Jenny continued chatting; the drinking was making her extremely talkative and emotional. “Master Anu told me that as long as I’m with him, nothing bad will ever happen to me again. That was four years ago, and that’s when I realized that I loved that man. Not like in love, but just love, for the man that he is. No one has ever looked out for me. I knew that if I would have called the police, they would have never found my rapist. Not even my own mother would have taken the lengths Master Anu did to save me. I love Master, I respect him, and I will die for him.”
“Let’s hope it never comes down to that,” said Angel, trying to lighten the mood.
“But I think all of his servants would. You know, he doesn’t sleep with the help. I think we all tried to have sex with him at one point; he just shot us all down. For a second we all thought he was gay, but that came to an end when the models started appearing at the house. Then we figured out that he just doesn’t sleep with the help. He doesn’t mix business with pleasure,” Jenny confessed.
Angel chuckled at the comment, it seemed to explain a lot.
During the conversation, the effects of the alcohol were making Jenny tell-all and it was hitting Angel at full speed. She was feeling good and could not stop tapping her feet to the music; she wanted to dance. Hopefully dancing would distract her from thinking about Master Anu. The story Jenny shared made Angel realize that she wanted him even more. She kept reminding herself that he was back home screwing two blonde bimbos. That thought slowly pushed his name out of her head.
The merengue music was getting intense, and in no time two men walked up to Jenny and Angel and asked them to dance. “Yes, let’s go Papi!” said Jenny playfully.
“Okay!” said Angel, grinning at her new dance partner. The gentleman who asked Angel to dance was about six feet tall and gorgeous. He looked as if he stepped out of a Spanish soap opera. She was easily drawn to him and the scent of his cologne. She was not sure if it was the alcohol in her system or this stranger’s model-like appearance and bright smile, but something inside her already wanted him.
The man pulled Angel close and grinded his hips against hers to the beat of the music. Angel followed his rhythm and let him lead. He spun her around and grabbed her by her small waist and led her in a rhythmic tune through the entire song. She was dipped, spun, and even switched partners with Jenny and then switched back again with her original partner. Angel already knew the merengue steps, unlike Jenny who was having a hard time keeping up, mainly due to her liquor intake. Angel looked awesome on the dance floor and was having a great time. She and the handsome man danced for two consecutive songs. During the beginning of the third song, the man asked in his heavy Spanish accent, “What is your name, beautiful?”
“Angel, and you?”
“Manuel, but please call me Manny.”
Manny’s accent was tantalizing, the scent of his cologne was inviting, and his lips were full and luscious. Angel wanted to kiss him passionately but didn’t want to come on too strong. Instead, she wrapped her arms around Manny’s neck and pulled him closer. Manny took the hint and placed his hands around her waist, inches above her firm bottom. They buried their heads into each other’s shoulders and just moved slowly to the music. The effect of the alcohol took over Angel’s emotions. Before she could think straight, she picked her head off of Manny’s shoulders and looked deeply into his dark brown eyes. He returned her stare and smiled seductively, licking his lips in the process. His breath smelled off sweet peppermint, and the vibe he was letting off was arousing. Angel’s palms began to feel a bit sweaty, but then she realized it was the back of Manny’s neck that was wetting her hands. The club was hot and so was her dance partner. Manny was drawn to Angel’s ruby-red lips. He slowly drew her in closer and closer under the strobe lights; it was his way of getting a good read on her body language. He was making sure she was not pulling away; which she wasn’t.
Angel wanted this strange man more than he wanted her. She wanted to feel the comfort of a man’s lips, the caressing touch of a man’s hands, and hear the pleasure of a man’s moan. She was lonely and willing to take in a stranger just for one night of passion.
Manny pressed his smooth lips against Angel’s without hesitation. His lips were soft, his tongue was succulent, and his touch was arousing. She drew herself closer to him, feeling her loins throbbing for more. Angel loved the embrace of his arms and the way he rubbed her lower back during their encounter. She felt as if the world had stopped and no one was moving but them. The moment was intense. She could feel Manny’s emotions heating up and hear thoughts of sexual pleasure swirling through his mind. She could feel the connection between them rising, and her heart fluttered with excitement. Angel devoured Manny’s lips until something strange happened. She heard nothing inside his head; all his sexual thoughts had stopped. It was dead silence. Angel and Manny were suddenly interrupted by a hard tap on Manny’s shoulder. Manny spun around at the intrusion. Oh shit, not again. I seriously can’t catch a fucking break, thought Angel, annoyed.
