Trapped Inside Humanity

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Trapped Inside Humanity Page 21

by Bernice Burgos

  “Illy can also fight without touching her enemy. She can flip, do flashy moves, and explode objects just by waving her hands. It’s extremely impressive,” added Gia.

  “I can’t wait to see all that in action,” said Andrew, smiling at Illy. Illy blushed, trying her hardest not to show herself crushing on Andrew. His broad shoulders and the scent of his cologne was enticing.

  Keiko looked at Gia curiously and asked, “What can you do?”

  Gia paused then answered calmly, “You’ll have to find out.”

  The plane landed in Zurich after midnight. Andrew negotiated an offer with the fixed-base operators at the jet terminal. The fee was sixty thousand Swiss francs and included an, “I didn’t see anything,” along with a “Leave as quickly as you came in” policy. They agreed to give Andrew seventy-two hours to carry out his business before the authorities would red-flag them.

  “Alright everyone, it’s showtime,” said Angel, getting everyone together. Abby and Sidney set up a small workstation on the plane equipped with four laptops and a small machine that was both a printer and scanner. The girls sat across from each other and shared information, speaking in computer jargon until Sidney finally shouted, “I GOT IT!” She clapped her hands together in excitement.

  Abby looked over at her younger sister, Illy, who was filing her nails on the leather chair. “Here is your dollar, Illy. You were right, she is a faster hacker than me.”

  “Oh, dear sister, one day you will learn to be just as fast. Just not today,” said Illy, playfully as she took the dollar bill from her sister and stuffed it inside her bra.

  “Were you two able to hack into the Leaders’ system?” asked Angel.

  Sidney spoke up first in accomplishment. “Yes! I did, it was easy as pie. I was able to hack into their mainframe. We now have God’s eyes and ears inside the facility.”

  Angel looked at the computer monitor over Sidney’s shoulder, searching for anything out of the norm. “The place is crawling with Vs. But no sign of any prisoners, yet. I hacked into the Russian satellite, too. We will be able to see you guys on the ground, just keep your GPS on,” said Sidney. “Which reminds me, what does Master Anu or the Leaders look like? Anyone have a picture or anything?”

  Keiko looked at her cell phone for a photo of Master Anu. It was a picture of them taking a selfie outside their house. Anu’s long hair was blowing in the wind, and he was smiling brightly, his skin glowing under the moonlight. Keiko was making a kissy face to the camera, waving a peace sign. The three sisters looked at the picture and drooled. “Ohhhhh, he can bite me anytime, anywhere,” said Illy flirting.

  “Oh, please, Illy, you wouldn’t know what to do with him,” said Abby, snatching the phone and handing it to Sidney.

  “I’m going to download the picture so we can keep an eye out for him. Now what about the Leaders? Any photos of them?” asked Sidney, getting down to business.

  “No,” responded Keiko. “No photos, but you’ll know them when you see them. You will feel their power through the screen.”

  “Alright, so we’ll keep an eye out for any dangerous looking Vs that will digitally affect us, got you!” said Abby sarcastically, handing Keiko her phone.

  Angel gathered everyone together. “We don’t know what to expect when we get out there; but understand, we are here to have each other’s backs. We stick together no matter what happens. We are going to set Master Anu free and anyone else that may be held captive in that house. They want a war with the angels so bad then let’s give them a war that will end them,” Angel angrily declared. Everyone huddled together in a round hug, screaming a war cry. A call Andrew knew very well.

  “All right, people, let's take down an empire,” said Angel, motivating her troop. Everyone began shuffling through their things, making sure they grabbed all their necessities.

  Pilot Greg came out of the cockpit in search of Keiko. Keiko walked over to him and embraced him tightly. “Make sure you come back to me,” whispered Greg.

  “I always do,” she replied.

  “Greg,” interrupted Angel. “I need you and the twins to protect the plane.”

  “Whatever you need, Angel,” he responded.

  “You two girls are to guide us from here and report anything unusual you may happen to see inside that house. Make sure you wrap a shield around the plane. I don’t want anyone to come near it.”

