Trapped Inside Humanity

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Trapped Inside Humanity Page 25

by Bernice Burgos

  Master Veen smiled from ear to ear. “Deal! After I drink your blood, they might as well call me God.” His last words sent a shiver up her spine.

  Prince Edward Veen from the former Seven Islands was clever. He calculated every move and timed every event. He was so determined to rule all species and become the next great thing that he set up his own people to do it. He untied his cloak and removed the L chain from around his neck. He took off his suit jacket and threw it on the ground and pressed his red button-down shirt with his hands. He straightened his hair and brushed the dust off his black slacks. He was polished and distinguished.

  “I won’t be needing these old-fashioned clothes anymore,” he said, smiling. “Follow me.”

  They walked through the long passage and went through the same door as the angels did previously. Keiko reached the bottom steps before everyone and knocked the door down with one hard kick. They entered a room that was dimly lit with rows of cells. The air was dry and cold. There were no windows, so it was hard to determine the time of day. There was nothing inside the first few cells. No beds, no chairs, just a dirt floor, and rusty bars. It seemed as if there were no signs of prisoners. Keiko crouched down and began running on all fours down the passageway. Angel started shouting for Anu and Sammy. A gust of wind blew past her, and she knew it was Andrew keeping up with Keiko.

  Angel turned to Master Veen. “Where are they?” she asked angrily.

  “Queen, over here,” shouted Andrew. Angel and Desmond ran towards Andrew. When they reached the cell, Keiko pulled the bars apart and ran to Anu, who was lying on the floor. Andrew tried to do the same for Sammy’s cell, but he wasn’t strong enough. Keiko saw Andrew struggling and raced over, wrenching the bars open with one tug. As Keiko turned, she noticed Chum Chum lying in the cell across from Sammy. She freed him, as well. Keiko inspected everyone by smelling and sniffing intently. She spoke a few seconds later. “Father, yessssss,” she hissed. Keiko rubbed her head on Anu’s chest.

  Anu opened his eyes. “Keiko,” he said, rubbing her cheek. Keiko’s purple-veined face began to transform into its natural state. Her skin began to glow with an inner light as she smiled and sobbed, staring at her father. Her short hair didn’t return but instead appeared long and silky.

  Angel gave Keiko a few seconds to bond with Anu as she went to check on Sammy. Andrew was holding his brother in a sitting position. “He needs to feed, he’s so weak,” said Andrew.

  “I can help,” said Angel. Angel placed her hand on Sammy’s chest and watched him shimmer to life. He fluttered his eyes open to see a beautiful angel watching over him.

  “Being saved by an angel, now I know I’m dead,” said Sammy in his cool English accent.

  “Yep, that’s the real Sammy,” she said, patting him on his head.

  Angel walked over to Chum Chum who was sitting motionless on the ground in a catatonic state. She called out his name, but he did not respond. She called out to him again, leaned in closer, and held his hand. Chum Chum was not in his usual stylish attire. He was wearing filthy rags, and his hands and fingernails were long and dirty.

  “Queen, tell me I’m not dreaming. Is it really you?” he finally asked. Angel held back tears in her eyes.

  “Yes. It’s me, Chum, take my hand.” Chum Chum obeyed and then rose to his feet. He hugged Angel tightly, despite the heavy dirt in his face.

  “Thank you, darling. Thank you,”

  “Desmond is going to take you to safety. You can trust him, he’s a friend,” said Angel. She ordered Desmond to take Chum Chum back to the plane.

  “What about you?” he asked with concern.

  “I’ll be fine, I have Andrew and psychopath Keiko,” she replied.

  “Alright, if we don’t hear from you, we’re coming back with Illy and burning this place down,” said Desmond, lighting up his hand.

  “I promise, I will come back,” she assured.

  Angel focused her attention back to Anu. She walked over to him, not sure what the REAL Anu would say. He pushed himself up and stared at her walking his direction. Keiko sat next to him with her head on his lap holding his hand. Angel knelt in front of him. Anu was still handsome, even with his matted hair, grimy face, and dry, cracked lips. Angel couldn’t stop herself from drawing herself in for a kiss. When it was over, all she could whisper was, “Hi.”

