Trick or Orc: A Monsterly Yours Romance

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Trick or Orc: A Monsterly Yours Romance Page 3

by S. J. Sanders

  Hovering curiously beside Lynn, I watch as she stacks the wood and adds a good handful of kindling before reaching for the box of wood matches. She strikes a match and sets it in one spot, before repeating the process to lay another lit match in another place a bit further away. I watch as the small flames catch and gradually grow, red light slithering over the length of the top logs to join together in one warm column dancing in its flickering movements behind the metal screen she pulls in front of it.

  Brushing off her hands, she accepts her hot cocoa and sips it as we watch the fire grow, its warmth rushing over us. Even the kids snuggle down into the large chair in front of the fireplace, drinking from their mugs until their eyes get heavy. Nora curls up with Ms. Bun and one of the discarded blankets, her breath settling into a peaceful rhythm. Despite all the dust and grit everywhere, it feels wonderfully homey.

  “There, that should do it. Bank the fire before bed and it shouldn’t be too difficult to get it going again in the morning to take the chill off the house before you start the day.” She returns the beat up, ceramic Garfield cup that’s seen far better days. “My baker is in early to get a start on the baking, but the coffee shop opens at seven. I left an alarm beside your bed—one that’s magically operated. It looks a little unique, but it’s pre-set for you.”

  I give her a relieved and very grateful smile as I follow her to the door.

  “Thank you, Lynn. I will see you first thing,” I whisper so not to bother the kids.

  The moment she’s gone, and the door shut behind her, I turn to my new home gleefully. It’s mine, entirely. There is no rent, just repairs that I will have to pay for, but for the first time I’m genuinely excited because in the cheerful warm glow of the firelight I can see all the potential waiting and feel the thrill of knowing that it’s mine.

  Humming “This is Halloween” to myself, I roll up my sleeves and grab a broom. No time like the present to get started on the cleaning and make this a real home.

  Chapter 4


  Getting the kids out to the village’s education hearthstone—a large building in the village square that Lynn explained to me is what passes for school in Ov’Gorg—in the morning feels like it’s starting out on the right foot. Chris grumbles a bit, as he usually does when having to get started at an early hour, but Nora is practically skipping as Lynn leads the way.

  Lynn chatters away with them all the way to the Hearthstone before she and I continue down the main road with Matty to a lovely, manicured residence. A wash of fragrant blooms fills the flowerboxes out front in sprays of lavender and pink. I find the scene really charming and cozy until the cottage door opens up at our approach and we’re greeted by an older female orc. A muted pale gray in the color with steely dark gray eyes, she watches us with a severe expression. I’m a little uncomfortable and start having second thoughts when Lynn steps forward and hugs the female.

  The orc’s expression instantly transforms, softening and warming several degrees as she returns the embrace. Lynn pulls back to beam over at me.

  “Kassie, this is Bodi’s mother, Elga.”

  I blink, my thoughts coming to a screaming halt as I stare at the formidable female and try to make sense out of why exactly Lynn brought me to meet her mother-in-law right now. “Oh, it’s very nice to meet you,” I say, shooting my best friend a confused look.

  “She’s going to be watching Matty,” Lynn clarified with a chuckle.

  “This is how we do it,” Elga clarifies with a sharp nod. “The elder members teach and tend to the younger generation while those who have a strong back do the clan work. And I’ll have Erra here to help me when she’s not at the tavern working with her mate. Not that I’ll need the extra help.” She sniffs an almost frightening grin stretches over her face. “I’ve raised two boys too, so you ought to know that I’m well-prepared for anything he can come at me with.”

  I relax a bit and respond to her smile in kind, determined to see this as a positive turn of events—I know I can trust Lynn’s judgment. My smile firmly in place, I gently detach Matty from where he’s clinging to me. He’s popped a thumb in his mouth and is staring at the orc with wide eyes.

  “Ah, a handsome little male,” she approves as she gathers him into her big arms, and my smile becomes more genuine, because she clearly knows a cute kid when she sees one so she can’t be all that bad. Her eyes slide over to me, and she harrumphs. “You might as well come on in so we will get him all set up,” she says, her manner chilly once more as she strides back into the cottage, leaving us to follow after her.

