Reproachable Optimists

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Reproachable Optimists Reproachable Optimists

by Fowlpox Press

Genre: Other3

Published: 2011

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We are reminded of the philosophers'questioning if life is actually a dream or as Edgar Allen Poe has sobeautifully written "a dream within a dream".My suggestion is that you walk and laugh with author down his bizarrepath and see the world in all its strangeness.Reviewed by Joan McNerneySurrealist Chapbook “Reproachable Optimists” from Nathaniel S. RoundsFrom the French, surrealism means beyond realism. Surrealism stemsfrom the 20th-century literary and artistic movement attempting toexpress the workings of the subconscious. It is characterized byfantastic imagery and strange juxtaposition of subject matter. Freefrom the conscious control of reason and convention, surrealism isdedicated to expressing the imagination as revealed in dreams. Ourperception of reality is colored by the subconscious and surrealistsseek to exploit this.In his collection entitled Reproachable Optimists, the authorNathaniel S. Rounds presents the absurd by plunging deeply into aworld of mismatched thinking and incongruous ideas. This weird worldis familiar. We have only to listen to a single evening newscast toknow the unreality of reality.In the poem Peace Work, he shows the futility of many occupations. Inour time, tasks have been cut up into units for efficiency hence theterm "piece work" has evolved. Then we have the silly notion thatgreen bananas will improve digestion in old people. Even the smellwill enhance bowel movements. How many times have we heard expertsproclaim special foods are good or bad for us? Or, perhaps we shouldembrace certain miracle treatments? Several months later, we find allthis advice contradicted. Black skinned bananas are for those inmourning. This shows the employer cares. Our banks want to "serve" us,hospitals have the "compassion to cure", insurance companies are "onour side". Sound familiar?The last poem Somnambulist presents us with a sleep walk. Indeed muchof the collection has a unreal dream-like quality to it. It is a roadonly seen by the dreamer. Without prelude or warning, flowers beds aretransformed into light bulbs. We are reminded of the philosophers'questioning if life is actually a dream or as Edgar Allen Poe has sobeautifully written "a dream within a dream".My suggestion is that you walk and laugh with author down his bizarrepath and see the world in all its strangeness.Reviewed by Joan McNerneyJoan McNerney’s poetry has been included in numerous literarymagazines such as Seven Circle Press, Dinner with the Muse, Blueline,63 channels, Spectrum, and three Bright Spring Press Anthologies. Herlatest title is Having Lunch with the Sky, A.P.D., Albany, New York.--

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