  “Yes, Queen,” said the twins in unison as they took their seats in front of their computer screens. Angel observed the rest of the group. They were all bundled, geared up, and ready. She could feel everyone’s emotions running wild. She inhaled and blocked them out. Angel focused her attention on Illy as she put on a white fur coat and matching fur hat. She was tempted to walk over and run her hands over the fur but decided not to. Dang, even in snow gear she looked like she stepped out of a fashion magazine, thought Angel.

  Illy pulled out a compact mirror from her coat pocket. She opened it and began reapplying her pink lipstick. Desmond took notice and could not resist commenting, “Planning on kissing some Vs to death?”

  “If it boils down to it. I‘ve been known to plant some deadly kisses in my lifetime,“ she answered casually.

  “Oh, kiss of death,” said Desmond.

  “Yep! but today I’d prefer snapping heads off like a twig. The lipstick is just a distraction.” Illy pouted her lips seductively at Desmond and blew a kiss. She popped the cap back onto her lipstick and turned away.

  Andrew slipped on his black leather gloves and grabbed a suitcase full of money. He stopped short and turned to Angel as she was fumbling with her black hat. He helped her adjust it, “Thank you,” she said.

  “You’re welcome. I’m not paying these people,” Andrew replied.

  “What? Why?” asked Angel stunned.

  “I have a feeling this is going to go south. I don’t trust them. We are in the Leaders’ territory; they are known to own nearly everything around here. Call it a hunch, but I believe the trap starts now,” said Andrew.

  Angel sighed, “Okay, what do you suggest?”

  Andrew pointed to Illy, “We will get through by using her.”

  “Alright, we’ll follow your lead on this one, Master Andrew. But I’m going to have Desmond and Gia scope out the area first,” said Angel. Angel directed Gia and Desmond to walk out of the plane and report any supernatural sightings. Anything nonhuman was a threat at this point. “Take a good whiff of things. Gia, I need you to listen for any thoughts around you. Listen for anything.”

  “Yes, Queen,” they said in unison.

  “Wait a minute,” interjected Keiko.

  “You can read minds?” she confronted Gia.

  Gia smiled devilishly, “That’s only half of what I can do.”

  They departed and returned back to the plane within ten minutes. “Queen, from what we gathered there is only one V; and he isn’t thinking very much. All he keeps repeating is he can’t wait until this is over. But there are a lot of noises coming from inside the main terminal. It’s more murmuring than anyone talking. I can’t make out the language, but I know for a fact it’s nothing human” said Gia.

  Angel and Andrew looked at each other in search of answers. “Is the V supposed to collect the money?” asked Angel.

  “No, a human,” said Andrew, looking at his watch to verify how much time he had before his transaction.

  “It’s a trap,” said Angel. “They know we’re here. That V is repeating himself trying to prevent us from hearing his thoughts.”

  “Great, now what?” asked Keiko, raising her hands in defeat.

  Andrew took this opportunity to bring himself back to his conquering days when he enjoyed a good fight after his enemies underestimated him. “We’re going to walk into this “trap” and give them the fight they want. Let’s give the Leaders a taste of who they are messing with,” said Andrew.

  Master Andrew’s words motivated Angel. She shot herself off the chair and began giving directives for their new plan. �
��I have a black van waiting for us on the other side of the main terminal. If we can get to that van, we will be home free. Desmond, you and Pierre fly to the van unnoticed and keep it running. We will meet you there. Sidney, Abby, and Greg, you guys know what to do here. The rest of us will walk out with Andrew and Illy and handle the situation inside the main building. Illy, I need you to create an illusion; have them see anything but us walking by.” Everyone agreed.

  Desmond removed his coat and shirt and stood bare-chested by the exit door. “I guess we weren’t anticipating flying in this weather,” said Desmond to an already shirtless Pierre. Pierre chuckled, grabbed a backpack, and filled it with their shirts and coats.

  “I smell two Vs walking towards the plane, Queen,” shouted Desmond before taking off with Pierre.

  “Alright, let’s do this!” said Angel. Andrew nodded, then turned to Illy and offered her his arm in a gentlemanly fashion. She locked her arm in with his. “Come along, beautiful, and entertain me.”

