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Jo Waldman lives life to her own soundtrack—working for her father by day while pursuing her music career in NYC's downtown clubs at night. Music is her passion, along with her boyfriend, Jesse, who shares her dreams of making it big. Jo's old band, The Lonely Hearts Club, came thisclose to getting a huge recording contract, and she's just biding her time, waiting for lightning to strike twice. The music business is tough, but so is Jo.So when Jo's father fires her and Jesse breaks up with her, Jo doesn't get upset—she just wants to rage. Dusting off her computer, Jo writes a blog entry, pouring her heart out about the shortcomings of love. Except that no sooner does Jo hit “upload" than the site sends a mass e-mail to the entire Lonely Hearts mailing list, alerting everybody Joe has ever met that she's been brutally dumped. All Jo wants to do is hide under the covers, but to her surprise, supportive e-mails start flowing in—many of them from complete...