Master Anu was standing there tall and still as a statue with a serious look on his face. He whispered something in Manny’s ear while looking at Angel. Angel’s heart began to pound. She started perspiring, her nerves getting the best of her, her body was tingling with apprehension; and she began to feel nauseous with anxiety. Angel felt somewhat embarrassed; her actions were not lady-like or a representation of a Queen. She felt like a woman caught cheating by her boyfriend, except Master Anu was not her boyfriend. Guilt took over her within a matter of seconds as if she had disobeyed him. She never thought the Master would follow her. As quick as the feeling of fear, embarrassment, and guilt flooded over her, so did the feeling of anger. Who was he to judge my actions or interrupt my night? I don’t belong to him, and what I do in my spare time is none of his damn business, Angel argued in her head. Master Anu, you’re a complete jerk. A selfish cock-blocking jerk. I bet no one must have ever called you that without having their heads cut off. Well, guess what, I JUST DID! Those were the words screaming privately through Angel’s head. Within seconds Manny nodded at Anu, kissed Angel’s hand, and walked away. Just like that, her stranger was gone, and her night was slowly ending.
Anu was wearing a crisp, short-sleeved, white button-down shirt with gold trimming running along the front side. His black slacks were form-fitting, and his white Prada loafers were spotless. It was the first time she had actually seen Anu wearing footwear. Master Anu’s hair was pulled in a neat sleek ponytail. He looked extremely irresistible, like a male model walking off a photoshoot. At the same time, his good looks were not enough to stop the fury that ignited inside Angel. She couldn’t figure out why he was there.
Anu reached for Angel’s hand and proceeded to dance with her. A nice salsa song was playing, and her heart wouldn’t stop pounding. She was so distracted by him, she began forgetting her steps.
“Great,” said Angel. “You’ve managed to scare away my dance partner.”
She spoke just to break the confusion inside her and get her nerves together.
“I was going to drain him dry for kissing you but opted not to,” he responded calmly.
Angel remained straight-faced. “What did you say to him?” she asked.
“I asked him politely to let me cut in.”
“That was it?” replied Angel.
“He almost refused, but I have my ways of making humans do things involuntarily.”
“Involuntarily?” Angel repeated. “What did you do, hypnotize him?”
“Something like that, I call it mind control. He already forgot about your kiss. I erased that from his memory.”
“You did what? How?” asked Angel shockingly.
Anu held Angel closer as he twirled her around, then dipped. As he brought her back up, he smiled coolly at her.
“I don’t believe you. So, vampires have the ability to mind control and erase memories. Unbelievable,” declared Angel.
“We can only do it to humans and certain
species. One serious look into their eyes and they are in a hypnotic trance. However, not all of us have the ability to do it. For some of us, it takes years of practice to get it right and too much mind control can turn a human’s brain into mush. So, I try not to trance them too much, only when necessary.” Anu explained.
He proceeded to twirl Angel some more and moved them in sync to the beat of the music. She had to admit the Master was a great dancer. Anu twirled Angel again, this time moving her in the direction where Manny was standing. Angel could see him speaking with the bartender. He was ordering drinks and chatting with several females at the bar. Within seconds he already had a new dance partner. He never once looked toward Angel’s direction. Manny continued partying as if their encounter never existed; and thanks to Anu, it never did.
Angel’s blood boiled with anger, mentally screaming, and cursing the man who had infringed on her evening. She didn’t care what came out her mouth next.
“How dare you? You have NO right to intrude on me,” said Angel with disdain, while shoving Anu away.
“Why are you spying on me, anyway? What have I done to deserve this treatment?”
She had begun speaking louder over the music.
Anu stood back and raised his right eyebrow, a look Angel had seen him do many times when he was ready to chastise someone for not staying in line. He leaned in closer to her and spoke directly in her ear, his voice calm but direct. “Queen, let’s take your tone down a notch.”