  Illy blushed. “I would love to,” she replied in a sultry voice.

  The two Vs were waiting patiently for Andrew. Once he appeared with Illy, everything around them turned black then lit up again. It was as if someone quickly shut the lights off and turned them back on again. It was dark and the only lights illuminated were from the runway and the main building. “What was that?” asked the V to his partner.

  “I don’t know, must have been a glitch.”

  “Gentleman, since when have Vs taken on human jobs,” inquired Andrew casually.

  “Since we don’t make real money doing jobs for our kind. Do you have what we asked for so we can be outta here?” asked V #1.

  “Yes of course, I’m happy to do business with the both of you.”

  “Yeah whatever man. Listen, the deal has now turned to less than forty-eight hours before we kick your plane out,” said V #1.

  “That wasn’t our original deal. We had the full seventy-two hours. If the time has changed then the rate must change,” replied Andrew.

  “No, the rate stays the same'', said the other V #2, adding his opinion.

  “Are you two ripping me off?” asked Andrew.

  “We know you can afford it. You have fancy clothes and a private plane; this amount of money is nothing to you. You obviously need to enter Switzerland undetected. We can provide that, but you have to pay a higher price for that sort of accommodation. This is business, nothing personal,” stated V #1.

  “Well, of course, gentlemen. What was I thinking? This is strictly business,” said Andrew slyly.

  The men continued to discuss business, ignoring Illy’s presence. She was standing beside Andrew silently and motionless. The agents never saw her, nor did they notice when Keiko, Gia, and Angel walked past. Keiko became confused with the situation, “I don’t understand what’s happening. Andrew just handed the agent nothing. Wasn’t he supposed to at least hand them something, even if it’s empty?”

  Gia smiled, “Fascinating to watch isn’t it? Illy is controlling everything. She is making them believe there is an actual exchange when in reality, nothing is happening. They can’t see or even hear us,” said Gia.

  “Ohhhhhh, wow, she is good,” said Keiko. They walked inside the main terminal and spotted the V guarding the only exit. Gia pointed to the fully-uniformed V, “There he is.” Keiko stared at the V and froze him in place. Gia ran toward him and pulled out a silver knife and struck him in the heart. The V disintegrated into ashes in his suit. Gia noticed a gold necklace in the Vs ashes. She picked it up to get a closer look. The necklace had the letter L as a pendant.

  Keiko examined it and recognized the meaning of the letter. “He’s one of the guards belonging to the Leaders He’s a part of the Vampire law.

  “I recognize these Ls now. They were the ones who kidnapped me. I get to have my revenge after all. I’m liking this mission already,” smiled Gia in triumph.

  Angel came around to assess the situation. “So, we just killed a Leader’s minion?”

  “Yes, we did, and now we may be fucked,” said Keiko as she looked around the deserted building.

  The ladies all looked at each other for a brief second until Gia spoke up. “Queen, the murmuring is getting closer.”

  “I don’t see anything,” said Angel.

  “There,” said Gia, pointing to the stairs. There were creatures with three heads running towards them. The rumble became louder and the murmurs and deep screeches from the creatures erupted in every direction.

  “Oh my God, what the hell are those ugly things?” asked Gia.

  “Those are the things that took my father,” said Keiko.

  “We are being surrounded. Everyone back to back now,” shouted Angel. They all complied, waiting to attack the creatures from all angles. The creatures had three heads, two arms, teeth as sharp as razors, green rippling skin, and murmured intensely with each hard step they took. They stood 7 foot tall with large heads, big bloody eyes, and hands as rough as bricks. Angel locked eyes with one of them, and she felt a sharp pain of fear shoot up her spine. The creatures began charging at Angel and her crew, ready to demolish them.

  As two creatures grew closer, Keiko froze them in place and Angel exploded their heads with a wave of her hand. The eruption caused everyone to be covered in gooey blood. Angel did not have time to think of the mess. As more creatures approached, more heads burst into pieces. Gia fought viciously, she jumped around chopping off heads, arms, and legs while trying not to break the circle. As many were dying, more kept coming. It was as if they were multiplying. The creatures were coming faster and faster. It was getting difficult for Keiko to freeze all of them while Angel and Gia decapitated them. “Whatever these freaks are, my powers are not strong enough to stop them all,” Keiko shouted frantically.

