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Product DescriptionFour science fiction tales of the future and one of the ancient past. A total of 22,000 unforgettable words.TURING'S REVENGERemember Alan Turing's test for artificial intelligence? It simply won't tell you if your robot has a soul. You will have to answer that question on your own... and you'd better get it right.TO MY DEAREST APHRODITEThe Great Library of Alexandria, 246 BC. To save the greatest city in the world, the Library's astronomer must solve a very unusual crime.FAREWELL TO ARMSA biologically enhanced assassin finds that his weapons are useless against a beautiful young woman who works in a shoe store.WISE AS SERPENTSWhen humans discovered the alien pavo civilization, they found them to be invisible savage killers. But there is still a chance for peace. Or is there?MIDGIGOROO AND THE SINGULARITYFuturists anxiously await the Singularity – the moment when superhuman intelligence makes the future impossible to predict. But how will others react to it? An Australian Aborigine, say? About the Author"One of the new brilliant creators in fiction." - Author Doniella Boaz, re: New World"[His] characters are complex and vivid." - Barry North, re: Turing's Revenge and Other Stories"The author obviously has a great knowledge of both history and science." - Kevin E. Lake, author of From the Graves of Babes"This is an author to follow." - M. Mallory, re: Turing's Revenge and Other Stories"DO NOT PASS BY STEVEN W. WHITE." - Mel, re: Outrageous Fortunes

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