“No!” protested Angel. “Understand that you are the Master while we are in your home; however, when I am out, you are NO Master of mine,” she argued angrily.
Angel leaned into Anu’s ear and continued speaking in a frustrated tone. “I was having a great time making new friends before you came along. How dare you think you can just salsa yourself in here and take over because you don’t like what’s happening. You have a lot of nerve, Master Anu. So what’s the real reason you’re here?“
Anu stared at Angel then disappeared in a flash. She didn’t know what happened until she turned around quickly and spotted him talking to Jenny. Jenny was having a great time until she saw the Master. She froze in place then began to kneel. The Master picked her up by the waist before her knees hit the floor and began whispering to her. Jenny nodded her head in compliance and went back to dancing with her partner as soon as he disappeared. Anu returned to Angel faster than he had originally left. She folded her arms in annoyance, needing answers or an explanation. Anu quickly grabbed her by her arm and yanked her.
“Let’s go,” he demanded.
Angel left with Anu, jogging in order to keep up with him. She was led to a black door with a keypad. It was well covered by the large loudspeakers located in the back of the club. Anu tapped in the code and led Angel inside a dimly-lit staircase. They walked up the stairs to the second floor. At the end of the steps, they walked through another key-padded door. Angel stood inside a plush and fully-furnished executive office. There was a huge oak desk and surveillance cameras showing the entire club. A large leather sofa, a phone, fax, and minibar furnished the space. The room was brightly lit and soundproof. She couldn’t hear the music anymore or feel any vibrations. Anu locked the door behind them as Angel turned to face him. She folded her arms again, expressing that she was more annoyed than before. She tried to read him, but Anu shielded his emotions.
“What are we doing here?” she questioned impatiently.
Anu remained silent and stared at Angel intently. She felt as if she were standing in silence for hours, when only seconds went by. She fidgeted with her diamond bracelet, pretending it to be a watch.
“I don’t have time for this nonsense,” she said in frustration.
Anu was leaning against the door still watching her. He raised his right eyebrow. In less than 2.1 seconds he was two inches from her face. Anu stared into Angel’s eyes and gently grabbed her chin.
“Trust me, you have nothing but time, Angel,” he said in a calm, direct whisper.
He quickly locked his lips on her. Angel was so shocked that she stood completely still, not sure what to do. Anu slowly stopped the kiss and took one step back. Angel stared at him, still shocked but not able to control her desire. She reached forward and pulled herself against Anu’s body, hungrily locking her lips against his. Anu’s lips were remarkably soft, like silk; and the taste of him in her mouth was arousing her more than the stranger on the dancefloor. She parted her lips wider hoping to suck in every inch of their intense moment. Anu wrapped his hands around her waist and began caressing her back. He slowly trailed his hands down to her bottom and rubbed and squeezed her rear. She placed both of her hands behind his head to draw herself in passionately. Anu suddenly withdrew himself from their lip lock and kept his lips inches from Angel. He began to speak, the sound of his voice was calming. Angel no longer felt the burning hatred she had for him. She was drugged on his kiss and wanted more.
“I would rather have you kissing me,” said Master Anu seductively. “I came here purposely looking for you. When I saw you leaving the quarters with the girls, unofficially dressed, I nearly drove myself mad thinking about you. I’ll admit, I had thoughts of you rolling around with some unknown man. If you are going to bed yourself with someone, then let it be me.”
Angel, impressed with Anu, had to ask, “Unofficially dressed? Ohhhhh you mean…”
“I could smell you,” said Anu, cutting her off. “I knew you were not wearing anything under that dress the moment I moved in closer toward you. I could smell the sweet scent of the moisture slowly dripping down from you.”
“Is that so?” Angel asked in a hushed tone. She was mixed with emotions―she wanted the Master, but at the same time she still could not get past his jealousy. “You are so selfish. You have women in your home, and you leave them to make sure I wasn’t sleeping with anyone? So, it’s okay for you to sleep around, but I can’t?
Master Anu thought for a few seconds. “Is that what you think? That those ladies were there for me?” he replied.
“Well, weren’t they?” asked Angel.