  Gia glanced at a nearby window and could see that the plane was about to be attacked by green creatures. “We need to do something quickly. Those things are running toward the plane,” Gia shouted back.

  Keiko began punching, kicking, and using her martial arts skills to fight off the monsters. Angel looked around for any objects she could use. She spotted a fire extinguisher by the wall and signaled to Gia that she was going to make a beeline for it; she needed someone to cover her. Before Angel made her move, one of the creatures grabbed Keiko by the back of her neck and lifted her off the ground. He began shaking her sadistically and squeezing the life out of her fragile neck. Angel and Gia both jumped on the back of the creature. Angel exploded its head while Gia chopped off its arm. Once released, Keiko dropped flat on her stomach. Both Angel and Gia rushed to assist Keiko, who was unconscious. Their small huddle left them open and defenseless as more creatures approached. Angel and Gia looked around them, troubled, thinking it may be the end of their battle.

  Angel drew Keiko close to her chest and drew her wings out. Gia knelt in front of Angel and did the same. As a last resort, they created a shield around them using their wings to hold off the monsters. Angel held Gia’s hand as the monsters clawed and hit their wings, trying to penetrate an entrance. Angel could feel each tear and each bite as she stared directly into Gia’s deep blue eyes trying to stay strong. Gia breathed heavily with each punch and forceful kick. Their feathers were being pulled and butchered, feeling similar to hairs being ripped out by the roots. Angel grunted with each blow but remained focused on Gia who was taking each hit like a champ. The angels remained strong and held their shield of wings tight until the pain came to a sudden halt and the air went silent.

  “What’s happening,” asked a winded Gia. Angel slowly brought her wings down to take a peek. She immediately saw Pierre standing by the doorway. He was using his powers to slow down the creatures. They were moving in such slow motion, it gave Angel and Gia the chance to recuperate.

  Keiko began regaining her consciousness. She stood up ready to fight but stumbled backward. Her vision was blurry, and her neck was in extreme pain. She looked around dazed and confused. “What’s going on? Are they growing
tired?” asked Keiko.

  “No, not tired, it’s Pierre” answered Angel, pointing him out. Pierre was fully dressed in winter gear. He stood erect, concentrating on making all of the creatures move as slow as sloths.

  Andrew and Illy finally made their way inside the main building. “Everyone get down,” shouted Illy. Everyone ducked down, covering their heads and ears not sure what was to come. She waved her hands around in a circular motion two times and then pulled them by her sides. The creatures began to scream in horror as they all exploded at once. The scene was out of a horror movie. It was as if someone threw a grenade into their mouths. There was blood, brains, and body parts everywhere. Everyone was covered in slimy blood and guts except for Illy. Her coat remained as white as snow. The sight was gruesome, but she managed to kill all the creatures. There was not a single one left standing. Gia ran toward a small window facing the runway. All of the creatures surrounding the plane were dead, along with the Vs. There was nothing but blood-soaked asphalt, uniforms, and creature body parts scattered on the ground. Angel looked around at her surroundings, pleased.

  “What happened out there?” asked Gia.

  “Dumb fucking Vamps tried to rip us off just as I predicted, so I killed them. Once that was done, we saw these ‘things’ heading right toward us. Illy waved her hands like a magician; and before I knew it, they were all dead. For the record, I’m marrying this woman once this is all over.” Andrew put his arm around Illy in satisfaction; Illy's face flushed.

  Keiko rolled her eyes in disgust. “Give the girl a chance to breathe, Andrew. You’re getting creature guts all over her.”

  Andrew noticed the blood he accidentally smeared on Illy and apologized sincerely. “I’m so sorry. I’ll buy you two new fur coats when this is over.”

  “I will hold you to that. This is my favorite coat,” replied Illy.

  Angel sighed in relief and checked her earpiece. She had forgotten all about it during the mayhem. She placed her bloody finger to her ear and called to the twins, “Abby, Sidney are you there? Over.”


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