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THE KILLING HAS BEGUN! A tide of violence is tearing across America, pitting mother against daughter, father against son, brother against brother. Amid the rioting, looting, and killing, pulpit-pounding preachers take to the airwaves, screaming that it's the end of the world. Rock and roll has become the dance of death, just as they always predicted. Evil walks among us. Armageddon is NOW. GOODNESS GRACIOUS, GREAT BALLS OF FIRE! Ex-Deputy Sheriff "Cole" Younger doesn't believe that. Along with a priest, an ex-Marine, and a beautiful woman, he's on the run across a land that's quickly turning into a hell on earth. Because if it isn't the dark forces of evil causing the ghostly music and madness . . . Who—or what—is it? Because there's a whole lotta shakin' going on.