A Dragon's Heart

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A Dragon's Heart A Dragon's Heart

by Jana Leigh

Genre: Other7

Published: 2014

Series: Templar Guard

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In book one of Templar Guard: Hidden for centuries, the ancient breed of dragons have remained out of the public eye and blended amongst the humans. When a governmental threat for a new world order arises, it falls upon them and the other members of the Templar Guard to save the human race and their own kind. Drakk is the leader of their clan, with no intention of taking a mate. His jaded heart is encased in a brick wall from loss and heartache. He fights the immediate attraction to the little female, determined to remain detached. Jex is the comedian of the clan, finding a joke in any situation to lighten the mood. His witty lines and attitude rake over Drakk’s last nerve, winding up in blows in most cases. Aislinn has no idea she is a descendant of the original linear of witches. Her future was foretold by an ancestor, unlocking the clues to save the natural world and its inhabitants, both magical and human. When she finds not only one but two mates who happen to shift into huge dragon beasts, it is a little hard to swallow.The human race on Earth is threatened and the dragons are sighted to be the weapon needed to obtain the goal for the elite. Will they comply with what has been foretold, or leave the humans on their own while the dragons fly off to keep to their solitary lives?Warning: For Mature Adult Audiences. Contains language and actions some may deem offensive. Ménage – MFM. 

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