Trapped Inside Humanity

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Trapped Inside Humanity Page 23

by Bernice Burgos

  Before everyone could spread out in search of Keiko, Sidney spoke up through the earpiece. “Queen, we have a problem. Keiko is in the building.” Angel grabbed Illy’s cell phone to see Keiko inside the house looking deranged and demonic. Her teeth grew progressively long and sharp, and she snarled at everything around her. Her face had “psychotic devil” written all over it. Her eyes remained bloodshot red and her face was covered in purple veins, filled with rage.

  Angel quickly tried to reach out to Keiko through the earpiece. “Keiko, Keiko if you hear me you have to come back. Keiko, please…” Keiko was seen on the screen covering her ears with her gnarled, demonic hands. The demon side of her could not bear the sound of Angel’s voice. Keiko angrily dug deep into her ear and removed the tiny earpiece that was inside; she threw it on the ground and stomped on it. “FUCK,” shouted Angel.

  Angel looked at her team as they waited for direction. “Plan C,” she said. “We need to move in fast. The devil’s spawn is forcing us to improvise. Desmond and Pierre, grab Andrew, we’re hitting the skies then kicking that door down.”

  Everyone started to comply until Sidney began to speak again. “Queen, when you get to the front doors, I will kill the cameras in the house. Whoever is monitoring the screen from their end won’t see you coming, only we will. Right now, Keiko is crouched down on all fours tearing the walls out. The Vamps are coming for her.”

  “Take to the skies,” shouted Angel.

  Everyone flapped their wings as fast as they could. Angel was in the lead with Desmond and the rest of the crew following in formation. Illy was flying behind, but she was watching the screen at the same time. She caught up with Angel to update her on what was happening. “They are nailing the Master and his friend on a stake,” said Illy, shouting over the wind.

  “Fly faster,” Angel shouted to everyone over her shoulder.

  “Guys don’t forget about the bazooka,” said Sidney in their ears.

  The night was clear; the snow had stopped falling. Angel stopped short and looked at the time―it was two hours until sunrise. “Illy, I want you to light up the sky. I want you to make those vamps think the sun is out and blazing. Make the temperature a scorching one hundred degrees. I want them to feel it burning and see their skin sizzling. While that’s happening, Desmond, I want you to light them up. Set that roof on fire,” said Angel as her eyes lit grey.

  “With pleasure,” said Desmond. Desmond handed Andrew to Pierre. “It’s showtime, Kiss of Death,” said Desmond to Illy.

  The sky suddenly lit up as if mother nature almost forgot about daybreak and made it magically appear. The sun was shining brightly, and the heat brought welcome relief from the frigid air. Angel almost wanted the weather to stay like this but had to remember it was all an illusion. “They can’t see us, just the sun,” said Illy.

  Angel turned to Andrew, “Are you alright? This heat is only temporary.”

  “What heat and sun, it’s still night,” said Andrew. Angel turned to Illy, confused.

  “He can’t see what’s happening. I didn’t want him to hurt,” she stated concerned.

  “It’s like summer out here. It’s amazing!” exclaimed Pierre excitedly.

  The Vs on the roof looked up at the sky in astonishment. Many of them began to run inside for cover. Smoke developed on several of the Vs, exposing them to be merely baby vamps. One V looked at his watch and noticed it was too early for the sun. He looked on in bewilderment. “What the fuck is this?” he questioned. Many of the guards began abandoning their posts.

  “We can’t leave the roof you idiots! We must protect it at all cost,” shouted the V to his partners. Desmond headed down toward the roof of the building at full speed. He clenched his fist, which was now glowing brightly, and released a heavy meteor-sized fireball to the onlookers below him.

  The Vs below couldn’t react quickly enough, even with their speed. They all started to flee like cockroaches when they saw the fireball heading straight for them, but it was too late. The impact blew all the Vs off the building, including the bazooka, and a chunk of the roof broke off with a deafening crash. Body parts were everywhere, some burned to a crisp. There was not one single V left on the roof when the fire cleared. “And that’s how you start a party,” remarked Desmond pleased.

  As the smoke settled at the group planted themselves on the half-broken roof, Sidney began speaking through the earpiece.

  “Queen, come in. You’re all cleared through the front door. Thanks to Keiko.”

