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From the Number One International Bestselling Author Saxon Andrew comes the second book in his newest series, Star Chase-Nowhere to Run. This new series takes place a thousand years in Earth's future after mankind has moved out into the galaxy. With new Characters and powerful enemies, the series will hook you from the start.The Rebellion is over and the Union has united against the powerful Slaver Civilization on the other side of the Milky Way's Black Hole. The Union has managed to remain hidden from this new threat but has made a critical mistake in attempting to deceive them into believing it was located in Andromeda. The evil awakened there is now a threat to both civilizations. Enemies are lining up and the Union is now a target of two powerful foes. It's only a matter of time until it's found and there is nowhere to run.Excerpt from Nowhere to Run: Abbey looked at Gary and he reached forward, lifted a glass cover, and pressed the red button on his console. G jumped in close to the planet, launched FTL missiles at the orbital defenses, and fired beams at the planet. Hundreds of nuclear explosions erupted on the surface sending massive shock waves out that marched across the land mass as the White Ship jumped to the other side of the planet and a hundred more reactors were hit by brilliant beams coming from orbit. They watched as the shock waves rushed across the surface of two continents, obliterating giant cities. Bright red hot spots appeared glowing through the clouds where nuclear reactors were blown flat and their containment vessels ruptured causing them to burn into the planet's surface. The nuclear fires sent tons of radioactive material soaring into the atmosphere joining the mushroom clouds which rose to sixty thousand feet and began releasing the highly radioactive particles back into the planet's atmosphere. The particles were then spread around the planet by the high winds in the upper stratosphere.Gary watched the conflagration from orbit and saw that billions had been killed on the surface. There were billions more that survived the shock waves but they would only have ten days before they died of radiation poisoning. "The warships are coming back."Gary sighed, "Get us back to the Hub, G."The warships arrived and the Admiral was furious. His anger lasted five minutes as the second in command shot him with a blaster at the Second Councilor's orders. The thousands of commercial vessels and warships in orbit saw they could do nothing to save the survivors. To enter the planet's atmosphere was certain death. If they opened their ports to remove survivors, radioactive particles would enter the ships. They watched as the planet died. Many went to the two orbital platforms to see if anyone survived the massive missile strikes.This review is from: Star Chase - The Lost Prince (Star Chase - Book One) (Kindle Edition) Don't just read this one read everything this guy has written. I had not read in years until I got my new tablet. Science fiction has some great new writers and this guy is at the top of the list.This review is from: Star Chase - The Lost Prince (Star Chase - Book One) (Kindle Edition) I like his style of writing, good story line with good character development. It is easy to forget the time of day (or night) and just read the entire book at one setting. Not good for work the next day though.Visit us at on face book at or our website at