Traitors' Gate gs-7

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Traitors' Gate gs-7 Traitors' Gate gs-7

by Dennis Wheatley

Genre: Other3

Published: 2009

Series: Gregory Sallust

View: 871

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Read Traitors' Gate gs-7 Storyline:

30 Mar 1942 - Oct 1942
Traitors' Gate is the sixth of seven volumes incorporating all the principal events which occurred between September, 1939, and May, 1945, covering the activities of Gregory Sallust, one of the most famous Secret Agents ever created in fiction about the Second World War.
In the summer of 1942, Hungary was still little affected by the war and while on a secret mission to Budapest, Gregory lived for a long time in a pre-war atmosphere of love and laughter. But his mission involved him with Ribbentrop's beautiful Hungarian mistress, and soon the laughter was stilled by fear as he desperately struggled to save them both from the result of their clandestine association...

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