  I exchange another look with Lynn, and her smile widens with a sheepish shrug.

  “They’re orcs. You’ll get used to the brusque mannerisms,” she assures me as she hurries inside after her mother-in-law.

  I debate running for the hills with my son, but this is my first day of my new life and I need to have someone dependable I can rely on as I get settled here. Heaving a sigh, I follow after them into the low-lit interior of the cottage, my eyes slowly adjusting to the dimness surrounding me.

  Despite the dim lighting casting so much of the cottage into shadows, I can see immediately that it’s well-tended. The stone floor is swept and the walls clear of dust and cobwebs—more than what I can say for my own home—even the wooden furniture gleams as if it has been recently oiled. The smell of rising bread dough hangs heavy in the air, mingling with the scent of flowers and notes of cedar, and at the rear of the cottage, the stove in the kitchen is lit with a steaming kettle set upon it.

  “Tea?” the orc barks, making me jump.

  “You know I can’t drink tea this early,” Lynn chuckles. “Kassie and I will make coffee before we get started, but thank you.”

  Elga sniffs as she gently sets Matty in a blocked-off corner of the living room. The wooden gates create a sort of playpen filled with cozy-looking blankets, a couple of warm pelts, and a number of old stuffed toys that resemble orcs and various creatures that inhabit Ov’Gorg.

  “Coffee. I don’t know you can abide that swill or understand how so many of the clan enjoys it,” she shakes her head as she makes her way over to the kettle, removing it from the heat. “My Bistee would be having a fit if he were still alive, knowing that orcs were giving up their traditional tea for it. That male did like to cling to tradition. Good for you, I suppose, since it brought you to my Bodi.” She fills a strainer with some leaves and drops it into a teapot, filling it the rest of the way with hot water. Only when that is done does she glance back over at them. “Well, why are you still here? I know you’ve got work to be doing. The babe is fine. Now off with both of you.”

  Lynn laughs and gives the orc a hug, the female snorting at the gesture despite the tilt of her lips around her small tusks. “We’ll see you this afternoon after the lunch rush is finished. Come on, Kassie.”

  I glance over at Matty, uncertain how he will react to me just leaving him with a complete stranger, but he doesn’t even look at me while he busies himself with playing. It’s so strange because he always resists and has a fit whenever I try to leave him anywhere, and it gives me mixed feelings. I want to scoop him up and hug him to me to reassure myself, and yet at the same time I’m relieved to be able to escape to work without a hair-raising scene.

  I look over to find Elga looking at me, her arms crossed over her chest. Her expression softens slightly with understanding.

  “Don’t worry any. He’ll be here, safe and cared for, waiting for you to return.”

  I murmur my thanks and hustle over to Lynn where she’s patiently waiting beside the door. She gives me a thumbs up, and we step back out on the rough cobblestone street, making our way down to the square where her café awaits.

  The café is made of the same stone as all of the other buildings in the village, but like the businesses, it has a large window that opens out to the street. Through this window, I can see the warm glow of lamps that have been lit and brighter light that comes from behind the rear doors, where
I assume the kitchen is.

  “Is someone already there?” I ask curiously, and she gives me an amused glance.

  “Garval, my mate’s brother. He always comes in early. I think I’ve told you that,” she teases. “No doubt Bodi is there as well, making a nuisance of himself. He told me that he would meet us there.”

  I blush. I had forgotten about that part. I know Bodi, of course, and I think I saw him with another orc once who I was told was his brother, but I’m nervous about meeting this baker. He will no doubt see my presence as an intrusion onto his territory. That alone makes my palms sweat, since what little I know about orcs from my last visit includes the knowledge that orcs are very territorial.

  That’s sure to make sharing a kitchen with him fun.

  “Don’t look so nervous. He’s actually really excited to see you,” she assures. Her brow knits slightly. “I think he is, anyway. Either way, he’s expecting us and certainly won’t bite.” Her grin widens. “Well, he might if you ask him really nicely.”

  “Lynn!” I hiss, mortified.