  “You are one stubborn Angel. Didn’t I tell you to run?” he said.

  “If I would have, I wouldn’t have found you.” She put her hand on Anu’s cheek. Anu leaned and kissed it.

  “Your scent is enticing; I don’t have much control to resist,” said Anu.

  Angel leaned closer to Anu and spoke quietly so only he could hear. “I made him a deal―my life, for yours. So run!” said Angel.

  “Are you insane? No, he will end up ruling all species,” replied Anu, clearly upset.

  “I didn’t know my blood was the key to all of this; but if I sacrifice myself, you have a chance to stop him,” said Angel.

  Anu looked at her with concern, not sure what she meant. “How? If he drinks, he becomes ruler of all species. I won’t have a fighting chance to stop him?”

  “Yes, you do, with the serum you have; the one that kills any supernatural.”

  “No, that was destroyed during the raid. Every piece of research I had was destroyed. Centuries and centuries of investigation, gone,” said Anu sadly. Angel seemed defeated, but she had one more trick up her sleeve.

  Anu looked over Angel’s shoulder and watched Master Veen calmly looking at his watch and observing Sammy and Andrew every few seconds. He began to wonder why Master Veen was the only Leader present. “Where are the other Leaders? Why is he alone?” whispered Anu.

  “He doubled crossed his partners and manipulated Keiko into killing them,” responded Angel. Anu squeezed Keiko’s hand and kissed it.

  He then focused his attention back to the conversation. He grabbed Angel’s delicate chin and held it in his hands for a few seconds while staring into her eyes. He couldn’t bear the thought of losing her or being defeated and tried to think fast, but Angel beat him to it.

  “There is another way,” she said. Anu raised his right eyebrow in the sexy manner she remembered well. She spoke the words she thought she would never hear herself say, “I belong to you.”

  Anu let go of Keiko’s hand gently and placed both hands on Angel’s face. “What did you say?” he asked intently.

  “I belong to you. I love you, Anu. You deserve to be a ruler. I love you,” she said. Anu sighed in relief. He kissed her, and then pulled away. They both rose to their feet with Keiko behind them. Anu held Angel’s hand tightly. If he had a heart, it would have pounded out of his chest. He leaned his forehead against Angel’s. Master Veen drew his attention back to Anu and Angel, not sure what they were whispering about.

  Anu spoke inside Angel’s mind. We belong to each other. I need you and love you more than you will ever know, he said. Anu kissed Angel passionately, this time piecing her bottom lip softly with his fangs, drawing a few drops of blood.

  Master Veen walked over and separated their interaction. He was lecturing them about too much public display of affection in a dungeon.

  “There is no such thing as conjugal visits here. The deal was to let your boyfriend go so I can enslave them again later,” he said. Just as he was going to dismiss Anu, he smelled something off. He smelled blood. “Wait, are you feeding him?” he questioned Angel.

  “Oh, bloody fucking hell, mate. That’s my angel blood, you arse. I give you one opportunity, and you two try to double-cross me.”

  Anu was feeling rejuvenated and approached Veen fearlessly.

  “Sorry, my friend, in V law you cannot claim the blood of a mate. That is my mate and you will have to obey.”

  Keiko stood next to Anu to fight while Andrew and Sammy joined in. Angel watched from behind, wondering what Master Veen next move would be.

  “Geez, you idiots. What Vampire law? I killed my partners. I am the only a
uthority left and I denounce that law,” declared Veen.

  “My V law. I am King of all species. And you have no right to denounce anything. I command you to step down as Leader,” demanded Anu.

  Master Veen became increasingly angry at Anu. There was no way he was going to let himself be outsmarted. He had a plan for everything, and this was no different.

  “I knew this might happen. That is why I’m always one step ahead,” said Veen angrily. He clapped his hands loudly, not in applause but as a signal of impending danger. The brick wall in Anu’s cell opened up. Everyone turned and watched intently for what would emerge from the shadows. From out of the darkness stepped little Maggie, Jesse, and their deceased father, Detective Jack Quinn Reynolds. Angel’s mouth dropped open, and she instantaneously fainted at the sight of her dead husband. This is what happens when you enter the Leaders’ Den. You don’t come out the same.


