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I must survive. For Dr. Bickel’s sake, I must survive.Weakened by the nanomites’ drain, Gemma flees from General Cushing’s renewed pursuit. She finds temporary refuge in Dr. Bickel’s vacant safe house—refuge and time for her body to recover from the damage inflicted by the nanomites.But how does an invisible woman with no identity survive in a visible world?While the nanomites search for Dr. Bickel (intent upon facilitating his rescue), Gemma appropriates a new identity and, piece by piece, secures a tenuous foothold in the real world that allows her to move about unnoticed. To Gemma’s amazement and grave misgivings, the nanomites, who had previously withstood her every overture, show themselves to be her allies.Or are they?The struggle for control is on.NanostealthBook 1: Stealthy StepsBook 2: Stealth PowerBook 3: Stealth Retribution