  My friend laughs and loops her arm through mine as she hauls me into the store with her. Being taller and with much longer legs than me, and surprisingly stronger than I expected, that doesn’t take her much effort.

  A bell chimes as we step inside from the chilly outside air, the warmth of the café seeping deep into my bones. Already I can detect a myriad of familiar smells from the baked goods assailing me. My stomach growls in response, and I silently hush it as Lynn continues to pull me along toward the kitchen.

  “Lynn?” a deep, rumbling voice calls out. It has a rough sound to it that dances across my nerves in a way that sparks something deep inside of me.

  “Yes, we’re here!” Lynn shouts just as we push through the low doors at the back of the store, pulling me right into the middle of a clean, and—despite the strange stoves that they use—modern-looking kitchen boasting several stainless steel tables.

  Lynn lets go of my arm and hustles over to a familiar cobalt blue-gray orc, the dark braids framing his face interspersed with threads of silver. I don’t see my co-worker anywhere. I step back, colliding with a massive body, a warm smell that reminds me of pumpkin spice and something like a deep decadent rum surrounding me. My nose twitches at the accompanying smell of vanilla, and as I turn around, I’m eye level with an iced cupcake held cupped gently in a pair of large muddy green hands with carefully trimmed claws that extend from thick, corded forearms.

  I gape for a moment because that cupcake seems so out of place in those hands. A chocolate cake topped with a whipped white icing, it looks almost artistic even with three black letters writing out “Boo.” Just behind it, I see a candy corn-printed apron stretched across plank-like abs stuffed into a dark cream-colored tunic and an enormous barrel chest.

  My eyes slowly scroll up the enormous height of the male. I thought Bodi was big when Lynn first introduced us, but this orc is even taller and broader. Enormous, strong shoulders don’t even fit inside my field of vision, nor do the thick muscles of his biceps drawn up against his sides as I focus on the wide neck that disappears into a closely cropped beard. Large tusks and plush lips grace a face with a broad nose and wide-set high cheekbones. He peers down at me with warm brown eyes that have just a hint of gold. His lips curve under my inspection, exposing more of his impressive tusks as he smiles down at me and thrusts the cupcake out toward my boobs. The action makes the elegant hook-shaped bone gauge in his ear jiggle slightly, catching my eye.

  His voice when it speaks is the same one that I heard earlier, except this time his gravelly voice rolls over me like a purr that makes my nipples tighten with awareness.

  Hoo boy. Down, girl.

  “Kassie, welcome to The Spiced Pumpkin,” he says, his voice pitched to a low, intimate volume. “I made you one of my new boo-cakes for the Halloween carnival to welcome you.”

  He gives the cupcake another little wiggle, and I take it from him, my cheeks heating as I bring it up to my lips. His eyes never leave me, and I swear he starts panting as I bring the frosting to my lips. I dart my tongue out to sample the icing—I’m very particular about icing—and can’t ignore the strained breath I hear from him before I smile with satisfaction at the creamy vanilla flavor and take a big bite.

  Chocolate and vanilla swirl over my tastebuds, and I moan, the sound seemingly echoed with a deeper groan of longing. I ignore it as I savor the cupcake. It hits every note perfectly. I don’t even taste the unpleasant sharper taste that often comes with piped frosting used for black lettering. It’s the most wonderful, decadent treat that has passed between my lips in some time.

  “This is incredible!” I praise, taking another bite. “Thank you so much, Garval.”

  His green cheeks redden a bit—the hint of embarrassment an endearing contrast to the heat held within his warm eyes—and his smile widens until his brother joins us. The male slings an arm around Garval, hooking aggressively around his neck.

  “I do believe my brother is smitten!” Bodi crows with delight, making the other male’s face redder.

  I polish off my cupcake and give Bodi an annoyed look. “Knock it off. It’s a perfectly sweet gesture.”

  The male laughs louder, giving his brother another hard hug before releasing him just enough that his arm drapes casually around him. “Don’t let the bashful baker routine fool you. Garval is as strong as an ox and is perfectly capable of bashing my head in,” he announces with a proud smile.

  Well, okay then.