  Vampires Are Not the Only Ones that Rise from the Dead

  Angel awoke in Anu’s arms a few seconds later, wishing it was a bad dream. Instead, the nightmare had just paused, waiting for her to awaken. Angel stood up immediately, gazing at Jesse and Maggie who had been put in some sort of trance. Their eyes were as black as tar and they were staring into space, silent and motionless. Angel could feel a strange, pulsing vibration coming from their bodies. It was a spell. She could feel the electricity emanating from them from where she stood. Angel glared at Veen, furious. He smiled grimly. She turned her attention back to Jack and was instantly speechless. So many questions were floating in her head that she didn’t know where to start. My husband, who has been dead for years, was standing in front of me alive, well, and as handsome as the day he left me, she thought. Jack’s smooth dark skin was radiant under the dim lights. His goatee was perfectly trimmed and his hair freshly cut. He was a lot bigger than what she remembered, more muscular, as if he had been power-lifting during his long absence. Angel took a step back as Jack took several steps towards her. She accidentally stepped on Anu’s toe in her mindless state.

  Anu placed his hands gently on her shoulders, reminding her she wasn’t alone. She gripped Anu’s cold hands, and moved beside him, wishing she could fly away or crawl into a hole. She was embarrassed. Her husband was supposedly dead, and here she was seeing him years later with her new boyfriend and group of newfound friends. She felt confused, guilty, hurt, and angry. What she didn’t feel was love. When Jack died, she spent years trying to move forward. Now that she had, the love she once had for him seemed to fade away. That is where the guilt came from. Was I supposed to feel joy that my husband lives on? Was I supposed to run to him, with open arms, ready to love him again? NO, he deceived me. He was alive and let me suffer, forcing me to fend for myself. He left me and never bothered to think about either the children or me. I did everything alone because he was too much of a coward to just tell me what was going on. Seriously, SCREW HIM! thought Angel. Then again, she couldn’t stop staring at him. She needed answers.

  “Hello, Angel. You look amazing,” said Jack in his smooth deep voice. He reached for her hand and kissed it. “I love how well you have raised the children. I knew you could do it.” He tried to lean in and kiss Angel’s cheek, but Anu stepped in and intervened.

  “Don’t be presumptuous. Who are you?” asked Anu, authoritatively. Jack faced him. They stood toe to toe both eyeing with intimidation. Jack was ten times Anu’s size; it was almost comical to watch. Anu didn’t flinch; he was ready for any sudden movements.

  “I’m Jack Quinn Reynolds, Angel’s husband,” said Jack, sizing Anu up.

  “Was my husband,” Angel shot.

  “Demon,” Anu declared. “A lost demon. How convenient.”

  “What?” asked Angel.

  “He’s a lost demon like Chum Chum. He belongs to no one. He plays for his own benefit. If you don’t have what he wants, he moves on. Could be the reason he abandoned your marriage and faked his own death,” said Anu.

  Angel marched in between Anu and Jack in frustration. She was beyond angry and was determined to get to the bottom of this mess. She pointed her finger at Jack’s chest as she spoke “You’re supposed to be dead. YOU died. I was at your funeral. We mourned you, I saw your casket lowered into the ground. I was given an American flag for your bravery. Come to find out you’re ALIVE, and a damn DEMON?! What is going on?”

  “Oh, now the drama unfolds,” chimed Master Veen, rubbing his hands together with glee. Jack stared back at Anu before responding.

  “I see you moved on. Your new boyfriend?” asked Jack, holding out his hand. Anu refused to shake it.

  “I’m the new and ONLY husband,” responded Anu in a testing manner. Angel wasn’t sure when she became Anu’s wife; but at the moment, she didn’t care. His ego and willingness to fight for his woman was intriguing.

  Anu and Angel looked past Jack and focused on Master Veen for answers. He rolled his eyes.

  “Oh, now everyone wants to know what’s happening?” he said sarcastically. “This is the part where I tell you about plan B. I don’t necessarily need your blood, Angel. I mean, it would be nice to have the original blood of the Queen Guardian; however, you did something remarkable that I didn’t think could happen. You bore a child. A love child with a pure demon. It’s never been done, and I can only imagine how powerful the combination of demon and angel blood must be. Maggie’s blood must be more powerful than yours.” Angel felt herself getting sick.