  Angel peered at Illy’s phone, hoping to get a visual on the action inside the building. “She is tearing up every moving thing that comes in her direction. It’s sickening to watch. Queen…She’s tearing their balls off and screaming, ‘Is that all you got?!’ It’s the first thing she’s reaching for and she’s throwing it back at them. There is soooo much blood. I suggest you watch your step going in. Other than that, the entrance on the roof still has some Vs hiding in the stairwell. Can I make a recommendation?”

  Angel wasn’t worried about Keiko anymore; she was going chainsaw massacre on their asses.

  “Yes, go ahead,” replied Angel.

  “Send in Illy. She can clear the stairwell in seconds. Go get ‘em, little sis!” Illy smiled proudly.

  “You heard control. Illy, clear the stairwell. Andrew and Gia, go with her and watch her back. Once inside, find Keiko. Desmond and Pierre, come with me. We’re going through the front door,” said Angel confidently.

  “Queen,” Andrew called. “The vampires who lost their balls will be immobile for hours before they heal. I suggest you end their agony. Trust my word, many of them will thank you.”

  “I’ll make sure I do that,” replied Angel.


  Angels and Demons and Vs, Oh My!

  Desmond, Pierre, and Angel flew down to the front of the main building. She was amazed at the architectural structure. The building was old, but it was apparent that it had been remodeled over the years, where old bricks had been replaced by new shiny ones. The castle was huge, made of camel-colored bricks, with an imposing antique wood door. The front lawn, covered with the greenest grass and blanket of snow, presented a picture-postcard scene. It would have been wonderful to behold if it were not surrounded by stakes, two of which were occupied by their friends. Angel gasped when she saw Anu and Sammy staked to a cross like Jesus. She couldn’t believe they had been dragged back outside to hang. Anu’s hair was dirty and knotted. He was shirtless and shoeless and the blood was still streaming from the cut on his throat. Sammy was filthy and smelled of garbage and manure. His blonde hair had been shorn. Angel had never seen Sammy so beaten, so unlike a V. They were both nearly dead. Angel ran to Anu and signaled to Pierre to free Sammy, while Desmond helped Angel. They worked together to untie him and gently placed him on the ground. Anu reeked of mold and rust. Angel pulled Anu toward her chest and hugged him tightly. She kissed his forehead and before she knew it, she flashed backward in time.

  Anu and Sammy were being held in a dungeon and starved. V guards were coming to their cells and throwing rats at them as a food source. When that didn’t work, they would throw a dead human corpse in their cell tempting them to drink old blood, knowing that it was poison. They tortured Anu and Sammy to give up Angel’s whereabouts, but they never folded. After their beatings, it was decided that they would be put to death. A fate that both Sammy and Anu accepted. Angel flashed to the present, tears streaming down her face.

  “Everything alright, Queen?,” asked Desmond, staring at Angel.

  Angel quickly wiped the tears from her cheeks. “I need to restore them,” said Angel. “I’m going to give Anu two drops of my blood. I know that will be enough to get his energy back and not make him go crazy.” Desmond gave Angel a nod of approval. “Hold his legs, I don’t want him to jump,” said Angel. Angel placed her hands on Anu’s chiseled chest and watched as he shimmered with V life. The slice on his throat closed up, his cuts and bruises healed, and his hand grew back without an
y pain. He was clean and glowing with life.

  Desmond spoke, “He seems fine. I don’t think he needs the blood. I’m sure that even two drops of angel blood will make him freak out.”

  Angel thought about what Desmond said and remembered her time with Anu. The scent of her blood alone made him wild. She decided he was right and went with her gut feeling. “You’re right. I’m going to heal Sammy now,” she stated.

  Healing Sammy took less than ten seconds. His eyes opened in surprise and he quickly pulled himself up and hugged her tightly.

  “You…You are the last person I thought I would ever see, but I’m bloody happy to see you,” said Sammy in his clipped English accent.

  “I never thought I would say this, but I’m happy to see you, too,” she replied.

  “He’s not happier than I am to see you Angel,” said the smooth voice behind her.