  Returning a smile to the larger of the two, I gesture to the front of the shop. “Lynn and I were about to make some coffee. I’m sure you are busy with your baking—it certainly smells incredible in here—but would you like to join us?”

  His eyes widen, and he shoves his brother off with a grin that shows a number of large, pointed teeth that make me pause for a second.

  “I would be delighted.”

  Lynn’s eyebrows fly up. “But you don’t…”

  “Hush, mate,” Bodi says cheerfully, dragging Lynn up into his arms with a loving squeeze that I can’t help but envy. “Coffee sounds splendid.”

  Chapter 5


  I don’t know how I get myself into these situations, but I can’t seem to help it. I’m following after the female like a delfass kitten chasing after someone with their pockets stuffed with meat. As amusing and accurate as the analogy is, it is not one I share. No female would appreciate being likened to strips of bloodied meat.

  I know that Bodi will just find it all the more entertaining if I blunder this. As if he didn’t have a time of it and embarrass himself when courting his mate. I snort silently to myself and resolve to forget his presence so I can enjoy that of the female walking in front of me, her hips swaying delightfully with every step. She is definitely far more interesting.

  And forbidden, I mentally remind myself. She is mated, and yet I’m still going to drink the coffee. I would rather it be hot cocoa laden with whipping cream from the icebox and the sweet little chocolate sprinkles that Lynn had brought from Ov’Ge. It is a weakness of mine, one that I keep to myself since my brethren all appear to enjoy our traditional teas or the coffees made by my brother’s mate. I would be mocked more than I already am if males got word that I enjoy drinking hot cocoa like a youngling.

  Lynn gives me a curious look before she sets up in front of her small stove with its numerous little pots. I lean against a wall, enjoying the pleasant murmur of the females’ voices as she shows Kassie how to use everything as she prepares the drinks. A strong smell of coffee fills the space, pleasant enough that it curls in my nose in a tempting fashion. Unfortunately, that scent lies. The reality of the bitter brew is nowhere near as enticing. Not all the sugar and cream in Ov’Gorg can make it palatable as far as I’m concerned.

  As they work, I’m fully aware of the amused glances my brother keeps throwing my way, but I ignore him in favor of watching Kassie as she prepares a drink and brings it over to
me. My heart immediately swells, pleased that she is bringing me an offering made by her own hand. I’m certain that this coffee experience will have to be different, just because of that factor alone.

  I bring the cup up, the smell of pumpkin and spices teasing my nose with the customary holiday flavor, and drink deep.

  The bitter and sweet flavors flood my mouth unpleasantly, the acidic bite of the coffee sinking into my tongue. I reflexively want to gag, but instead I force it down, not caring that my eyes are watering from the foul taste. I gulp down the entire cup before I allow myself to lower the cup and manage to smile at the female staring up at me, her eyebrows raised.

  “Are you okay?” she asks softly, leaning in slightly as she speaks.

  “Of course,” I agree easily, even though I want to go scrub my tongue. “The coffee was wonderful. Thank you.”

  Her brow furrows a bit, but she nods and turns away to speak to Lynn. The moment her back is turned, Bodi starts to laugh at my side, and I don’t hesitate to kick him. Hard. His hiss of pain is more than welcome, and I smile at him over my shoulder.

  “That actually hurt. I swear your feet have gotten bigger,” he grumbles.

  I smirk at the comment but don’t look at him again, my eyes too busy following the lush little body of the human I desire.

  “Not my feet, my legs maybe. It’s from carrying multiple fifty-pound bags of flour,” I inform him absently.

  He grunts in reply, but I can feel the weight of my brother’s speculative gaze on me. It makes my skin itch unpleasantly. For all his foolishness, he has always been too observant for his own good.

  “You want her,” he states bluntly, thankfully in a low enough voice to not draw feminine attention.

  I glare over at him, not wishing to discuss the matter, and his smile widens devilishly.

  “Well then, you should know…”

  “Quiet,” I growl vehemently. “I’m not in the mood for your ceaseless attempts to embarrass me. I know all that I need to know, so keep your thoughts to yourself.”


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