End of Gray Skies: An Apocalyptic Thriller

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End of Gray Skies: An Apocalyptic Thriller End of Gray Skies: An Apocalyptic Thriller

by Brian Spangler

Genre: Christian

Published: 2016

View: 479

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Read End of Gray Skies: An Apocalyptic Thriller Storyline:

Centuries ago something catastrophic happened. Historians claim it was an accident that spilled the clouds out of the sky, leaving humanity under a relentless veil of gray.

For young Declan and Sammi, all they’ve ever known is a world of gray skies. Now, at odds about the past and uncertain of their future, they’re of age, and it’s time to build their lives together.
Yet the coming of the End of Gray Skies has been declared. For a world shrouded in the mysterious fog, the promise to fix a centuries-old accident brings new hope that they might one day see and feel the warmth of the sun on their faces.

But questions begin to surface. Questions of whether there ever was an accident. Questions asking what really happened that changed the Earth and what will happen if their world once again sits under the sun.

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