Naughty by Nature

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Naughty by Nature Naughty by Nature

by Addison Moore

Genre: Mystery

Published: 2017

View: 1529

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A SEXY standalone romantic comedy
One look from Jax Stade promises to land even the nicest girl onto the naughty list. 
Jax and I used to be best friends right up until he broke my heart. Everyone knows that both Jax and his overinflated ego are well beyond naughty—that face, those eyes, don’t get me started on that body made of steel. Every last part of me is bent on revenge. I’ll make sure payback is hell for Jax. I just hope I don’t end up getting my heart crushed by him twice in one lifetime. 
Jax and I were inseparable growing up—since then our careers buffered us, but our mothers are still very much best friends. They’ve spent their whole lives trying to push us together—not to mention humiliating us by way of popping up at dances and doing the Macarena, showing up at football games wearing little more than curlers and bathrobes. Mortifying us to their own delight was their specialty. That might be ancient history, but we still bear the scars. So, when I pop back into town, Jax and I devise a scheme of our own to prank the pranksters. We’ll pretend we’re the real deal, right up until the day of our mothers’ shared big birthday bash, and then we’ll pull the pin on this faux-couples grenade.
Not only will we get even with our meddlesome mothers, but I’ll get to exact a little revenge on the boy who split my heart in two. Yes, I will most certainly get even—and just maybe a little bit naughty.
With Jax Stade around, naughty is inevitable.

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