andromeda to look around.” Charlie’s head tilted slightly, and Sweets added, “You saw how thorough those scouts were in carrying out their mission. They won’t leave until the last of their large scouts is destroyed even though they’ve collected everything they need to know. This civilization is almost anal in their attention to detail.”

  “You’re right. We’ll find out shortly if you are.”


  “If they found a dangerous civilization in Andromeda, it’s dimes to nickels that their scanners will be operational on the Andromeda side of Triangulum.” Charlie paused and then shook his head. Sweets’ eyes narrowed and Charlie said in a soft voice, “It may be that they’re going to the Milky Way to escape what they found there.”

  “I don’t think that’s an issue.”

  “Why not?” Charlie asked.

  “Because the Stealth Civilization went there and resumed their conquering ways. They appear to be doing fabulously and that wouldn’t be the case if a dangerous civilization was there.”

  Charlie nodded, “You’re right. But let’s see if they’re using their scanners on that side of this galaxy.”

  “Sending all collected data to Admiral Dunhan,” the computer announced.

  • • •

  They arrived above a heavily populated planet close to the edge of Triangulum and Charlie said, “You’re right.”

  “About what?” Sweets asked.

  “This planet is also not using its scanners.”

  Sweets stared at her display and looked up at Charlie, “There’s only twenty warships holding station above the planet.”

  “I suspect most of the others have been sent to planets on the Milky Way’s side of their galaxy. At least we don’t have to worry about having to face millions of warships. If all of them had the thousands of warships we saw at the first planet, we’d be in real trouble facing off with them.”

  “I doubt they’d have that many warships.”


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