  Angel turned quickly only to have Anu lift her from her knees and lock her into his kiss before she could breathe. Everyone watched awkwardly, not sure if it was the right time and place for kisses. Angel could feel their emotions as they turned their heads. Anu, however, was burning with love inside, but a strange love. He released his kiss and kept his head close. His breath was warm, and his hair tumbled around his shoulders. Angel opened her eyes and looked deeply into Anu’s. She had missed him dearly. She loved him, but Anu felt different and she couldn’t explain it. He pecked her on the lips again and placed his hands gently on her face. He spoke to her directly, making her feel the passion and sincerity behind his words. “I belong to you, I am yours,” he said without hesitation. The words that she longed to hear hit the pit of her stomach, turning it upside down. Giving her the sickening notion that something was not right.

  “I hate to break up the reunion, but we have a demonic Asian in the building that we need to get,” interrupted Desmond, snapping Angel back to reality.

  Sammy moved closer to Anu and put his arm around him. “I say, Master, you’ve picked the perfect mate! Welcome to the family, Angel.” He extended his hand and Angel shook it. She smiled graciously, playing along.

  As they approached the front entrance, Anu pointed to the wooden doors breaking them off the hinges, allowing them to enter freely. Anu smiled in triumph as Angel looked on, knowing “her man” didn’t possess that kind of power.

  “I guess there was no need to knock after all,” said Pierre, jokingly.

  The inside of the main level was dark and extremely quiet. Desmond used his power to make his right-hand glow, illuminating the place with light. They all listened cautiously, waiting for something to happen or jump out, but nothing did. Each step they took made a smooshing sound and a splat noise. “Ugh, what am I stepping on?” said Sammy.

  Desmond touched his hand to the bottom of Angel’s boot and down to the ground.

  “It looks…like balls,” said Desmond, trying to hold back a roar of laughter.

  “Ohhh, Bloody Hell... Ewwwww...” said Sammy in disgust. “Balls? As in men’s testicles?”

  “Yep! The devil’s daughter warped in here and just started ripping V balls off. It was disturbing and awesome, all at the same time,” replied Desmond.

  Sammy chuckled. “Well, go Keiko. I knew the girl was ruthless.”

  “Shhhhh,” interrupted Angel.

  “Queen to the plane, come in. Over,” said Angel into her earpiece. She heard silence so she tried again. “Sidney…come in. Over.” There was more silence, followed by a brief static. “Abby, Sidney, are you there?” she said again, this time experiencing a rush of fear.

  “Queen, It’s Illy. Where are you?” Illy was speaking through the earpiece, sounding close.

  “Illy, I’m on the main floor. Where are you guys?” asked Angel.

  “We are on the upper level following Keiko. She killed everything moving. If you see any life down there, I will be shocked.”

  “Illy, what’s going on with the plane?”

  “My sisters are having technical difficulties. The last thing we heard was that the Leader walked by the cameras and waved his hand. All the power went down.”

  Angel grew worried. “They shut down the power? This is not good. Illy, we need to meet up and stay together. I’m not sure how you’re managing in this dark, but we need to regroup.”

  “Andrew has a flashlight handy. He found it on one of the dead Vs, said Illy. “Stay where you are on the main floor, we’re coming down the stairs now.”

  Angel waited patiently, and a few seconds later she saw Andrew’s flashlight. She called out to Illy, making sure it was her team.

  “Queen, it’s us, we’re here,” replied Illy.

  “Where did you find these guys?” asked Andrew, using his speed to land next to Angel. Desmond waved his hand in front of a strong, healthy Anu and a lean, standing Sammy. Andrew was covered in blood, his blue button-down shirt and black slacks looked as if he joined in a serial killer fest. His dark hair was a tangled mess. He smiled in excitement when he saw the Master and Sammy; it was like a son finding his long-lost father. Andrew and Anu embraced and held on tightly for a few seconds. When they parted, Andrew admired Anu and Sammy for a second before embracing Sammy and then engaging in conversation.

  “Brothers. You look well,” he said.

  “The magic of Angel healing,” said Sammy.

  “Andrew, you never shy from a battle, do you?” said Anu.

  “Oh Friend, you know me well; but I can’t take the credit this time. Your daughter did this massacre. I was the idiot that slipped on it on the way down the stairs.”

  Illy giggled at Andrew’s comment. “If he were human, he would have had a concussion,” she said.

  “The body below broke my fall or I would have cracked my skull. Thus, the reason I’m covered in blood,” added Andrew.