  “Jack isn’t a lost demon; he is my demon. His loyalty is to me, always had been, until he met you. His job was to bring you to me. However, in the mix of all this, he seriously fell in love with you, Angel. I don’t know what it is about you that makes the strongest man weak, but he tried to run away from me and live a normal life. Jack went as far as trying to pass as human by taking a job as a police officer,” Veen laughed hysterically. “A demon employed as a police officer. That’s like the devil taking the job as a politician. Haha…what a joke. He was really trying to live the American dream. Somewhere in his head, he thought he was going to escape me and hide his family. He did escape for a while, until I found him.”

  Veen turned to Angel, gazing directly into her hazel eyes. Angel stared back, not backing away and awaited his challenge. “I was the one who killed Jack, Angel. I blew his little brain out with one touch of my finger. Unfortunately, his partner had to die, too, for he began shooting at me. I told him to run, but these humans never listen. They always try to play the hero. I had to make it look like a bust gone wrong. No one betrays me. Ever!” Hearing the true story of her husband’s death for the first time put Angel in a trance. Everything made sense. Every question she had about them moving so much, or Jack feeling as if he was constantly being watched. Everything was explained.

  “I’m sorry, Angel,” said Jack.

  “Lucky for Jack I didn’t wipe away his existence. There is a special way to kill demons, and it’s not decapitation. So, after his head grew back, I had years of, well…having to ‘convince’ Jack that this is where he belongs.”

  Master Veen swung his arm around Jack, who was staring at Anu disdainfully. Angel looked at Jack, nearly feeling sorry for him. Being a slave to a vampire, then finding your opportunity to break free only to be captured, tortured, and brainwashed was the worst thing a supernatural could endure. She wondered why Jack didn’t just kill himself once he was captured. What kind of demon is he to let himself be taken over by some pitiful Vs? Not a very smart one. When Angel was married to Jack, he was a leader; he was strong, loving, and intelligent. He was deeply respected and liked by their friends and his co-workers. He could learn something in an instant and be able to regurgitate the information in a manner one could easily understand. His death was a tragedy, to not only Angel but to their entire community, as well. He excelled as a human and a husband but failed miserably as a demon. Jack was trying to protect Angel the entire time, but instead got himself “killed,” which led to Angel losing sight of who she was. She felt the pain of
losing someone for the first time in her human form. She had never bounced back from the depression. She was trapped in her own humanity, questioning her existence, and constantly torturing herself.

  “And here we are. One big happy family,” smiled Veen. “So, change of plans. You and Anu and the rest of the clowns you rode in with can go away now. I have Maggie and Jack and this man-boy. The child is all we need, anyway. I’m sure with her blood I will be ten times more powerful than Anu,” said Veen in triumph. His words split Angel’s heart open and tore her up inside. There was no way he was taking Maggie and Jesse. She hated Edward Veen and wanted nothing more than to see him burn in front of her eyes. He had done nothing but ruin her life with his power-hungry game. Angel couldn’t stand straight. Her stomach made so many twists and turns that she held onto Anu’s shoulder for fear of fainting again. Anu grabbed her and held her close.

  “Do you know what kind of baby an angel and demon make?” continued Veen. “The baby is pure demon in the beginning stages; but once older, her power will be beyond her control unless she has someone to help her manage and understand it. Or someone to take it away from her, like me. Oh, little Maggie is going to grow up to be quite the lady. I bet you didn’t know that, Anu.”

  Anu didn’t know any of the things being told to him. It was all new news to him. He hardly could believe how complicated it was.

  “Angel, come with us,” said Jack calmly. “We can start fresh, make a new world order, and live a new life as who we are. You should come because, after all, you are MY wife.” Jack said mockingly at Anu.

  “No! How could you? This is our daughter, Jack,” pleaded Angel with tears streaming down her face. “You cannot possibly be brainwashed. There has to be something inside of you that still wants to do good for Maggie’s sake. Jack, please...even for Jesse.” Jack stared at Angel blankly and stoned-faced.

  “There is no point in pleading with him; this demon belongs to me.”


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