“Yes! They were there for me. But before they arrived, I had already decided I wasn’t going to have them. I told Sammy and Andrew that I was not interested and gave them to Sammy. Sammy also declined and left them for Andrew. I don’t know what happened after that. So, to answer your original question, yes, I was spying on you! I had you followed and the report I received was disturbing. I had to come before things escalated. I’m glad I did. Your new friend was almost a dead man.”
Angel felt uncomfortable. The conversation was nerve-wracking. She didn’t know what to say because she felt so foolish. Instead, she tried to change the subject.
“Is this your office,” she asked, pulling away.
Anu dismissed the question and drew Angel in again. Her heart raced in anticipation.
“Queen, now you know the truth. I didn’t know how to tell you that I am falling for you. I can’t stop thinking about you. No matter how much work I give myself to block you out of my head, you are still there. I never let anyone talk to me out of turn the way you did tonight. You almost showed my weakness, which is you,” said Master Anu in a serious manner.
Angel’s heart was beating so fast she could hear it thumping in her chest. A part of her wanted to tell him she felt the same way, instead she held back and decided to listen.
“I don’t fall easily. It’s been centuries since I’ve felt this way about anyone. I don’t know what it is about you, Queen. But the thought of you puts me in a trance. The sight of you makes me complete, and at times I feel as if I’ve been waiting for you my entire existence.” Anu poured his soul out to Angel; and yet, she didn’t know what to say. She stood speechless for what felt like forever.
“Anu, I don’t know what to say,” she replied.
Master Anu moved closer and whispered in her ear, “Don’t say anything. I’ll show you.”
Angel’s face turned beat red at the sound of his words. He kissed h
er again, this time long and sensually. She wrapped her arms around his neck. Anu slid his hands down to the seams of Angel’s dress and slowly lifted it until he was able to pull it over her head. Angel stood there, exposed and naked. He rubbed her bottom gently and then moved one hand to the front of her vagina. He playfully and sensually rubbed her clitoris until he felt her moisture. Once he could feel the intensity growing between her legs, he slowly edged his middle and pointer finger inside her while continuing to rub her clit with his thumb. Angel nearly dropped from the sensation, but Anu led her over to his desk. He pushed the documents to the floor and laid her on her back. The feel of the cold wood on her skin made Angel shiver. She arched her back as Anu continued stroking his fingers in and out until he could feel her walls aching to open. Angel hadn’t had a man inside of her since the death of her husband; she feared that this experience would be more painful than pleasurable.
Angel let out a deep breath as Anu took his free hand and played with her breasts until the nipples were rock hard. She grabbed Anu’s hand and assisted him in moving his fingers further inside of her to help separate the tightness she was feeling. Pleasure began to erupt, the moisture between her legs intensified as juices of pleasure dripped on the desk. The smell of her fluids was enticing; it lingered of sweet vanilla oils and natural essences. The aroma made Anu’s fangs pop out, and began sucking on Angel’s breast, making sure not to bite. The sensation of feeling Anu’s sharp fangs drove her wild inside; she arched her back higher, expressing that she wanted more. Anu kissed and sucked her breast; with each kiss he moved himself closer and closer to her loins. He licked his way down to Angel’s stomach, removed his fingers, and wrapped her legs around his neck. He planted gentle kisses between her smooth tight thighs before tasting the delight in front of him. Anu flicked his tongue and sucked juices out of Angel like a thirsty dog licking the last of the water, the sensation triggering heat throughout Angel’s body.
Angel pulled Anu’s head in closer. He dug his tongue so deep inside her she started seeing stars of ecstasy. His tongue was exploring places no one had ever touched as he sucked on her clit and licked her inner lips. Anu swirled his tongue while using his thumb to massage her anus. The sensation was too much that Angel thought she would explode; however, she tried her hardest to hold back, not ready to let go. Without warning Anu flipped Angel onto her stomach and grabbed her waist up with her bottom directly in his face. She was positioned on all fours as he continued to devour her from behind. Anu was conquering every bit of Angel’s body. It wasn’t long before Angel felt Anu’s tongue exploring the inner walls of her anus. Oh, my god, she thought in enjoyment. The experience was mind-blowing. Of all the years Angel had experienced sex, she had never been so fulfilled.
Trapped Inside Humanity Page 15