Collection 1986 - Night Over The Solomons (v5.0)

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Collection 1986 - Night Over The Solomons (v5.0) Collection 1986 - Night Over The Solomons (v5.0)

by Louis L'Amour

Genre: Other7

Published: 1986

View: 646

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Book DescriptionThey're freelance pilots and full-time troubleshooters for democracy. They're men like Steven Cowan, Mike Thorne, and Turk Madden who face danger every day of their lives and fight like tigers for what they believe in. With the world on the brink of war, they're on the front lines, wherever there's action. From the dangerous South Seas islands, to steaming South American jungles, to the other islands of Japan, you'll find these man ready to fight the enemies of freedom—in a battle to the death.

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