  “Oh, you’ve always been a clumsy one, old chap,” commented Sammy.

  “No, Never,” Andrew replied confuse by the remark.

  “Okay, well it’s good to see the entire gang back together again,” Sammy said to everyone.

  “We’ve never met you before,” replied Illy.

  The room grew quiet as Anu and Sammy quickly glanced at each other, then focused back on everyone else. Anu broke the awkward silence by directing questions to Andrew. “Well, a new look for you? What’s with the suit?”

  “I’m a Master now, remember? You gave me a line.”

  “Oh, yes! Sorry. Brother, this entire situation has gotten to my brain.”

  Andrew looked suspiciously at Anu, knowing that was not something he would have forgotten. Something is not right with these two, he thought. During the midst of their conversation, the lights came back on. The scene around them was not just disturbing, but repulsive. Pierre turned his head to the side and began throwing up. Desmond patted him on the back and jokingly teased, “Oh, come on, old friend, it’s just a little balls and blood.”

  Sidney began calling through the earpiece desperately. “Queen, please tell me you’re there.”

  “Yes, I’m here. We’re all here. Is everything alright on your end?” responded Angel.

  “Aside from Greg crying hysterically like a girl because of Keiko and my sister recuperating from nausea, I would say we’re having a great time. I got the sound and the lights on in the house. Abby is working on getting the cameras working again. She should be done soon. When the Leaders killed the power, I thought I lost you guys permanently. Fortunately, we were still able to hack into the backup servers.”

  Angel sighed in relief, knowing that was good news.

  “Alright, Queen, Abby has done her part. We can see you guys now and…whoa, who the heck are those two extremely sexy man bars of Milk & Chocolate you have there?” Sidney’s attention was focused on Anu and Sammy who were standing there shirtless, talking to a very bloody Andrew.

  “Whoaa, if the Queen invites us to any more missions to rescue men like that, I’m not passing it up,” whispered Abby to Sidney.

  “I know...It’s such a sin to make me
n like that,” replied Sidney.

  Abby zoomed the cameras to Sammy’s face, admiring his features and his pure clear eyes, then moved to his abs. She was practically drooling over his eight pack. “I think I’m in love, Sidney,” she gleamed.

  “Me too! I need to start dating Vs,” replied Sidney.

  The screen began to crackle again and fade in and out. Sidney and Abby looked at each other.

  “I thought you fixed the cameras?” asked Sidney to her sister.

  “I did!”

  Sidney moved the camera around to Anu and then to Sammy. The screen crackled intensely as Abby and Sidney realized what was happening.

  “Queen,” called Sidney,” Keiko was last seen going through the door behind the stairs that has no camera shot.

  “That’s where we’re headed,” responded Angel.

  “And your V boyfriends are not who they say they are. Our screens are crackling.”

  Angel paused, hearing confirmation of what she already knew. The news troubled her; however, she had a plan.

  “Thank you, girls, I’ll make sure to find Keiko,” said Angel, nonchalantly. Angel began running toward the back of the stairs with everyone in tow. They all stood in front of the wooden door. Angel turned to Anu and Sammy who were both staring into space with blank expressions on their faces. “Anu, Sammy, do you know what’s behind this door?” asked Angel.

  “No, I don’t think I recall,” said Anu.

  “Yeah, me either. I was too weak and beaten to remember anything,” answered Sammy.

  Angel looked at them, puzzled, as their answers were so vague.

  “Okay, we’re going in,” she said. Angel opened the door slowly, making sure nothing jumped out. It was quiet, damp, and dark; and the smell that greeted them reeked of mildew and wet concrete. She could hear hearts racing and breaths intensifying. She could feel everyone growing in anticipation. Everyone except for Anu; she couldn’t feel Anu’s emotions. She glanced over at him, but he was already staring at her, giving her an Are you going in? look. Angel paused before taking a step into the dark passage of the stairs, no one moved. She walked over to Gia and placed her forehead against hers. Everyone followed Angel’s motion, not understanding what she was doing. Gia didn’t back away. She looked Angel directly in the eyes and gently shook her head no. Angel had asked Gia telepathically if she could read Anu’s mind or if she could hear anything at all, to which she replied, Murmuring.


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